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POLITICS: Reagan Voted Greatest American of all time

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posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 08:29 PM
Ronald Reagan is the Greatest American. And it may take you liberal hippies another century before you realize that he saved the world from the raths of Communism. He called the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" when all of you liberals wanted to give the Commies a big hug. He brought the USSR to its knees. Ronald Reagan may have very well saved the world from a nuclear holocaust. Someday, hopefully, you tulip-walkers will realize that his resolve saved the free world.

Until that day, I can only pray that our nation never accepts your policies of passification and surrender. You have all been on the wrong side of history for the past 60 years. May God grant our nation the strength and resolve to remain on the other side, the RIGHT side of history.

God Bless Ronald Reagan. And may God continue to bless the United States of America, and our honorable Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush!

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 08:42 PM
Did you steal Edsinger's spleen and surgically transplant it into yourself? You're mighty spleenful with all that liberal hippie tulipwalker talk.

Keep looking at the diamond and seeing only two sides Rasputin, if that's what makes you happy.

Thank Christ that you calling me a liberal hippie tulipwalker doesn't make it true.

That would piss me off immensely.

But regardless, why not save the insults for the topics instead of shooting them off willy nilly at your fellow posters. Don't be like the politicians throwing water and orange juice in the faces of their coleagues over a disagreement.

Isn't it enough to speak passionately on the subject without resorting to slanderous personal attacks and generic labelling?

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 08:54 PM
You have voted Voice_of Doom for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month.

All you poppy sniffers love Reagan and Bush, don't you? From the course of history since they took office, I can see why.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
That's your proof? Try this one word on for size, "Deregulation." Do I win?

Too bad you're ignoring actual history.

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Nonsense, I never said he started the war on drugs, I said he restarted it. His wife was a huge proponent of the war, and fought on the front lines of the media to build support for the criminilzation of 2/3 of Americans.]

When people get into illegal drugs by dealing or using, they just criminalized the activity themselves. I've personally seen the effects of coc aine and hard drugs on people myself.

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
Nonsense. The first journal articles talking about the trend, and the risks going forward, dropped in 1981. From mid-year on it was becoming clear, in the US and overseas, that the 'Gay Plague' was nothing of the sort.

Once again, you're ignoring the facts surrounding the HIV/AIDS controversy associated with Reagan's feelings on that matter. Reagan, like most of his conservative peers, was against frank gay/homosexual lifestyle of the 1970s and early 1980s.

Originally posted by WyrdeOneThat's an enormous mistake that has caused untold suffering and misery.

If coc aine were pure and readily available (not illegal), overdoses would be rare, and who gives a damn anyway? Their body, their business. Indigenous people have been using coc aine like we use coffee, to get through their 18 hour work days.

The drugs themselves are innocuous. It's our abuse and misuse that makes them dangerous. You don't criminalize hammers because people are idiots and can't hit a nail.

Bulls! Drug cartels reaped huge profits from trafficking illegal drugs and untold millions of people suffered from the effects of illegal drugs, even most died from it.

I don't condone anyone who considered these illegal drugs as innocuous and I consider you an anathema to the precious values of life. Drugs, whether illegal or medicinal-inclined, screw you, your mind and your body up.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Icarus Rising
All you poppy sniffers love Reagan and Bush, don't you? From the course of history since they took office, I can see why.

No, but from their strong characters and unwavering stances. They have backbones. You don't.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 09:18 PM

When people get into illegal drugs by dealing or using, they just criminalized the activity themselves.

That doesn't make any sense. The people didn't start the war on drugs, the politicians connected to big businesses that stood to benefit from criminalizing innocent Americans started the war on drugs. Putting a marijuana cigarette in your mouth doesn't criminalize you unless the state has elected to write laws to that effect.

The war on drugs makes about as much sense as the war on dirt, or the war on air. We've been using drugs as a species since we BECAME a species. Your brain produces cannabanoids! Has receptors for opiates! It's not an accident.

Don't blame drugs for drug addicts, blame people! It's personal weakness, an issue of personal responsibility for ones own mistakes.

Once again, you're ignoring the facts surrounding the HIV/AIDS controversy associated with Reagan's feelings on that matter. Reagan, like most of his conservative peers, was against frank gay/homosexual lifestyle of the 1970s and early 1980s.

Being a bigot is no kind of excuse. It's an explanation.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:14 PM
I would never have expected this thread to generate so much passion & vitrolic prose. I suspect many posters just wanted any excuse to rip into one another.

Rasputin I do hope you were not including me in your post about "tulip walkers."

