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Did we experience a dimension slip?

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posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 01:38 PM
Hi this is my first post here but I have been a long time lurker. I have dealt with the paranormal since I was 11 years old and have seen and experienced some truly bizarre things. But this experience was by far the most peculiar and eerie thing me and my little sister ever encountered and I wanted to share it with you so maybe someone might have some sort of explanation as to what it was.

5 years ago my sister lived in close proximity to me and would sometimes pop round after work at night for a coffee or a chat to let off a bit of steam. This one particular winter night she had arrived and we settled either side of the coffee table with a couple of cuppa's and a deck of playing cards for a bit of downtime and a good old gossip.

She had been out at weekend and had lost her phone so she asked me to check the time on mine (I have no clock in my living room as I hate the ticking noise) I told her it was 6:10pm and she said that to let her know when it was roughly 8:30/8:45pm so she could get off home and get her work uniform ready for the next day.

We chilled and laughed about stuff like guys and nightmare work colleagues while we played rummy. After nearly an hour of that we grew bored and switched to an old war time game we used to play with our great grandmother called bonk and then switched again some time after that to a bit of poker. We must have been sat playing for roughly 2 hours.

Out of no where the light in the room seemed to dim a little and I experienced the most alarming sensation of electricity crackling in the bottom of my spine which then shot all the way up to the base of my skull. My body actually half lurched forward as it was so uncomfortable. We looked at each other and seeing the freaked out look on her face I realised she had felt something too. I just said to her "something is really really wrong." what she said to me next was just odd.
"look at the time." she blurted out her eyes wide.

I don't know what compelled her to say that but I knew it was a weird thing to say in the moment. I picked up my phone off the table and it said 6:31pm. I utter something along the lines of "that can't be right."
Obviously thinking that my phone was having some sort of strange malfunction I got up and opened my laptop. I just stare open mouthed as the screen lights up and informs me it is 6.31pm. I was so confused and in this strange mental fog I go to the television as a last resort and go to switch it on.
"what is the time what do they say?" my sister asked me wondering what in the world was going on.
"just give me a minute." I tell her as I press the button on the telly and the screen flickers black to colour. The time flashed up in the top right corner. 6:31pm. My sister seeing it is just as confused as I am and after checking my phone starts freaking out. I was just stood there completely dumbfounded.

How on earth had just 20 minutes passed since we had started playing cards. When I asked her how long she thought we had been sat at the little table she had guessed the same as me roughly 2 hours.
We had no explanation for what it was. It was like we had looped back on ourselves and I was glad that it hadn't just been me on my own when it happened or I would have thought I was losing my mind.
After we had calmed down a bit she quipped in a half shaky/jokey voice "oh well at least I have another couple of hours with you." we both nervously laughed but the look in both of our eyes must have shown how truly unnerved we were. My sister to this day does not like talking about this experience.

Any thoughts on what it could have been would be greatly appreciated as we have been at a loss for the last 5 years.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

That is quite the strange experience. I'm sure someone will come along with similar experiences or perhaps a theory for you. I will be watching this thread for comments.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: Night Star

I sure do hope so. Thanks for taking the time to read, it would be nice to be able to get some sort of understanding.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:11 PM
Seems like you have experienced some sort of a time slip ... or perhaps you were in some sort of an accelerated time bubble/dungeon that popped after 2 hours... reminds me of that manga "The Gamer' ...
Your experience sure is interesting and weird...
And why did your sister ask you to look at the time? Did she perhaps had experienced this sort of thing before?

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:24 PM

I don't know what compelled her to say that but I knew it was a weird thing to say in the moment. I picked up my phone off the table and it said 6:31pm. I utter something along the lines of "that can't be right."

What a strange coincidence .

Over the last couple weeks I’ve been pondering a theory that ATS It’s self might be under the influence of time dilation due to extremely weak gravity.

According to Einstein‘s theory of general relativity the weaker the gravity is the faster time passes.

