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The elohims project

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posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 06:06 AM
Ladies and gentlemen i present you the ultimate religion conspiracy.A conspiracy in which our creators where aliens and that jesus was an alien and inforced christianity to control us.IT is a long read but it's worth it.

and a story from the serpent you christinas would call

edit:serpent link added

[edit on 18-6-2005 by warthog911]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:37 AM
Warthog911, again you present us with stories from the net. Where is the solid proof? Anyone can write anything on the net. It all may be true, but how can you say for sure? You have no solid proof.
There are a lot of sci fi stories out there and the authors have them under "fiction", why because they made them up. How do you know someone is not just making all this stuff up?
Have you SEEN any proof of anything you have read? If not then how can you believe in it all? It may be true and it may not be. But you can not present stories from the net as your "proof", as they are not "proof" of anything.
What can you not see that you are not presenting "proof" to anyone? And then if others do not agree with you and say that it is not proof, you call them "disinformation" agents? We are not "disinformation" agents, we are just not as ignorant as you are in that we need more then stories written on the net as our proof.
It's one thing to present us with these stories, or I will even call them
"theories" and say that you think there may be some truth to them, but you go and yell at people saying we are all idiots or something because we can not see your "proof". you have yet to present any "proof".
How do you know that the internet was not invented to put all types of stories out there to confuse people like you that read them and just totally believe them without proof? How do you know that it is not the "disinformation" agents that put stories out there to confuse you? I could say that and how do you say I am wrong? you can't. It goes both ways.
It's great to have an open mind, but the bottom line is you don't have proof which means what you say could or could not be true just like anyone who says anything on the net.
How do you not see all this?
You say the link above says that aliens created Jesus to control us? How do you know that is not just stories put out by evil forces to make people believe it? The Bible itself talks about the last days and how a lot will fall away from the truth because of all sorts of false prophet's and stories. How do you know the Bible is not telling the truth?
You keep posting stories of "reptilians" and offering these stories as "proof" of what is going on? There may be truth in some of the stories but you have no proof on what is exactly what?
You need to amp down a bit and keep your mind open and realize that you are not presenting proof of anything yet.
Again, how old are you exactly? It may explain a lot.

[edit on 18-6-2005 by GREGNOW]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by GREGNOW
Anyone can write naything on the net.

As can anyone write anything in a book, newspaper...etc.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by GREGNOW
You say the link above says that aliens created Jesus to control us? How do you know that is not just stories put out by evil forces to make people believe it?

Exactly the same could be said about the bible. I have never had someone prove to me that the bible is in fact the 'word of god'.. by your reasoning they should prove it shouldn't they?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:07 AM
So Warthog911, I am reading this Elohim link you sent. Where does the the author says he got all this "information" from? From what I can tell, this is his theory on things. What makes you think this is proof of anything? Maybe there is some thruth to it and maybe there is no truth to it. How do you know? How iis this your proof of anything? Even if he says he got his info. from a source, how do you know for sure?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:19 AM
The author took this info from the bible and i believe it is the truth.Deny is the basic form of human response.This is a experiment by me wether to see how many of you take this seriously.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:29 AM
i cant remember reading this in the bible!

the author has just took a theory, an old theory, and interpreted the bible is his own way.

