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"You are the sand"--(The OOBE I never told you about)

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posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 12:37 AM
The weirdest thing. I went back looking for an old thread I had made about an Out of Body Experience I've had before. I was very certain I had posted about it on ATS in the past. I may have mentioned it in a few obscure lines of discussion, but apparently I never made it an actual topic.

You maybe remember back many years ago I expressed a lot more interest in things like lucid dreaming and OOBE's, NDE's, astral projection, meditation and the like. I also used to make a lot more of my posts related to such topics. But, alas, that was the old ATS, right? Maybe that was the old me too.

To cut a long story short, I used to experiment a lot with OOBE and I was very sure I had the key to make it happen. If you're not sure what I'm talking about, but remain interested, I'd like to recommend a book called Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe.

If you're still with me, I'll mention that I had my own particular methods that worked pretty well for facilitating lucid dreaming, astral travel, etc.

I had abruptly stopped these attempts at OOBE for a couple reasons:

1) My meditations were growing increasingly dark and troublesome. My wandering thoughts were often painful, violent, dark and disturbing. Although I've heard this is sometimes normal, it became very overwhelming and I felt I was tapping into something that wasn't me, and I hated having to confront such horrible pain. My meditation teacher brushed it off and assured me it'll go away and that it means nothing (B.S.!) Instead it got worse. I felt I was not getting the guidance I needed, and the meditations were no longer fruitful. So I stopped.

2) A set of my most recent OOBE/ lucid dream experiences were also fraught with negativity and darkness, and I wanted nothing to do with it anymore. If anybody has read the book mentioned above, or is familiar with the process, you may be aware of the sensation of your astral body separating from the physical body (a floating or levitating feeling where you can observe your physical body and surroundings freely.) The last time I experienced this phenomenon, I had a sense that I was not alone during this transition process. I asked these 'visitors' what they intended and they told me point-blank that once I left my body they wanted to inhabit my body for themselves. I noped the F to the Hell No out of that and aborted the whole thing, and have never made another attempt. I would say this happened about 15 years ago, more or less.

I'm also considering if I shouldn't resume the self-experiments. I've also had my mind drawn back to an old pendulum I used to use for dowsing, having fun with friends and such to give them readings. I haven't thought about this pendulum in MANY YEARS, but it seems to be calling to me yesterday and today. I have it wrapped away and it's been wrapped away all this time in a box high up on a forgotten shelf. (Don't wear the ring, Frodo! lul.)

So the point I wanted to get to here, is about one particular dream or OOBE or astral travel I had.

Once I separated, I saw the Earth from a very great distance, like you see in those NASA videos and such. Couldn't make out the Great Wall of China but I could see the land masses. My attention was focused down and magnified onto the Great Pyramid complex in Giza.

At first I saw the Sphinx in great detail. Except on the back of the Sphinx was a stone monument of many animal species melded together. I have since been told this is called a 'chimera.' It was a genetic admixture of many animals disgustingly fused together.

After I took notice of this chimera monument, I took notice of a very, very, very large dragon-like creature wrapped around the Great Pyramid. It seemed very amused that I was there, and it had a very angelic feminine voice. (If you are craving physical details I will say it was very long and serpentine, snake-like, and winding. It reminded me of the kind of very long and thin dragons you see in traditional Chinese art and watercolors. It was a very dark hue of purple, almost black, but shimmering purple for sure.)

It had made a series of images flash in my mind, like a flip book on super high speed. I saw many images of the past, photographs, people, places etc. I couldn't take all of it in. However, I do recall that multiple time periods seemed to be emphasized: ancient, very ancient, modern etc. I also remember being able to see a few photograph images of several people (past lives maybe? They seemed familiar somehow. Some seemed more familiar than others, if that makes sense.) The only interpretation I could make of this demonstration was that this dragon creature knows all the past, and it knows me too. It knows more than I can even process, was the gist that I got.

When I inquired about the nature of the images, the reason for my being there and the meaning of all the things I was witnessing, it again had a very amused air, like that of a teacher to a dumb student, or a parent to a naive child--trying to contain its laughter as it spoke.

It said, "You are the sand. And you are in Egypt. But for now, go back to sleep."

The female dragon seemed very pleased and satisfied with this answer (I was not!) It seemed that the joke was that I wouldn't understand, or maybe I'll never understand, this is above me and beyond me and the few words wasted on me were pearls before swine. The dragon had indulged me, humored me, then bonked me back out of that wavelength.

