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posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:03 PM
If you compared those who did drugs in my 7th grade class to those who did not,the ones who did not do drugs became more succesful while the druggies lost their minds and are in jail. I don't advocate drinking beer in large amounts,nor do I think smoking cigarrets are ok.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:10 PM
The way I see it, God put this green plant here on earth for his little humans to enjoy.

Once again I don't consider pot a drug...

I wouldn't want anything else to be legal... I know I wouldn't want "legal" crack heads.

But the war on weed is such a waste of effort...

Just think of all your tax dollars you could save if it was legal...

One Question... Have you ever smoked weed?

I know some people just don't like it, but they are usually addicted to speed, or something similar...

I guess they want an upper not a downer...

lol, I can only speak from what I have exprienced, weed not all that bad...

I think cigarettes are far worse...

I just hate all the anti drug commercials...

They crack down on weed, saying it funds terrorism... thats the biggest load of crap I've heard.

The people I get it from are FAR from being terrorist.. usually it's all indoor stuff, sold by the individual who grew it.

Now about the kid shooting the other kid commercial cause he was "stoned"

Why the hell did his parents have a LOADED gun in the house where their child could find it?

But wait thats not their problem, it's weed.

I'm sorry if it makes people think lesser of me, but I been smoking weed for the past 8 years, I love it and never will stop.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:11 PM
Jedi, I find it odd that you have this as a signature:

God Bless America, land of the free and home of the brave.

Should it not read : God Bless America, Land of the regulated and home of the suppressed." ?

To the matter at hand.

I would support legalisation of naturally occuring "drugs" but with taxation and control similar to alcohol.
The chemical coctails are a different story all together. I used to date a Heroin addict and let me tell you that withdrawls are NOT a pretty thing. Keep them illegal but don't just throw people in jail for using. The taxes from the legalized items could be used for more rehab centers and further education.
Anyone caught dealing chemical to kids (under 18) gets death automatically. Dealing to adults, 10-20 with life parole.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
If you compared those who did drugs in my 7th grade class to those who did not,the ones who did not do drugs became more succesful while the druggies lost their minds and are in jail. I don't advocate drinking beer in large amounts,nor do I think smoking cigarrets are ok.

Hmm, I've smoked pot all my life. I messed with coc aine and extacy in my late teens until mid twenties. I grew out of them and now I only smoke joints. I feel that it's made me lazy, but I'm not in jail and I am quite succesful. Good house, nice car lovely family, many computers, respectable job (I'm currently workinh on satellite image analysis and programming).

So, I guess I don't fit your mold. If you live in redneck county, usa, I'm not surprised they are in jail, most of them are very stupid. I can only say this because I have lived in the US for a 7 years (but not any more).

I live in the UK now and I say "NO" to your vote because I don't want to make my smoke a taxable item. I'd be happier if it was legal to grow plants in my roof, but it doesn't really bother me. I also think that drugs like crack and heroin should still be illegal, although maybe only class B.

The problem is, if the government legalized all drugs, surely they would have a legal compulsion to offer advice, all drugs have to be aproved by government agencies. You can't regulate cut smack on a street corner, it could contain anything as it doesn't come in a sealed white bottle with a friendly label advising on usage.


posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by alien

Originally posted by groingrinder
What is a P-Addict????

...sorry man...P is our street name for Methamphetamine...seems to be the 'drug of choice' for many young people these days...a growing problem with has resulted in increasing youth crime rates including murders, blowing people away during robberies to fund P habits etc...which is/was pretty rare in NZ...

Aha my older brother is severely addicted to smoking meth. I went to spend time with him for Christmas several years ago and he had some apartments he had to paint over the Christmas break and asked me to help him out. Anyway I found out while I was painting his apartments he was back at his apartment smoking his meth. It did not sit well with me.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:20 PM
I know plenty of potheads and users that have been materially sucessful. Many of the dopeheads i remeber from highschool have graduated college and gone onto whatever. Why? Because eventually, they OUTGREW them, just like I did, though I never went to college or any of that simply because I had no desire to do so in the first place.

Losers are losers, and i see all sorts of sober people become loser criminals. Many of the acid freaks of the 60's went on to become doctors and such. Drugs dont make the destiny, the desire and ambition of the people make the destiny.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by JediMaster
If you compared those who did drugs in my 7th grade class to those who did not,the ones who did not do drugs became more succesful while the druggies lost their minds and are in jail. I don't advocate drinking beer in large amounts,nor do I think smoking cigarrets are ok.

