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Just saw the most ridiculous Job Posting

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posted on May, 25 2023 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

From everything I’ve read and seen. People I actually speak to (I work in a drug store, talk to lots of people). People are taking early retirement. Covid worked them to the bone when everyone else sat home and collected double. The workers I know were burnt out! Some were just sick of the shot threats and chose other positions.

A lot of people leaving state for cheaper living, the ones I know, work from home, so do quite well to move South.

I’m not surprised by what you saw! 12 years ago, I was living in Cape Cod. I couldn’t find a job for the life of me. I even checked McDonalds, which was cringey for me , as I previously earned on average 65k working for the phone comp. I took a severance to raise my son. Anyways, I got no call, even went in, nothing, I dumbed down
My resume accordingly. Not to bad mind you.

Weeks later a friend of mine and our children went to that McDonalds. The guy who tried to wait on us, couldn’t speak English AT ALL. My friend who is from Brooklyn NY and speaks perfect Spanish tried to converse with him, and she couldn’t understand him either. We ended up pointing to the menus, and he still couldn’t get it right. His manager had to come and help us. I actually felt bad for him, he looked so confused and frazzled. No one else working with him.

I feel like I’m living in 2008 all over again.

I know this isn’t going to be popular, but I have a suggestion. Instead of sending billions to fight a proxy war to Ukraine. Maybe, we could build housing for our new workers (I’m sorry citizens). Get them the real help they need to acclimate.

Could it be that we brought them here to die? Or is it really just for the Democratic vote?

Also, I know a couple guys I work with who just finished up trade training. One is a very reliable, smart, kind, trustworthy individual, who will do well whatever he ends up doing because he has such a positive attitude and always looking for solutions, reliable and a good worker. Well poor guy keeps being told you don’t have any experience.

Plus lots of micro managing turds out there lol!

edit on 25-5-2023 by KTemplar because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 12:48 PM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: JAGStorm

The Federal minimum wage is $7.25. From a quick Google, the minimum wage in Wisconsin (your example) is the same. How is nearly double that not generous?

Per RentHop the average studio apartment in Milwaukee for May 2023 is $750/month. Using your math, that's $750 leftover for utilities, transportation, and food.

Is it a lot? No. Is it liveable? Could go either way. A good been counter wouldn't live beyond their means.

It means the fed minimum wage needs an upgrade into reality.
14 dollars an hour is probably better as a fed minimum.
You could still barely buy yourself a pair of “bootstraps”

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
We have interns selling extermination and lawn services door-to-door, here.

Last week, I had a solicitor kid come to my door. It's his first time in Wisconsin. He's 18, from SLC and attends BYU. This is his "summer internship", selling Aptive Extermination services door-to-door.


That's just plain smart. He's probably there on mission, figured he can make some cash while he's there.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: schuyler
"Pics or it didn't happen." Post the job description--all of it, or this is just speculation.

I’m not going to post it because I’d like to keep the illusion that my location is somewhat anonymous.
I know I’ve said many times I live in Wisconsin, but don’t need people trying to pinpoint my location.

My post is 100% true and accurate. I hope I’ve created a reputation here where people can trust that. If not oh well. The reality is there are lots of low paying jobs that want an enormous amount of experience or education for very little pay.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: JAGStorm

The Federal minimum wage is $7.25. From a quick Google, the minimum wage in Wisconsin (your example) is the same. How is nearly double that not generous?

Per RentHop the average studio apartment in Milwaukee for May 2023 is $750/month. Using your math, that's $750 leftover for utilities, transportation, and food.

Is it a lot? No. Is it liveable? Could go either way. A good been counter wouldn't live beyond their means.

It means the fed minimum wage needs an upgrade into reality.
14 dollars an hour is probably better as a fed minimum.
You could still barely buy yourself a pair of “bootstraps”

The average rent for an apartment in Milwaukee is $1,369. The cost of rent varies depending on several factors, including location, size, and quality.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I think its some of the older generations that don't realize how much its costs to live nowadays. People complain that kids dont want to work, but i think its partially due to kids knowing their worth nowadays.

