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Coming disclosure?

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posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Actually….I could use a Gray for a Maid


posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Greys are interesting beings, so many of them.

I'm sure if you posted a job offering, one might be keen to help.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: surfer_soul

but is capable of utilising zero point energy, generates its own vacuum bubble around it, so it is not affected by external forces and that’s why it can accelerate and change direction in an instant?

Space Vacuum Bubble aka Ionized Atmosphere?

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Forget? I was at those DC protests against the invasion of Iraq. IF we got mentioned on the news the numbers were reported to be mb 20% of those actually there (150,000 reported as 30,000). y point is they can push whatever video adnd narrative they want since they own every major network and media outlet. They control the information the average person gets to such a degree they sway their image of reality. They got us to stay locked inside, wear masks, keep 6' away from others and bunch of other BS just to play Simon Says with us. Many of us knew better but if you wanted to go grocery shopping or to the doctor you had to follow their nonsense. They can sell an alien invasion the same way.

this is such a surface level analysis that it actually stings a little.
Regardless of whether you believe covid is real , it is a DISEASE. as in, not visible. and people certainly were getting sick, in large numbers and in ways that weren't common. I know that when i contracted it, it didn't feel like any illness i'd had before.

SO let's compare this to the alien invasion situation. According to your unbelievably lazy analysis, they'd whack a few vids on FOX, say "everyone stay home", and then what? people still went outside during covid! people still had jobs and needed groceries! There were Emergency rooms filled to the brim and everyone's gran dying horribly and there were still protests and people who refused to wear masks, and even where i live - Melbourne, Australia, officially the Most Locked Down City In The World - there were people out and about every single day.

What happens when no one sees these invading aliens? what happens when there's no destruction in their town? Unless you're positing some sort of situation where the government literally becomes an invading and occupying force across the globe using some sort of clone army, i think we can safely discount anyone being fooled for very long.

It's SO cynical to just wave your hand and go "those sheep will eat up everything the government tells them, it's bluebeam o'clock and game over". it makes you sound like an edgy fifteen year old.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

to be honest given the way fetware is joining the everyday world am sure there are those who'd pay to be your maid in that uniform..

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: BlueJacket

I am nearly 100% certain that all this is meant to keep us wondering about the angels and devils instead of the priests, kings and pope.

They can't sell us on a metaphysical justice system anymore, so they are bringing us aliens and interdimensional beings instead, so that they can scare us into compliance with their aims.

Yet, there is that infinitely small possibility these ARE beings from someWHERE else. Those orbs and tictacs have always been here and we dont have a clue what they are.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 08:59 AM
As someone who has moderate experience in the radio world, I don't understand the ongoing ignorance of cell phone tech. 5G is not some weaponized tech. We've had this tech for decades. In fact, the ONLY new tech coming in with 5G is the 'Ultra-Wide' bands that are even higher frequency than previous frequencies. (Note: Most 5G bands are simply repurposed 4G bands we've all been living under.)

The biggest (and most likely) threat of 5G is the instant and high bandwidth monitoring of you and your devices.

If you think normal exposure to RF is causing covid or any other nonsense, then you need to educate yourself. That being said, prolonged and/or high exposure to some devices can cause other health issues. Basically, unless you live right under a tower, or you sleep with your face on your phone every night for decades, you're unlikely to experience any issues at all. Even under those circumstances it's minimal.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

I caught whatever it was in Feb of 2020 and it put me down for a month. There was some type of severe flu going around and I was short of breath for months afterwards. As for the covid hysteria I still see people wearing masks all the time, no certain demographics either. Fundamental perceptions have been changed through media influencing. None of us ever saw covid 19. We had to take others word for it that is existed. All I'm saying is the potential for disclosure is better now than ever thanks to the new tools at hand. I'm pretty sure we have a fake president because that is not the Joe Biden I remember from congress 20 -30 years ago.
You may not be in the easily swayed crowd but know that there are massive numbers of people willing to blindly accept whatever propaganda is pushed on them day and day out by "the authorities". If that sounds trite to you I'd say we have very different opinions of how humans operate and what is possible.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

lol couple of videos...

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:05 AM
Disclosure will not happen with the current administration.

They have demonstrated a troubling incompetence with technology and logical thinking. They do not care about our borders or the trouble in our major cities, so how could they possibly deal with a public that knows how much they have been lied to?

Disclosure also requires a formal scientific process which they cannot organize.

Perhaps in the next administration, but certainly no guarantees there as well.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals
Could that be it?

Technically they are there...
Biologically they are there...
Strategically they are there...

They obtain the ingredients to the end game ?

If true , they must hate us enough, bring it on I say

edit on 0b17America/ChicagoMon, 14 Aug 2023 11:37:17 -0500vAmerica/ChicagoMon, 14 Aug 2023 11:37:17 -05001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

What purpose do the ongoing U.S. Congressional UFO panels serve?

