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posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Why am I unable to start a new thread here????????

posted on Jan, 25 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Why am I unable to start a new thread here????????

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:31 AM
August 24

In Regard to Madame Curie

Jesus says:

"They are humanly perfect creatures. In them everything has reached perfection, "except their spirit." They have perfect genius, perfect seriousness, perfect honesty, perfect humility. But everything is humanly perfect. Their virtue is a flame which gives no warmth. It is cold fire. It has no value for Me. I prefer an imperfect spirituality to a perfect humanity.

"Such a splendor of human perfection is like the brightness of 100, 1,000 arc lamps. They provide light--that's undeniable. But it is artificial light which, if a small device breaks down, immediately fades, and nothing is left of it. Whereas the spirit, even if it is imperfect, is always a little sun living in its own light, which flows from the Grace which is in it. I speak of the "alive spirit"--that is, living in Me, vivified by Grace.

"Having possessed superior intelligence, which enabled them to delve into the mysteries of nature, should also have led them to see the power of God and his existence, whose being is written upon all created things. But there is not a bit of this. They are beings full of knowledge, but lacking the thread leading to exact knowledge of all that is. Inventors of what is new, but deniers of what is eternal. Discoverers of secret forces, but indifferent to the Force of the forces: God. They do not seek Him--indeed, they deliberately deny Him. At the very least, they neglect Him.

"This is why human science, which has undeniably progressed, does not yield good, but poisonous fruits. The fire of love, which brings God to be respected and loved, which brings one's neighbors to be respected and loved, is lacking in the hearts and minds of scientists.

"Also believe, soul of mine, that in the hour of judgment certain insignificant illiterate creatures will stand forth as greater than some luminaries of science. The former, set aflame by love, will be living stars in my heaven. The others, though I will not condemn them, on account of the good they have done in human terms, will simply be hazy in my Paradise. They will be the ones saved by my Mercy, without any merit on their part, saved more on account of the prayers of those benefited by them than on their own account.

"Now, tell Me: do you prefer to be a little nothing in the field of knowledge and be mine, very much my own, in this life and the other, or would you have instead liked to be a star here below and a dark nebula up above? I already know your reply and hence say to you, 'You have answered wisely. Go in Peace.'"

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 10:50 AM
I have to say coming from an atheist background, myself, that I never accepted, evolution or darwin's theory. I believed in myself. I did not cling to others. Thus, I sought to pleasure myself, in many things. But not any hanky panky business, just ruddy kid looking for adventure. Nothing too serious. At the age of four I burned down a nice field! No joke right in front of a church, Baptist church. Fire trucks came and well I was grounded to my room by my atheist father for 6 months. My room.

I heard worse.

Then I was out there own my own and I had no one. Just myself. This very dark period but at a young age, led me to more mischief and eventually I ended up in county juvenile center for a month. My crime wasn't that bad. I took a car for a joy ride. And then returned it to the owner when he came looking for it. I was 16, and a had a few too many beers.

When I became a Protestant, Epsicopalean, I read the Bible like it was my meal. I cannot explain this other than I had an incredible desire to know. Up to this point I had never finished a real book much less cared for them. I read comic books and watched tv. That was my education. Truth is you learn from others and imitate others. That's our nature. We were created to imitate Love. God is Love. Now this is hard to grasp today because no one is living Charity. It truly is. If over on oneside of the Hemisphere were love living people, you would understand this point. But since this is not the case, we imitate what is the trend. The fashion. Which God calls 'idolatry' because we are living outside the fence.

I pretty much abhor debates because egos galore. Then there are those who are sincere and seek to enlighten and not really debate. The mindset of forums is too debate. But if you don't step in then you don't get to talk.

A true open hearing then, where people share their minds and hearts. Where people respect the others without grudges or resentment, or outbreaks or cutting them off or deleting their posts. But letting equal opportunity exist, in charity. Respect.

