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Psychic self defense help

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posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 10:00 PM
So If you have read my post in the health and wellness section that i made, you would know I am experiencing some things that don't feel normal.

I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolor disorder. I have auditory hallucinations.
some say there is a thin line between madness and talent.

I sometimes wonder if I'm both mad, and with talent, and the two seem to intertwine in my mind.

so on one possibility is that my voices are real people who are using psychic attacks on me,
another possibility is that its mental illness.

now where psychic self defense comes in, if I am really getting hit by psychic attacks, it would help me defend and nullify them.
on the other hand, if its my mental illness, since its a matter of my sub conscious and my mental state, psychic self defense still might help me combat my symptoms.

one thing i have been studying a bit are mudras. a little bit about them here

Now I was wondering If it would be possible to incorporate mudras and meditation into psychic self defense.

now on to the next part.

I need to find a way to tell if this is really psychic phenomenon, or mental illness.

I know next to nothing about psychic self defense and would like to learn, most preferably with content i can access on the internet without having to buy an expensive book on psychic self defense.

I want to have an open discussion on this.

I am an open book, so don't be afraid to ask questions even if you think they might be hard on me.


posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 10:50 PM

originally posted by: wrayth
I have been diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolor disorder. I have auditory hallucinations.
some say there is a thin line between madness and talent.

I sometimes wonder if I'm both mad, and with talent, and the two seem to intertwine in my mind.

I'm curious, what is your talent?

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 10:52 PM
Just my opinion, but modern psychology seems to treat the symptoms and not the cause of mental health; everything gets a label and some meds.

If I was a young person in todays' age I'm sure I'd be heavily medicated due to the challenges of my early life and not having an coping skills to address and overcome them.

I once read in a psychology book that it's not uncommon for a person who has just suffered a breakup to exibit all the signs of schizophrenia if they lack propper skills to process the traums. Others can go through a period of bipolars symptoms, antisocial personality disorder and others disorders.

There are absolutely people who need medicinal help, but I personally think a vast number of people are being over medicated without actually being counseled in ways to deal with the root cause of their problems.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 10:52 PM
I talk to myself in my mind all the time. Discussing things with my subconscious to work things out. Now I know the voice I hear is just my subconscious responding to my talking to it. I can actually hear it answer me in my mind...but the voice is not heard by my ears. Some people I have known say they hear a voice when it responds to them but the couple I did talk to about it knew it was just their mind doing this. I can easily distinguish what it is, but if I were on a medication that messed up my ability to comprehend things, I suppose I could think it was a voice from out of my body.

My subconscious does criticize me if it thinks I am messing up. It is like listening to someone way smarter than me trying to keep me from doing stupid things. Lots of people talk to themselves in their heads, but I guess if you start believing you are talking to someone or something else, then you might be considered nuts.

Strangely my subconscious knows things I do not know, so I am thinking it could be linked to other individuals I am somehow related to or connected to. When I investigate the answer to a question I ask....It is usually true, but I have to do some studying to see why it is true or how to use the information. If I was dishonest, I would say I figured it out, but I believe there is a link between people and sometimes people and other animals that we can learn to utilize.

It will take me years to refine this, and remember, if we are linked to others, how do you know if the person you linked to is sane or if they are good people. So beware of just following these "intuitions" because you do not know who the link is with. Others have beliefs and sometimes their beliefs do cloud their judgements so hooking to them could cause a lot of bad to happen in your life. Think of this...The Jehovah Witnesses banish people if they do not follow their customary beliefs. You can block these bad links if you want to, some bad people also block good people's links so they do not mess up their deceit. This link could be part of our conscience too, but I think the link comes somehow through our subconscious, so many people do not recognize it is a link to others. How many times have you wanted to see someone and wind up going to a store or place that they are at and see them. We can also sense their location I believe. It is not a coincidence when it happens a lot.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: wrayth

If you think you might be mad and are watching for it, then you most likely are not, as true madness leaves the patient with no insight. You might have a neurotic condition, but that might be doubtful.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 11:04 PM
I bring forth counsel born of my own epic journey. In the realm you traverse, forsake the notion of mere 'defense' and instead, forge a new reality of your own making. Immerse yourself in the harmonies of uplifting melodies that resonate with your very soul, and let your actions echo the understanding of your unique schizoaffective domain. Be it through melodic verses, written scrolls, or uplifting aphorisms, shape a reality that aligns with your vision.

Acknowledge that your reality diverges from the tapestry woven by others, yet grasp the power to mold it to your whims. Should your current quest yield an unfavorable experience, swiftly shift the narrative by altering your course of action. In this game of existence, the power to shape your reality is yours to wield. May your journey be filled with triumph and harmony.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: wrayth

You really should discuss this with your doctor because a professional opinion is hard to ignore. We are all Muppets here as far as you know.

However....., deep and prolonged resonant humming provides a safe space where the only sound you will hear will be the sound of the whole universe inside you and around you.

Strangers who don't belong have NO voice when the only voice is yours.

Keep it simple my friend, and remember that only YOU can really know YOU because even speaking to friends, family or professionals will depend on your own honesty and understanding to make connections to build and retain the Momentum and Potential you need to continue your journey.

Don't drink alcohol or do pharmaceuticals except prescriptions you need. You can't find YOU if YOU isn't there when you visit.

This is also a great way of loosening and getting rid of rubbish if you are a smoker.

Don't dissappear on us and feel free to PM for private chat if you wish.

What is a humming meditation?

The humming like a bee humming meditation is a great way to reduce stress and bring a peaceful silence to mind.

It is a powerful meditation, which is an easy technique for beginners to learn. It’s a great way to relax after a busy, stressful day and can help you sleep better at night when performed before bedtime. It is similar to mantra meditation, except there are no mantras vocalized.