I woke up.

I find it interesting that it told me to go back to sleep and the result was me waking back up to my physical self.

So what's in Egypt? Documentation of ourselves as a species? Genetic records and journals of our biological evolution? Perhaps the last vestige of Sumerian knowledge that was tucked deep away before it became bastardized and lost.

I felt like it meant that the answer would arrive in my lifetime, but I'm not sure anymore--the cultural and religious climate in the Middle East these days tells me that a radical and challenging archaeological discovery will never be allowed to see the light of day. It would shake too many people to the core, those who cling to their roots and traditions.

Those words have always been with me though. I will never forget that the answer lies in the sand and that we are the sand. Maybe we are, as biological life on this planet, an infinite amount of scattered, tiny pieces waiting to be made whole again.

Either way, it was an incredibly entertaining vision and I'm happy to finally share it here on the one website it actually belongs.

Very curious to hear from others as usual, input, interpretations, corroborations etc. Also, should I pick up the pendulum and tarot cards again? They are hidden away for a very good reason (I believe they open up certain doors, as detailed in another thread
) and I'm not sure why I've been itching to retrieve them. Maybe some of my recent earthly experiences are taking me in that direction, I don't know.

I must say I do feel more confident and powerful in the face of evil things these days, but not sure there's much left out there worth exploring.

--With love, NB

edit on 29-6-2021 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Very interesting read. Egypts mysteries do seem locked away and deliberately kept from us.

Your OP reawakened a thought I've had many times while browsing our beloved ATS:

The things our members know and haven't shared for whatever reason would blow anything that has been shared straight out of the water.

I also believe I'm not the only one who thinks this. More of us carry secrets than you could ever imagine.

I will be coming back everyday opening up the New Topics in the hope that one day, one day, I encounter such a thread and it blows my mind.

As to the question in your OP I would never take an arnchair position and advise you what to do however I am drawn back to your words identifying a dark, malevolent force in those realms.

Common sense dictates one should avoid dangerous situations.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 02:51 AM

After I took notice of this chimera monument, I took notice of a very, very, very large dragon-like creature wrapped around the Great Pyramid. It seemed very amused that I was there, and it had a very angelic feminine voice. (If you are craving physical details I will say it was very long and serpentine, snake-like, and winding. It reminded me of the kind of very long and thin dragons you see in traditional Chinese art and watercolors. It was a very dark hue of purple, almost black, but shimmering purple for sure.)

It had made a series of images flash in my mind, like a flip book on super high speed. I saw many images of the past, photographs, people, places etc. I couldn't take all of it in. However, I do recall that multiple time periods seemed to be emphasized: ancient, very ancient, modern etc. I also remember being able to see a few photograph images of several people (past lives maybe? They seemed familiar somehow. Some seemed more familiar than others, if that makes sense.) The only interpretation I could make of this demonstration was that this dragon creature knows all the past, and it knows me too. It knows more than I can even process, was the gist that I got.

When I inquired about the nature of the images, the reason for my being there and the meaning of all the things I was witnessing, it again had a very amused air, like that of a teacher to a dumb student, or a parent to a naive child--trying to contain its laughter as it spoke.

It said, "You are the sand. And you are in Egypt. But for now, go back to sleep."

The female dragon seemed very pleased and satisfied with this answer (I was not!) It seemed that the joke was that I wouldn't understand, or maybe I'll never understand, this is above me and beyond me and the few words wasted on me were pearls before swine. The dragon had indulged me, humored me, then bonked me back out of that wavelength.

They're like that for me too. Feminine and knowledgeable.

Oh, and I generally feel dumb and naive in their presence too.

Nice post there NarcolepticBuddha.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

what colour was the dragons eye. the things you are saying that happened in the dream are inline with a few things i am aware of right. god is mind, god is satan, god is femnine, Satan is the material god that is everything. everything grows from adversity, satan is adversity.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 05:28 AM
Good book, read it back in HS and it was helpful in lucid dreaming and astral projections. I got good at it as well as some other occult practices at the time. After awhile I worked against all this. I grew tired of the responsibility of exerting my will on reality in that way and hardened my senses against any precognition, clairvoyance or second sight that persisted.

