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Chemtrails / EM

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posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 01:37 PM
Yes we know about the Air Corridors thank you.

And yes that Academy of Science thing is 14 yrs old, but it proves they were thinking about it. When did ppl start noticing chem trails? About 10 yrs ago?

Just trying to point out that the concept of spraying the sky to control global warming is not something we're making up. How can you guys be so sure the program didn't go ahead, just because it's not exactly like the Acadamy of Science suggested?

All I ask people is to keep an open mind, and all your claims of being experts on weather doesn't mean you know they're not spraying stuff in the air.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 03:32 PM
Its pretty tough posting on a chemtrail thread seems you are labeled the most severe of the tin-foil hatters, by people like Howard, OTS, FatherLukeDuke, you get insulted in this thread and it seems the mods rarely do anything. I hate posting on a chemtrail thread, I would like to be able to do this constructivly without having all the same fact that most of us already know thrown right back at us.

I would like to discuss the phenonemon with others, like changes in frequency, times you see them most. Portions of the country/world that chemtrails are being applied.

That will not happen on any thread here on this board when it comes to chemtrails.

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 03:48 PM
if you post in the skunk works, that wont happen. that's what it's there talk about alternative topics without the debunking. so i guess my recommendation is if you would rather talk to like minded people rather than debate the issue with those who think youre full of it, then either take the topic to skunk works or quit whining about the debunkers!

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by snafu7700
those who think youre full of it, then either take the topic to skunk works or quit whining about the debunkers!

Why does this topic create so much emotion in you? You wouldnt talk that way to my face. Just because you have not seen them does not maen they are not there. I understand what you do for a living, and that maybe you do live somewhere and have not seen it firsthand, and you think we are all a bunch of non-aviation types that are mistaking vapour trails for something else.

Just because you cant see it from you perspective, does'nt mean its not happening! The debunking isnt what is bad about a chem-thread. Its the insulting manner as to how it is applied.

[edit on 21-1-2006 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Jan, 21 2006 @ 10:29 PM
I'm still not sure what I believe in regards to the chem/con trails I see in the sky frequently over my house; but when I see tag team debunking on any subject, I tend to wonder WTF is up with that.

When its the same guys, claiming to be experts but responding in such a vitriolic manner makes me wonder why the passion if there is really nothing to it.

It seems to me; if you want to convince anybody of anything; a little class and tact would be more effective.

Just askin

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 12:49 AM

i am sorry you took my remarks as and insult, since that is not how they were intended. you posted this:

Originally posted by LoneGunMan

I would like to discuss the phenonemon with others, like changes in frequency, times you see them most. Portions of the country/world that chemtrails are being applied.

That will not happen on any thread here on this board when it comes to chemtrails.

i was merely pointing out that this is the main reason why the skunk works were created. so the you could "discuss the phenomenom with others" of a like mind without worrying about fighting the debunkers. if you dont want to take my advice, that is your perogative....but as i mentioned, if you continue to do it on this thread, i am quite sure that those who believe it to be crap will continue to attack if you choose not to take it to skunk works where you can discuss this subject in peace, then whining about the attacks is assanine.

oh, and in case you havent noticed (which you obviously havent since you've lumped me with the rest), i've actually decided that their might, and i stress might be something to some of what you say. so i'm reading up on it more before i comment further. since my last conversation with anok a few pages back, i've only interjected here and their on points that i am absolutely sure of.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:40 AM

I like these, they're alright for cell phone cam pictures. The really good ones are the ones she took with her camera, which is pretty damn sweet so they should be good. These pictures are a million times better than these, but I couldn't wait to get you guys something.

I swear when I get those on they will shut up any and all disbelievers and their whole disbelieving family tree. You really can make out what I'm talking about in these photos even if you barely open up your eyes. The reason why you can't believe us is because it's not going on in your backyard!!! The nature of the project doesn't require every inch of the sky to be effected by this, there is still the ionosphere and effecting it would require a little more geometry than just "spray it and zap it everywhere." I would think only a few specific locations would have to be effected. Austin is one of those areas.

If you still choose to disbelieve - and mMmMMmm boy I hope you do - I will completely and utterly own you in a few days... God I hope you do.

[edit on 22-1-2006 by bigpappadiaz]

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 02:08 PM
Since you posted this here and in its own thread I will answer in both:

That is an Altocumulus undulates cloud formation:" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

And again my favorite:" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

[edit on 1/22/2006 by defcon5]

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 04:58 PM
snafu the advice is appretiated, I am sorry about lumping you in with others, I dont lik it when someone does that to me either.

Defcon5 those are some beautiful cloud pictures, the big blue is so dynamic!

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 07:28 PM
I have been following this thread because they have recently begun spraying at my home. I started to document the spraying and took a series of pictures. I posted these on another forum. Here is the link:

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 07:58 PM
Hey Punky that link requires you to sign in...

You can use Photobucket to post those pics here...

Sign up it's free and easy to use.