there is no evidence of aliens or of them being our creator

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:29 AM
Riley, I was making the point of the Bible as Warthog911 always want to misquote things out of the Bible or in this instance use Jesus as an example of his proof that reptilians created Jesus or wahtever. There is not proof of any of it.
Is there any proof of the things said in the Bible, perhaps not. But then it comes down to faith in what you believe and perhaps what some have expirenced.
Warthog911 however does not claim that the "reptilians" stuff his his "faith" , he says it's all true and offers that "proof" in the form of things that have been written on the net, where the authors provide no real proof except in that it is just the way it is because the author says so.
One thing for the Bible though is that the Revelations were written over 2000 yrs ago and if you look at the way things are today a lot of it seems to be coming true. A good book to read on it all is Countdown to Armageddon by Hal Lindsey which was written over 20 yrs. ago and talks about all the stuff that is happening right now today in the world. it was not like he wrote the book while you could actually see things going on like today. Is there solid proof of any of it? Maybe or maybe not, but by looking at all the different things that are going on these days, I'd say there is more "evidence of proof" that the Revelations of the Bible may be unfolding before our eyes. The book of Daniel is also pretty right on with predictions/visions and current events now.
Now, could there be truth to the whole reptilian thing? Yes, there could be and it also could tie in with things that are going on, BUT, there is no solid "proof" to say "reptilians" are behind anything going on.
What if the REAL "disinformation" agents simply put out all the reptilian stuff on the net to sway people away from something else that might be going on? somthing that is simply nothing more then MEN who because of their pride, ego, want for money and control, are causing all the wrong in the world.
Again , reptilians may have something to do with it all and then again maybe not. There is not solid proof of evil reptilians in the world, but I can give you plenty of examples of evil men in the world or that were in the world. Was Hitler a Reptilian?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:41 AM
Warthog911, the author did not get this info. from the Bible. He took a story from the Bible that does not have a lot of detail and then he proceeds to add his own details to the original story. You keep saying that certain things are said in the Bible just because you read that people on the net say that they are. you need to read the Bible or any other text that you say says something before you just go and say that it does say the things you are saying. Do you think that anyone would be arguing with you if the Bible actually said some of the things you say it does? Some of the major religions of the world would be on your side and the stuff we are talking about right now we would not even be talking about as a great majority of the world would already be believing it if it had actually been written in the Bible.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:50 AM
Just think about it.jesus is the son of god and god created life in 6days on earth.So this case would be same on each and every planet in this universe? that there would be jesus's born in each and every habitable planet?.DOnt you think that someting is fishy?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by warthog911
Just think about it.jesus is the son of god and god created life in 6days on earth.So this case would be same on each and every planet in this universe? that there would be jesus's born in each and every habitable planet?.DOnt you think that someting is fishy?

to be honest no,

how do you know God created other life?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:56 AM
I only know that our gods were aliens who looked just like us and after creating us they sent jesus to make a religion.this planet is different from other planets as it is a zoo planet.There is no evolution just creation.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by warthog911
I only know that our gods were aliens who looked just like us and after creating us they sent jesus to make a religion.this planet is different from other planets as it is a zoo planet.There is no evolution just creation.

You know do you? got any evidence to back it up? if what you was saying to be true, then this would be the greatest discovery in our life time...

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:04 PM
That is the damm problem,the U.Sgovt hides the evidence.YOu do realise that if the govt tells this thing is true than half of the world would either have heart attack or would commit sucide.Thats the reason why cuz people would loose faith in god and the govt would never tell this until when end times come and there is second comming.Our creators were masters in astrology.

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:07 PM
So the US government hides it, you seen the files then? how can you know they hide it? did some website tell you this?

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:11 PM
What a silly question.Why would the U.S govt wont tell what happened at roswell.60 yrs have passed and even if it was a mil project it would have been disclosed.Why dosen't the govt addresses about abduction and about the grey aliens that soo many people have seen.Why an org has poped out over the net( and claims that it has more than 400 witnesses to testify before the congress and the congress is quiet
See this disclosure project video and tell me that is this a hoax

[edit on 18-6-2005 by warthog911]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 12:19 PM

Why dosen't the govt addresses about abduction and about the grey aliens that soo many people have seen

Because there is more evidence to suggest it was the government abducting them for mind control experiments

Originally posted by warthog911
Why an org has poped out over the net( and claims that it has more than 400 witnesses to testify before the congress and the congress is quiet
See this disclosure project video and tell me that is this a hoax

