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Yet another conspiracy confirmed. Potential source of blood clots identified

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posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Imperator2
That is another subject and has nothing to do with the risk that each choice presents.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Dalamax
I was clear that I was using the numbers we have.

Where is your reprimand of those saying the VAERS numbers should be multiplied by 10, 100 or even 1000?

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Clots are not extremely rare but fairly common and more likely caused by graphene oxide coagulating with your red blood cells. Go see the videos of clots being removed, it's disgusting to see a meter long clot come out. You wonder how people survive with these in their bloodstream.

Provide Link to where it shows graphene oxide is a component of any c19 vaccine. Please and thank you.

If you cant, I suggest you delete your post for breaking TC

The first link is to a patent from China to use graphene oxide in a covid 19 vaccine.

The second link is of a scientist who posted his images collected from a microscopic view of the vaccine. The scientist suggests there is a graphene oxide present in the vaccine.

The third is a medical researcher discussing how graphene oxide may neutralize certain coronavirus strains.

The fourth is to an article that discusses the recalled vials from japan. Which are suspected to have had graphene oxide in them.

Now I am not claiming that there is a 100% possibility graphene oxide in the vaccine. However you can clearly see from just those links that there is a potential of someone using graphene oxide in a vaccine. There is also a possibility that the vials recalled from Japan had graphene oxide in them.

So telling someone to delete their account due to t&c violations over taking that above information at face value is absurd. The fact is noone fully knows what is in the vaccine - all materials are subject to proprietary protection. Sure they give our some of the information, but how do you know it isnt in the undisclosed protected proprietary portion?

Well.. you dont. Neither do the people claiming to be the arbiters of truth and fact checking the claim. Unless of course you think that the proprietary information has been disclosed to all of these journalists who have then had impartial experts analyzing the vaccines to confirm the claim. You can't possibly be making that claim though- right?

So how do you know that there is no graphene oxide in the vaccines? Are you on the team that created the proprietary portion of the vaccine or are you on the fda approval team that was probably allowed to view that portion? I bet you are not and are not going to make that claim though- right?

So those are potential examples of how graphene oxide was being looked into, how it could possibly work, how someone thinks they have spotted it and how Japan potentially spotted it as well - which actually caused a recall. Certainly not concrete, but neither is the dismissal of the claim by so many fact checkers. It does sure seem strange that so many people who have no idea what's in the proprietary portion of the vaccines feel confident enough to proclaim with absolute authority that it is not in it.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Dalamax
I was clear that I was using the numbers we have.

Where is your reprimand of those saying the VAERS numbers should be multiplied by 10, 100 or even 1000?

Would you like to apologize to Dalamax or...

"3. Doshi states that, "no more than 10% of adverse events" get reported to VAERS, but the situation is much worse. From 1990 to 2007 there were about 80,000 US cases of Kawasaki disease; during the same period just 56 US cases were reported to VAERS--0.07%. (Hua et al, Pediatr Inf Dis J 2009: 28:943-947) The cause of KD is unknown; it is rare, it is very serious, and it is prevalent among young and frequently vaccinated children. If any event deserves prompt reporting to VAERS it is Kawasaki disease, but this does not happen."

edit on 4-12-2021 by Imperator2 because: Added the quote incase the link doesn't work.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: MDDoxs

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
Clots are not extremely rare but fairly common and more likely caused by graphene oxide coagulating with your red blood cells. Go see the videos of clots being removed, it's disgusting to see a meter long clot come out. You wonder how people survive with these in their bloodstream.

Provide Link to where it shows graphene oxide is a component of any c19 vaccine. Please and thank you.

If you cant, I suggest you delete your post for breaking TC

A random sampling of COVID19 vaccine vials has been performed using a coupled
-RAMAN technique to characterize graphene
-like microscopic objects using
spectroscopic fingerprints characteristi
c of the molecular structure.
The micro
-RAMAN technique allows to reinforce the level of confidence in the
identification of the material by coupling imaging and spectral analysis as observational
evidence to be considered together.
Objects have been detected whose RAMAN signals by similarity with the standard
unequivocally correspond to GRAPHENE OXIDE

Translated PDF Dr. Campra

You guys keep trying to tamp down deleterious information about your coveted de-population bio- chem brew along with enlisting endless paid for "fact checkers" to debunk contrary info but lid is coming off and those found responsible will have just desserts.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: Imperator2
Would you like to apologize to Dalamax or...

Nope, using a disease like Kawasaki that can be confused with something as common as UTI and not reported isn't the same as someone being on the record for getting a vaccine and dying.

Differentiating Kawasaki disease from urinary tract infection in febrile children with pyuria and C-reactive protein elevation
edit on 4-12-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Imperator2
Would you like to apologize to Dalamax or...

Nope, using a disease like Kawasaki that can be confused with something as common as UTI and not reported isn't the same as someone being on the record for getting a vaccine dying.

Differentiating Kawasaki disease from urinary tract infection in febrile children with pyuria and C-reactive protein elevation

Yup. His data and research that was published long before covid 19 revisions started occurring is clearly false. The only true data is the stuff being rewritten and changed today in order to fit the narrative. How silly of me!

