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What Would They Want With Earth?

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posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:22 PM
I was thinking.........What would Aliens want our planet for, in the event of an invasion? I'm not saying an Invasion is impossible, I'm not saying Aliens don't exist........those things only time will tell.

But what use is Earth? We have already ruined it, filled it with our junk and bled it of most of it's resources (well, resources we can use, at least...). It's pretty #ty, agreed? An Alien planning on an invasion would surely find a better planet! I mean, them taking over the earth would be like a Billionaire buying a Crack House.

Apart from gutting it and using it as some kind of storage planet or something, I see no need for them to invade us at all......

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:25 PM
A very good question... and one that plays more into the idea that UFOs are simply a distraction and disinformation ploy to cover up USAF X Craft.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:36 PM
I think that there are some validities to the claims of Element 151 or whatever the hell that stuff is, and perhaps our planet is abundant in it, not being a very spacefaring species.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:41 PM
whats element 151 then???

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:43 PM
Thanks DR, I'm starting to believe you on this.....

I mean, there's been a hellof a lot of UFO (or aircraft) pictures and such that have been hard to debunk, but the abductions and sightings of actual aliens are often a lot less credible. Perhaps the government need a bit more work on the "little green" suits,

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:47 PM
Ahm, I don't have a link for ya, man, but go ahead and take a look in the ATS archives. I'm sure there's an article there about it.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:47 PM
Any form of intelligence that can traverse space should be able to fix up a planet's ailing environment.

Why invade? The latest and most wacky of the MJ-12 documents states that at least one type of creature wants to mass-possess humans. They may eat souls or require a specific body type in order to live. They may just be waiting until the population is large enough for their plan of attack to be successful. Taking over enough humans so as to control the world. The MJ-12 documents further state that the current world leaders aren't about to accept that and want to kill off portions of the population in order to diminish the alien attack plan.

I don't believe that document at all. I feel it would have been easier for aliens to enslave humanity centuries ago, and just make human baby farms to do their dirty work. Population numbers would have exploded much longer ago under such a scenario.

The real reasons for alien visitation is simply scientific study to see primitive cultures. That is why no alien interferes with world events, comes down for real contact, or helps with the multitude of health issues we have. They won't invade.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:49 PM
They want our jello.
Why mutilate cows?
To try and harvest it.
They do not have the technology yet,
and they need our supply.

Bill Cosby is an alien planted to convince us that jello pudding is better then green jello. that way they are free to dip into our supply.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:52 PM
Since they seem to have been here since B. C. and not have invaded us yet they probably have no such intentions. Another possibility is of course if they already have invaded us so that some people in fact are aliens or that we don't notice them for some other reason. What the reason would be I don't know, but I don't think Earth is in such a bad condition after all?


posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:05 PM

We have already ruined it, filled it with our junk and bled it of most of it's resources
*Sigh* Some people just cannot see the big picture. We ruined it so none else would want it. Why do you think they have not invaded yet and why do you think we are not using hydrogen fuel in our automobiles? It is a plan if we trash our planet enough we will not get invaded.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by ID

We have already ruined it, filled it with our junk and bled it of most of it's resources
*Sigh* Some people just cannot see the big picture. We ruined it so none else would want it. Why do you think they have not invaded yet and why do you think we are not using hydrogen fuel in our automobiles? It is a plan if we trash our planet enough we will not get invaded.

If we trash our planet enough, they might not want our jello.

Besides, they will never get my mother's green jello salad recipie.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:08 PM
what do they want with us? well i believe that the creator blessed us with souls like seeded us for the benefit of all that is, thank you. yet some still act like souless beings void of compassion for another, and i smoke my cigarrete in pain and disgust. god bless, for i am just a man and cannot judge another being.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by The Blade Runner
whats element 151 then???

115 you mean. It is a strangly stable (for its size) element that supposedly is fuel for UFO craft. It hasn't been found on Earth but has been artifically created.

As for using Earth to mine 115, that is out of the question. It doesn't exist naturally on Earth.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:22 PM
I have a question. What exactly is that in your avatar?

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:33 PM
i'd say their interest is in enslaving us for their work, or tryin to hepl humans better themselves, depends if everyone has the same supid thoughtness as humans, why do they need to get sumtin out of us? why not just experience us lol not that i'd wanna do so but hey i'm thinkin open minded aliens here

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:39 PM
experiencing us that is, through our soul. i still have faith in one and the all that is.


posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:51 PM

yet some still act like souless beings void of compassion for another
In nature animals kill and do not remorse, we are animals. Therefor if we do not remorse we are only doing what nature intended. The only thing that can be mistaken for compassion would be mothers and their children. However this is a misinterpretation mothers are overprotective as it was instilled in them to preserve the species. Rather then attempt to reason away our instincts why not embrace them? I am not saying go around killing people but try to follow your instincts as opposed to your overactive imagination. Compassion is for fools, nice guys finish last!

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:59 PM
there is no last or first for that matter there just is. in reference to your statement about the animals, no we are not animals we are men and supposedly created in his image. his image be the transcendence of the physical to the comprehension of actions in the 4th dimensional or rather spiritual. following your path is just, if he be hitler or jesus; for it was already written yet the choices made can change destinies when you understand the realm of those possibilities. that is man. not some feeble animal created to do what he can but do all that is possible which is infinite.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
there is no last or first for that matter there just is. in reference to your statement about the animals, no we are not animals we are men and supposedly created in his image. his image be the transcendence of the physical to the comprehension of actions in the 4th dimensional or rather spiritual. following your path is just, if he be hitler or jesus; for it was already written yet the choices made can change destinies when you understand the realm of those possibilities. that is man. not some feeble animal created to do what he can but do all that is possible which is infinite.

Face it. Humans are just animals. We only question instincts because we have aquired intelligence. But the reason we have instincts is because we are in fact animals...

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 07:12 PM
I think this third rock has some good things going for it as a stopover point for ETs with a bit of time, peparing for more important missions:

* it is one of the more pulchritudinous rocks in the surounding six galaxies as a result of some unique conditions that developed

* it has an abundance of interesting life forms, more variety to be seen at this zoo than most others that busy ETs will ever get to see

* the predominant species of this planet is so stupid and comical that it provides ET-hours of light relief to sojourners.

I believe there has been a submission made to the Supreme Intelligence to declare this solar system a wilderness park, with research permits required to visit the third rock.

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