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Funny Abstinence from sex doesn’t work, but Covid19 lockdowns will?

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posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:05 AM
Abstinence does work.

I'm 35 and no kids while intentionally ignoring females that give me oogly eyes [or whatever the hell people call those]. My sisters will see this in real time and then tell me to pay attention because some girl acted very interested... I simply say, "I don't really care for primitive intercourse type stuff until I've successfully reached my life goal. This is why I can still follow my dreams while you're stuck living in a double wide with 3 kids, eating kraft mac and cheese, worrying your dude isn't really fishing like he said he was..." .... something along those lines... they'd probably flip the F_/( l< out... but you get it? I'm living proof abstinence most definitely works. Also the pulling out method also works... contrary to popular belief.

Just because you can't pay your light bill right now due to not having a suckle of "the man's" teet doesn't have [male genitalia] to do with other's abstinence or staying home from people sharing germs... the only real element here is you simply lack the skill, creativity, imagination and you're forced to sit there in bed and reflect on how truly meaningless it all was... and now must go back to square one, find something you love, let it kill you.... and become something worth a damn before you dissipate into the ether like all of your meaningless ancestors from the past and how irrelevant your children and there's will also be.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And that's good... you now have an opportunity to become Mozart and can apply the 10,000 hour rule.

You just might make your family name relevant briefly after you've turned to dust.
edit on 14-5-2020 by MikhailBakunin because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2020 by MikhailBakunin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

I would certainly be up for this, the greek did it, the romans did it, and gosh darn it, what kind of empire would we be if we didn't "do it" ?

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

Desperate times call for desperate measures. And that's good... you now have an opportunity to become Mozart and can apply the 10,000 hour rule.

I've probably spent about 10,000 hrs having sex in my life time. I wouldn't call myself a Mozart, perhaps a Sex Pistol
but I'll keep practicing!!

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

Kind of bitter it seems like. Just an observation. You're point is commendable though.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

What in the hills have Incel eyes did I just read?

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:03 PM
Abstinence is actually the only 100% method to stop STDs and pregnancy’s. However it’s a lot harder to practice then to preach. It doesn’t work because some people think abstinence only means no penetration it really means no sexual activity of any kind.

It’s apples to oranges as already stated by other posters.

If your concerned stay home. If your at risk stay home. If there are people that are at risk that depend on you for care stay home.

Personally I’d rather die a slow suffocating death from covid then live a life of isolation where my movement is dictated and regulated by the government and my fellow citizen. Where I can no longer gather socially or otherwise. Where movies, restaurants and travel are off limits.

I respect others right to be scared as long as they respect mine to not be.

a reply to: JAGStorm
Lol best zinger I’ve read in while.

edit on 14-5-2020 by Athetos because: Because JAGstorm made me laugh

edit on 14-5-2020 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

Despite my sarcastic analogies, I admire your commitment to celebacy....but

This little quote, paints you as an elitist holier than thou, anal retentive zealot. With more than just a hint of envy...

This is why I can still follow my dreams while you're stuck living in a double wide with 3 kids, eating kraft mac and cheese, worrying your dude isn't really fishing like he said he was..."

Not everyone can or wants to be Mozart. What did you accomplish with your 10,000 hours?

edit on 14-5-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

What in the hills have Incel eyes did I just read?

*probably a few noteworthy elements within the content posted.

1. Proposing the concept that turning down primitive sexual behavior, (like the culture built around Tinder and the weekend partier) of the majority, has a strong influential aspect upon one's successful endeavors and respecting self first and foremost. Personal accountability must be held in higher regard.

2. In the subject line alone... the title, is a complete farce and misnomer of grand proportions, for which is acknowledged in the very first line of said post.

3. A clever, more closer to original than others, and a practical way to get around the fascist censorship algorithms by simply paying more attention to detail and yet still utilizing the mundane punctuation marks but as they are not meant. Making it still legible and not looking like Sumerian hieroglyphics from 5,000 years ago. ie: "F _/( l

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:19 PM
The more you post the more I believe it’s the other parties willfully abstaining from you and not the other way around.
They might make sex eyes at you but as soon as you open your mouth I bet their tune changes fast.
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

edit on 14-5-2020 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:19 PM
Derp double post.

edit on 14-5-2020 by Athetos because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:27 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

Despite my sarcastic analogies, I admire your commitment to celebacy....but

This little quote, paints you as an elitist holier than thou, anal retentive zealot.

This is why I can still follow my dreams while you're stuck living in a double wide with 3 kids, eating kraft mac and cheese, worrying your dude isn't really fishing like he said he was..."

Not everyone can or wants to be Mozart. What did you accomplish with your 10,000 hours?

Personally, at the age of 16 I dropped out of high school and picked up a guitar.... everyone thought I was pretty much just being a waste of life at that point (I shunned the world pretty much). What idiot does that? Well I went through some heavy life changing things and put my heart and soul into guitar, Jimi Hendrix had an impression on me. So every day for a year I picked up the guitar... fingers all messed up... I dropped out and had nothing to do... what's the point of these fingers???? Apparently the guitar... so I played through it. Sun up... to sun down... for a year. I ended up with the most insane dexterity of Jimi sure... like I set out to do but there's other aspects you don't really know until you get to that level. I was burnt out and ended up hating this style of musical pud whacking to the point I feel like I put my heart into yet another thing that was simply not anything like I'd imagined. Most people don't really care if someone could sound like Jimi in the early 2000's... it's outdated and I neglected those aspects. I totally changed my perspective towards everything but of course nothing changed my heart for music... and I found out I did obtain what I wanted by simply dedication... but there's always another side of the coin you don't quite grasp until you've lived it... in your space/time.

