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Signs of The Next Attack

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posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:38 AM
ok, the author of that article was in town for fleet week. large military presence here as the ships all dock and they have a week of partying in NYC.

Cop with a machine gun? Hercules Team. This is the anti-terror squad that has been in place for a few years now. They travel around the city hitting random checkpoints all day long. When there is a specific threat (citicorp building last year) they stand guard. I see them all the time, all over the place.

Times Square is usually very crowded with tourists. It is home to many broadway theaters as well as MTV's studio and it is known around the globe as being the so called heart of the city. It is absolutely normal to see more cops in Times Square than anywhere else in the city. It is uncommon to see a tank but, as I said, it was fleet week.

The author is simply a paranoid tourist. nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 11:59 AM
I tend to agree; there's nothing here that suggests something "is happening".

But I'm still curious - maybe I should start a new thread? About what measures people have taken just in case .

I still remember the mountains of water, canned foods etc people stockpiled in the leadup to Y2K...

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 02:21 PM
Well ive been having big time problems with my DSL modem everyonce in awhile ill just be surfing the net and itll just start going slow then eventually giving me error scripts... I just turn off the computer and wait awhile eventually it starts working again on its own. But still sometimes it tells me my local connection is disconnected but after thuro searches of the house telephone cords nothing is wrong... I dont know aboutan attack but something weird is going on with the internet but then again when has the internet worked 100% all the time??

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by inspiringyouth
Well ive been having big time problems with my DSL modem everyonce in awhile ill just be surfing the net and itll just start going slow then eventually giving me error scripts... I just turn off the computer and wait awhile eventually it starts working again on its own. But still sometimes it tells me my local connection is disconnected but after thuro searches of the house telephone cords nothing is wrong... I dont know aboutan attack but something weird is going on with the internet but then again when has the internet worked 100% all the time??

ISPs have problems too.

Nothing conspiratorial there....the Net is notoriously iffy in terms of reliability, as you said

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:01 PM
They army military wants more recrutes and so they want to show off there flashy weapons and tanks. Seattle only got 1/3rd of what us US wanted in soldures. And theres posters everywere saying "join the military!" with the statue of liberty holding a gun and jets flying overhead. Draft? Coming?

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Keep in mind that the government has a mass agenda, its not just, "Oh one president rules for four years, keeps the country going, changes some stuff to be beneficial at the time, then poof, gone." No there is much much more that they know than we may ever know, but one thing is for sure..THEY DO KNOW. So look for signs from the government, thats the best way. Ever since the FDR days, U.S. Government as a whole has been preparing humankind for all that was to come and like pawns we play it and no one gets hurt. Beneficial, yet you gotta crack some eggs right?

Well, the reason I'm blabbing is to tell you that Hollywood can tell you more about things than a lot of other propaganda BS. Preparation of the People for a Mass Histeria. Movies are growing at an intense rate to be more and more intense. Big blockbuster hits are made #1 for reasons and NOT just because most of them are kickass... Science Fiction's MAIN purpose it to make that which is impossible seem LOGICALLY possible. Subliminally we are recieving things that may be beneficial to us if a hostile invasion occures. The fact that the Gov. knows far more than the people and that they contol hollywood movies and that most of these movies are integrating The Devine, Aliens, Strange Science Fiction and such into almost all Blockbuster Hits really scares me!

Video Games, Music, Movies, It goes as far as microwave control to prepare US for something. Now whether it be Alien invasion, to form us into satanic sinners, or all the other conspiracies you read about HERE on THIS site, ONE THING IS FOR SURE. It is preparation...even if it is for our benefit OR NOT, we ARE being manipulated. I never trust organizations, but hell, they need us right?

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 09:38 PM
Psyche...(assuming your post wasn't just sarcasm or humour

Cinderella Man.
Hotel Rwanda.
Million Dollar Baby.
The Aviator
Mr & Mrs Smith
Garden State

Apparently not all movies have a hidden agenda behind them....

(the above list consists of recent major earners, critically acclaimed sleeper hits or Oscar winners/nominees).

Perhaps more to the point though: I'd guess a good 75% of the audiences who see sci-fi flicks are pretty comfortable knowing that the tech they're seeing isn't real . Being ubiquitous doesn't imply that people start believing in it more and more...

[edit on 21-6-2005 by Tinkleflower]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 01:17 AM
no, but there is an undeniable desensitization to those films. film covers many a topic, but favorites include death, destruction, tyrany, and war with some sex strewn about. the atrocities that we've all seen on the tube are rationalized as 'ok' on some subconsious level.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 06:54 AM
the messages in Dude Where's My Car? and The Girl Next Door are undeniable.