People don't want to work for scraps anymore. They don't want to be miserable, going to a job they hate, just to survive.

And the business will eventually learn this. They'll eventually have to higher someone who is desperate and will quit the job as soon as something better comes up. They'll have a high turnover rate and their business will suffer for it.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

And the business will eventually learn this. They'll eventually have to higher someone who is desperate and will quit the job as soon as something better comes up. They'll have a high turnover rate and their business will suffer for it.

My son had a decent job but it was paying him less than he wanted and bonuses weren’t that great. He was scouted for another job and took it, everything was better, location, pay, bonus pay etc. He graciously gave the old job two weeks notice and they were flabbergasted he didn’t try to negotiate.

He said “you going to pick up the building and move it closer to my house? They didn’t have much to say.
That’s the other thing these places don’t realize, gas and wear and tear on cars is a major expense now.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:01 PM
Is it a lot? No.

Is it generous? Yes!

a reply to: cmdrkeenkid

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

There are some good reasons for post like that...

This job requires the applicant to have a specialized degree. Keeps certain types of applicants out. Many will just say they do and apply but it cuts out randos

This job required the applicant to be able to lift at least 75lbs Helps find people who are not lazy

This job requires the applicant to relocated to a certain zip code (with their own funds) Checks their willingness to work

The best part, the pay is a whopping $14 an hour…. This is always negotiable

What usually happens with some of these jobs is they have to hire, and then train, and then put to work. This can use resources and money. The company is fronting that hoping the hire will stay. You also have attrition now at a high rate. People are retiring or people are leaving for better pay and it is leaving jobs open. So instead of paying one person 25 bucks an hour they hire 1 at 14 and then have them work PT so they do not need benefits also.

It is a big game and not many people want to play it.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: KTemplar

Covid worked them to the bone when everyone else sat home and collected double.

And all throughout covid we kept on hearing "We must cherish and support our frontline workers". People who had to work through covid and risk getting sick. Yet nobody bothered to pay them more. No one bothered to help them. They were just told how important they were.

It was a gross display of our captalistic system which showed we don't actually care about the people who make the system run. I knew many people who were able to work from home, with jobs that wern't even remotely as tough as many frontline workers. All who made 3x as much as most frontline workers.

It really reveiled the complete lack of ethics and morality within our society. The massive gap in wages between rich and poor.

So many people, who wern't actually doing anything to make society run, made millions, if not billions during covid. Meanwhile, the people who worked their ass off for pennies got sick, were abused, and thrown aside. All they got was a pat on the back while the rich took all the earnings to themselves.

Trickle-down economics my ass. More like, the rich hoarde allt he wealth and screw over everyone else. It's about time we have a revolution.

I love many parts of capatalism, but its gone way too far. It's become a system designed for the rich and to use up and grind out the poor.

This is why they focus on racial issues, LGBTQ issues, and left vs right politics. They want the people divided and hating each other. That way they won't realize the real enemy is the rich elite.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: matafuchs

The best part, the pay is a whopping $14 an hour…. This is always negotiable What usually happens with some of these jobs is they have to hire, and then train, and then put to work. This can use resources and money. The company is fronting that hoping the hire will stay. You also have attrition now at a high rate. People are retiring or people are leaving for better pay and it is leaving jobs open. So instead of paying one person 25 bucks an hour they hire 1 at 14 and then have them work PT so they do not need benefits also.

To be fair the job did say “starts” at $14 an hour, but my guess is that is what they really are paying since this job has been posted for a while, has expired and has been reposted. Obviously the crowds aren’t clamoring for this very low pay, high expectation job.

You are so right, people aren’t playing!

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

It really reveiled the complete lack of ethics and morality within our society. The massive gap in wages between rich and poor.

