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U.S. Muslims desecrate American flag

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posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 02:40 PM
From what I have read, any follower of Islam is by definition a follower of the same God as Christians and Jew's. Isn't Jesus also revered by the Muslims? Doesn't it say in their holy books that they should treat christians like their brothers? Shouldn't all christians, assuming they give more than mere creed to it, revere all life including Muslims?

Why fear your brother. Treat him with respect, and more times than not it will be shown back. Invade their country and it is hardly surprizing that they may feel uneasy or dislike toward you. Wouldn't you feel the same if tables were reveresed?

Do unto others my friends..

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by NightStalker

Originally posted by spamandham

Originally posted by XphilesPhan
Do you realise for an american flag to touch the ground it must be nburned in an honor ceremony?

That's an urban legend.

No, its not. Do some research on Flag Etiquete. It is the only honorable way to dispose of an American Flag.

Here's the top result from googling on flag etiquette:
Flag ettiquette

A quote from the Q&A section:
Q: My flag touched the ground. Do I need to destroy it?

A:No. You should, of course, try to avoid having the flag touch the ground. But if it does, you should correct the situation immediately. If the flag has been dirtied, you should clean it by hand with a mild soap solution and dry it well before returning it to use.

It's true that according to the honor code you are supposed to dispose of it in a dignified way when a flag becomes unusable, but you need not do so merely because it touched the ground.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc

You are correct. I have my freedom to burn Korans if I wish to.

Agreed, and Bibles too if that floats your boat. Ain't freedom great?

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:22 PM

It's true that according to the honor code you are supposed to dispose of it in a dignified way when a flag becomes unusable, but you need not do so merely because it touched the ground.

That is the key part...but many uphold a tradition of a ceremonial burning for a flag touching the ground, as it signifies defeat. It's more of a superstition, than etiquette....

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by spamandham

Originally posted by skippytjc

You are correct. I have my freedom to burn Korans if I wish to.

Agreed, and Bibles too if that floats your boat. Ain't freedom great?

You can burn a bible if you want, want to use my flaming Koran to start it?

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by NightStalker
ECK: Try bringing a Bible into a Muslim Country. You will find out how fast a Muslim can and will burn a Bible.
I agree with the premise of what you are saying
about not getting bent out of shape over either action. Most of our soldiers would not know about the cultural taboos on handleing the Koran, but Muslims living in the US should know about the reactions to burning the flag.

Trust me. I know. I've been to Saudi Arabia. They do not allow ANYTHING Christian.

Burning the flag, while abhorent to most of us, is not illegal. Beating the crap out of someone doing that here, though, is.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by spamandham
Flag protection laws are appropriate for police states and petty dictatorships, not for the nation that call itself the land of the free.

Yer gettin a little deep, there, buddy.

Ya gotta love that home of the FREE land of the brave lip service.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:46 PM
There is a difference between discontent U.S. citizens burning a U.S. flag, and a government authority flushing Qu'rans down the toilet.

Do remember that.


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
There is a difference between discontent U.S. citizens burning a U.S. flag, and a government authority flushing Qu'rans down the toilet.

Do remember that.


The difference just might be that the Kuran was never flushed down the toilet !

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 04:28 PM
Maybe I should just ride by a Muslim community in my state and hang up Islamic flags and korans then use my blow torch and some gasoline. Lets see how they would feel. I personally am not a religious person so I don't give a... about the koran or the bible but I do respect the Flag and what it stands for.

Of course the media would label any person doing hat as a racist Muslim hater or whatever but when Muslims in this country desecrate the flag they are standing up to the govern and making a point.

[edit on 10-6-2005 by WestPoint23]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 04:37 PM

There's a hell of a difference between a piece of cloth made in china and a holy book whether that book is the koran, the bible or whatever holy book.

Please tell me you're kidding. The Koran - a book printed by men, and written by men. Just like the Bible the Koran is nothing more than a book written, and printed by MAN. The flag - also printed by MAN. It's printed with ink on paper - NOTHING more. Gee let's cut the heads off of some innocent civilians, and post it on the internet. After his blood stops spewing, and we place his severed head on his back - with his hands bound behind his back, because he might fight back againnst all 7 of us, and we scream allah akbar, and pose in front of the camera.
Let's see, a book of words printed on paper in a print shop who thinks nothing of it but a job to be printed versus a human being being beheaded.......

I say enough - want a fight? Bring it on.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
I don't give a... about the koran or the bible but I do respect the Flag and what it stands for.

Of course the media would label any person doing hat as a racist Muslim hater or whatever but when Muslims in this country desecrate the flag they are standing up to the govern and making a point.

I am a Christian AMERICAN. You have no respect for my faith.

So, some might say you are no better than those who desecrate the flag b/c you're a Godless heathen who has no respect for others.

I'm not bothered by you, though; b/c opinions are like azzholes, everyone's got one.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:31 PM

I'm not bothered by you, though; b/c opinions are like azzholes, everyone's got one.

Yes - and most of them stink

All kidding aside though - it comes down to respect. Both items are man-made, yes; but this doesn't mean one is more precious than the other. It's the perception of the owner that usually defines if something is offensive or not..and if we willingly tamper with either object, with the knowledge that someone will find it offensive, then it's reasonable to deduce the act came from malice....and that's never a good thing.

