posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 09:21 PM
Look, guys, I dont care if you wanna put your faith in an invisble spook roaming around in the clouds, thats your business, and a protected right. My
business is when the followers of said spook take control of the govornment and steer the country on the guidance of said invisible spook. George Bush
is listening to god in his head and driving us to ruin. Thus, religion and politics in the same cart, the very nightmare that the Muslim world is
engulfed in. teligious superstition and schitzophrenia steering our nation? How do we differ from Muslims then?
Osama Bin laden hears voices from god too. So does Bush. So, both are basically communing with the same big spook, but hes feeding them different
lines of bull#. Sounds like god is a banker to me, or an Illuminati, since hes playing both sides of the war. Who is really following said supreme
being? One side claims only they have the truth. Another side claims they have the only truth. Hell, everyone claims this. If god existed, i think, in
his omnipotence, that he would have clarified matters for people instead of fircing the dilema of faith. After all, according to some of your
superstitions, those who dont believe what you believe fry in hell. Wouldnt a loving god clear through the clutter and show you which one is real?
Thus, why good athiests, agnostics, and heathens are needed to balance and slam religions, to keep them in check and from getting out of control.
believe what you want, i dont care if you wanan pray to Allah, Jesus, Buddah, Yaweh, Zeus., or your dorrknob, keep it within your own community, When
your superstions drive an entire nation down your w=own religious course, then it becomes everyones problem and must be stopped.
Incedentally, the Jesus myth was ripped off from countless heathen sun god worship traditions. The idea of a pure male of divine origin born of a
virgin mortal or godess is older than even the Hebrews. Its the myth of the cycle of the seasons. The sun is born, (the winter solstace) the sun grows
to manhood (spring) the sun in its prime sheds blessing and life upon the world(summer) the comming chill fo winter means the grain, the fruit of the
sun, must be cut down and sacrificed to prepare for winter(autumn), the sun is finally killed (Halloween, or other pre winter celebrations), and the
sun is reborn again anew, ressurected, whatever(winter solstace again) the cycle of the seasons. Oldest myth of mankind, the Christians werent the
first. And much of the stories in the bible were ripped off by the Israelites during thier time in Babylon. (the flood, the garden of Eden both stem
from even older babylonian myths).
Reality check. Its a buyers market out there, and Chritianity is in decline. Unfortunately, the unnatural tenents of Christianity (no sex outside
marriage, love thy enemies, ect) have stiffeled people too much to the point that revolt, started long before modern times, is in full speed.