I really can’t believe some on here are ok with those job requirement and that pay.
I was making more than that in 1999!!!!!! In an entry level job sitting on my butt all day!

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 03:55 PM
I work in the IT STEM field. My employer wants to clear everyone out and hire people in waves for $18 / hour until they get the new employees to stay. They will be hiring people straight out of college. Its all about the profit.

This is a US government contractor. Even if they have crappy employees, doesn't matter they still get money under the contract and the contractor knows it. They expect the high paid employees being released to train the new ones. I am told to be professional about it. Is a lawsuit professional enough or maybe I don't have a leg to stand on except to just walk out.
edit on 25-5-2023 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

I couldn’t agree more! I think the younger generation sees it too, and they are already sick of it.

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Those prices probably just went up by at least 15 percent recently ?
Same thing happened where I am. 1850 rental is now 2400.
I have a friend who is scrambling to find another place.
His landlord jacked up the price by about 600.

I may have to get my McDoctorate, just to make ends meet!

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: ASrubWhoDiedAgain

An burger flipping or hospitality job is not a job for an adult long term. As stated above in a previous response, basic burger flipping and cashier jobs were never meant to support a family or lavish lifestyle.

Ahh it seems you are a resident of my state. Speaking from experience on this matter, and from a completely different part of FL, I can and will say that in my area we rely on two things for our local economy. Tourism and Military. Unless you have a business that deals in the tourist industry (good luck starting one with no capital on against long time established businesses) or are active duty/retired military then you won't find much work outside of these industries. Unless you move here with a lot of money, have the ability to work a remote job for 6 figures or more, then you have limited options.

You can say "well move then!" To that I'd say isn't an option for a large majority of residents that are native to their areas. Early on these areas could support locals, then everybody moved here out of town driving up prices. Which in turn has driven up living costs and forcing people to work 2-3 jobs to pay rent. Most times rent around here is based on the military's housing allowance. It's hard to move when you are essentially broke because your local economy provides barely enough to survive. There are no more "mom and pop shops" around coastal FL.. maybe inland to rural areas, but there is nothing there except farming.

You sound like a boomer that already has an established life, and you'll be damned if anybody else can get ahead in life.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: cmdrkeenkid
a reply to: JAGStorm

The Federal minimum wage is $7.25. From a quick Google, the minimum wage in Wisconsin (your example) is the same. How is nearly double that not generous?

It's not generous because the Federal Minimum wage doesn't mean anything today. It should be $25 an hour if it received yearly inflation adjustments.

My guess is that you started your career when the federal minimum wage actually represented the low end of what it would take to live comfortably. And back in the 70's people could usually count on somewhat of a career progression - not anymore.

This is not the 1970's where only highschoolers making a little extra spending money are paid the minimum wage. It's now the single mother supporting two children.

Imagine this, think about what you were making in your mid-twenties back in the 70s/80s. Divide that by a third. This is what people are stuck making from age 20 to 70.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:29 PM
$14 is absolutely not generous in Calif, McDonald worker get $16.50 to start. I worked as an electrician and my lowest pay was $40 an hour for non union.

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:42 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

Are we in a painful phase where boomers are retiring in droves. They were OK to take these low wages because their mortgages were so low or paid off? Something is amiss.

Anything customer-related is low pay, so if someone gets a degree in that area they are basically pissing money and time away. In the meantime, my kid does a no-skill job parking cars at the airport, and it's 18 per hour. BTW boomers make the higher end of the pay scale with decades of experience. A boomer making 14 per hour really F'ed up their whole life.
edit on 26-5-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: spacedoubt

It means the fed minimum wage needs an upgrade into reality.
14 dollars an hour is probably better as a fed minimum.
You could still barely buy yourself a pair of “bootstraps”

Fed minimum wage is an economic index and not really a wage. Doubling it would wreak havoc on the economy. States set their own minimum based mainly on the cost of living there.

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