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Australians told to brace for more Omicron-fuelled deaths

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posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 08:43 PM
Australia should brace for more Covid-19 deaths for the next few weeks, authorities said on Wednesday, as record infections fuelled by the Omicron outbreak overwhelmed health systems forcing Victoria to raise its emergency status for hospitals.

Anyone here from Australia know about this?
On this morning news here, we were told that those that catch the Omicron flu virus MOST LIKELY WON'T CATCH FURTHER VIRUS OF THE CORONA. Yes, that is what they are saying. It also said most likely everyone will catch the Omicron flu at some stage this year.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:28 PM
I just got over that China variant myself along with several people that I know. It's quite survivable and I'm not been poisoned by the medical cabal so I've got even more immunities after this second go with the covit. The jabbed may likely survive this but I feel their immune systems will never be the same.

It's gonna run wild regardless of what measures are taken to fight it. Herd immunity is the only real win.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:35 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Yeah, they generally bang on about this sh!t all the time. What we have is a casedemic and bureaucracydemic running simultaneously.

And what they're saying is like "danger, tomorrow you might wake up breathing."

There is a crisis in the hospitals because many people have left and many have to isolate because they've tested positive to the cold. So there are staff shortages all over the place and the people it's hurting the most are those with things like cancer etc etc. This is a crisis that people made, not a virus.

These are the numbers from a couple of days ago, they're running late with their data.

Victoria has about 130 in ICU, it has a capacity of about 1200.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:37 PM
I’m in Queensland, I know two medical practitioners and three nurses, all 5 report that most are vaccinated who are falling very ill, and to top it off, the statistics are being reported as dying with ,not of ,the virus.

So tired of the MSM lies! We have a night time show here called The Project, hosted by simps and numptees pushing this agenda at light speed, it’s sickening to watch.

We don’t watch it, but do turn it on during the ads from other channels to gasp and laugh at these sorry sods.

edit on 18-1-2022 by Scubalicious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

I guess Australia government is really sucking up to the Pfizer agenda, really good, the variant is already done with in Africa it will be done with in the US, even when some try to make it like a deadly mixture of flu and delta, soo now is going to kill the poor Australians, even when they are jabbed, double jabbed and boosterized.
I wonder when the people will say enough is enough.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:21 PM
I have a suspicion that vaccine manufactures- no matter the company- have unlimited (US) funds to grease the palms of bureaucrats in other countries to push mandatory vaccination. Nothing else I can think up makes sense for so many countries to be on board with the harm being done.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:29 PM
There is evidence out there that the vaccine does not protect well against the omicron. It doesn't do that good a job against the Delta either, lots of vaccinated people got the Delta around here. The omicron just came to the U.P from what I heard, most cases are still the Delta spreading around here.

There is also evidence out there, in Vivo. that if you catch the omicron virus and have been vaccinated that you get very good immunity to all of the variants so far. In vivo means in the body, not the petridish.

Seems that since the vaccine is failing now, they are telling people the truth, that natural immunity works better. Good time to get the coronavirus now, but how do you know which strand you got, the others are more serious for some people and although this virus is milder, it will still overtax some people's immune system and some will still die...just less of a percentage of the susceptable will die.

posted on Jan, 18 2022 @ 10:31 PM

originally posted by: nugget1
I have a suspicion that vaccine manufactures- no matter the company- have unlimited (US) funds to grease the palms of bureaucrats in other countries to push mandatory vaccination. Nothing else I can think up makes sense for so many countries to be on board with the harm being done.

Isn't it strange how these vaccine manufactures had a previous violation?

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: musicismagic

I guess Australia government is really sucking up to the Pfizer agenda, really good, the variant is already done with in Africa it will be done with in the US, even when some try to make it like a deadly mixture of flu and delta, soo now is going to kill the poor Australians, even when they are jabbed, double jabbed and boosterized.
I wonder when the people will say enough is enough.

I'm over this BS and many Australians are at their Wits End. We have a population of compliant slaves who don't ask questions.

Our country is damaged beyond repair - Years, probably Decades of Poverty and Hardship await us.

This Lady Sums up how many of the Double Jabbed in Victoria feel.

Language Warning

posted on Jan, 19 2022 @ 04:37 AM
You are a country of pacifists. And in a country of pacifists the non pacifists will rule.


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