After all these years of resisting occult influences, it takes a very strong spiritual event to get my attention. Once something unusual happens, I blow it off, I barely give it any consideration and have little interest or concerns about any of that anymore. After a close brush with death, I can only come to the conclusion I must have some purpose for being alive in the physical world and focus on that, leaving the spirit world alone until I have to deal with that realm when I do finally die.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 05:29 AM
Explore. Now that you have slept for so long.

a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

I had a fascination for Egypt since when I was little. The only time my dad entered an airplane was to get me to Egypt. Gosh, it was funny to see him go crazy when the wings moved into landing position. I will never forget that.
I made him sweat good going from one grave to the next in the valley of death.
I was about 7 years old and could say thank you and please in Arabic, which, to my dads annoyment, got me into much more than the 4 graves we paid for.

From the 4 elements water, earth, fire, air, if you would align with one, which would it be? Maybe the serpent was pointing out that you are of the earth "batch"?

Purple, feminine, mighty, Yes that rings a bell. I always end up sobbing when she seeks me out... the conversation is always humbling, and I expect here to swallow me anytime. I never sought her. But she often does appear shortly after my travels, especially to lecture me on the dos and don'ts. She is the only one I can converse with in my waking state.

The warning that if you are out and about, others might occupy your space, is a fair warning. I noticed that too, but I can snap back immediately as soon as I notice some presence in my body's vicinity. By now they know it is not safe to try it the sneaky way on me.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 07:14 AM
This is a really interesting experience you are sharing and it helps Inspire people like me who have had a few odd experiences themselves, to share them on ATS because I have only shared these things with a handful of trusted people in my life. I'm at the point where I don't care if I'm ridiculed by others or what they think. I want to share this stuff as I'm not trying to convince anyone to believe what I have experienced as I have no need to do that, just want to put information out there.

Anyway back to the OP. Have you been taking the time to make yourself neutral before these experiences? (the ones you have control over anyway) because if you are or were thinking negatively about something before these experiences, it can draw in negative influences and negative entities. This same thing applies to dowsing, tarot, healing work, white magic etc. If you can do a short meditation before any of these activities to center yourself and clear negative thoughts out of yourself it should help immensely in your experience.

Your time over the pyramids and interaction with the Dragon like being sounds amazing. In regards to the sand analogy it gave you it could be saying something along the lines of "you are the sand and the sand is you, everything you are seeing is part of the infinite creator and you are also part of the infinite creator and also that you are a creator in many senses". This could be why the dragon was sort of amused because they know it in ways we can't because we are veiled so to speak but we can peak through that veil with the types of experiences you listed above.

This experience could also be a hint to you to start doing these things again. Just try to keep a neutral or positive mindset and even ask your spirit guides or guardian angels to accompany you on your journey. I do it and it seems to help a lot.

We all will probably experience more of this stuff (especially those who are open to these ideas) as we gain more abilities going into 4th density (or 5th density, i don't remember at the moment). This is the reason for a lot of the craziness we see going on around us currently because some people are having a hard time transitioning to the new density which is the green or heart chakra.
The dragon you saw had purple? That could mean it is an ascended being emanating the purple (or crown chakra) which allows one to see and understand intelligent infinity and intelligent energy, this could translate to it being a 7th density being who can just chill in the astral realm or !any other realms.
From what I understand from some whistleblowers, there is a huge entire city underneath the Giza pyramids which holds tons of artifacts and other important stuff. I'm sure it has probably been plundered by the big governments of the world and Egypt. This should have been something revealed to us a long time ago, along with the hidden chambers under the sphinx.

The chimera statue you saw was probably a real depiction of Animals the ET's made over who knows how many years, and then wiped out by some catastrophe possibly.

I was into meditation in my early teens, also astral projection and OOBE stuff, later on in my late teens drugs took over for a long time (over 5 years clean now). Once I started getting clean my lucid dreams came back as well as my interest in meditation and the above listed stuff. I feel like a sponge that wants to absorb every bit of knowledge I can and then apply what I can to my life and it has been truly amazing.

Thank you for sharing this amazing experience! S+F!!!

