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Covid-19 is here to stay. People will have to adapt

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+13 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:00 PM
From The Economist...

The worst is to come. Based on research in 84 countries, a team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reckons that, [coor=yellow]for each recorded case, 12 go unrecorded and that for every two covid-19 deaths counted, a third is misattributed to other causes.

Without a medical breakthrough, it says, the total number of cases will climb to 200m-600m by spring 2021. At that point, between 1.4m and 3.7m people will have died. Even then, well over 90% of the world’s population will still be vulnerable to infection—more if immunity turns out to be transient.

Now before the "behind paywall" cries go up, The Economist is offering their CoronaVirus coverage for free is you sign up for their newsletter.

Editor’s note: Some of our covid-19 coverage is free for readers of The Economist Today, our daily newsletter. For more stories and our pandemic tracker, see our hub

The story continues with helpful insights that if implemented will vastly lower the cost to society in lives and stablity.

The actual outcome depends on how societies manage the disease.

Here the news is better. Epidemiologists understand how to stop covid-19.

You catch it indoors, in crowds, when people raise their voices.

The poor are vulnerable, as are the elderly and those with other conditions.

You can contain the virus with three tactics:

changes in behaviour; testing, tracing and isolation;

and, if they fail, lockdowns.

The worse a country is at testing—and many governments have failed to build enough capacity—the more it has to fall back on the other two.

Good public health need not be expensive. Dharavi, a slum of 850,000 people in Mumbai, tamed an outbreak (see article).

What truly concerns me, in the USA, is those people that are allowing themselves to be manipulated by all this talk of 'personal rights' (which is actually self-centered fear talking). The Founders of this country put the good of the nation (however they or you define it) above their own personal comfort and pocketbook.

We are all in this together and as long as the people (of whatever race, religion or political persuasion) allow themselves to believe the magical thinking that is standing in for sound/sane science and - yes - common sense, we have the ingredients for a national disaster on a scale never before seen.

The behavior of wearing masks outside the home must become the norm. It's not about keeping you safe - but it's about keeping everyone safe.

Masks are not terribly effective against the virus already in the environment - but they are very effective at keeping the virus out of the air WE ALL BREATHE - and if every one wears simple masks CORRECTLY cover both nose and mouth the transmission rate drops to 5%.

The infection rate increase are being seen in young people.

We each have a personal responsibility to protect our communities as best we can. And we do that by learning the facts - not what someone anyone says on youtube or facebook or fox news.

+11 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:23 PM

doomporn from mainstream media?
and you are worried?

+5 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Well the H1N1 pandemic lasted almost two years so it’s hard to understand why this one hanging around would be a surprise to anyone.

Truthfully this one is pretty tame and some day we will get another Spanish flu that will really do some damage.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:24 PM
Good post. Flag given.
For us Americans it does come down to a few things.
1. the most important one is "ignorance " yes, that is a strong word, I thought I'd use the word "stupidity" but that word does not describe the situation well enough
2. what had happen in a few countries is this... this type of disease has to be controlled strictly at the local level, which it wasn't and still isn't , but now many of us see the loss of freedom to do as one please. sad as it is, we deserve this loss through selfishness . eat it people, it will only get worse. America must follow the few countries that said, safety first, economy second
3. for people hoping for a vaccine, keep hoping
4. my "street talk" which at the many times of posting were way of a head of times, but as you all know by now, much of it has panned out since February of this year. I'm trying to condense all my post and put them in pdf file and even put it out to the public, why, because I believe none of it was and is total BS, but what people of the know first hand and shared it. I was lucky to hear some of it, not all, but enough to call it my "street talk" that I wanted to share
5. I wrote about the way children "must " be educated, a new style, but actually old in fashion. If someone save that link ( I have yet got to it ) please post it. Its the only way your child will make in the "new world" of the corona virus. Of course, if the child goes astray, not my problem
6. One must realize this as you read my post hear, just because you show negative after treatment, doesn't mean that you won't be living with side affects for the rest of your life. Not sure what is on American TV, but here, we don't BS around , TV gives like it is, no drama, no tears, just pure struggling with the after effects.

7. Wear the masks where necessary
8. We are now finding out that bodies of water DO contain the virus, so please stay out of public swimming pools this summer
although this is partially true:
here on TV is was said that the virus IS in the water in the pools, sorry, I don't have a link on it since it was on tv and not the NHK channel

Like the title says: IT AIN'T GOING AWAY

+4 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:30 PM
You want to know another scary fact? Well, not scary to me, but really scary to some, scary enough to sign up for something even worse than the "Patriot Act". Everyone will likely get it at some point, mask or no mask. Nobody who leaves their house can possibly practice enough PPE and hygiene to avoid it. Just look at the imbeciles who wear masks on their mouth but don't cover their nose, or vice versa or touch and adjust their mask like every 2 minutes. Touch any cash money lately? How about any coins? Masks are just your blanky and pacifier.
edit on 3-7-2020 by panoz77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: dantanna

The White House's new message.

