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Covid Conspiracies Endanger Life

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posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:26 AM
a reply to: oloufo

This is why I consult my Micro Biologist friend, he knows what he's talking about.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Sadly I know lots of people that are convinced that it's not a real virus and it's just seasonal flu but being made out to be something different for all kinds of varied nefarious reasons, most invoking the neo and such.

Covid denial is very real here in the UK.

originally posted by: network dude
A denier. Is that like a climate denier? Do these deniers deny that the virus is a virus? Or perhaps that it's a sickness? What exactly do the deniers deny?

I don't know anyone who denies the virus is real, but most of the people I know feel that the response to the virus was severely overblown and mismanaged on the global level. Which is completely different then what your OP is about. Having never met a "denier", I'm curios to learn more about them.

I suppose a virus denier would fit in with a "climate denier", where as, anyone with any sense knows the climate changes, and the only argument would be to what extent man's ability to influence it exists, I've just never come across one.

But it would seem even if they considered it more like the flu, they acknowledge it's a real virus, just arguing about the severity. (which is different in many cases, so the entire argument there is pointless)

I feel like the only actual argument that could be had, is how well the global world had dealt with the totality of it. But maybe I'm over simplifying it.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: Joneselius
a reply to: Boadicea

We'll see you at 8pm sharp, this level of thought crime will not be tolerated!

You implied the authorities never lie to further their own nefarious purposes! That's two weeks in an ISOCUBE. Please leave your 'free thoughts' in your head Civvy! This aint the time for facts! We've got feelings to stir!

Argh!!! I know... I know... People keep telling me... I just can't seem to stop thinking for myself... these thoughts just keep popping into my head unbidden!!!

I guess it's true you can't teach old dogs boomers new tricks, eh?

Best they let the Covid cooties get us ALL.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Gothmog

Duly noted. I'm glad you're on the mend though.

On the mend ?
I was never down....

Ah I thought you were ill for 2 weeks.

Call it what you will.
I had Covid - 19

Did you test positive?

Unless you were tested or had severe symptoms, how could you know if it was actually COVID-19 and not a standard cold?

Colds are still going around, too.

The clinical standards for COVID are public and that member is just as capable as any MD of filling in a multiple choice and fill in the blanks worksheet.

You were more than happy to accept the results and tout them when there were no tests available and loose clinical definitions. Now, once somebody you disagree with here says they had it, you are concerned about the standard used to determine it?

The Wuhan genome map was released on 12 January 2020. PCR was capable of identifying the presence of the virus after that date, although there were probably few public facilities for test.

I have had an interest in the virus probably from some time in early February 2020 as it started making the news (I can recall the rapid construction of new hospital wards in Wuhan occurring about that time).

I consider myself to have a acceptable level of understanding of genomics. My best friends' wife is a geneticist and I can (usually) hold conversation with her on the topic.

So, I don't think your opinion has the slightest basis in fact.

Without the genetic proof, or the serious symptoms that are different to those of a common cold, it is possible that someone may have had a cold and misidentified it as COVID-19.

Both my wife and I had some symptoms of COVID-19 and we went for a test, but the results were negative. I therefore have concluded that all we had was a cold (which also fit the particular symptoms).

In my previous post I was just asking the question. It's no big deal.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: djz3ro

According to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 statistics:

- There have been about 25 million cases of COVID-19 in the USA. In a country of about 330 million citizens, this represents about 1 person in 13 having had the virus.

- More than 400,000 people in the USA have died of COVID-19 in the last 12 months.

Surely "the penny must be dropping" for even the most dedicated deniers, by now?

13x10 = Out of 130 people I know “0”
Covid related deaths! I believe any Covid19 death are induced in the hospital especially when they isolate you in dirty rooms full of other bacteria’s!
edit on 24-1-2021 by 2ndSEED because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:41 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Nyiah

It isn't my health I'm worried about, I've not been Ill (not even a day) in 13 years, and that was the 1st time since I was a teenager.

I have 2 people close to me with Fibromialgia, one also has Epilepsy and EDS these make them very high risk. I've made it my job to read as much about this as I can so I can come to an informed decision to protect those close to me.