I for one would like to see your pics and your documentation.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:11 PM
I went to your site, and the topic/pictures do not exist. Perhaps you should try and host them from somewhere like image bucket…

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:36 PM
I have read about chemtrails but never actually saw them first hand until now. I was sitting on my front porch and I heard a low flying plane. I looked up and noticed a long chemtrail like line and ran in to show my hubby. When we came back out we saw a series of grid like streaks (like a tic tac toe board) across the whole sky. I never did find the plane but I continued to hear it while I snapped these shots. Holy cow you guys! I'm being sprayed! I took these pictures. Oh yeah FYI, I live in the city so this can't be chalked up to crop spraying. It is not too cold here (about 65 F) so there are no mosquitoes either.

There are many others including some of a regular jet leaving only a short trail but I couldn't get any others to post. I will try to get them to work and repost.

Minerva wrote (posted with permission)

Thank you for doing all of that investigation and work posting these pictures. I have also researched chemtrails and I have been watching the patterns that have emerged with the alleged spraying over central Jersey. Though you can of course argue that it's all conjecture, here are the conclusions that I have come up with:

*The trails occur most often on Sundays.

*On many Sundays, I have terrible allergic reactions which I cannot always attribute to normal circumstances. Every Sunday that I am allergic, there are distinctive trails in the sky that did not occur on any other day. The allergies get worse as the day progresses and the typical 'chemtrail haze' overlays the sky.

As an aside, I should mention that even as I type this, I can barely breathe and my eyes are very itchy. There was spraying in New Jersey today as well as Charlotte.

*The trails many times precede a weather front by 3 days. Not a fact, just a curiosity that I've noticed that actually works against the theory of chemtrails. The upper atmosphere gets more humid in advance of a storm front, which is why there is a ring around the moon before a storm. A humid layer around 35,000 feet would cause contrails to occur, and they would (unfortunately) behave like a chemtrail. Perhaps we see some of both. Just for fun, I looked up the weather report for my area: a chance of rain for wednesday.

*There is no spraying on holidays, less spraying during natural cloudy weather and less spraying in the winter. After a regular Sunday schedule, the presence of chemtrails started to slow as the weather turned colder, and it was absent completely during the holidays. Just this week they seem to have appeared again on a regular schedule. I must also mention that the East is very warm right now. I do suspect that if we were set under artic chill, the chemtrails would be less frequent. However, you could argue that cold fronts are usually less humid, therefore inhibiting contrail formation in the first place... More research needed on this. Some sites say 'they' purposely wait until 30% humidity to maintain an alibi.

As far as what I believe, I'm not positive yet. I mostly subscribe to the 'global sunscreen' theory, because it makes the most sense to me, as far as motive and intended result are concerned. I'm not so positive that we are being poisoned, because as it was mentioned earlier - it's not cost effective. It would be far easier to introduce a pathogen by another avenue than blanket spraying, which is expensive and wasteful. No, I believe that to overcome the economic disadvantages of using planes, fuel and some sort of barium/aluminum based solution, the intended result would have to justify the means employed. The only theory that holds water in this context is global warming mitigation. Global warming, indeed even admitting that global warming is a problem, would spell economic disaster to many companies as Kyoto and other such legislation would enforce emmissions standards, which auto companies have staunchly opposed. Let us not forget that even dear Condi Rice was a VP at Chevron and the rest of the adminstration in oil... Sorry.. now I'm just rambling.

Once again thank you for your insightful, informative, and well thought out post.I will take you research into consideration. The global sunscreen theory may very well be what is going on and it is possible that if anyone is having adverse reactions, it may not be intentional. I checked our weather forecast and sure enough, rain starting Tuesday night. I will continue to watch out for trails and will update this post as I learn more. I hope that you and any others will do the same

Just as Minerva stated, we recieved TONS of rain starting Wednesday. It grew worse and worse until:

Across the border in Gastonia, North Carolina, a second suspected twister hit about 8:15 p.m. and damaged 18 homes in a subdivision, including one under construction.

This is very unusual for this time of year. Is there a connection? Hmmm....

Spraying resumed the following Sunday until sundown.
As predicted we received another storm on Wens.

The above are the contents of the thread (minus some babble) I could only reproduce my info and minervas but I left out the info that goes with the other pictures.Minervas as I had her permission. This is a thread in progress so I will post more as I learn more.

[edit on 23-1-2006 by Punky]

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:42 PM
Looks like classic spraying patterns to me, good pics.

Exactly what I witnessed a couple of years ago.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:46 PM
There were many more but they are not posting for some reason. I will work on it.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:47 PM
I could take some better ones here in Austin if I weren't such a lazy mexican.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Punky
. Oh yeah FYI, I live in the city so this can't be chalked up to crop spraying. It is not too cold here (about 65 F) so there are no mosquitoes either.

What city do you live near?

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:20 PM
These photos were taken near Charlotte NC..

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:29 PM
And Atlanta is one of the top two busiest airports in the world. You're gonna have a lot of contrails in the NC area from planes leaving Atlanta.

posted on Jan, 23 2006 @ 09:44 PM

*The trails occur most often on Sundays.

*On many Sundays, I have terrible allergic reactions which I cannot always attribute to normal circumstances. Every Sunday that I am allergic, there are distinctive trails in the sky that did not occur on any other day. The allergies get worse as the day progresses and the typical 'chemtrail haze' overlays the sky.

Same for me when I lived in a larger city, always thickest on Sunday and during spray-days I would have the worst sinus headaches. Good pictures Punky.

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