So I've learned all of that to be here to tell you folks.... abstinence works.... not saying it's the RIGHT thing... or whatever... and you'll probably go through a decade of drugs/alcohol/nihilism and all that fun stuff.... sure... you might kill someone or yourself within all this great amazing time of your life... sure... but the title is still fundamentally wrong in any sense of the words.

g'day mate

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: Athetos
The more you post the more I believe it’s the other parties willfully abstaining from you and not the other way around.
They might make sex eyes at you but as soon as you open your mouth I bet their tune changes fast.
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

you're definitely right though... I've easily made a whole room smile and laugh just as well as I've made a whole room completely mad and disheartened. Proper communication definitely influences personal aspects on people's thoughts on the world and it's components. Which is why it is important to understand that based on those rules of communication we must establish that ABSTINENCE DOES WORK.

(gotta keep it on subject folks hahahaha) so yeah... you're right.... and not having sex definitely leads to not having kids.

Not sure what the OP was thinking... I think the OP is just being bias and disgruntled at said disposition in life. Which is entirely understandable.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

Dude, I caught your drift.
Even though I made fun of it (not you) the reality is that I'm probably a lot more
like what you said, than not.

Even though I am married and have kids, I get what you are saying.
I truly wish some people would have abstained more, for starters a lot of politicians mothers!!

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm


edit on 14-5-2020 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin


Not sure what the OP was thinking... I think the OP is just being bias and disgruntled at said disposition in life. Which is entirely understandable.

Based on what?

I am very happy with my life. Other than the current economic crisis. I am still working. The facility does daily temperature checks. We actually had a person test positive for Covid19. The individual retuned to work four weeks ago. It was actually the cleaning person. That individual was the only one that had any kind of illness. The rest of us were fine. I shop once or twice a week where populations are concentrating like Walmart. I don’t wear a mask unless it is required. We are currently not wearing masks were I work. I still have no Covid19.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: jtma508
a reply to: neutronflux

What? Have you ever HAD sex? You have to have close, intimate contact usually with exchange of bodily fluids to pass a 'sexually transmitted disease'. See? It's right there in the title. You don't get STDs cause someone sneezed or coughed 3ft away from you. You're comparing Apples with ass-hats. Stupid post. Sorry.

The comparison being made between "Abstinence" and "Social Distancing" is one about the effectiveness as a mitigation technique. The comparison is not being made with regard to the transmission mechanism between COVID and STDs.

Abstinence would otherwise be a powerful mitigation in stopping the spread of STDs; no sex no STDs. The reason Abstinence fails is because it is very difficult to make people practice Abstinence.

Social distancing would otherwise be a powerful mitigation in stopping the spread of Covid-19. The reason it is failing is because it is proving to be very difficult to make people practice proper social distancing.

The analogy does seem to be on point.

Here in New York, the epicenter of the enter world pandemic, studies have concluded that over 70% of new cases are people who claim to be practicing social distancing. That would suggest, like Abstinence for STDs, social distancing is not a viable mitigation for Covid-19.

A long time ago the civilized world by and large accepted that Abstinence, while a logical mitigation to STD transmission, is not viable in practice. It fails to aknowlage that it is impossible to expect humans to stop being human in order for the mitigation to work. There is an insatiable human desire to procreate through sexual encounter that can not easly be dismissed even when the ramifications are death through STD.

How long until the civilized world learns the same lesson about social distancing as a means to mitigate disease transformation? Humans are social creatures; we have an insatiable human desire to socialize. However logical social distancing might sound as a remedy to disease transmission; it will always ultimately fail in practice because humans can't stop being human.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

Or I should put it this why. I am very blessed to provide for my kid. And that little person is the most important person in my life at this time.

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Maybe conspiracy theories are close to the truth? But why purposefully destroy an economy? Who benefits?

You're pretty much trying to rationalize the crazy theories about new world order? Right?
edit on 14-5-2020 by MikhailBakunin because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: MikhailBakunin

So you are or were a guitar player. So am I and played bars and busked for years and I always considered my endeavors halfassed, but still the Happiest time of my life and I don't regret one minute of my hedonism and debauchery, just like Jimi enjoyed.

You may disdain my previous lifestyle but to be honest you don't come across as happy. In fact you seem envious and bitter and just a little bit psychotic.

I'm currently into the piano and have no illusions that I'll ever be anything more than a mediocre cocktail pianist and even at my age the gals like what I'm doing. And I consider it an honor to be a member of AFofM, also SAG and IATSE.

edit on 14-5-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-5-2020 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2020 @ 01:15 PM
I'm actually a glass half-ful type, in terms of perspective. But in regards to personal lifestyle changes, cultural choice, or what is praised or held in disdain based on their influential roles establishing a stance within society. I feel it desperately deserves a re-evaluation when the very life choices one makes leads them to somehow believe their role in abstinence or lack thereof is somehow a reflection of the norm or status-quo.

When a false pretense is charaded as a fundamental norm of a civilization is pretty much becomes the very reasoning for said disposition.

But what is being overlooked is ... the media is very limited on how it projects itself due to these very factors the OP is focusing on. One wrong statement [at least in the eyes of an opposition] can and has in the past totally decimated funding for projects decades in the making. Making it PERTINENT to reflect the authority making the decisions for the whole is putting the populous in its safest regard in terms of health and safety. Knowing one blanketed statement of choice couldnt possibly be administered to the whole country due to many factors like regional aspects of urban or rural areas and how they commute.

Basically its a.... not WHAT you do but HOW you do it aspect a lot of people do not apply in the media image and also how folks are viewing my own personal sociological stance on varying subjects.

What you see is not entirely true... there's not just an iceberg but a continent beneath it.

a reply to: olaru12

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