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Trolling with the Truth & A Remarkable Coincidence

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posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 04:06 PM
What happened that night, there’s no excuse for my behavior, there really isn’t. But if I’m allowed to say anything in my defense, I would say that I just wasn’t feeling very good, physically or emotionally.

I had recently received a startling Facebook message from a guy who went to the same middle school as me... just my past rising up once again to haunt me. So I was just feeling really odd, and paranoid and watched. Like my spider senses were on high alert… but John seemed pretty eager to see me again and I decided that I would meet up with John at the bar and tell him everything, on purpose, just to see what he’d do next.

I had met John twice prior from the couple of times my sister and I had taken to riding bicycles to the bar up front for a couple of drinks and to mingle with the public. We went twice within the span of a month and discovered that the bar has a solid regular group of people who basically to live there. They’re not bad people though, we had a lot of fun.

So fun, in fact, that the last time we were at the bar I ended up standing on the tables and making a little scene.

To explain that behavior... I can't, there is no excuse.

But I had just finished binge watching all of Rick and Morty and I felt like I was inside one of their episodes. You know, like one of those episodes when they’re watching inter-dimensional television? And I’m a girl on some talk show who never sat down in a chair, with the talk show host asking, “So your bottom has never known the seat of a chair, never, not once? You’ve never sat down on any chair?” And the girl responds, “not once! My bottom has never known the seat of a chair, it’s completely virgin, I’ve never once sat down on a chair! Not ever, and I don’t plan on it, I’ll die before I sit down in any chair!” in the same voice and intensity as the "i have ants in my eyes" guy.

…and it was for a specific cause, to make some kind of statement. Like, why don't we stand on tables? What are these unspoken rules and laws that we all silently abide by and never question?!

Well anyway, even though I did feel some embarrassment for standing on the tables, it didn’t stop me from going back.

When I got to the bar I was really nervous and feeling very estranged as it were, which he noticed right away and mentioned. He said my sister told him that I never come out, and I said… yep. I’m basically a hermit- outside of, like, things that I have to do to survive, like work and grocery shopping, and I do like to ride my bicycle on the figure 8 path through the park. But that’s basically the extent of my social life.

And so we ordered drinks and before I went full troll-with-the-truth mode, I apologized to the bartender for standing on the furniture the week before.

She seemed very forgiving which was nice. She told me that worse things happen in there, people bringing guns and getting into fights, things like that. She said she’s always having to call the cops. I hadn’t seen that side too much except there was a fight the last time and the cops were called, but we stayed inside and away from it and it didn't feel dangerous.

Anyway, as I started to warm up after a couple of drinks… I got to telling John everything. Like I had planned. Almost to punish him for asking me out. I carefully laid it on him very thick and very heavy with the scientific but trolly intention just to see what he’d do next, see if he’d ever text me again. I didn’t want to have sex with him, but a friendly acquaintance was welcomed- but we didn’t know anything about one another and I wouldn’t be sad if we never talked again.

As I told my story, we talked about how people who tell their life stories right away sometimes come off being unstable- he tried to say that I wasn’t that kind of person because we had met a couple of times prior… but, I told him I very often tell people right away. And that it’s as if I use my past as a filter, to screen people.

Like, it’s a warning to all people, sure, about my potential instability (which I’m not sure that I really even am all that unstable, despite standing on furniture in bars whenever I get drunk), but also when I tell my story to people, people then know I’m the type of person to call the cops. They know what side I'm on. They know that I’m someone who talks about it, on social media. They know that I’m somebody who doesn’t hide it.

Like, why should I hide it?

And if you’re the type of person who doesn’t like that sort of openness then you’ll know to stay away from me altogether- which is desirable for me, if you know what I mean. Like, shady evil people would feel uncomfortable around me knowing how loose my lips are, wouldn’t they, and I see that as a good thing.

As I was explaining this to him… he said something I’ll never forget. He said almost defensively, “well, I know that there’s always two sides to the story.” As though… idk, as though… well anyway- it made me feel some type of way.

Regardless, we endured each others company for the remainder of the night and had a relatively good time, but he never texted me again after that… and I wasn’t sad about it. I was fully expecting it actually, as I trolled him with the truth as I see it- but I guess… idk. It still feels like a rejection- like nobody will ever like me if I tell the truth? And I just have to accept that I’ll be alone forever. And tbh, I think he just wanted to dance with me horizontally (something I knew that he said to my sister), which was another reason why I decided to troll him with the truth, and he decided I wasn’t worth the trouble. No hard feelings there, really truly.

But then something else happened before the night ended, there was the most remarkable coincidence/message from the universe which I’ll never forget, which now I'm sharing with you.

Earlier that Friday or Thursday, I was choosing security questions and answers for one of my logins for work and… well, first of all. I hate the kind of security questions like “what city were you born in” which can be easily found on Facebook, right? But to get around that you can choose any city you like- it doesn’t have to be the actual city you were born in, it doesn’t even have to be a city. The answer can be “bird” for all anybody cares- and that’s the kind of line of thinking that I’ve grown to have. So, I was picking security questions and answers and the last question I chose, I thought to myself, “nobody will ever guess this answer! There’s no way!” And I was so secretly proud of it, really truly.

So back at the bar with John, it had been a couple of hours maybe and, to my secret shock... I watched somebody enter the bar wearing a t-shirt with the answer to the last security question I picked, printed big and bold on the front. That person sat down across the bar in a position for me to clearly see the front of the shirt. And I swear to god, the t-shirt looked brand new! Like thick and crisp, you know how new t-shirts have that stiffness about them? And it’s not a common thing… it’s not like popular or mainstream or anything, but it’s not impossible that it could’ve been a coincidence, too.

Regardless of whether or not it was a coincidence, the message was very clear to me.

