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NYTimes reports on conditions in US Immigrant Children Camps and says conditions are really bad

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posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 05:20 AM

originally posted by: byteshertz
a reply to: Frocharocha

Listening to all the politics continue in this thread is painful.
Saying well send them back where they came from, justifying this treatment or thinking it is not your issue in any way is just as criminal as any country, parent or entity that allows them to suffer to start with.

These are @#$%en kids you smacktards!!!!!!!

They are innocent, don't be the @sshole that says it is not my problem a baby was dropped on my doorstep. They are on your doorstep, they are your responsibility just as they would be anyone else's UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Your corrupt government is quickly trying to change the laws but no matter what laws they pass, your right to keep what you earned does not trump the right of another human to exist. Tell the baby on the doorstep that you are not feeding him because it will use your food you had to earn while you continue to spend a fortune producing weapons and committing espionage fueling these global issues.

The kids have had no choice in this matter, do not punish them for the choices of their parents, governments or country. You and your generation are responsible and will go down in history for these crimes you continue to commit against humanity.



I usually never quote entire posts but this covers everything I wanted to say about the subject...

Won't hurt to read it again...and again.


posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: ElectricUniverse


I didn't say anything that isn't true. Lying and misrepresentation is your shctick.

Again, Obama's policy was mostly catch and release, unless a person was accused of a crime other than illegal entry. He didn't have a policy of separating families at the border, as a deterrent. That's all Trump and Trump is where the buck stops. Obama isn't president anymore.

Even so, Obama managed to deport more people, including families, with his catch and release policy than Trump's no tolerance policy and all his bluster and bloviating.

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: byteshertz

Oh look, another bleeding heart liberal with no solutions, just compassion. Good for you pal. Look how great you are at virtue signaling. You ticked off all of the boxes. You put your compassion above all logic and reason and in doing so did not recommend a solution. You must be a god amongst your other empty minded liberal fellows.

Basically, all your entire post is, is "I CARE!" In fact, you screamed that you have no solution but that someone else better fix it. Good job!


What a weak rant, filled with cowardice, you went on.

Let's take your "baby on the doorstep" example and make it a little more accurate. Imagine for a moment that people were leaving their babies, en masse, on the doorstep of a rich person. At first sure, they would likely take care of them. As reports spread that this rich person is taking in kids, more and more people start dropping their kids on their door step. Pretty soon the rich man is caring for thousands of kids. At what point is it ok that he request no more? When he's poor and can't take anymore of other peoples kids because they'll just starve?

That's what we're talking about here. We're talking about a rich country that's 20 trillion dollars in debt but people are bringing their kids to our door step demanding we care for them. We already have 11 million illegal immigrants that are milking the system dry. They don't pay income taxes. They don't pay social security/medicaid/medicare. They don't abide by the rules of our house.

But even more importantly, these kids are not just being dropped off for us to care for, they're being used as pawns to gain illegal entry to our country. The parents aren't just dropping them at the door step, the parents are trying to stay in the house with them.

So, mr compassionate, what's the solution? Let's take your framework:


The parents aren't innocent, are they? So I guess we should separate them from their kids right? We'll boot the parents and take the kids! No? That's inhumane you say? Well then I guess we have to turn them all away, right? Afterall, the parents aren't innocent so I guess we need to move on to your second criteria.

Humanity, whatever that means. They walked or hitched a ride here, are they incapable of hitching one back? Is it inhumane, when a guest shows up at your house unannounced and uninvited, to feed and cloth them for a day or two then send them on their merry way? How long do we need to allow these uninvited guests to stay in our living quarters? How long do we need to feed and cloth them? Indefinitely? If so, could I get your address?

Well, we've treated them humanely. We haven't let them starve. We have provided shelter. We have run out of beds but allowed them to sleep inside. We have provided emergency medical care. So now onto the third criteria; Countries. They have left theirs and illegally tried to gain entry to ours. Back to theirs they go, right?