We will have to learn to live with Covid-19...even after a vaccine is developed.

+22 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:31 PM
I am not surprised you are pushing fascist BS for more government control of the population. This is really simple...if you are too scared of the Wu Flu then stay home locked up. The rest of us are going to live our lives. We are human beings with God-give rights. Society is a construct and has no inherent rights. You do you and I will do me. Stop inflicting your fears on everyone else.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:35 PM
And Don Jr's wife just tested positive for it. She was already in SD. So... it's definitely going to make its way around.

+11 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:40 PM
As Metallicus said.
If you've been manipulated enough to be scared. STAY IN.
Wait for the next flu season and say hello to covid 20.

+2 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic

8. We are now finding out that bodies of water DO contain the virus, so please stay out of public swimming pools this summer

Just more fear-mongering. If it is in pools it's also in rivers, lakes, the oceans and likely our drinking water. Guess what? Everyone will get it then. All seven billion of us. You know what else? We'll never know how many people had it without any symptoms and if you think everyone in the world, or even everyone in any country, will be tested you're sorely mistaken. The only thing we can do is hope we don't get bad issues and fight through it. No amount of broadcasting fear and doom hoping people will hide in their homes until it's gone will work. That will destroy nations first.

Is that what you want? Economic collapse because people are scared to leave their homes? The good thing we're hearing about the recent "explosion" in numbers is it's apparently not nearly as potent as it was in January.

Stop the panic, doom and gloom talk. It's not doing anyone any good.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:42 PM
I am not afraid of this virus, I am afraid of the fear others will have and how they respond to it. I fear that the fear mongers will destroy our economy and everyone will be in poverty, with the banks forclosing on everything. This is a disaster, the treatment of this disease is much worse than the disease is. Yes people will die, this virus is not going to go away and I highly doubt if a vaccine will work well with this disease. They have tried and failed for many years to make vaccines for coronaviruses and SARS. They could not and I think that a vaccine will not work but then again when people drop dead, they will test them for flu or another disease because that is how they have been doing it for the flu all along, make the vaccine look more effective by blaming someone's illness who has been vaccinated on another virus.

+3 more 
posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:43 PM
Pandemic is over

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:55 PM
The virus is a joke compared to the real epidemics of morbid obesity and poor lifestyles. Those two are definitely not going away. More than half the country will be severely overweight in 20 years.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: BadBoYeed

People don't die as soon as they get sick. Your chart ends about 2 weeks after the number of cases (and hospitalizations) started to rise again.

edit on 7/3/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:58 PM
This is precisely why it's so dumb to continue shutting down things the moment we see a few new cases pop up. CV19 is here to stay and will not be erased from existence regardless of how long we stay isolated. I'll say it again, if we could destroy CV19 we could destroy every virus. Yet this is exactly the type of approach I'm now seeing being applied, it's no longer about flattening the curve so hospitals aren't overflowing, it's about restarting lock-downs and wearing masks until there's no new cases. Not going to happen. Just imagine this going on for the next several years, because it will if we maintain this stupid approach instead of realizing that achieving herd immunity really is the best solution. I'd say the UK has pretty much achieved herd immunity at this point because they were so ineffective at preventing the spread. Then around a week ago we saw images from the UK of people packed like rats onto beaches, we also saw images and videos of large groups of people rioting all across the UK, and yet their number of cases has been falling steadily for almost two months and has not jumped back up as a result of the protests or beach goers. The real damage is caused by the fearmongers who want to prolong the economic destruction and loss of jobs.
edit on 3/7/2020 by ChaoticOrder because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: BadBoYeed

I don’t know where you got that from but man is that really inaccurate.


There ya go buddy.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: FlyinHeadlock

Shoot, I thought we were already there.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:01 PM
We have to learn to live with it, because if you die from it you didn't learn to live with it.

Nevermind. I'll leave myself out.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I'm not seeing being applied, it's no longer about flattening the curve so hospitals aren't overflowing,
Texas seems to disagree.

Even Abbot figured it out. A bit late.

posted on Jul, 3 2020 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: BadBoYeed

I don’t know where you got that from but man is that really inaccurate.


There ya go buddy.

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