Covid-19 isn't a cold, the cold is a type (or types) of Coronavirus but not all Coronaviruses are the common cold or flu.

Let me stop you right there. The High Risk/At Risk group is one I'm ALSO IN, so when you default to whipping it out as your presumed Ace Up The Sleeve, that's my cue to stop listening to you. YOU and your ilk have NOT listened to us whats so #ing ever since the dawn of this #, every single time someone speaks up to tell you where to shove it, you go off on tirades instead of listening to our Self Mitigation wants, so do stop using us as an argument crutch.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Boadicea

It's not just americans being dumbed down, it's the whole world but you're right about where it's coming from.

Plus there's the fact that information is so readily available in this day in age it's really easy to go looking for stories that confirm pretty much anything.

This is such an excellent point. Yes, one can literally type "proof of ____________" into any search engine, and they'll find what they are looking for.

When I'm researching pretty much anything, I've learned I really have to look -- like, make a conscious effort to seek out -- opposing opinions or facts. Keywords like "truth about ____________" will bring up at least two perspectives on most subjects. Also "pros and cons of ____________" or "good and bad about ____________."

If I'm researching medical issues, and particularly medications or natural supplements, I always search "clinical medical studies," and then "adverse effects" and "contraindications", for the same reasons. People are not one-size-fits-all, and neither are medicines -- whether pharmaceuticals or natural.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: markovian

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Gothmog

Duly noted. I'm glad you're on the mend though.

On the mend ?
I was never down....

Ah I thought you were ill for 2 weeks.

Oh puke. Just because one has a cold does not mean they're entirely down for the count. I've had many colds. Never was "on the mend" for most, just slowed down a bit. I was not down for the count with those.

Maybe it's just you. Not sure how bad off you are health-wise, but if Gothmog making it through a mild cold fine is a shocker and not what you expected, maybe the issue isn't the cold, it's your OWN health. If a cold is what licks ya, you ain't doing too good already.

COVID-19 is different to a cold. Some of the milder symptoms are similar, but there are a number of pneumonic effects in many that go beyond a cold.

Name one

Also it looks like we are simply witnessing a new virus enter the human population one day covid19 will most certainly be called the common cold

COVID-19, cold, allergies and the flu: What are the differences?

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

Let me stop you there, what are you talking about? What have "i" not listened to you about?

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Absolutely, you have to read articles from opposing sides to find the truth of it all.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Nyiah

Let me stop you there, what are you talking about? What have "i" not listened to you about?

You know damn well which debate this refers to, it's been ongoing on ATS and in real life for a year:
Open it all back up, and let us decide for ourselves if we want to go out and about with the risks, or hole up and die a withdrawn hermit.

Bubble-wrapping us "for our health and protection" is not worth destroying everyone else. If you think it is, I got words for you that break T & C.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 09:02 AM

originally posted by: 2ndSEED

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: djz3ro

According to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 statistics:

- There have been about 25 million cases of COVID-19 in the USA. In a country of about 330 million citizens, this represents about 1 person in 13 having had the virus.

- More than 400,000 people in the USA have died of COVID-19 in the last 12 months.

Surely "the penny must be dropping" for even the most dedicated deniers, by now?

13x10 = Out of 130 people I know “0”
Covid related deaths! I believe any Covid19 death are induced in the hospital especially when they isolate you in dirty rooms full of other bacteria’s!

You know the guy who played Darth Vader in the Star Wars films? He died with COVID-19 complications.

You know Larry King the host of the Larry King show? He died recently with COVID-19.

So you probably do know of people who died due to COVID-19.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Nyiah

I'm not saying that they are handling this correctly. I'm saying there is a virus, it is killing people and folk need to stop denying that.

You're lumping me with people you view as polar opposite to you on this matter. I'm not a sheep that's scared of everything, quite the opposite.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 09:14 AM
The scientific method is one of rigorous scrutiny, constant challenge and authority means nothing, just the evidence and results. Theories change constantly as new information comes to light.

Or it once was.

“Progressives” have turned that into a religion. 100% argument from authority on all issues. “Top experts” agree, so you should too. Only our data is correct, your data is flawed and you are stupid for questioning the “scientific” truth.