There is an easy experiment anyone on ATS can do to observe this phenomena.

When you make a post the allotted time to edit that post is 4 hours .

Yet if you comeback to edit that post in around 2 hours your time.

You will be amazed to see that the full four hours has passed ATS time.

My theory is that we are so far away from the black rabbit hole the time speeds up .

What other answer could there be ?

( sorry for going a little off topic. I couldn’t resist cause with my grammar the edit limitation alteration bugs the crap out of me .)

edit on 24-6-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-6-2019 by Fallingdown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

Funny junk, Einstein and newton were both right. There is relativistic time and absolute time. Maybe your brains happened to access absolute frames of reference via entanglement during the passage of a gravity wave? You would be shocked concerning the incidence of temporal anomalies caused by gravity waves. When I worked with the NRC I monitored gravity waves using temporal proxy interferometry. So, just sounds like a glitch in your (and sister's) biological SCADA system lol.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: thethirdsign

Thank you for taking the time to read. I have no idea I asked her afterwards what made her say that. She just told me she didn't know it popped out of her mouth before she realised what she was saying.

Peculiar to say the least. Neither of us had never experienced anything quite that intense before.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: bobs_uruncle

Thank you for your input it is very interesting. It did feel like we both had slipped into this strange connection to something far bigger and more complex than us. As to why it was us on that particular night I have no idea maybe something big was going on out there in the universe.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:04 PM
I think there is a war in the future that involves time travel and therefore involves our own time period.

Teams of saboteurs or perhaps individuals are coming back to our time frame and making major changes - for whatever reasons. These changes then effect the future's outcome and in turn, they are destroying their enemies through this "time-line" battle.
However, their opposition is also altering the timelines by "picking and choosing" which timeline to stick with - whatever the better outcome is.

So, we are constantly being momentarily taken "offline" for a brief flash while the natural/digital needle skips to a different yet "parallel" track.
So, not everything works perfectly and people are starting to notice the glitches.

I feel like these saboteurs from the future are most likely terrorist cells either sponsored by a nation or driven by a cause. Either way, the world government/military has to go back and try to "reset" or patch up the damage that was caused.

I mean, I kind of remember the world getting wiped out by nukes last month, weird. I feel like that happened. Maybe it was just a dream.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

Do you have a record of the exact date?

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:11 PM
Interesting story... thank you for posting it.

There are a number of similar "time slip" stories in the literature of the weird, and likely a couple billion that never got recorded . .. so at least you aren't the only ones claiming such an experience.

Jenny Randles has a book, Time Storms, that records accounts and offers some possible explanations for how they might work. If memory serves, there is usually some accompanying phenomena, like a "fog" or other electrical effects.

As far as my opinion, it's that we simply have a whole lot to learn and know very, very little about reality ... in our normal, waking consciousness, anyway.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

I have found it strange how recently there have been a lot of supposed time travellers coming out of the woodwork with warnings.
Your explanation is intriguing and I would have to agree that if people were doing that it would effect our present time now but who knows unless someone comes forward with conclusive proof.
Did you experience the nuclear annihilation in a dream? Or is it just a case of random images or memories that have popped into your mind. If you don't mind me asking.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

No not an exact date but I believe it was Jan/Feb time 2014 as it was still getting dark really early on and it was miserable and freezing out

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Oh wow I will definately have to check that out it sound really interesting. That is strange how you mention the electrical disturbance. That was the only way I could explain that feeling in my spine a strong electrical charge. Not the most pleasant sensation to say the least

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 03:55 PM
You could've read the time wrong the first time. Maybe it was 5:10pm, not 6:10pm.

Then, they could've reacted to you having a moment because it was startling to everyone in the room.

