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What Was The War On Drugs Really About?

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posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 04:08 PM
In the beginning we were told there was a plague spreading through the land. It would destroy our country and we had to fight it in the streets, we had to fight it at the border, and we even had to fight it in other countries.

That was long ago. The guns of late have grown silent, and why is that? Is it because there are no more drugs on our streets nor coming across our border?

Or is there a much deeper reason? The places we have fought the so called 'War on Drugs' the hardest have all had communist insurgencies. Places with familiar names like Columbia, Peru, Ecudor, Afganistan(at one point), Mexico, and Central America. All possibly going communist financed by a trade in drugs. Tactics like para-military kill squads which targeted communists not drug lords were fostered by the CIA.

How much of all that was requested by multi-national corporations and their super-rich share holders and clientele? Bought with secret payouts to US politicos?

Yeah, America fight a 'War on Drugs' , but really fight a war on communists that might interfere with the $100's of billions take of the multi-nationals and the super-rich.

Now that the communists are coming slowly out of the jungle, you don't hear too much about the 'War on Drug' do you?

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 04:15 PM
What Was The War On Drugs Really About?

It was about the drugs winning, hopefully someday the gov't will have the sense to update the laws to reflect that fact.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 06:52 PM
I believe the War on Drugs started by Reagan, was/is a conservitive plot to control more liberal minded citizens.

It is a complete failure, and it tottally aimed at the citizens of this country that do not conform to a certain "value" sysstem.

The USA has the largest prison population on earth the second is china. The Government has control over a vast segment of our society those in prison for N0n-violent drug charges, not to mention those on probate/parole,,,,these people can't and never will be able to vote....why, Because the aren't conservitively morale...

just one of many thoughts.

BTW...aftewr We liberated Afganistan it has since become the largest producer of opium on Earth.

[edit on 17-9-2005 by LDragonFire]

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 07:21 PM
IMO, the war on drugs was manufactured as a reason to funnel unknown large sums of money to finance the above tops secret black ops projects, and still is..

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 11:42 AM
I believe siriuslyone is on the right track. the war on drugs simply protects the CIA's monopoly on trafficking. thats where the money comes from & they will protect thier finances at all costs! it is clear it was never about stopping the inflow of drugs, just controlling who was profiting. it is equally as clear that papa Bush is responsible for the war on drugs...

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 05:16 PM
I don't know what the actual reason was, but here are the benefits it gives the Government:

More prison laborers as people are arrested for nonviolent drug use.
Increases the value of drugs, allowing the CIA to make more profit from smuggling them.
Reduced privacy for people.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by LoganCale
I don't know what the actual reason was, but here are the benefits it gives the Government:

More prison laborers as people are arrested for nonviolent drug use.
Increases the value of drugs, allowing the CIA to make more profit from smuggling them.
Reduced privacy for people.

How about as an excuse to build more prisons/detention centers?

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 11:55 PM
What Was The War On Drugs Really About?

Money. It was all about the money. Money for Dupont. Money for Hurst Newspaper Publishing.

Now, 70+ years later, what is it about? It's still about money. Money for Pfizer and Smith-Kline/Glaxo. Money for Andheiser Busch, Coors, and Jack Daniels. Money for your local Police. Money for your Prison Construction Firm. Money for the Cotton industry.

The idea that certain substances are illegal because the Government is worried about your safety is laughable. The fact that alcohol is legal shows that they really don't care, as long as they get their cut of the profit.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
How about as an excuse to build more prisons/detention centers?

Undoubtedly. Increased space would be a direct necessity for increased prisoners, at any rate.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 03:48 PM
The 'war on drugs' is still going on; I have a friend in state prison right now, who will be there for two years, because he was caught with less than half an ounce of marijuana.

Industries like the big alcohol, textile, paper, tobacco, and pharmaceutical corporations stand to lose a lot of money if cannabis/hemp is legalized... and these organizations have a lot of influence, through lobbyists and what basically amounts to bribery, to keep the drug laws the way they are.

Marijuana will be legal within twenty years, though, if the pressure that has been building in that direction continues to build up. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen, eventually.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:03 PM
There still may be a bigger profit angle and fear that the commies might cut the corporation's profits from south america. I'm talking 100's of billions dollars from mining, oil, bilking peasants, colluding with corrupt gov'ts, etc.

[edit on 9/19/2005 by bodebliss]

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 04:14 AM
WOD was always about market economics and how to control people. It never left it just changed faces.

Nixon's modern-day "War on Drugs" began in 1971, the WOD will end because drugs as we know today will be gone (no market). The boundary between legal performance enhancement and the illegal drugs will merge as in methyl-nootropics.

The current "model recreational drug" crystal methamphetamine (ice) is sweeping the United States with tens of thousands of ma and pa styled labs popping up and 12.3 million Americans that use(d) it. Throw in 350 million daily doses of prescribed Ritalin shared in schools, the bridge between legal and illegal builds.

Historically, the Nazis distributed methamphetamine widely to its soldiers, particularly to SS personnel and Wehrmacht forces on the Eastern Front. Today, US soldiers are using perfomance enhancing drugs (go pills) in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Perhaps the next level will be nanites or nanoprobes that alter neural synapses, ligands and DNA to make you think to given parameters.