Dissenters are removed from their positions and their work suppressed. Those who deny the politically correct theory are labelled “science deniers” by the establishment.

Nowhere is this more evident than with the Peking Pestilence.

The cathedral of progressive ideology tolerates no dissent from dogma and doctrine.

Presumably this will eventually lead to a technological and scientific nadir in the western world. Science cannot flourish in such an atmosphere of censorship and oppression. Just ask Galileo.

edit on 2412021 by Ohanka because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
Did you test positive?

Unless you were tested or had severe symptoms, how could you know if it was actually COVID-19 and not a standard cold?

Colds are still going around, too.

Until now (since the WHO finally actually told everyone to stop increasing the number of cycles the PCR tests were using that resulted in a huge number of false positives), getting a positive test absolutely did not mean you had it. Period.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Nyiah

I'm not saying that they are handling this correctly. I'm saying there is a virus, it is killing people and folk need to stop denying that.

The virus isn't killing anyone.

What it is doing is causing pre-existing serious conditions to kill them.

Those who are reasonably healthy have no symptoms, or very mild symptoms.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: djz3ro

Wow ! That Guardian linked article was a total piece of trash !!
Is that what passes for 'journalism' with our good members from the UK ?
Just garbage, hit-shots, and propaganda from start to finish.
Utter filth !

Shameful to spin an unfortunate death, into a scare-tactic against weak minds that believe their horse-feathers.

What has happened to the concept of critical-thinking ?

RIP Gary.

We share sadness and shock at all of the harm Coviditis™ has caused.

Surely nothing at all that our fearless leaders could have done to prevent this mess...

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: 2ndSEED

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: djz3ro

According to the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 statistics:

- There have been about 25 million cases of COVID-19 in the USA. In a country of about 330 million citizens, this represents about 1 person in 13 having had the virus.

- More than 400,000 people in the USA have died of COVID-19 in the last 12 months.

Surely "the penny must be dropping" for even the most dedicated deniers, by now?

13x10 = Out of 130 people I know “0”
Covid related deaths! I believe any Covid19 death are induced in the hospital especially when they isolate you in dirty rooms full of other bacteria’s!

You know the guy who played Darth Vader in the Star Wars films? He died with COVID-19 complications.

You know Larry King the host of the Larry King show? He died recently with COVID-19.

So you probably do know of people who died due to COVID-19.

Does anyone die of old age anymore or is it all covid? Larry King sat behind Jesus in Kindergarten. Is anyone really shocked he died?

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 10:48 AM
Lord have mercy, pharma and the medical establishment, change the way people die today in the world, due to the pursue of money, people no longer die of old age, the die of a complication of old age, so in order to offer more magical pills, knowing you will die from a complication ensure you will get into some type of treatment.

Get it?

BTW do not be afraid of covid, but be very afraid of the cure, you many no die from covid, "complications" but can die from covid cure long time side effects.

posted on Jan, 24 2021 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: markovian

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: djz3ro

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: djz3ro
a reply to: Gothmog

Duly noted. I'm glad you're on the mend though.

On the mend ?
I was never down....

Ah I thought you were ill for 2 weeks.

Oh puke. Just because one has a cold does not mean they're entirely down for the count. I've had many colds. Never was "on the mend" for most, just slowed down a bit. I was not down for the count with those.

Maybe it's just you. Not sure how bad off you are health-wise, but if Gothmog making it through a mild cold fine is a shocker and not what you expected, maybe the issue isn't the cold, it's your OWN health. If a cold is what licks ya, you ain't doing too good already.

COVID-19 is different to a cold. Some of the milder symptoms are similar, but there are a number of pneumonic effects in many that go beyond a cold.

Name one

Also it looks like we are simply witnessing a new virus enter the human population one day covid19 will most certainly be called the common cold

COVID-19, cold, allergies and the flu: What are the differences?

Not a single symptom on that list a cold cant produce

Again just name one not some list u think means something name a symtome that I can't find as a symtome of a cold might want to cross reference with viral pneumonia since a cold causes that

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