Or, maybe you simply lost track of time and thought more had passed than it did. The power of suggestion from the male in the room, the leader (you) that something wasn't right prompted them to agree. Haven't we all had those experiences when younger with friends and siblings? They're freaky at the moment and really fun, everyone wonders and feels kinda scared but in a good way, like watching a thriller or a horror movie. Then, life goes on afterward and the next day.

Did anyone else in the world experience what you did, when you did? It'd have to be a phenomenon that went beyond the people in the room if time itself changed for an inexplicable reason. I don't think there were mass reports on the internet of anything similar happening to anyone else that day/time.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: r0xor

That was mine and my sisters first thought that I had got the time wrong but she came straight from work to mine and she left just gone 5pm so we knew it couldn't be that as she got to mine roughly 5.45pm.
Her reaction and the look on her face to me said that she had felt something too. She didn't get the feeling in her spine but she said she saw the light dim as well and she felt really heavy all of a sudden.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 04:36 PM
a reply to: Mysterychic88

A "time slip" is what you have described. I haven't had one but I have had something similar to your "spine" being "electrified". I think it is how we perceive this world that is being manipulated via some technology that makes it seem like "magic".

You're chakras run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Somehow (not sure exactly), yours were activated from outside yourself (most people spend years trying to do this from within). Perception goes all strange (I felt like I was dying), then you "ride it out" which is about the time you realize, "I have never been more alive." I was given a personal message from Her and she faded back into "Aum" of the space I was in (mental).

That was a personal, one-way communication. You had a space-time slip which was probably more intense! Most people slip forward and have the memory "kinda wiped" or at least covered (e.g., abductees being given a "snow owl image" to hide the fear and terror originally felt when truly facing The Other). You do not get direct access to it but it is still there.

What if there is some form of technology that allows access to the chakra system?? And like the "hidden memory" it is not our normal perspective of this world but we can, for short periods of time, experience it, use it, feel it, or at the very least, recognize when somebody is trying to use it!

Perhaps, there was not enough "time" to plant a cover story! Always seems that there is more unknown things than known. It is nice to hear that our little world is a bit more complex than what we experience! Thanks for sharing!!

ETA - Any UFO activity during this time period in the area?

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: r0xor
You could've read the time wrong the first time. Maybe it was 5:10pm, not 6:10pm.

Then, they could've reacted to you having a moment because it was startling to everyone in the room.

Or, maybe you simply lost track of time and thought more had passed than it did. The power of suggestion from the male in the room, the leader (you) that something wasn't right prompted them to agree. Haven't we all had those experiences when younger with friends and siblings? They're freaky at the moment and really fun, everyone wonders and feels kinda scared but in a good way, like watching a thriller or a horror movie. Then, life goes on afterward and the next day.

Did anyone else in the world experience what you did, when you did? It'd have to be a phenomenon that went beyond the people in the room if time itself changed for an inexplicable reason. I don't think there were mass reports on the internet of anything similar happening to anyone else that day/time.

What is your deal?

Every comment from you seems to be a snarky reply.

Why do you visit a conspiracy website if you are out to debunk every conspiracy?

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 04:49 PM

Thank you for taking the time to read I know it was a bit of a long post. Your experience sounds really interesting do you mind me asking who is her? If it's someone personal don't tell me I just wasn't sure if it was what you called some higher intelligent being.

It's actually really interesting you ask about ufo's years ago I had an experience in the house I grew up. It was severely haunted but mostly by people spirits. One night it must have been around 2.30 am my eyes were forced open like being held by something invisible causing them to sting, and this thing was stood by my bed. It had its head clocked to one side and it was watching me. It wanted me to see it I don't doubt that for one moment then it just dissipated after about 6 seconds and that was that.

I always just thought what a weird looking ghost but when this experience happened that flashed into my mind. Its odd that we have got onto this subject because I have just drawn this entity for the first time a few days ago. I will try and upload it on here now.

posted on Jun, 24 2019 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: 4891morfih

I don't think he read it in his reply he said the male in the room the leader that's you. I'm a chick... boobs and everything

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