Destroying or damaging either item reflects a simple lack of respect. However, neither act is illegal and nor should it be illegal.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by superdude

Please tell me you're kidding. The Koran - a book printed by men, and written by men. Just like the Bible the Koran is nothing more than a book written, and printed by MAN. The flag - also printed by MAN. It's printed with ink on paper - NOTHING more. Gee let's cut the heads off of some innocent civilians, and post it on the internet. After his blood stops spewing, and we place his severed head on his back - with his hands bound behind his back, because he might fight back againnst all 7 of us, and we scream allah akbar, and pose in front of the camera.
Let's see, a book of words printed on paper in a print shop who thinks nothing of it but a job to be printed versus a human being being beheaded.......

I say enough - want a fight? Bring it on.

Friggen WHAT???

Man you are seeing some serious purple haze to correlate book burning with beheading.


posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Maybe I should just ride by a Muslim community in my state and hang up Islamic flags and korans then use my blow torch and some gasoline.

Maybe you won't want the world to watch your beheading 20 minutes later on the internet.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I'm not bothered by you, though; b/c opinions are like azzholes, everyone's got one.

Way to go ECK....great way to keep the peace in here. Its No wonder half the threads end up in flames.

Back on topic, I don't blame people for hating Arabs right now....their not doing alot to win people over. daily suicide bombings, beheadings, lies, corruption, road-side bombs, greed and stupidity seem to be their trademark. Their the screwed up ones....not us.

Yeah and burning our flag should not only get your citizenship outta get an a** beating to go with it.


[edit on 063030p://555 by LA_Maximus]

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by LA_Maximus

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
I'm not bothered by you, though; b/c opinions are like azzholes, everyone's got one.

Way to go ECK....great way to keep the peace in here. Its No wonder half the threads end up in flames.

Back on topic, I don't blame people for hating Arabs right now....their not doing alot to win people over. daily suicide bombings, beheadings, lies, corruption, road-side bombs, greed and stupidity seem to be their trademark. Their the screwed up ones....not us.

Yeah and burning our flag should not only get your citizenship outta get an a** beating to go with it. If someone pulls that crap in front of me Im gonna dot their fact I have the American flag tattoo'd on my upper left arm with the words "Lets Roll" right under it.


Your patriotism is admirable.

But why exactly would burning a flag indicate the person should have their citizenship stripped?

That's along the same lines as "if you badmouth the government here, we'll have you executed".

And I figured this great nation was such that it'd never sink to that level.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:33 PM

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:47 PM
Pure Hate


This thread is the Perfect example of the Polarization of a Society - caused by the "Masters of Puppets".

Its great huh?

To possess this kind of Power, to create Conflict among people, who really dont know each other.

Pure Evil.

Divide and Conquer.

Oldest Trick in the Book.

Use Patriotic or Religious Symbols and You just cant go Wrong.

People will always Blindly protect one or the other, not knowing that by doing that, they are just banging their heads against the walls.

Nope, you cant win this Rat Race, for it has been Lost in the Start.

We are not the Ones that decide any of this - we are only the Victims of the Machine.

The Machine does not care who gets in its wheels and gets crushed.

The Machine just Swallows everybody.

The Machine is pure Hatebreeder.

And thats what THEY want US to do.

Cant You All see that?



Pure Utopia.

How can we have Peace when people argue over such dumb topics like this - not just argue, but get really personal about it.

And even if you win the Argument - You have Lost the Fight.

Nobody wins here, at least nobody here.

The people who are winning, are the ones that have started this Conflict in the Start, and they HOPE for this to happen.

They Hope for People to Fight among each other over this kind of topics.

Burn the Bible. Torch the Qu'ran. Flame the Flag.

Where does it Stop?

I burn the Flag and You are going to Shoot me for that?

Hate Breeds Hate in this Rate Race.

People better Wake up and Realise that the Man in Control Benefits from this.

Not You.

And not Me.

If you want to Fight - Fight the RICH and Their WARS.

The sooner You all realize that, the Better.

posted on Jun, 10 2005 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Janus
When i was in the Army serving in Northern Ireland the Provos used to burn the Union Jack at almost every rally i was forced to attend to provide security to the people who would have gladly seen me dead with a bullet in the back of my head.
We didn't let it get to us, im not sure if it was because the British tend to be more restrained in our emotions than other nations or that we had seen it so many time that we had become imune to the shock value of the act of burning the flag.
My own personal thoughts were that a flag does not make a nation. The people who live and work and build a constructive society are the ones that make a nation great. The American people have much to be proud of, technical inovation, advances in medicine, the arts the list goes on. To respond to the act of flag burning is exactly what these people want, they want to sow discord and show defiance to a nation they view ( whether rightly or wrongly ) as oppressive and a threat to their cause.
The best thing to do is look these people in the eye and smile knowingly and walk on by, believe me that hurts them much more than reponding in a violent or disrespectful way to their symbols of belief and sense of nation hood. After all as Nietzsche famously said Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

of all the dribble thats been posted in this thred, this message of yours I think is about the all round best. Keep up it up Janus

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