Wow, I cannot believe that 7th graders have the money to go out and buy drugs. That is amazing. I never had any money when I was that young. Don't parents know what kids are doing with their money? Don't parents pay attention to their kids anymore?

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Venus, in the end, its no ones right to chose for anyone but themselves. A persons life and body is THIER property, and thus, any other arguements to the contrary are moot. Its like outlawing pork, sugar, ect. Your body, your life, your choice. Harming ones self should not be criminal. Some people wish to do harm to themselves. Some peopel use drugs because they enjoy the expeirence, and those experiences are what they want out of life. Some people want to escape reality because it sux for them. Some people simply dont care, drugs make them feel good, and they like them. many things are harmful for you. Emotions, food, driving, ect, yet all these things are fine. Drugs can destroy a persons mind, but many of thier minds were destroyed long before the first pop or pill.

Ultimately, its personal choice. people do not have the right to tell others what they can do with thier own lives and bodies.

So yes, legalizing drugs is alot better than wasting jail space and court costs of prosecuting people for poisoning themselves.

Skadi - I think you are missing my point. Yes, you have a right to do whatever you want with your own body but for the sake of those who love you.....don't feed it drugs. I speak from experience...I am an addict....a recovering addict. I wouldn't wish that life on anyone. I know all the reasons that people use. I used every excuse there is to justify my using. At the end of the day, it all came down to one truth. That truth is that drugs destroy lives. If that is your mission than by all means...GO FOR IT. What you put inside your body destroys all hopes and dreams of everyone around you. It effects every thought you have and every thought you will ever have. Good luck with your future and I will pray that you don't destroy it

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Losers are losers, and i see all sorts of sober people become loser criminals. Many of the acid freaks of the 60's went on to become doctors and such. Drugs dont make the destiny, the desire and ambition of the people make the destiny.

Funny you mention that. I personally know 2 psychologists, 1 Psychiatrist, 1 surgeon, 2 RNs and 3 Lawyers (all very well off) who smoke marijuana on a daily basis. Must say I was a little taken back when they first lit up in front of me

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by Fry2

Losers are losers, and i see all sorts of sober people become loser criminals. Many of the acid freaks of the 60's went on to become doctors and such. Drugs dont make the destiny, the desire and ambition of the people make the destiny.

Funny you mention that. I personally know 2 psychologists, 1 Psychiatrist, 1 surgeon, 2 RNs and 3 Lawyers (all very well off) who smoke marijuana on a daily basis. Must say I was a little taken back when they first lit up in front of me

9 people willing to risk such professions to get high with you
Are you sure those weren't the stuffed animals in the corner of your room?

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:33 PM

right now I can barely afford ciggarettes, let alone dope. No worries its gonna screw up my life. I simply aint got the cash to spend on such luxuries, nor have i for quite a few years.

That said, My mom was a big time meth head and dope fiend. When she was tweeking, she was the most unlivable and annoying person Ive ever met. She quit like years ago, but during those years it was a nightmare.

People who use drugs tend to be very selfish. Sure they hurt those who love them. But since when do we outlaw selfishness? Selfihness is a vice and personality disorder, not a criminal act that should land one in jail.

I am simply tired of cops wasting time on drug stings, when they should be doing more productive things like catching murderers and rapists and such. the prisons have too many people, the crimes of selling and doing dope are simply a waste of space.

So, in my opinion, if youre doing dope and its bothering your family and friends to the point they cant stand you, but you still continue to do it, youre guilty of selfish behavior, but certainly not a menace to society unless youre gonna go around breaking into peoples houses. Not all dopers are criminals. Most potheads dont steal for thier habit, nor do hippies. As for the hard drugs? legalize them and drug companies will trip overthemselves trying to seize the new market. Street drugs, dirty drugs, will disappear.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:37 PM
i says yay to drugs as long as you aren't doing them solely to get forked up, people shouldn't be allowed to take the drug without knowing all about it, otherwise u might aswell just go around tasting stuff in hopes of getting high

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:38 PM
Umm, I don't smoke pot. Nice effort though. My drug of choice comes in a 12 Fluid ounce brown glass bottle....
I won't, however, tell anyone else what they can or can't do.
I still agree with most of Prank Monkeys statements. With taxation and proper control of "soft" drugs we would decrease the overall costs to society exponentially.

