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God is not perfect

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posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 08:16 AM
This really is the most depressingly jejune drivel. Stray away cyber-chums. This is saying "God isn't perfect." -"Why's that, then?" - " Well, in my vast experience of perfection, I have generally found that allowing angels to fall is a mark of imperfection." - "Oh. So he's not perfect because he's imperfect?" -"Yeah". "Right- with you now."
This is like cabbage. If you don't like cabbage: don't eat it. Avoid it strenuously. Set your face stonily against it when it's served. If the conversation veers towards brassica direct it elsewhere.
This is a mere, dull idiosyncracy. It tells us nothing about cabbage. Nothing about those who like cabbage. And nothing -save in one case -about those who abhor cabbage.
Find somewhere else to waste bandwidth or start an interesting topic.
Dear me, genuine Turkish champagne-style fine old whisky. Oh these surf-for-cash-er's!

posted on Jul, 17 2003 @ 07:31 PM
I do believe god is perfect because he is the embodiment of all that is good and evil.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 12:35 AM
I actually dislike the taste of cabbage Foxstriker unless it is cooked (then it is not that bad).

Without free will there is no evil as a reuslt I disagree unless it is cooked (then it is not that bad).

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 12:43 AM
Christianity is nothing but coleslaw.

God is cabbage.
Salvation is carrot.
Money is dressing.

(with apologies to Estragon).

[Edited on 18-7-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 12:45 AM
What is perfect = an individuals belief

What is god = perfect

What is god = an individuals belief

In order to ever get an answer you have to look at life as the Universe would. Remember, Humans make it true, but the Universe makes it Law

Everything is evil and good, What is good contains evil, what is evil contains good. - Its basic of everything you look at.

Your car, trees, humans, God, mutants, the unknown, nukes, it is all perfect, just like God. If it was not perfect, it would not exist.

[Edited on 7/18/2003 by FoxStriker]

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 02:46 PM
If you are looking at the earth from the moon what is the one things you cannot see?

To be honest Fox what you are presenting sounds like a different topic.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 09:12 PM
Fear not, the Devil will get his due.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:37 PM

Fear not, the Devil will get his due.

Um..Care to elaborate?
Well, why is that everytime the topic of god comes up, suddenly, it just gets thrown into the perception of god through christians. Well i guess thats because everyone here is mainly christian.
I just answered my own question.
I dont think thier is an answer to wether or not he is perfect.
I think were looking at our world and we see imperfection, so we assume that a perfect god could not have created this. A perfect god would have created a perfect world. He might have created this world, but its up to us to maintain it.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Estragon
This really is the most depressingly jejune drivel. Stray away cyber-chums. This is saying "God isn't perfect." -"Why's that, then?" - " Well, in my vast experience of perfection, I have generally found that allowing angels to fall is a mark of imperfection." - "Oh. So he's not perfect because he's imperfect?" -"Yeah". "Right- with you now."
This is like cabbage. If you don't like cabbage: don't eat it. Avoid it strenuously. Set your face stonily against it when it's served. If the conversation veers towards brassica direct it elsewhere.
This is a mere, dull idiosyncracy. It tells us nothing about cabbage. Nothing about those who like cabbage. And nothing -save in one case -about those who abhor cabbage.
Find somewhere else to waste bandwidth or start an interesting topic.
Dear me, genuine Turkish champagne-style fine old whisky. Oh these surf-for-cash-er's!

Thanks for calling my topic uninteresting and making me seem that way too. Yeah thanks, thanks a lot.

Couldn't you have said something like "Be more elaborate with your topic so we can debate this better?"

And by the way, I never said I was perfect.

posted on Aug, 3 2003 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep

Fear not, the Devil will get his due.

Um..Care to elaborate?
Well, why is that everytime the topic of god comes up, suddenly, it just gets thrown into the perception of god through christians. Well i guess thats because everyone here is mainly christian.
I just answered my own question.
I dont think thier is an answer to wether or not he is perfect.
I think were looking at our world and we see imperfection, so we assume that a perfect god could not have created this. A perfect god would have created a perfect world. He might have created this world, but its up to us to maintain it.

Well, I would start to say what my belief says- then someone would refute my belief and say I am wrong...blah, blah...

...but I will say anyways.
God created the universe, Lucifer et al perfectly. In His perfection-do you know what that is? I don't.

Lucifer gained pride in his own beauty and power then rebeled aginst God- he wanted to be worshiped like God. There was war, Lucifer, now Satan the Accuser, has spent every day since set against God and his creation ( Humans, Earth and it's creatures).

When Adam and Eve sinned by giving in to Satans' temptation, corruption entered into creation- thus we have things like weeds ( which serve what purpose?), death, disease and 10,000 threads on God is dead! Kill him again!....

blah blah blah

posted on Aug, 4 2003 @ 08:58 PM
In the Christian faith, Lucifer and his minions will be thrown and bound in hell for all eternity at the end times thus evil being destroyed once and for all.

posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 08:39 AM
Hi! New here but I was in the mood to theorize and after reading over my boyfriend's shoulder for some time now, I thought this would be a good place to do it.

Anyways, I have been questioning God's motivation and fallibility in respect to Creation lately, and am coming to the conclusion that mankind is merely a science experiment with a predetermined outcome. Just because people idealize God as a deity with moral and pure intentions doesn't mean that he/she/it is. It's definitely more comfortable to think of God as being all loving and good-willed, but because something is comfortable doesn't necessarily mean it's right . I think God is perfect in the sense that things are going perfectly according to his plan. I do not, however, think that his "do as I say, not as I do" standpoint is perfect (based on the rules and moral/ethical guidelines he set forth for humans to live by). The ants in an ant-farm may think the person in control of the ant farm is a just and loving God but that doesn't mean the PERSON isn't planning to destroy the ants for no reason other than his own sadistic desires.

This is, by the way, referring to the Christian version of God as Lord, Saviour, and Creator

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