I used to be anti-evolution because evolution speaks only about science and that is human science, but after reading some very religious books, and this comes from God Himself whether people believe it or not, evolution is part of man growing and becoming perfect. God's intent is for man to evolve spiritually into a supercreation of the spirit. To become supermen and women of the spirit and not flesh or your carnality. Carnality is full of lusts, God is not lust. Carnality is ego, only God is 'I'. Carnality is Pride, only Lucifer rebelled saying I will be like the Most High taking His place. Thus Lucifer became Satan who now lives in Hell. Doing his best to bring all men to hell. But, many don't believe! The day will come when man will be face to face with the Demon on earth. That's what the Apocalypse states. Revelation. The Antichrist is the incarnation of Satan himself. Just as Jesus was the Incarnation of God.

Evolution exists, also the opposite exists. For every positive force has a negative force to counter it. What many don't see is the de-evolution.

Remember your theories from School. I hated school but science I enjoyed. Today man is to intent on peering ahead and forgets his full course theories.

Thank you for allowing me to voice my mind

Peace be with you always.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:15 AM
Did you ever think that maybe secular Origins science, that is based purely on hypothesis (because NO ONE has ever observed the past first hand), is an organization of God haters that want to undermine something that is offensive because it tells them that they are evil and must answer to a Holy God....

Naw can't be that...must be the other way around...Because most skeptics I know don't have a single SUBjective reason for denying the Bible.

I hope no one honestly expects that they wil be allowed to use their old "Science is Neutral" trump card. I can't wait for this thread to take off.

Knowledge about anything other then the IMMEDIATE PRESENT that you yourself have observed is FAITH.

posted on May, 11 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by trueperspective
Did you ever think that maybe secular Origins science, that is based purely on hypothesis (because NO ONE has ever observed the past first hand), is an organization of God haters that want to undermine something that is offensive because it tells them that they are evil and must answer to a Holy God....

Naw can't be that...must be the other way around...Because most skeptics I know don't have a single SUBjective reason for denying the Bible.

I hope no one honestly expects that they wil be allowed to use their old "Science is Neutral" trump card. I can't wait for this thread to take off.

Knowledge about anything other then the IMMEDIATE PRESENT that you yourself have observed is FAITH.

Well, I don't know about that one, I've had my share of non-Bible readers in my life already. Who hate Bible and anyone connected to it. As in Religion. There are various reasons as to this. Many so far used to be associated with someone in their family who reads Bible. And of course just because you read it doesn't mean you follow it perfectly. The problem is that for younger people looking up to older people, the younger think the older are great teachers and examples. Not the case. So, therein it is ignorance. Younger people are looking for good examples, and when they see an older person make a mistake, they get disappointed. How true. This happened to my father. This then repeated itself in me as I saw Protestants, come to church on Sunday raise their hands and then went back home and lived their other lifestyle. This predominant in the Protestant world. I belonged to many denominations before becoming a Roman Catholic. Then, as a Catholic, I saw the very samething. I was very disappointed. No words can fill in the blanks, too powerful of a thought. But, after returning to Faith, I found a new beginning. I saw Jesus in the Tabernacle. I had a hard time with a round Bread. But after reading the most prolific book since any time in history besides the Bible, I learned the true meaning of Faith. And that round Bread. It nourishes my mind, intellect and soul. Give strenght to my spirit. Unlike the Protestant days. Nothing to compare.

In the world you have many beliefs. Many religions, many ideas and ideologies. It's quite thick. To previous times where there was no internet no cell phones which equals no forums and tons of distractions. Now we sit in the comfort of some place with a laptop and a cell phone have a chat. I grew up with none of this, when I was in my late thirties is when the computer personal age started. It's been 15 years and now things have progressed, but still full of complications and imperfetions due to the lack of God having His input into it. If God were able to input, this would be perfected already. But, this doesn't happen.

Because man doesn't want God in it. Adam and Eve wanted to be Gods themselves. So every man after, has this same problem. Only a few don't have this problem.

