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Vaccinated VS unvaccinated transfer rates

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posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Phage

Phage. Thank you for getting vaccinated during a pandemic where the transmission wasn't under control.
You have now created mutations of the Covid virus that are more contagious. Let us pray they are not more deadly.

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: vonclod
I can only guess, it would be viral load, and that a vaxxed probably has less viral load, being that the body semi knows how to deal with, and is to a degree. But, I'm open to being wrong.

No. The vaxxed do NOT have less viral load. The vaxxed have the SAME viral load in their nostrils and throats as the unvaxxed. This means the vaxxed can spread delta just as easily as the unvaxxed.

Today, some of those data were published in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), demonstrating that Delta infection resulted in similarly high SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. High viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission and raised concern that, unlike with other variants, vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus. This finding is concerning and was a pivotal discovery leading to CDC’s updated mask recommendation. The masking recommendation was updated to ensure the vaccinated public would not unknowingly transmit virus to others, including their unvaccinated or immunocompromised loved ones.

CDC Updated Guidance For Fully Vaccinated People

So the CDC knows that the vaxxed have the same viral load in their nostrils to spread it. Yet the vaxxed keep going around everywhere not wearing masks like they were told to. Then the UNmasked vaxxed spray their viral loads at every grocery store, convenience stores, restaurants, fast food joints and gas stations. The unmasked vaxxed spray their viral loads from their nostrils everywhere.

And then after doing so, the vaxxed blame the unvaxxed.

Data from COVID-19 tests in the United States, the United Kingdom and Singapore are showing that vaccinated people who become infected with Delta SARS-CoV-2 can carry as much virus in their nose as do unvaccinated people. This means that despite the protection offered by vaccines, a proportion of vaccinated people can pass on Delta, possibly aiding its rise.

How do vaccinated people spread Delta? What the science says

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 11:32 PM

originally posted by: MapMistress

No. The vaxxed do NOT have less viral load. The vaxxed have the SAME viral load in their nostrils and throats as the unvaxxed. This means the vaxxed can spread delta just as easily as the unvaxxed.

I think it just comes down to how long are you infectious... A vaccinated person will most likely have the same infection rate as someone that has a mild case of COVID. Now the people that are sick for weeks they are able to spread much long hence the higher R0 factor compared to the normal flu.

edit on 5-9-2021 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

(post by Zitterbewegung removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)
(post by Zitterbewegung removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 5 2021 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: TheLead

You do know that plenty of vaxxed people are under the impression that they're protected and they don't transmit, but must fear healthy unvaxxed.

1 point is right, 2 are wrong...

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
I can only guess, it would be viral load, and that a vaxxed probably has less viral load, being that the body semi knows how to deal with, and is to a degree. But, I'm open to being wrong.

Actually the CDC themselves has confirmed the possibility that some vaxxed have a HIGHER viral load.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:20 PM
a reply to: litterbaux

There have been study after study, and press releases from a few nations like Israel, and New Zealand, that the VACCINATED are the ones in serious condition from COVID-19.

Your girlfriend is just too brainwashed to know any difference. I wouldn't want to be next to anyone vaxxed.

Most COVID-19 Patients at Israel Hospital Fully Vaccinated, Doctor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolic’

There are doctors like Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche whom have stated the vaccines are not the ones we actually need, and these mRNA/DNA vaccines are in fact suppressing healthy people's NK cells (Natural Killer cells) which are the natural cells from our immune system that kill viruses.

posted on Sep, 6 2021 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse

It's so hard to keep track of all of the information, let alone keep track of what's total BS.

It's analysis paralysis for me personally. At the end of the day I'm no closer to any kind of answer, just filled with information I can't tell if true or not.

I'm sure there are a lot of people in this same situation. I appreciate the information that you and others have provided on this thread.

Every answer leads to 3 more questions.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: Zitterbewegung

This is uncalled for.

posted on Sep, 7 2021 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to: Zitterbewegung

I work for a healthcare organization and was one of the last to take the vaccine back in January, with a 2nd dose in February. I held out because, like many here, the vaccine was new and there wasn't enough information about possible side-effects. I read a lot about it and listened to our medical staff (over 99% vaccinated). I never consulted Dr. Falsi or any politician on whether I needed the vaccine (and I would never entertain Biden's advice, just sayin').

My father, who is almost 80, went and got it and had typical reaction, and has been fine since. I was vaccinated shortly after he was. Plus, I have a wife who has MS, so I want to do everything I can for her as well. She's also vaccinated. All of us are fine.

Had my annual physical for work in June. Typical blood tests run. Everything normal. In fact, had a member on these forums who wanted to know if my hemoglobin was is and, guess what, they didn't believe me. Go figure.

I work with someone who believe like many of you here. In fact, after I got my 2nd dose she stuck a magnet up to my arm. Didn't stick. Go figure.

Reading some of these threads is just beyond maddening. I mean, I've read complete fabrications, assumptions, opinions all presented as gospel truth. in fact, you've got my entire family who is vaccinated labeled as the walking dead, except we don't know it yet and you guys are talking how you are going to divide the spoils when most of the world's vaccinated population dies off soon. Sick.

The only thing about this plandemic is that everything is being driven through a political funnel, with very little science being used for major decisions that impact most of society. This is the one thing that makes me hesitant about receiving any more injections (booster). Not that I think there is anything wrong with the med, but folks just can't make up their mind. Are we fully vaccinated or not? Do we need something annually like the flu shot or not?

I will mention that even though my state has an order from the governor that requires all healthcare workers to be vaccinated, my employer is NOT mandating the vaccine. The know the ramifications of such action would see employees walk out the door and we've already lost quite a few due to the stress from last year (I'm sure free government money didn't help either).
edit on 7-9-2021 by Freenrgy2 because: (no reason given)

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