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NEWS: Crop Circle Expert To Study Activity in North Devon

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 11:14 AM
North Devon is 'England's Green & Pleasant Land' with over 850 square miles of some of Britain's finest coast and countryside. Lately something strange has been happening in this beautiful area, several crop circles are appearing.
Local authoritys have called in Bob Trotta's Institute of Crop Circle Investigation (ICCI) for help. Trotta's team is very excited to be investigating in North Devon, over the last week there has been at least 14 new crop circles.
Trotta says "...we are seeing some really complicated patterns that are almost certainly beyond the capabilities of even the most accomplished hoaxer".
April 6, 2005 -- Once thought the preserve of cranks and eccentrics this burgeoning phenomenon has caught the attention of mainstream academia over the last few years including organisations such as Bob Trotta’s Institute of Crop Circle Investigation (ICCI). The recent activity in Devon saw local authorities reaching for the phone to request the advice of this leading research establishment.

The latest circles have appeared over the last week or so in at least fourteen different locations in North Devon, mainly in the large number of “super fields” that grow the cereal crops popular in this region. Speaking from his Woolacombe homestead local farmer David Wilkins had this to say: “I’ve always thought this sort of thing was a hoax but the ones that have appeared on my land have been so complicated that I can’t see how they could have been done overnight. I’m glad that Bob Trotta and his team are here to try and get to the bottom of things”.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Crop circles have been around since at least the 1700's and since the 1990's circles have become more complex. Certainly some, if not most, of the crop circles have been shown to be man made. However, how can you pull off making 14 of them in a week with out being noticed?
There is a mystery to these crop circles and we need to be paying more attention. This phenomena can't just be dismissed as a hoax.

Related Discussion Threads:
Crop Circle (pics)
Bizarre crop circle in Bedfordshire
Crop Circles
ATS Project Recruiting: Crop Circle Code

[edit on 6/4/2005 by Umbrax]

[edit on 6/4/2005 by Umbrax]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 04:35 PM
Sure they can get away with that many in 14 days when students are on vacation or beak comes to mind real fast.

Here a group caught on camera which as you pointed out that most are made by humans anyway, so why not all of them?

[edit on 4/6/2005 by shots]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 04:43 PM
Whilst humans can easily make a crop circle, or even a half decent pattern, can you tell me how humans could make the below?

It is geometricaly perfect, with intricate patterns, and was done overnight (in one night)...

Here is a link to the story..

Crop circle in Wiltshire, 2004

[edit on 6/4/05 by stumason]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 05:37 PM
These crop circles always remind me of the Nazca lines in Peru-

Angel Stars


posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 06:03 PM
stumason would it surprise you if found out what you questioned; was in fact the very same one the students where making?

[edit on 4/6/2005 by shots]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 06:11 PM

stumason would it surprise you if found out what you questioned; was in fact the very same one the students where making?

it would surpise me, but that site you linked to does not say they did it. They talk about it, but as if something lese did it... I might have missed something, but it seems as if it is another mystery.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 06:12 PM
shots, that site doesn't say anyone claimed responsibility for that particular circle and the picture just shows people walking around the circle as if they are doing test, making measurements etc, i don't see any proof that they made that particular circle

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 06:26 PM
Well it looked like there was what looked like two slats near some of the stuff and I have to admit it does not actually say they did it. I took what appeared to be something that could have been used to flaten the crop out and assumed they had used those since they did not appear to be a measuring device.

I am not realy into crop circles it was just my observation.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 06:33 PM

I am not realy into crop circles it was just my observation.

Neither am I per se, but this one grabbed my attention (I did alot of reading when i was younger, but sort of went off topic as I grew up)

In fact, I have the front page of the Daily Mail from last year when they reported this on my Kitchen Wall. A memento/reminder of things to come? who knows....

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 07:03 PM
P.R. web?

A self publishing site.

not exactly a reliable source.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 07:07 PM

P.R. web?

A self publishing site.

not exactly a reliable source.

And how do you come to that conclusion? Even so, doesn't actually affect the fact that there are crop circles in North Devon.....

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 08:05 PM
I do think more time should be invested in the study of crop circles. There are anomolies that cannot be explained by using planks of wood. If you look closely at many designs you can see a 3d effect made by interlacing the stalks. Once the many levels of a crop circle are viewed, the "plank o' wood" theory becomes laughable.

Stalks are woven together to form a 3d donut. This is unplankable.

A mesh of inter-woven stalks. I've seen video that shows some of these woven designs and there are many that are several layers deep. Unplankable.

Another weave design.

Another 3d donut.

Someone please show me how planks of wood caused this.

Anyone near a wheat field could try to duplicate this perfect bending of the node.

Think about the physics involved here. Planks of wood will not neatly bend every node.

Good luck duplicating this phenomenon.

Revenge of the Nodes.

"Planks o' Wood" has been thoroughly debunked. Next theory please.

Edit: one color tag isn't working 0_o

[edit on 4-6-2005 by ShadowHasNoSource]

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 07:12 PM

"Planks o' Wood" has been thoroughly debunked. Next theory please."

Debunked by who? I am sure many others might have theories other then yours! What makes you so sure that your theory is the only possible answer.

Btw where did you come up with the additional phots of the grain with twists, they were not in the original photos shown on the site, were they?????

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by shots

"Planks o' Wood" has been thoroughly debunked. Next theory please."

Debunked by who? I am sure many others might have theories other then yours! What makes you so sure that your theory is the only possible answer.

Btw where did you come up with the additional phots of the grain with twists, they were not in the original photos shown on the site, were they?????

I didn't present a theory. I was simply showing that planks of wood are not responsible for every crop circle.

Those photos are from research on other sites. There are hundreds of crop circle sites with thousands of images. There are pages and pages of research including these stalk anomolies, magnetic anomolies and other things that don't add up with the current theory.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 02:22 PM
Actually the Node bending is caused by the plants having to turn to the sun. So they grow back up. I don't know about the rest but Im sure there is a perfectly good reason why and how someone or thing could do it.

The elaborate patterns are just simple geometry and repeating patterns

posted on Apr, 9 2005 @ 04:05 AM

Originally posted by Vegemite
Actually the Node bending is caused by the plants having to turn to the sun. So they grow back up. I don't know about the rest but Im sure there is a perfectly good reason why and how someone or thing could do it.

The elaborate patterns are just simple geometry and repeating patterns

90 degree node bending? Are they trying to get to the sun at night?

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