Finally politics. Well, the dems are fighting over whether to give them any funding at all and they're to blame for the lack of funding in the first place as well as incentivizing people coming here illegally with their children so they can get "caught and released and skip out on their court date so they don't get deported." So maybe they should get their act together and address the reality of the situation. However, they're like you, so that's not going to happen. They actually want the crisis because a democrat isn't president. Compare and contrast to when obama had a republican house/senate in 2015 and the border crisis came up. It was met with quick response and legislation that addressed it. Now you've got dems fighting over "helping the children" because they're worried some people might get deported too if they help the children.

No one wants these kids to suffer. That doesn't make our ability to care for them unlimited.
edit on 26-6-2019 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 11:56 AM
A border crisis in the making for decades. Illegal immigration has always been an issue and once elected leaders figured out ways to exploit their presence and the problem, it's never really been fixed.

Of course, the immigrants are exploiting the issue too, claiming asylum when they know it doesn't qualify so they get released into the country and get to live here illegally.

I have sympathy for all these kids who are used as pawns in this game between politicians and parents.

But the right thing to do? Well in my opinion it is to close our borders, redirect all asylum claims to other countries and then secure our borders and work on expelling illegal imigrants and making it less attractive through laws to be here illegally.

Then, reform immigration and the laws before opening it all back up for business.

I sympathize for the plight of people who are in crappy and corrupt countries and want to come to the US for a better life, but the US is a place of limited resources and our country will collapse if it bears too much weight.

We are a country of immigrants. Legal immigrants and laws. I don't have sympathy for people who come here illegally and exploit and abuse the system. I don't have any tolerance for corrupt politicians who encourage it for their own gain, either.

It's reprehensible that the people REALLY hurt in all this are innocent children.
edit on 26-6-2019 by Thanatos0042 because: add

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Sillyolme

I'm glad they are on a floor instead of on the dirt.
I'm glad they have a foil blanket instead of branches or nothing.
300 kids to a room? I'm glad they aren't exposed to the elements.
A warehouse? I'm glad it is a big roof over their heads and walls to keep out molestors and wild animals.

edit on 26-6-2019 by hiddeninsite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2019 @ 01:55 PM
They where bad all the way back 20 years ago under Clinton...
edit on 26-6-2019 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: Dfairlite

Oh look, another bleeding heart liberal with no solutions, just compassion. Good for you pal. Look how great you are at virtue signaling. You ticked off all of the boxes

It is sad to see you still think in boxes. Left, right, upside down it is all the same BS. People are people labels and boxes are just a way for you to find a category so you can choose a path of comprehension or ignorance - refer to the site motto.

So I guess we should separate them from their kids right? We'll boot the parents and take the kids! No?

Or you could just stop with your warfare and espionage for a 5 minutes and not only take care of these people while they await fair review for asylum, which again is international law - you would have plenty left to spend on your own people needing help too. At the same time, you would save the next wave needing to come because you are messing in their countries politics and destabilizing their countries to start with. You make it out like food, water and basic medical are some huge big thing, yet in the 5 minutes I take to type this, the US just spent another $2.5 mil on war, and that is not even including the extreme black budgets. Source:

You are talking as if these people just come to you because you are amazing, generous, helpful people. These people are fleeing their countries because you have taken advantage of their natural resources for generations, exploited them for cheap labor, kept them down by meddling in their politics and conducting espionage to ensure they have just enough to keep paying you every time they go around your monopoly board full of hotels. All while telling them how great you have it there, not sharing with the world, rubbing it in the worlds face. Well guess what? the world is coming, you are not expected to fix the worlds problems, but you can at least hear them out.

Pissing into the wind may seem like fun when the breeze is blowing on your balls, but sooner or later that piss is going to land back on you and you have a responsibility to clean it up. You can cry all you want, but there is only 1 other country on earth that has benefited from the exploitation of other people and countries as much as the the US has and we all know who that crown belongs to.

I get it, you are afraid of losing the paradise you have robbed, built up through slave labor and cherished as a place of freedom. We can keep sharing quotes, telling stories and playing word games all day, but anyone with a basic knowledge of history knows the truth. So, just step up, be a man, clean the piss up, so you can get back to #ting the bed.

edit on 27-6-2019 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 09:37 PM

originally posted by: byteshertz
a reply to: Dfairlite

Oh look, another bleeding heart liberal with no solutions, just compassion. Good for you pal. Look how great you are at virtue signaling. You ticked off all of the boxes

It is sad to see you still think in boxes. Left, right, upside down it is all the same BS. People are people labels and boxes are just a way for you to find a category so you can choose a path of comprehension or ignorance - refer to the site motto.