Well for one...Grusch's attempt to testify tidbits of information about UAP's, is probably a CIA psy-op to gauge the public's reaction to such testimony.

Or the other could be a Federal attempt to climatize the public about the existence of ET starships and their crew --- as for now and hopefully in the far future --- about ET aliens peacefully invading our planet.
edit on 14-8-2023 by Erno86 because: added a word

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 01:22 PM
If there is a true alien contact, who’s to say people would believe it unless everyone met one in their living room?

Okay, the president says we met them last week in the desert. And even we see one live on TV, and some officials and scientists say yeah, they’re here and real.

Okay, now what.

And the population has been increasingly made skeptical about the government in general.

You see, things might have to evolve slowly, whatever the truth is one way or the other.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 03:29 PM
Congress passed an actual law mandating some aspects of disclosure within months. The House and Senate are taking this seriously. They are using eminent domain to take UFOs from anyone who is holding on to them illegally, including corporations. And they are ready to strike the salaries of any government officials participating.
edit on 14pmMon, 14 Aug 2023 15:30:00 -0500kbpmkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: continuousThunder

People don't see things blowing up or aliens in their own yards the alien invasion meme tanks out.
And by tanking out I mean people will be pissed beyond belief the IC messed with them.
Not a bright move with millions of voters with guns and a handy new target.

Of course there's still gonna be a bunch who use "alien invasion" to call off work for a day or two unless they can milk a month or so out of this. Can't wait to see the economy come to a full stop as the politians now have to provide funding for millions of people who will be jobless cause the Govt told them the equivalent of armageddon was in progress.

Who needs Russia, North Korea, or China to destroy the US when we have elected officials to do it for us?
It'd be the most epic Darwin Award moment in history.

posted on Aug, 14 2023 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

dude, you're not reading what i said. An alien invasion is not "propaganda". It's a fundamentally different situation to covid -which you admt to being down for a MONTH from and still have latitude to argue the reality of. If we're invaded, we're invaded and that's it. It won't be "oh i have a sneaking suspicion the president is an actor", it'll be death on the streets and your neighbours house blown up and forced labour camps on Rigel IV.

You could technically fake the very beginning of that, Orson Welle's War of the Worlds style, but that lasted ONE NIGHT. And then what?

I'm not saying your assertions are trite, i'm saying you've started having a thought and not finished it.

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: Asktheanimals

It seems it's long been the way to promote (covertly) the Alien narrative when the military have things in the sky they don't want seen , TBH I don't see a change.

I don't think we're any closer to Disclosure than we were 10 or 20 years ago , as much as I would like to see evidence of recovered craft it's not going to happen...

We are being played.


It's just part of a long-term gaming strategy. TDL was just another pawn in the game - kicked around for a while for TPTB amusement and to placate (some of) the masses for a few years. TDL was supplanted by Cool-Luis for a bit. Like Georgio and Greer and all the rest - soon, another puppet will emerge to sing and dance for us - maybe titillate us with another grainy, out-of-focus video we can all squeeze for a few years of orgasmatron media attention. C'mon - you think our best gun-cameras don't have anything better than that? I could get a better clip riding shotgun in that Hornet and just holding my cell phone! C'mon, numbskulls - think!

Sure we're being played. Absolutely, my friend. Only there are no rules to this game for us 'little people', in the 'game; and participation is always a farce, divorced entirely from reality - a fantasy. It's a diversion. Eye candy. As long as we keep staring at the same Tic-Tac grains buzzing around - it gives 'researchers' something to talk about - takes their focus and attention away from uncovering any facets of the potential true story.

Those in charge will always find new shiny objects to toss in our path. It's by design, dummies! Part of the plan.

EVERYTHING is proceeding according to plan. Just keep looking OVER THERE!

The masses stay ignorant, and TPTB stay in control of the truth.

That's the plan.

It works.

It's been working for over 70 years.

See Tom run? RUN Tom, RUN! Play that Funky Music, White Boy! Just keep kicking the 'ole can down THAT street over there... and alll you 'chillins just keep on following him... What? Another Dead-end?! Shocking!

edit on 8/17/2023 by Outrageo because: TT$A

posted on Aug, 17 2023 @ 12:30 AM
a reply to: Asktheanimals

If you only believe videos sure. That's probably fake. But that's on you.
If you think one world government is a bad thing you are for inequality and injustice, that's not sthg any advanced civilisation will have the patience to deal with, especially since neither Earth nor humanity are in any way rare or special.

As far as I can tell they've marked and already stored the ones they want to preserve if you're not in on it ...
No government can disclose anything because they're limited by bias and can't overcome their own psychology to really entertain anything outside already trodden paths.

What our physics clearly shows, no matter what theory you specifically subscribe to is that we can't perceive what is actually happening, be it the dark matter / dark energy debacle, or the missing dimensions in string theory.
Humanity is suffering from lethal hubris, the not even 5% who think they matter to anyone or anything in the bigger picture.
Pathetic and laughable.

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