After watching both I know I am well prepared for the inevitable invasion.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 04:42 PM
LOL sooo many paranoid people here on ATS

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:23 PM
If you belive in that numerology stuff, I read somewhere that the next attack will take place June 26 this month. It just so happens that Live8 concert is happening up here around that time.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by lost
no, but there is an undeniable desensitization to those films. film covers many a topic, but favorites include death, destruction, tyrany, and war with some sex strewn about. the atrocities that we've all seen on the tube are rationalized as 'ok' on some subconsious level.'ll have to take me through your theory bit by bit.

Because so far, I can't make any sense of what you're saying

I don't think anyone is disputing that death and sex are "hot sellers" when it comes to the media...I'm just not seeing the link to "the next attack".

Help me out here.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:52 PM
I strongly doubt they have the loyal manpower to complete a takeover. For what I know of the individuals in certain organizations, they can't count on the national guard, sheriffs departments, or local police forces.

I'm a pretty good friend of the operations officer of 185th Armor and several detectives of the Riverside County Sheriffs. God forbid our friend is right about martial law coming about, I'd get out my rifle and head straight for those men's homes with full confidence that they'd be anxious to make it sporting for whoever was in those white armored vehicles that were mentioned.

Don't mistake disagreement for division. We're all Americans and we all know it at heart. There wouldn't be any such thing as red staters and blue staters if our liberty was at stake.

Edit to add:
By the By, Alex Jones is off his freakin' rocker. Did anybody else hear him on coast to coast the other night? The man has lost it... if he ever had it. In my mind, Prison Planet's take on things rates somewhere just above that of the kid at the local gas station and just below that of my 11 year old cousin.

[edit on 22-6-2005 by The Vagabond]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:55 PM
Closer. – Turn people into dirty psychopathic adulators Aliens hate that.
Cinderella Man. – turn people into crazed phone Throwers. Phones kill aliens.
Hotel Rwanda. – The aliens are out for genocide.
Million Dollar Baby. – Get people use to the idea we need to let the weak die to benefit society. We can't drag along cripples why we fight the Aliens!
The Aviator – Aliens have a weapon that causes you to say things over and over again “blue prints” Want to make people think they are just experiencing a episode of pure genius instead of being zapped by the men from mars stupid ray beam.
Mr & Mrs Smith Your wife is really out to get your ass divorce her quickly besides the aliens will have their way with her you don’t need attachments!
Troy – It only takes one man to do it all and that man is you! We will send the Aliens a Trojan horse. Monica Lewinsky.
Alexander – The aliens are perverts and come to rape your woman as well as the men.
Garden State – Put aside your family differences we need a united front against the aliens beside what if your mom dies in the coming war of the worlds!

[edit on 22-6-2005 by DiRtYDeViL]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 01:59 AM

Originally posted by lost
no, but there is an undeniable desensitization to those films. film covers many a topic, but favorites include death, destruction, tyrany, and war with some sex strewn about. the atrocities that we've all seen on the tube are rationalized as 'ok' on some subconsious level.'ll have to take me through your theory bit by bit.

Because so far, I can't make any sense of what you're saying

I don't think anyone is disputing that death and sex are "hot sellers" when it comes to the media...I'm just not seeing the link to "the next attack".

Help me out here.

in relation to the 'next attack' as it is outlined on this thread, well there is no direct connection - i was typing generally; by putting the most despicable things on the screen, big brother knows what we allow into our minds. decades later, we're comfortable enough that maybe we will allow it in our lives too?

or maybe we are conditioned to only recognize the culprits by their stereotypes as potrayed in film? We're blind to the outright deciet in politics. If the average american knows anything about the 3rd Reich, he/she saw it in a WW2 movie, where the badguys wore red patches, but the goodguys still win at the end. Happy little ending. Perfect little story.

But wait, it really happened.

And when it really happened, it lasted over 2 hours. The facist grip that took hold of europe krept slowly. If the deception of the Nazi Party could be foiled into a 2 hour movie, I would be impressed. Do we individuals really know how those atrocities happened? Why the citizenry allowed it to happen?

If it happened again would we recognize the badguys even if they didnt wear red patches?

we watch first degree murder unfold on film all the while saying it is wrong to do, but its ok to watch? IMHO we are conditioned to say 'OK' on more than one level through film.

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 02:52 AM

in relation to the 'next attack' as it is outlined on this thread, well there is no direct connection - i was typing generally; by putting the most despicable things on the screen, big brother knows what we allow into our minds. decades later, we're comfortable enough that maybe we will allow it in our lives too?

What about choice? We're the ones who choose to watch - or not watch - whatever is showing on TV and in the theatres. We had horror movies in the 40s, the 50s, the 60s....we had movies with violence, adultery, monsters, aliens ..the whole shebang. Now it's 2005 - I'd be surprised if any of the folk who watched those movies originally are somehow "accepting" of the terrors contained therein.