[Edited on 18-8-2003 by Fry2]

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

That said, My mom was a big time meth head and dope fiend. When she was tweeking, she was the most unlivable and annoying person Ive ever met. She quit like years ago, but during those years it was a nightmare.

Meth doesn't leave you alone once you quit. It is always there calling you back. Waiting for that weak moment when no one is watching. Now imagine that your Mom started using again but this time it's legal! She has no reason now to stop using.'s legal. Everyone should use drugs. When you have a child (I am assuming you don't) lets go ahead and put that baby on a school bus with a driver who is loaded. Let's let that surgeon who smokes pot everyday operate on your baby. Lets let that tweeker babysit for you.
I don't think so

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:50 PM
It's no different than a cop that goes home at the end of the day for a couple beers. I never said these people were smoking before or during work. There is a HUGE difference between casual/recreational use and Addiction/Abuse.
You just keep listening to the tripe at the NA meetings and you will be the perfect mindless drone within a year.


posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 02:50 PM
I used to smoke pot every single day. For the first few years it was fun, for the next 8 I hated myself after the first joint of the day. It had got to the point where I couldn't sleep if I hadn't had a smoke, or chill out in the evening. I went into work still spaced from the night before, wasn't safe to drive until at least mid afternoon and it made me lazy - why find something to do when I got bored when I could just light up and not worry?

18 months ago I finally had a break, and it took me well over a month to get my sleeping patterns sorted, plus a lot longer to find other ways of dealing with a bad day and boredom. About every 2 month now I might have a smoke with a mate, but I never have any in the house, and do my best to avoid knowing where I can buy any now. I know I'm not as bright as I used to be, although thats probably due to many years of not using my brain rather than permanent brain damage.

There was a time when I would have said drugs should be legalised, but now I don't think the long term effects of them have been studied enough, or the effects in conjuction with existing mental disorders (I already had a tendancy towards depression and obsessive behaviour before I touched any drug). I'd hate to see them as freely available as alcohol, which does enough damage short and long term as it is.

However I do think drugs have a place in society, just not enough respect. And some of them should not be available at all. I always think the original purpose of the more natural substances was for spiritual enlightenment and supression of pain, not simply for getting wasted with. I've taken lsd in the right situations and had the 'god complex' trip. Never would I want to do acid in a club environment!

I really don't know how drugs can be integrated healthily into society, so much depends on the reasons why people take them and what it is that they take

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Fry2
It's no different than a cop that goes home at the end of the day for a couple beers. I never said these people were smoking before or during work. There is a HUGE difference between casual/recreational use and Addiction/Abuse.
You just keep listening to the tripe at the NA meetings and you will be the perfect mindless drone within a year.

so...lets legalize it and I'm sure everyone out there that uses is only going to do it when they are not at work. They will instantly become responsible people and only use in the comfort of their own homes. GET A CLUE!

I have been clean for 4 years now and owe my life to NA. It seems to me that YOU are already a mindless drone and your words are coming out your a$$ not your mouth
Grow up

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 03:17 PM
Meth calls back those who really ahd problems in the first place.

By the way, that doctor operating on your baby very well could have been a big time acid head in college. My mother used to be a nurse assistant. She told me about the wild parties many of the staff doctors and nurses threw with thier "prescription" medication. Many doctors use many different prescriotion drugs themselves. many of them will come home, take a dose, a small one, of sodium penthol to go to sleep. But you cant tell from lookin at them, can you?

If meth was legal, my mom wouldnt do it again. DShe didnt stop because she was afaraid of getting arrested, hell jail time harldy ever deters half the druggoes out there. she stopped because it was ruining her body, and she got tired of it. so she went into rehab and quit.

And have you noticed how many doctors and nurses are overweight and fat? And they are looking out for YOUR health when they cant even exercise reasonable control over thier appetites? food is an addiction too. 60% of American adults are overweight, a far nastier epeidemic that drugs, because it kills so many, and has huge national costs in terms of work lost because of illness and injury. lets outlaw everything fattening and unhealthy, and force feed everyone a rationed diet of broccoli burgers and granola! Wroing.

if you dont want tweekers babysitting your kids, dont hire them. if you dont want cokeheads operating on you, find another doctor. but dont deny other people the right to poison thier bodies either. one masn poison is another mans bliss. legalizing drugs wont turn everyone into hopeless drug addicts, as Holland has learned. Most of thier drug use and related crime comes from foreigners, who, in thier own countries cant get high without going to jail.