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:19 PM
How about if we have our own poll, instead of trashing the one in question? There is some decided trolling going on, to boot.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:23 PM
Well Grady why don't you start a new thread to get nominees lined out first & then we can start another one to actually vote.

What do you think, just the top 10 or top 25?

[edit on 4-7-2005 by Astronomer68]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:36 PM
Okay! Here you go. Let's see what comes of this. Astronomer68, you're the chair of the Nominating Committee.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:38 PM
Start the site & lets go.

Sorry, I see you did start the site. I'll keep track of who gets nominated and post a list periodically.

[edit on 4-7-2005 by Astronomer68]

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 10:41 PM
"You have voted Rasputin13 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have two more votes this month"

Your absolutly right about the fall of the USSR being directly linked to reagons policies. I know i will never forget "mr. gorbachev tear down this wall!" and reagon changed the world like no other american in history. The end of the West vs East coldwar was a great moment in history.

by the way some people on here are talking im surprised they havent nominated Jane Fonda for greatest american

We will soon enough face either another cold war with china or a hot one.

BTW i completly agree the "liberals" have been on the wrong side of history for the last 60 years.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:00 PM
I can't freaking believe it! I voted for Lincoln, then Washington, and then Franklin.

I can't believe Mr. 7 Million Jobs Lost won. I can't believe Mr. Reaganomics killing the economy causing millions to be unemployed and a large national debt won.

He beat Birth of the Nation! He beat Keeping the Nation Together! He beat Genius of his Time. Hell, he beat Peacenik Pastor. I can't freaking believe it.

Hpw the hell could so many people be this brainless? I mean, this guy had sex parties with little boys at night, not so Great to me.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:09 PM
Has that been substantiated? Are you making an allusion to Bohemian Grove, or something else?

I've never seen any evidence Ronald Reagan had sex with boys. If you have proof you should provide it.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:16 PM
Ok after reading the list I am switching my vote to Elvis!

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:38 PM
I hope all the people who are killed and injured when their SUVs roll over at 20mph on them thank Reagan for suppressing the reports on what top-heavy unstable vehicles they are.
BTW don't be an idiot if you buy a gas guzzling SUV and get it with a roll-bar for your life and limb and families. Thx.

He wasn't as bad as Bush, but that is only a matter of degree. Maybe if he were president he would be squandering & screwing up this nation's national resource assets as bad as Bush.

Reagan did actually work for a living, so he probably had at least some regard for actual working people, unlike Bush who is selling this nation's soul to corporations as fast and hard as he can.

He did start the US down this road to Religious fanatic ruin. Jerry Falwell had a direct line to his Whitehouse.

He liked to squelch science, Bush those has turned that into his only real and clear goal of the Whitehouse.

So tired of Voo doo Christianity running and ruining this nation.

I hope that Reagan and Bush are buried close to one another, that way if i survive to a very old man, i can dance and then piss on both their graves.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 11:54 PM
Reagan are you kidding me?
That is just utterly rediculous.
He sucked as an actor
He sucked as the President of the Actors Guild
He sucked as President too.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 12:22 AM
Ok guys & girls if you don't (or do) like Reagan go to:

to officially nominate someone else as the greates american of all time (or nominate Ronald Reagan for that matter).

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 08:31 AM
Let's not forget how Reagan gutted mental health funding and turned our jails into defacto mental health facilities. That was on a par with Castro emptying all his mental hospitals and sending all the patients to the US as political asylum seekers. The Southeast still hasn't recovered from Castro's move, and the nation took a big turn for the worse in the way it cares for its own, while the biggest kook of all sat in the Whitehouse consulting astrologers to figure out his next move.


Your comment to me makes little sense, like your posts to this thread in general. Still, I forgive you your small-minded pettiness. As our Lord Jesus said on the cross: "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do." Peace to you.

with Reagan and his short-sighted, destructive policies.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 09:09 AM
Who is the greatest American of all time? Nice idea for a show. But come on? How can we truly guage that? Who knows that the greatest American of all time wasn't the meek old man or widow down the street? It's very subjective.

Ronald Reagan happens to be my favorite president, next to Abe Lincoln. Both were great men with strongly-held convictions and the man of their hour. In the 19th-century, Lincoln steered this nation through its darkest hour and held this great union together. Reagan, the great charismatic, guided our nation into victory over the Soviet evil empire. Both were feats of the near-mythical.

Which was greater? Who can say? For their century, both were made for their moment. And I believe, chosen by God (as the scriptures say) to lead us through the fire.

I say ups to both.
And to those I did not mention, as well.

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