The average European (and I daresay the average American, too, but perhaps that's my naiveté showing) knows that there's a lot more to the 3rd Reich than what we see in movies. But even if that wasn't the case - where's the link to it all being controlled by Big Brother?

Alas, I'm not seeing a link. I'm sure there's a link between violence on TV and desensitization towards the elements, but that's not quite the same thing as you're suggesting.

If what you're suggesting does have any validity, then surely the simple answer would be to not watch such material.

Problem solved, non?

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 04:01 AM
im not saying the entire film industry, or even individual films are contrived specifically to plant some subliminal message to render you apathetic in the future.


regardless, it is a side effect. like it or not, if one chooses to fill their mind with the inner thoughts of serial killers - one will inevitably be one step closer to thinking like a killer. baby steps.

as for big brother, why should film, or TV in general be the taboo subject for studying society? your complete attention is a rare thing - but for 2 hours at a time you can be bombarded with impressions, some direct and some more subtle.

why do you doubt that the creators of MKULTRAs and the like wouldnt pay close attention to what we the people think about? the power is in the people, big brother knows this.

because most of the impressions left on film are negetive, destructive, or downright trivial - we the people end up pretty shallow, unaware, and apathetic.

sometimes i wonder if maybe it wasnt contrived to be so - even if on some abstract grand scale.

-ok, all im saying is if its a known fact that the average child watches like 20+ hours a week - there is huge potential for conditioning. half of what our kids learn about the world, they learn from TV. Its just the average upbringing. Whether you admit it or not, there is a very real confusion in film surrounding "reality/fantasy". The subtle lack of standards over long term TV watching could very well provide an individuals moral backbone - or lack thereof.

How many of us are willing to actually stand for truth? Its much easier to just occupy those efforts and time in front of the tube.

[edit on 23-6-2005 by lost]

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by PurityOfPeace
I too, have the feeling that something is approaching, just not sure what. I have said that i feel something may go down at the G8 and/or Live8 events.
I hope i am wrong about that, and about an attack in general, but i feel it is almost inevitable.

Am I the only one who recognised/knows about what the Ulster/Protestant (Northern Ireland) flag looks like?? After visiting Belfast a few months ago I know it now (Like the English St George flag all white with red cross, but yellow circle in middle and red hand in middle). I dunno if any conspiracies can be started but on many occasions of watching the concert on TV I witnessed someone right at the front of the stage waving a very large Ulster Protestant flag, clearly viewed during the Coldplay performance, whilst after that the cameras tried to block it out from being clearly displayed and recognised. After my experience of walking through both hoods of the Catholic district and the Protestant districts in Belfast at night by myself, and observing all of the murals in both places I knew to myself that the fighting would never end. As the peace treaty has been going on for a few years now I feel the IRA could be buying more time to stockpile more weapons (as recently discovered by UK tabloids in the past month or two, finding NEW weapons, from Russia I believe). This idea is probably far out but ya never know, the waving of the flag could have been a signal to some of the Protestant loyalist paramilitaries or something???

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 12:49 PM

regardless, it is a side effect. like it or not, if one chooses to fill their mind with the inner thoughts of serial killers - one will inevitably be one step closer to thinking like a killer. baby steps.

as for big brother, why should film, or TV in general be the taboo subject for studying society? your complete attention is a rare thing - but for 2 hours at a time you can be bombarded with impressions, some direct and some more subtle.

I see what you're saying, yes. But using your reasoning there, every criminologist and/or psychologist would be two steps away from being the next Ted Bundy - and that's obviously not the case. Likewise, your average crime scene investigator is no closer to becoming the next John Wayne Gacy than you or I.

We're bombarded with many things....but it eventually falls upon us, the viewers, to discern fact from fiction, myth from reality, propaganda from truth.

It's not what we're told, or what we learn - it's what we do with that knowledge.

(btw, the Live8 events are all concluded now, yes? Anything occur?)

[edit on 3-7-2005 by Tinkleflower]

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 04:37 AM

We're bombarded with many things....but it eventually falls upon us, the viewers, to discern fact from fiction, myth from reality, propaganda from truth.

so true. it falls on the viewer to discern for him/her self. i already pointed out the confusion in film surrounding 'reality/fantasy'.

look at reality TV. all these shallow minded people pretending to be themselves in front of cameras. and were told its ~~REAL~~. bs! there is such a drive to be rich and famous, anybody will lie to the camera. even dan rathers. when the TV is your main source of information, and it admittably occasionally slips up with false info - well yeah, the individual is pretty darned ignorant to discern for him/herself that the machine is trustworthy.

individuals, lets discern!

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