World State civilization does not require anyone to bear unpleasant things. If, by accident something negative occurs, soma is there to take away the sting. Soma, he says, is “Christianity without tears.” --Brave New World

War on drugs is now the war with drugs, welcome to the asylum.

[edit on 20-9-2005 by Regenmacher]

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 06:55 AM
Reagan was the result of Carter letting drugs slide. Unfortuanately for Carter, the emphasis went from pot to coc aine and the bad effects of coke began becoming known at the end of the Carter years. Up until then magazines like TIME had compared coc aine to pot, which it was not.

The actual war on drugs started under Angslinger back in the early 1930's.

So it's a war we have been losing for almost 70 years.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Psychomike

The actual war on drugs started under Angslinger back in the early 1930's.

I said "Modern-day WOD", read it again sam...and it was never lost, they bankrolled billions in seizures, kickbacks and fines. You been scammed tax bucks for a big farce and the joke is on the masses.

Now if you want to go back to the post-modern WOD, then the nation's war on drugs could be considered to have started back in November 1880, when the U.S. and China signed an agreement prohibiting the shipment of opium between the two countries. Chinese railroad workers pay 10x then for same product. Keep them poor is the game, then they always work the railroad jobs.

[edit on 20-9-2005 by Regenmacher]

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Regenmacher

Originally posted by Psychomike

The actual war on drugs started under Angslinger back in the early 1930's.

I said "Modern-day WOD", read it again sam...and it was never lost, they bankrolled billions in seizures, kickbacks and fines. You been scammed tax bucks for a big farce and the joke is on the masses.

Now if you want to go back to the post-modern WOD, then the nation's war on drugs could be considered to have started back in November 1880, when the U.S. and China signed an agreement prohibiting the shipment of opium between the two countries. Chinese railroad workers pay 10x then for same product. Keep them poor is the game, then they always work the railroad jobs.

[edit on 20-9-2005 by Regenmacher]

The start of the drugtrafficking by the CIA was to fund the fight against cummunism, then fund black projects and other big corporates that are tied to politicians. The US has gone completely bezerk and there quest for money and power is stronger then ever

The land of the greedy and the home of the corrupted.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Psychomike
So it's a war we have been losing for almost 70 years.

Only if you think that the goal of the WoD was to stop drug use in the US.

The WoD provided the US gov't. with numerous opportunities to advance specific agendas, several of which have already been mentioned in this thread. One that has not is this: think back to the Reagan years. The USSR had almost completed its slow collapse, and the Cold War was basically over. We needed a new monster in the closet to keep the masses in line, and what better image to use than that of drug-crazed hordes terrorizing our cities? As long as the sheeple are panicked, they'll agree to throw money at the "situation" and to not expect accountability, freeing lots of $$ to be siphoned off.

Or maybe I'm just cynical.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 08:28 AM
US and Europe needs supply of drugs.

Its good for economy. Its good for many things.

If they really wanted to stop drugs, they can do it in a week.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 08:38 AM
i beleive no-one else but Bil Hicks explained the war on drug in the best way:

listen here (mp3)

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 07:40 PM
There were more than 695,201 marijuana arrests in the United States in 1997. This was the largest number in U.S. history. Of these arrests, 87.2% were for possession -- not sale or manufacture. There have been more than 11 million marijuana arrests in the United States since 1965.

There are an estimated 15,668 people presently incarcerated in federal prisons for marijuana offenses, comprising about 12.7% of the total federal prison population.

MPP estimates that the number of marijuana offenders presently incarcerated in state prisons and local jails is approximately 21,000.

posted on Sep, 20 2005 @ 10:33 PM
I believe the War on Drugs has its roots in Nixon who adopted the control substances act. Prior to this drugs such as cannabis were illegal through tax acts. Nixon catagorized the drugs, horribly I might add. He then created what is now a $19 billion a year beuracracy known as the DEA.

Then Reagan starts his war, with coc aine. This decreases the supply while the demand rises. The result is economics: a cheaper and more potent drug comes about, crack. Crack is not only more potent but far more fatal and addictive. Our government is responsible for creating one of the most lethal drugs ever. From what it seems (in the movies at least) most blacks think the government themselves created the drug to bring down the brothers.

So now we have a $19 billion agency, who's annual budget rivals NASA! Clinton himself had links to coc aine trafficers in Mena, Arkansas from what I hear. He later became president 8 years after two boys were found shot in the head alongside a railroad track, allegedy killed for having witnessed a drug transaction.

This leads me to believe that the money meant for war on drugs is laundered off. I wouldn't be surprised if the vice president during this time was receiving some of this money, George Bush, former CIA director.

Most of all, it gives the government a monopoly on the drug trade. How nice.

The war on drugs has actuall faded since the Bush administration. It was at its highest during Reagan's term and then again during Clinton's. Most people see drugs as a moral decision and see no reason for the government to tell them what they can or cannot willingly put in their body. I hope my generation adopts the philosophy that drugs are moral and acceptable therefore. Maybe my generation will be the one to brind us back to the way it was during the pre 1930's America.

I know for a fact that my greatgrandfather sold 'marijuana' between corn rows in Iowa. As a young adolescent he would roll them and sell them in the market place, a nice way to make some money during the great depression.

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