That doctor and the BMJ should be ashamed of themselves for not understanding the difference between KD and a UTI.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: Phoenix
In an interview posted in another thread Dr. Campra said they identified carbon structures but that they did not conclusively identify them as graphene oxide.

even the study you posted says:

Although the results of this sampling are conclusive with regard to the presence of graphenic structures in some samples analyzed,

Not graphene oxide, just graphenic structures.

Even if it was graphene oxide, nobody has shown why that would necessarily be a bad thing.

In this study it was shown to help liver failure, Effects of intraperitoneal injection of magnetic graphene oxide on the improvement of acute liver injury induced by CCl4

The results indicated that the MGO injection reduced all CCl4-induced liver failure such as necrosis, fibrosis, inflammation, aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the experimental groups of the rat model of acute liver failure.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Imperator2
Right, because something showing similar symptoms could never be confused for a really rare disease.

Besides I didn't say it was false, I said that what you focused on was something rare that could be mistaken for something else and therefore not reported as kawasaki but that isn't the same as someone whos record shows a vaccination and is now dead.

You melodrama doesn't change anything.

edit on 4-12-2021 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: Imperator2

Your first link is a machine to help build RNA which uses graphene oxide its not talking about a vaccine with graphene in it.

Your next link was removed because the person tried to fake the claim it was from a medical college using their letterhead. They denied the study had occurred and said they had nothing to do with it.

Your third link is discussing the anti-viral properties of graphene oxide meaning you can use it for say filters and it can kill the virus. Graphene oxide is commonly used for water purification in labs Graphene oxide, as it turns out, has excellent water filtration properties similar to graphene but is cheaper and easier to produce. When stacked into a laminate, graphene oxide forms narrow capillaries that “vigorously suck in water” and block particles bigger than a billionth of a meter.

And your fourth link had nothing to do with graphene oxide turns out metal fragments from a faulty bearing in the equipment were found in the batch it was steel fragments. This was corrected by replacing the parts on their equipment.

So no graphene oxide is not being used in vaccines this was an internet hoax

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

This isn't a conspiracy as this is being done out in the open, and it's not really confirmed anything that that hasn't been public knowledge since 2020.

What is does confirm is that most of the people claiming that they know a dozen people who were killed by this vax cannot possibly be telling the truth as here have been fewer than 100 cases world wide.

And it doesn't apply to the other vaccines like the Moderna I took. And the likely hood of the Corona virus causing blood clots is significantly higher. In fact, it is standard procedure in hospitals to start administering small injections of blood thinners. In severe cases, clotting always occurs. With less than 100 reported clotting incidents worldwide the risk from covid is far greater. Though the alternative is to play it safe and take Moderna instead.

100 reported clotting incidents worldwide?
I think there was more soccer players who collapsed on camera. Total BS

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: PapagiorgioCZ
I think there was more soccer players who collapsed on camera. Total BS

There aren't.

Got the list?

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx
Then don’t take anything, and see if you survive, it’s that simple. I don’t care.

Good job at ignoring what is in the OP.

posted on Dec, 4 2021 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: Imperator2

Please refer to this comment from Dragon, who addresses each of your links. All that you provided is bunk.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: SentientBunnySuit
Study shows potential trigger for rare blood clots due to ingredients in the Oxford AZ shots. Study included a team from AstraZeneca. I anticipate Twitter ban of AstraZeneca and everyone in the UK for disinformation about their own product any moment.

This explains why the mRNA vaccines don't cause blood clots. They don't contain any weakened Adenoviruses.
Except that they do, just not as frequent as AZ and JJ
edit on 5-12-2021 by macaronicaesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 07:28 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
Current numbers show the virus poses a higher risk. These numbers are not accurate but that doesn't mean the ones you pulled out of your rear are any more accurate.

Quoted for irony.

Of course I understand when you admit your numbers aren't accurate either, you are also implying that yours are more accurate than mine, when this is demonstrably false and self-evident to anyone with a funcitoning neuron.

Obviously you apparently don't have any.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: SentientBunnySuit

I just read in another thread they have found the way to cover it completely.

Post was made by myselfaswell

a reply to: anonentity
Nothing to do with the injection. It's all down to Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, I sh!teth thee not.
Post Pandemic Stress Disorder.

Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, that's a sure way to cover their asses. People get stressed out and then stroke out due to clots or heart problems. Vaccine is not the problem. Bastards just aren't going to give up.

I did a search and there are other more lame stream msm's reporting this, so yes it seems to be a new thing they came up with.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: tanstaafl
Of course I understand when you admit your numbers aren't accurate either, you are also implying that yours are more accurate than mine, when this is demonstrably false and self-evident to anyone with a funcitoning neuron.

Actually, I'm saying mine came from somewhere and I didn't just pluck them out of thin air and calling this " demonstrably false and self-evident" is just your opinion with you supplying nothing to actually back any of it up.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Nah, I'll just leave that to the loons who actually believe that tptb have your best interests at heart, and trust psycopathic monsters with their lives and the lives of their children.

It's actually in the best interests of the TPDB that this outbreak is dealt with because it's hitting their incomes pretty hard.

TPDB crave stable markets because stable markets are profitable markets. Covid is anything but a stable market.

posted on Dec, 5 2021 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

MSM says its just safe and effective you guys trust our experts!
The adverse reactions are rare.

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