So I guess we should separate them from their kids right? We'll boot the parents and take the kids! No?

Or you could just stop with your warfare and espionage for a 5 minutes and not only take care of these people while they await fair review for asylum, which again is international law - you would have plenty left to spend on your own people needing help too. At the same time, you would save the next wave needing to come because you are messing in their countries politics and destabilizing their countries to start with. You make it out like food, water and basic medical are some huge big thing, yet in the 5 minutes I take to type this, the US just spent another $2.5 mil on war, and that is not even including the extreme black budgets. Source:

You are talking as if these people just come to you because you are amazing, generous, helpful people. These people are fleeing their countries because you have taken advantage of their natural resources for generations, exploited them for cheap labor, kept them down by meddling in their politics and conducting espionage to ensure they have just enough to keep paying you every time they go around your monopoly board full of hotels. All while telling them how great you have it there, not sharing with the world, rubbing it in the worlds face. Well guess what? the world is coming, you are not expected to fix the worlds problems, but you can at least hear them out.

Pissing into the wind may seem like fun when the breeze is blowing on your balls, but sooner or later that piss is going to land back on you and you have a responsibility to clean it up. You can cry all you want, but there is only 1 other country on earth that has benefited from the exploitation of other people and countries as much as the the US has and we all know who that crown belongs to.

I get it, you are afraid of losing the paradise you have robbed, built up through slave labor and cherished as a place of freedom. We can keep sharing quotes, telling stories and playing word games all day, but anyone with a basic knowledge of history knows the truth. So, just step up, be a man, clean the piss up, so you can get back to #ting the bed.

posted on Jun, 27 2019 @ 09:45 PM
How adorable..a meme
I would be breaking T&C to describe what you guys are suffering from.
edit on 27-6-2019 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2019 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: byteshertz

People are people labels and boxes are just a way for you to find a category so you can choose a path of comprehension or ignorance

What was ignorant about my response? That I pointed out that you offered no solutions? That I put you in a box you belong in? Seems your calling me ignorant is really just a way for you to choose a path of ignorance.

See, we all think in boxes. It's a function of the human brain. Your limit of personally knowing people is around 150 people. So everyone outside of that gets put into boxes. You do it just as much as everyone else, you simply label your boxes different and think you've made some breakthrough which makes you smarter than everyone else. Guess what though, it doesn't. It actually makes you less intelligent because it limits your ability to communicate and self reflect. You know exactly what I'm talking about when I call you a bleeding heart liberal with no solutions. Does that mean I think you're all identical? Of course not, but your ideologies are all similar and based on emotionally driven responses rather than measured with logical thought leading to solutions.

Or you could just stop with your warfare and espionage for a 5 minutes for a 5 minutes and not only take care of these people while they await fair review for asylum, which again is international law - you would have plenty left to spend on your own people needing help too.

See, you're proving the box I put you in was correct. This is a typical bleeding heart liberal response. It's not even a solution to the problem, it's a bandaid. So let's say we do it. We stop spending money on defense and spend it domestically. We can also pretend that wars and death and destruction don't get worse or better due to this, just for the sake of the proposal. Ok, so now you have all of this money to take care of illegals flooding our border. What's going to happen? How does this solve the problem? Well, it doesn't. More will come, because you've continued to incentivize it. We are a nation in debt and no nation has the money to take on even a sizeable portion of the worlds poor.

Also, international law says they need to apply for asylum in the first country they reach outside their own. Every last one of these people goes through mexico and breaks that international law. It's simply the kindness of our hearts that keeps us from denying every single asylum claim made by anyone on the southern border who is not mexican.

At the same time, you would save the next wave needing to come because you are messing in their countries politics and destabilizing their countries to start with.

What have we done in el salvador, honduras, and guatamala the last six-eight years that have made their exodus increase so exponentially?