Key word in what you typed, "Claims", that doesnt meant its 100% pure fact. IMO, the US congress has better things to do

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 02:38 PM
Warthog911, you have to understand that the stories and theories you quote on here as being facts or the truth of what is going on are not the truth to "everyone". You have a deep belief in these things but that still does not make what you believe in the truth of what is going on. There is a reason for this. The reason is that you and a minority of people will get all caught up in stories and theories people are writing over the net and you and this minority of people will just "believe" it all must be the truth. Yet you have no real proof, nor do the people who write a lot of the things you quote and believe in have real proof to back any of it up.
Now the rest of us, who do have open minds and are not "disinformation agents (as you put it)", we do not throw our lives into believing something until it is proven in some solid manner, or at the very least even that there is "some" little proof (like a simple pic or something).
Again i ask you how do you know the Doctor that was just on Coast to Coast radio is any less telling the truth then any of the stories you have quoted as truth? I am not saying he is telling the truth, just that why do you not believe what he says and yet you believe what others say? Neither the doctor nor the people who wrote the stories you quote offer any proof. The Doctor never mentions anything about Reptilians. He just says that "Nordics" are in control of the Greys. Yet the people you quote say Reptilians are in charge of the greys and elsewhere I myself have read that the greys and the reptilians do not even like each other and are at war with each other. Then there are those that say the Greys are here to help and enlighten us and then others that say the greys are against us and that they are evil.
So, Warthog, what makes you "know" that the stories you read are the truth and that all these other different things other people write and say are not the truth,
Answer: You don't. And that is the point people are trying to make to you. YOU may believe in something you read without any proof to back it up but how does that make it the truth of waht is going on.
I personally think there is a lot of stuff going on, but I don't know for sure what is waht and from what i have read all over the net neither does anyone else as everyone seems to have different stories on what is going on.
What you quote and say may very well be exactly what is going on, but until it is more then just "stories", then it can not be called the truth and you can't call anyone who disagrees with your beliefs "disinformation" agents.
In the year 1000 people were running to the hills because others had told them that the world was ending because the millenium was over.
The Hal Bob (spelling?) comet cult all believed a UFO was tailing the comet and that if they killed themselves they would be called up into the UFO...and they did kill themselves. People believed in what Jones was telling them and a huge group of people killed themselves.
If these people you quote started writing that people now need to kill themselves in order to escape the Reptilian agenda, are you going to say it is the truth and go kill yourself?
I think there may be truth in a lot of things being said out there, but I need more proof before I am willing to say (like you do), that something is the solid truth and the way the world is going down.
Yes, the Bible mentions a serpent who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. But that is as far as it really goes in saying much more about the serpent. Everything else you are reading about the serpent being an alien or whatever else is something that someone is adding to the original story and they have not provided proof or the proof of their source for this.
Also you quote the Bible as God created in 6 days. It does say that, but it also says elsewhere in the Bible that 1 day to God is like 1000 yrs to us. So it may have 6000 yrs to us that could have been creation (if you quote the Bible).
Also where does it say or have to be that Jesus would have to go to every planet that has life. If you read the Bible, Jesus was sent to help man atone for his sins as man fell from God through the sin of Adam in the Garden. No where does it say that life on other planets "sinned" and needed Jesus to come show them the err of their ways.
Where do you come up with these facts of yours?

[edit on 18-6-2005 by GREGNOW]

posted on Jun, 18 2005 @ 02:42 PM
Also, Warthog, I have heard you say that the Vedas talk about the reptilians, but I have never seen you post any of the Vedas that states. I read some parts of the Bhavata Gita but I can not say I read anything about the Reptilians. Maybe I just did not read those parts, so please by all means post the Vedas that talk about the Reptilian agenda.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 09:07 AM
So, now i see that i can not see Warthogs profile here on this thread anymore. does that mean he blocked me now or something because he has no real answers to my questions?
I guess i won't know if he answers me back as now i can not even see his profile.

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