And the message was this:

Nothing is secret, nothing is hidden. No information is really ever safe or secure…

We're watching you.
edit on 20-8-2022 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: geezlouise

What a fun reading Geez. But if I may ask, is this you or is it the person who might have stolen your identity back in May?

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Thank you!!

It's really me! And oh my god that post is so embarrassing, lol. But you know what? I sense there is something going on, like people are digging, not just me. It's everywhere.

But yeah, my bank accounts being seized over a ten year old debt which btw I had a lawyer ten years ago and we set up a payment plan ten years ago and then they waited five years to renew the judgement and then they waited another five years and went to court and won by default because I never showed up because I moved and my old address was on their judgement so I was never properly notified and I couldn't properly defend myself because I didn't know they were going to court.

Like, somebody wasn't doing their job there, on purpose.

Anyway, my accounts are back and I learned not to put all of my eggs in one basket from this experience, if you know what I mean.

Thanks for reading!
edit on 20-8-2022 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 04:51 PM
This reads like it should be in the fictional short story section.

The man sounded wise, there is always two sides to a story. And the truth usually lies somewhere in-between. Even if the person isn't intentionally twisting or lying about the subject, their point of view or biases may slant or prejudice what happened in their mind. And the mind can be a fickle partner, not remembering things correctly, even remembering things that didn't even happen.

There is another wise saying that says it is a fool that judges a matter before he hears of it.

How many people read one side of a story, or only hear a partial part of the story and have already made up their minds?

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: randomuser

I don't know how to explain it, but it was almost as if he was saying.... that whenever there is a sexual relationship between a 30 something year old and a 12 year old, that the adult could be the victim.

I mean, I can say with 100% certainty that any adult who makes money off of child exploitation (child sex and child porn), is never going to be the victim in the situation. Like yes, there are two sides to the story but one side of this story is very clearly defined in an abuse of power and greed!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: geezlouise
I suspect that in the bank there is a box of ''old unresolved'' accounts or some such and that maybe some '' new hire'' was given the task of sorting them out. Maybe not knowing all the ins and outs of that stuff it's easy to understand how your case could have fallen through the cracks, but it's good to hear you finally got it straightened out. My wife and I have several accounts for the very reason you talk about.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Yeah that sounds possible, noobs lol.

I also took this opportunity to choose smaller less centralized institutions, in support of small businesses.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise
a reply to: randomuser

I don't know how to explain it, but it was almost as if he was saying.... that whenever there is a sexual relationship between a 30 something year old and a 12 year old, that the adult could be the victim.

I mean, I can say with 100% certainty that any adult who makes money off of child exploitation (child sex and child porn), is never going to be the victim in the situation. Like yes, there are two sides to the story but one side of this story is very clearly defined in an abuse of power and greed!

Ok, this totally went off the rails. Not even close to anything that was related to in the OP. To be honest the OP was really vague and mysterious.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: geezlouise


Was it something related to Rick and Morty.......?

What an entertaining read.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: JinMI


That would've been funny. But I consder Rick and Morty to be pretty mainstream tbh, in a good way as it's one of my all time favorite shows and most people I know also know about it.

And like I said this is something that is... really much more obscure, and much older, and.... the point is, yeah, it's not common or mainstream at all. So yeah, it makes the coincidence feel all the more creepy. I was in shock for days and didn't tell anybody for days, lol.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 07:13 PM
a reply to: randomuser

Yeah, I didn't really get into it on purpose.

Thanks for reading!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise
a reply to: randomuser

Yeah, I didn't really get into it on purpose.

Thanks for reading!

Totally understandable. My heart goes out to you if you had to go through that.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise
a reply to: JinMI


That would've been funny. But I consder Rick and Morty to be pretty mainstream tbh, in a good way as it's one of my all time favorite shows and most people I know also know about it.

And like I said this is something that is... really much more obscure, and much older, and.... the point is, yeah, it's not common or mainstream at all. So yeah, it makes the coincidence feel all the more creepy. I was in shock for days and didn't tell anybody for days, lol.

Well, the only explanation is that they are indeed watching your or. broke the matrix!

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 07:31 PM

originally posted by: randomuser

originally posted by: geezlouise
a reply to: randomuser

Yeah, I didn't really get into it on purpose.

Thanks for reading!

Totally understandable. My heart goes out to you if you had to go through that.

they are blaming him for morocco too.

posted on Aug, 20 2022 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: sarahvital

What does that even mean, "for morocco"?

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 12:07 AM
Stand on all the tables you want.

I just want to see more dog art.

I don’t want to bark up the wrong post tho

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: geezlouise

Hi Geez.

Time to go into detective mode.

If the tee shirt was freshly minted the same day, it should be easy enough to find where it was locally printed and, with a description of the person wearing it, possibly by whom.

Also...assume 'John' (the old classmate who contacted you out of the blue) connected to the tee-shirt guy.

edit on 1AMAugCDTAMCDT by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: IAMTAT

Without giving too much information away, there are some(but not many) places that this t-shirt may have been purchased from (and not having to be made). So, not an impossible coincidence- but still, pretty rare.

And John wasn't an old classmate, he was just a regular at that bar, pretty much a total stranger. And a lot older, he could've been a teacher when I was in school. And he could've been involved in the t-shirt operation... lol, I thought about it too.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 10:06 AM
a reply to: TheAlleghenyGentleman


It's quite alright, you can bark up any of my posts as long as I can stand on all the tables I want.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: geezlouise
a reply to: IAMTAT

And John wasn't an old classmate, he was just a regular at that bar, pretty much a total stranger. And a lot older, he could've been a teacher when I was in school. And he could've been involved in the t-shirt operation... lol, I thought about it too.

So, both regulars at the bar, it's more than likely, John and tee-shirt guy know each other.

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