By focusing on the sound of our own voice, we easily become distracted from chaotic thought patterns bringing peace, joy, and happiness to our being.

This article discusses how to perform the humming like a bee meditation and the health and many wellbeing benefits you will be rewarded with. You wil never regreat giving this ago and oh my goodness do children love to do this too. It totally appeals to them and makes them smile and calm down.

Humming Meditation – and it’s 10 powerful benefits

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
Just my opinion, but modern psychology seems to treat the symptoms and not the cause of mental health; everything gets a label and some meds.

Precisely why I chose Philosophy rather than Psychology.

Labels don't travel well stuck to ever changing everything. And nobody can help messed up Psychologists.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 11:19 PM
I'll share something quite unexpected that happened to me once in 1997 during the Phoenix lights days, and it was in Phoenix that my experience happened.

First a disclaimer. Obviously sometimes folks can have a real illness of some sort, but is the textbook diagnosis correct? I don't think it always is.

I moved into an apartment, and the woman that lived next door was said to have some mind issues. (The manager told me).

After a couple weeks I could hear this woman yelling at someone. She was yelling back at someone as if they were insulting her or treating someone badly like insults. So I put my ear up to the wall and then I could hear like a bunch of men and women voices taunting this lady about how they were going to mess her up, and I could hear both sides of the woman's conversation. Those other voices besides the woman that lived there were evil spirits. Those voices taunting her were threatening her with pretty ugly things, so I knew it had to be some kind of evil oppressions happening.

A lot more happened, not sure I want to get into it. I had to leave that place to the point of ditching that city and move a couple thousand miles away even.

There were no people taunting her in person physically there.

One point is never tell any doctor things like this. They are schooled and book learned in the belief that it must always be explainable in an accepted way, and since they never experience dark things like the above experience, they just can't accept it as a possibility.

posted on Jan, 19 2024 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: wrayth

A few questions:

What do the voices say?

Are there different voices?

Are they only in your head, or do you see them?

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 12:53 AM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: wrayth

A few questions:

What do the voices say?

Are there different voices?

Are they only in your head, or do you see them?

=what do the voices say?=
(they play mind games, for instance if i tell them "i am a good person" they always say personality instead trying to get me to believe I'm a personality)

(they call me a name i used to use in yahoo chat around 2003 "mindfray", they also call me by the name of one of my oldest dungeons and dragons characters "blackstone", if i tell them "I'm not mindfray" they will so oh well "insert my real first and last name here" is a horrible person, but "mindfray" is a good person)

(they will also do things i like to call "delusion checks" where periodically they will say strange things like "open the doorframe" to see if I am susceptible to suggestion, they will say things to try and confuse me)

=are there different voices=
yes, two of the more powerful and dominant voices name themselves after two people i knew in yahoo chat in 2003, this was in the yahoo chatroom "paganism 3"

one of these voices was doug, and the other voice was darlene. both voices sounded just like the people i would talk to in voice in that yahoo chatroom.

doug likes to get me to think that he is going to steal things from me, and darlene usually try's to tell me to self harm, or tries to get me to think that she is going to harm me in some way.

then we have lucy, who is possessive of me and tells me to stay away from females, she often says things like "are you ready for the crucible" and usually distorts how she sounds to sound frightening, and can often make me feel things touching me when i know nothing is, like water dripping down the side of my head , when that happens she says i am bleeding from my head.

then i have what i like to call the voiceless voices, lucy, doug or darlene will call these voices names out and converse with them, but i never hear these voices talk. that is why i call them the voiceless voices.

=are they only in your head, or do you see them=
i am on a good cocktail of meds, so i hear them in my head like my own thoughts. each of them has a distinct personality. i never see anything, only hear them in my head.

The thread I was talking about that I posted in the health and wellness forums

edit on 1/20/2024 by wrayth because: (no reason given)

edit on 1/20/2024 by wrayth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 12:59 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: nugget1
Just my opinion, but modern psychology seems to treat the symptoms and not the cause of mental health; everything gets a label and some meds.

And nobody can help messed up Psychologists.

I have a former sister-in-law that is one of the most messed up individual I've ever know and she recently got her masters degree in psycology.
She's been into 'recreational' drugs her entire life, and yet she now counsels people struggling with mental health issues.

'Better living through modern chemistry' eh?

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 01:12 AM
I was wondering if anyone was familiar with meditating with mudras? the link i posted to the wiki in my first post talks about them.

also here Mudras

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 02:27 AM
a reply to: wrayth

So no talent then?

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: wrayth

I use some mudras / hand palm moves for psychic self-defense / healing.

First I do breathing/ energy work by practicing the tree stance everyday.
Easy to learn, plenty of training material on youtube about qi gong or tai chi.
Once I feel my hands energized I do some moves with them , some using finger positions.

It helped me tremendously, however not everybody can feel the energy building up with breathing.
There is another less effective option but still good involving sigil visualization for self defense.

PM me if you would like more precise details.

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: wrayth

So no talent then?

you must have overlooked this link that i had in one of my posts

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: wrayth

I overlooked the link but have now followed it. No sign of talent there.

I asked because you brought it up and I saw no sign of it.

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Bro, this is amazing.

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: midicon
a reply to: wrayth

I overlooked the link but have now followed it. No sign of talent there.

I asked because you brought it up and I saw no sign of it.

talent or no talent, I made this thread so i could form some tools to combat my symptoms. if psychic self defense methods would help me combat my symptoms by focusing my mind on something structured, then I'm better for it.

I also asked about meditation as a tool. I tried the humming meditation nerbot mentioned and i think it will be a good tool to help me focus my mind.

talent is not the issue here, its finding a way to deal with what i experience.

posted on Jan, 20 2024 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: wrayth

Fair enough. I wish you well.

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