Peace be with you always

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by helen670

Yes, some people do believe in Creationism. They believe that God took clay and fashioned a man. didnt want the man to be alone, so god took out a rib and shaped it into a woman. then a talking lizard got us to eat a from a forbidden fruit tree we were comanded not to eat, which is why we die.

also, we speak different languages because they were building the tower of babel and god didnt want them to reach heaven, so he confused their speech and they couldnt understand each other, which is how we got different languages. not that people simply evolved on different parts of the earth! certainly not.

the very thought that such ignorantine bronze age myths are even thought of being taught in public schools or even private schools is appauling to me. it sounds like it was written for small children, not educated adults with the capacity for critical thought.

posted on Jun, 14 2010 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Jahosaphat

i noticed that you said that jesus said.. and quoted him right there from the good book. in response i would just like to point out that quoting the bible is not quoting jesus. this is why in my view.... (and of course i respect your opinions, but we are sharing two totally different points of view. sharing oposing ideas. i hope we can do this peacefully. now, why cant you directly quote jesus from the good book?)

first of all, no one knows what jesus ever said. none of the gospels were written while jesus was supposedly alive. none. the earliest gospel was written in 70 CE. thats nearly 40 years after his death. have you ever played that game called telephone? you whisper something in one persons ear and they wwhisper what they heard into the next persons ear. by the time it gets back to you it was totally different from what was originally said. try that for a couple hundred years. also, there were hundreds of gospels, hundreds. some said jesus was crucified, some that he lived to old age. some say he was an angry child, some that he was married with children. even the four gospels chosen at the council of nicea contradict one another. for example, look at the geneologies of mathew and compare them to luke. they cant even agree on who josephs father is, or on which son of david jesus is descended from. add to this that the death and resurrection myth attributed to christ is of ancient pagan heritage and happened many times, or the three sages who are shown to witness the birth of horus in the birth room at the temple of luxor. the hundreds of gospels all contradict. furthermore, on ething i havent added here... monly about 2 lines of text say anything about jesus before the year 150. isnt that odd for someone that raised the dead and healed the sick, etc. the roman wrote about everything, documented everything. where is there any documentation? there isnt. except in the passage ascribed to the jewish historian josephus, but only reference a christ figure and was shown to be a forgery.

therefore, there is no way of knowing what miracles jesus performed or what he said or did. 40 years of playing telephone and you get things different. eventually it gets blown all out of porportions. thats why i think its quite unreal when i hear someone quote the bible and say that jesus said.... etc. a direct quote from 2000 years ago.

i was just trying to point out that quoting the bible is not quoting jesus or his actual words. .. oh yeah.. i forgot to mention that the bible has been mistranslated over and over again. and of course edited.


[edit on 14-6-2010 by Taliesin McKnight]

[edit on 14-6-2010 by Taliesin McKnight]

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by Jahosaphat

Jesus says:

"Such a splendor of human perfection is like the brightness of 100, 1,000 arc lamps. They provide light--that's undeniable. But it is artificial light which, if a small device breaks down, immediately fades, and nothing is left of it."

Jesus said this, eh? The bit about the arc lights an' all?

Sent you email, did he?


reply to post by trueperspective

Did you ever think that maybe secular Origins science, that is based purely on hypothesis (because NO ONE has ever observed the past first hand), is an organization of God haters that want to undermine something that is offensive because it tells them that they are evil and must answer to a Holy God...

I expect every overstimulated, undereducated god-botherer driven to insane fury by the hopelessness of overcoming evidence and reason with fairytales and lies probably thinks this.

Normal people, however, know that the boot is on the other foot.

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by Taliesin McKnight

...about 2 lines of text say anything about jesus before the year 150. isnt that odd for someone that raised the dead and healed the sick, etc. the roman wrote about everything, documented everything. where is there any documentation?...

You are making good points. But to be fair, faith healers were a dime a dozen, and Jesus wasn't anything special in that regard. Those attributes were probably added to his reputation specifically to enhance his standing with respect to all the other itinerant preacher/healers.