You are talking as if these people just come to you because you are amazing, generous, helpful people.

So why don't they just stop in mexico? Why don't they head north to canada? Why don't the flee to europe or africa or asia? Why is their destination the place that has killed their countries?

All while telling them how great you have it there, not sharing with the world, rubbing it in the worlds face. Well guess what? the world is coming, you are not expected to fix the worlds problems, but you can at least hear them out.

Yes, that's what the legal immigration system is.

You can cry all you want, but there is only 1 other country on earth that has benefited from the exploitation of other people and countries as much as the the US has and we all know who that crown belongs to.

I disagree with the premise but I am interested to hear who is almost as evil as the US, in your eyes. I'm still perplexed as to why all these people, fleeing the evil brought upon them by the US, run to the US for help.

I get it, you are afraid of losing the paradise you have robbed, built up through slave labor and cherished as a place of freedom.

Sir, we haven't had slaves for over 150 years. I'd bet whatever piss-hole country you're typing from still has a slave trade. There are currently 30 million slaves in the world and that's if you don't count most of china. We have robbed no one. Yeah, we're not perfect but your scapegoating our success does you no favors. If it's so easy, build yourself a nation on slave labor. Have at it. China has been trying and if it weren't for the west, they'd be flailing. We're propping them up. When they collapse because of their corruption and totalitarianism, you'll claim we robbed them too.

We can keep sharing quotes, telling stories and playing word games all day, but anyone with a basic knowledge of history knows the truth.

LMAO, here's the truth. These south american countries built themselves on slavery.

The problem is their populace' seem too be unable to restrain themselves from trying to rob each other via government. This leads to corruption and instability which you then lay off onto the US, because you're constantly a victim. Look at Venezuela. Socialism has never worked. Not once. Yet they voted for it, because this time would be different. This time, wanting to rob your neighbor was going to be great and lead to fairness for all! Now they scavenge for things to eat out of garbage trucks. Surprise, surprise, they blame the US for their failure. Nevermind the dust bin of history being filled with socialists. It was because of the US!

Why don't these countries stand up and take care of themselves? Why don't these populations do what's right instead of whats easy? It's easy to vote yourself other peoples money. It's easy to blame others for your failure. However, that doesn't work in the long run.

Now all of these failures want to lecture the US on compassion. We need to take in the damage created by these corrupt politicians, cartels, and militaries. Let me tell you something, you can stick your fake compassion where the sun don't shine because it's not actually compassion. It's scapegoating and blame. We can't save the world's poor because there is no one that can save them except themselves. All attempts to put a bandaid on the problem will only make it infected and festering.

The solution is to fix our immigration laws, to enforce asylum laws, and to simply close the border to all illegal immigration. In the mean time, yes, we need to do what we can to ensure these people are fed and clothed before we send them on their merry trek back to the places they came from.

One final note, it's funny that you bring up slavery and robbery and exploitation while defending illegal immigration. You must not be aware that illegal immigrants are basically a slave class here. They are robbed and exploited. Being lax on Illegal immigration is not compassion. It's cruelty.
edit on 28-6-2019 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2019 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: JohnnyCanuck
yes I shame our country because I feed homless Vetrens, and clothe homeless Veterens and live with Vetrens in trannsition, and yes I put Vetrens above children from another country, I really do and am damn proud to say so.

after you get the homeless Vetrens off the streets then, MAYBE we can talk about the free ride for other countires.

you may spew more of your platatudes now.

or maybe you can join the military, learn tactics and go to these southern countries and defeat the tyranny there, take some antifa guys with you and fight REAL facists, instead virtual signalling on a board, I did , why can't you?

Of course Antifa would never dare, maybe you would, but I just don't see it.

ETA the BEST part of all this, they can leave these "terrible" conditions anytime they want and go back home, nothing is stopping them, even the ones that complain, yet the never seem to, do they? Please someone tell my why they would endure such terrible hardship? Maybe, just Maybe the hardship is an American societal paradigm, and to these folks this is stll heaven in comparison.
edit on 5-7-2019 by thedigirati because: I believe in the folks that put their lives on the line for the USA, not the ones that just take from the USA. then complain it's not enough .

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