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

I had something bad happen to me in late summer of 1986.
At that time I wasn't familiar with out of body experiences,
astral travel and so on.I did write a thread about my incident
and was ridiculed nearly off the site over it.
I know now that what happened to me was a demonic attack.
I don't recommend encouraging others to explore areas we have
no business being in that realm.You could open doors that you
would not be able to close again.
I got involved with UFO research after this incident and did so for
over 23 years.I finally came to the conclusion that UFO's are real
but they are not extraterrestrial,but inner-dimensional.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

another thing Blavatsky said that the god of this world was satan and satan was a dragon.

and you said the dragon was female, divine motheer type of thing.

funny how the dragon in shrek is female and quite sweet really.

misunderstood at the start, shrek 1
edit on 29-6-2021 by dthrizz1337 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2021 by dthrizz1337 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

If you are the sand, and you are Egypt - then who gave that snake permission to wrap itself around the moments made of you, and steal the heat you have captured and stored in your granules?

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 12:21 PM
i astral project all the time too. My projections are usually positive and make me feel a lot better in my waking life usually though. If i don't project i feel like i get really negative about life in general.

But it sounds like the dragon told you that you are actually everything you experience, which is something my experiences have also showed me.

the world is a giant self learning consciousness program in my experiences, which means you are the grains of sand, you are in ancient egypt, you are everything you see and experience from your personal point of view.

sounds like an awesome experience though.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Don’t resume. Leave the pendulum alone. It wasn’t good then and it’s not gonna be good now.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: mamabeth

Hey Mamabeth, what was that thread you mentioned called? I don't remember seeing it but I'd like to read it. We have similar views I think. Promise I won't ridicule you.

To the OP, I can't advise you on things like that, but I know for myself that I never want to let the dark things get a foothold in my life again. I don't understand the desire to revisit the kind of things that can destroy us mentally and spiritually as well as physically. But if you do get involved I just wish you strength and wisdom. Be sure you are ready.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 05:54 PM
One possible reference to the sand would be in the prophesies of Genesis. As it was told to Abraham his offspring would someday be a numerous as the stars in the sky. Or grains of sand on the beach. And for the flip book you were shown I would compare it to the saying in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3. Link.

Time is a wheel within wheels. What's old will become new again and eventually repeat.

And perhaps the vision is a metaphor of a spiritual Israel coming out of it's Egypt.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 06:54 PM
So I posted this OP yesterday before midnight my local time. Just happened to notice Google's image/ logo of the day (at least I think they change it every day right?)

WEIRD coincedence! Here's what I found about the image

The mythical figures known as "alebrijes" were created by Linares when he was 30, allegedly after he caught an illness. His own alebrijes originated from a dream, which depicted his death and rebirth in a mountainous setting inhabited by these creatures.

edit on 29-6-2021 by NarcolepticBuddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: 19Bones79

Thanks for the reply. That was the impression I got as well, that there is something tangible and undeniable hidden there, perhaps awaiting disclosure or discovery through archaeological means.

Have you ever heard of the Akashic Records? That was another thought that had crossed my mind over the years. Something is there that will allow humans to take the next step. I seem to think those words refer to all of us as a species; I don't think it was a personal message relative only to me. Whatever it is, I think it will be a game-changer.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: NarcolepticBuddha

Don’t take that as a good sign to revisit your occult practices- if you’re going to glean any meaning from it, assume it’s something darker trying to seduce you back. Seriously, NB- stay away from ALL of that. Throw out your tarot cards. Stay away from the astral projection and OOBEs and all of it.

If you are bored, spiritually, why not look into Christianity, maybe a different way than you have before? I tell people all the time to try the Naked Bible Podcast. Scroll through the contents and see if any of the topics interest you. I was raised a Christian, then rejected all of it my adulthood, and explored everything else, including astral projection, OOBE’s, tarot cards, all of it. They are all just a gateway to get people to open doors that dark entities and energies can use. And they are very, very good at deception, so they will masquerade as light, until eventually the mask comes off. Be grateful that you stopped before anything was able to compromise your own autonomy of spirit. I’m grateful that I stopped, and later was led (back) to Christ. He is the reason I was protected during that time and wasn’t allowed to be harmed. Perhaps He was protecting you too.

Don’t go back, man. Your gut is telling you not to.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 08:32 PM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268

They're like that for me too. Feminine and knowledgeable.

Oh, and I generally feel dumb and naive in their presence too.

What do you think 'they' are? This did not feel like a spirit guide or guardian to me. This entity was way high up on the spiritual pecking order I think. It is aware of our condition, but seems to have only a passive interest in us.

posted on Jun, 29 2021 @ 08:33 PM
a reply to: dthrizz1337

Although I don't expect to hear from you again, thanks for stopping by and posting

All my best!

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