It is pretty unlikely that every faith healer would have come to the attention of the historians, or that they would have considered one from the distant provinces as anything worth noticing.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by rnaa

You know, if Nero hadn't blamed the Great Fire of Rome on the Christians, the faith would probably have died a natural death around 75AD of so.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Astyanax

You know, if Nero hadn't blamed the Great Fire of Rome on the Christians, the faith would probably have died a natural death around 75AD of so.

Doubtful, the 'world' was ripe for a new movement. Scapegoating of innocents certainly hardened their resolve and attracted attention, but it was a growing movement anyway.

Might have looked different, though. Paul's Church may not have won out, it might very well have been the Gnostics. But I don't think the Jewish Jesus cults would have just disappeared back into mainstream Judaism and not branched out into the non-Jewish world. They were already much too established for that.

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:35 PM
19 more post till i can post a forum for people to hear my thoughts on creation

posted on Jun, 20 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by rnaa
Doubtful, the 'world' was ripe for a new movement. Scapegoating of innocents certainly hardened their resolve and attracted attention, but it was a growing movement anyway.

I'm not sure it was that big before Nero made it so by his attention. Tacitus, writing in Trajan's reign, a generation after Nero, seems to make the 'Chrestians' out to be a still fairly marginal sect.

Might have looked different, though. Paul's Church may not have won out, it might very well have been the Gnostics.

Indeed. And beside these competing sects of Christianity were other popular cults of the day, such as Mithraism and the Eleusinian Mysteries.

I don't think the Jewish Jesus cults would have just disappeared back into mainstream Judaism and not branched out into the non-Jewish world. They were already much too established for that.

The Jews were not well loved beyond the borders of Judea, even in those times; sadly, anti-Semitism has a very long history. To become widely accepted, Christianity had to play down its Semitic origins and incorporate Neoplatonist ideas before it could be adopted as the state religion of the Roman Empire.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but Christianity was far from the only or even most likely rival for the spiritual affections of Rome. In an alternative worldline, we could well be worshipping Mithras; in another, William Blake and Van Morrison are venerated as Neoplatonic saints.

posted on Sep, 23 2010 @ 05:48 AM
Creationism VS is science, the other religion. Both are corrupt and heavily governed. Which ever you decide to swallow, it will get stuck in your throat. They, although apparently coming from opposite and conflicting beliefs, are twins from the same infected womb. Siblings will fight.

Most of my drive for uncovering the truth comes not from what I've been 'educated' in, but what I've not been enlightened about. TPTB do not want us to know where/what the origins of life are. From this, I can only understand that this is not a pure and loving world, but one of darkness and deception.

Something you won't hear in church or at double science....

We live in the world of matter. Matter is energy (E=MC²). Energy is how creation is expressed. Creation is an expression of The Source. The Source is where 'life' originates and how it is sustained. The Source is not Jesus, Allah or even the widest perception of 'God'. It is absolute, pure and impersonal. The energy called 'love' is a reminder of the power of The Source. Something I can't explain is how the world of creation became so detached from The Source (or light). All I can offer is that in world of creation, everything/anything is allowed. Without light there is only darkness, but this world is finite and The light will not support it for much longer - there is always hope.

What most fills me with wonder is that creation is only a single expression of The Source. There is much more than just the world of creation (or matter).

Must just point out that every lie has a scrap of truth. Humans were 'devised' by a 'god' (Adam & Eve) in that as a species, the pseudo 'gods' manipulated the 12 strands of DNA to just 2, and also things do evolve (Darwin).


posted on Nov, 7 2010 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by daggyz

No one seems to consider that science, academia, peer-reviewed articles, graduate school placements, employment and tenure are all linked together. Isn't that an 'academic conspiracy' right there? 70% of pholospohy professors are atheists. If evolution has two legs (or four) to stand on, a little shaking up from intellgent design theorists should not knock them down. What are scientists so afraid of?

posted on Nov, 18 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Raiment

Absolutely nothing. ID papers are free to submit themselves for publication in peer-reviewed journals. They're free to attempt to engage the discussion on an academic level.

Instead, they insist on making it a public policy issue.

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