Akcohol related crime did not increase with the end of prohibition. Alcohol is legal still, and there are more crimes related with its use than with drugs. Drunk driving, murders, rapes, liver disorders, ect. You think to outlaw alcohol again? it didnt work with prohibition, and it isnt working with dope.

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 03:20 PM
if alcohol and cigarettes are legal, i see no reason why pot is ILlegal. so taxes, so what. that may help solve our towering debt problem. california could sure use it. you pay taxes on everything else. also, mushrooms and the like too. if someone is dumb enough to eat a half ounce of shrooms and lose their mind, that's their own fault. but i suppose in the age of the lawsuit, maybe the govt. is a little sketchy on the whole idea. "i smoked pot, and i got...STONED! it was the scariest thing in my life!" and rather than use the experience for good and see it for what it was and maybe never smoke weed again and cherish every moment of your life like they never have before (in other words, LEARN FROM IT), they will choose to sue the hell out of the govt for legalizing it, and the companies that grow and distribute it...
as for doctors prescribing things that do you no good... THEY ALREADY DO THAT. cancer? here's an extreme dose of radiation that will probably kill you. you're gonna die anyways, so ya know... i have very little respect for the medical industry, they are the biggest pushers of all. lonely? depressed? well im alive aren't I? you can feel happy constanly and never ever have to feel bad again no matter what happens, try our drug! i see commercials all day of someone frollicing happily through a field, what are these drugs for? ask your doctor! what the hell for? so they can make money. i don't really think crack and coke and pcp and heroin stand a chance, because no good comes out of those. i think its funny the way govt can regulate what states of mind are ok and which are not. you can get wasted on irish car bombs and go into a blind rage, buty it's legal. but you cant chill and smoke a j and just kick it, THAT'S WRONG!! and if someone wants to jump off a building, chances are they would have done it sooner or later, that's the way it is. pot grows out of the groud, alcohol is the manipulation of rotting plants, which sounds more appealing? i live in a valley where approx. 30% of the population are meth addicts. and they roam the streets like zombies or ride bikes and aluminum cans are like gold. meth is evil, it should be illegal, but you can get practically the same thing thru some diet plans in a brown little pill. pot is benign, the worst thing that can happen if you smoke too much pot is you can get a headache, or pass out for 12 hours. im sure prolonged use could cause you to develope lung cancer, as with smoking anything, but hey, you CAN EAT IT TOO. put it in your spagetti! what then, colon cancer? if you can't know your limit, then you do need help. you can use anything as a crutch, work, sex, tv, religion, so why not weed too?
ps i dont necessarily think im right, but it just does not make any sense that this is against the law. and people do it because they want to (most of them) not out of the thrill of doing something illegal. if it were like that, they'd probably rob a store, that would be a way bigger kick. and in reguards to drugs triggering psychotic schizophrenia etc, that's oviously something wrong ANYWAYS there, and it would have happened eventually one day...
the point is, the only thing that would happen if pot was legalized, is that a whole lot of stoners would suddenly not be paranoid. paranoia effect of a drug is cause by the fact that it is illegal and you could go to jail. what's the harm in seeing the world through a totally different perspective? and yes chances are they would be made a lot safer. you would know what you are puting into your body rather than guessing.
so i'll break it down :
pot -yes
shrooms - yes
acid - yes
ecstacy - for me no, for other people sure why not
(that one is on the same level of brain destruction as alcohol and meth)
tweek - no way
pcp - nope
coke - ummm....
heroin - for suicidal people
so there, that's my take...

posted on Aug, 18 2003 @ 03:25 PM

so...lets legalize it and I'm sure everyone out there that uses is only going to do it when they are not at work. They will instantly become responsible people and only use in the comfort of their own homes. GET A CLUE!

That's exactly what I'm saying. These people are quite responsible and know where to draw the line.
Just because I can legally drink beer does not mean I do it before or during work. It's called self control. Some people (you) seem to lack that but don't try to enforce laws on others because of your weakness.

I have been clean for 4 years now and owe my life to NA.

Good for you. I still find most of what is talked about in the NA playbook is tripe. Look back a page or so and you'll see why I was at the meetings in the first place.

As for this

It seems to me that YOU are already a mindless drone and your words are coming out your a$$ not your mouth Grow up

LOL, I love when kids try to take the high ground but are unable to stay civil. Very witty using those $'s you must be proud.

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