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The dystopian future is here. Billboard targeting Black women equates abortion to self-care.

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posted on May, 23 2019 @ 12:35 PM

originally posted by: CynConcepts
a reply to: gladtobehere

The first thing I find insulting and offensive about this billboard is that it is only directed at black women. What is up with that? I certainly don't agree to abortion as a method of birth control but why direct this at one racial ethnicity rather than all women?

Well it makes sense...when you realize Planned Parenthood was started by people who wanted to target the black population with abortions. Their plan has worked too. Could you imagine how many less black people there are now because of this?

They have more babies than whites but the black population has hovered around 12% for a very long time.

I would be willing to bet similar tactics have been used on the Native American population.

But there are black neighborhoods where there are more babies being aborted than there are babies born. Thats... I dunno what that is but it's something. And its wrong. Its like, idk, stealth genocide or population control. Something like that.

And its just weird when conspiratorial rumblings suggest that the "elites/illuminati" worship ancient dieties such as Moloch (his symbols the owl and bull are found everywhere as you know) that require child/infant sacrifice, and we just happen to live in a world where any efforts to curb abortion are immediately shouted down as somehow "evil" and we live in a world where children are so easily lost in "the system" and forgotten about. Everyone is screaming their heads off about a couple children who died in US custody after making the trek through the desert. Imagine if you were a kid in foster care watching this on the news. All the protests all the people who care so much about these children while you sit there and rot. Theres no outpouring of love for you. The people paying the most attention to you are sexual predators. All the "good" people have forgotten about you. I would either commit suicide, or become a mass shooter just to give society one last middle finger for not giving one single # about my suffering. We deserve mass shootings. Cause we obviously arent learning the lesson. A human being requires love. Attention. Guidance. Healthy social interactions, that involve meeting new people from time to time. When someone's having a bad day, you have to actually care.

But we still just stay isolated in our own designated areas (homes) without caring what goes on outside. So this will continue to happen. And why not? The government provides food stamps and cash to people in need, so its not like we have any reason to become a cohesive interdependent community. We have no need to give a # about anyone else...

Like woodcarver says "just mind your own business...with the added addendum that if you cause any problems for me ill just call the cops, cause there is absolutely NO reason that your problems should ever become MY problems. If youre hungry, get some food stamps. If you're cold and homeless, theres a homeless shelter for people like you. And etc etc whatever you need theres some other program for you so that we never need to even talk to one another unless its some kind of emergency".

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 12:36 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: gladtobehere

Stay out of other people’s business

Yeah, all we wanna do is chop up some living humans. That's nobodies business!

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

A women can sleep around with a hundred different men and yet it will only produce one pregnancy in a year's time. How many pregnancies can the man produce in that year's time if he is sleeping with a hundred women?
One careless women will only produce one unwanted pregnancy. One careless man could produce five? Ten?? Twenty??? Fifty????
When it comes to one on one personal relationships ya it comes to a 50 to 50 responsibility but on the broader spectrum like a society on a whole I really think men should hold way more than they hold.

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

Another person who doesnt understand personal responsibility.. How many babies will come from Abstaining genius? Do tell us.

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Bloodworth

And I was speaking about an actual nine year old south American girl who had been molested by a family member and found to be pregnant with twins in a country where the Catholic church has a little more power than they do here in the state's.
The doctors and nurse's said that the pregnancy would damage the girls health and there was a good chance it would kill her. They took it to court trying to get the govt to allow her an abortion. The Catholic church spoke out against it and tried to put pressure on the govt to not allow it. Eventually they agreed to allow it and the abortion was performed.
Originally the church was going to excommunicate not only the medical staff that did the abortion But also the mother who fought so hard for her daughter's health and probably life. And because they had to jump through a bunch of legal hurdles the abortion that should have taken place asap was delayed a month or two.
But that original decision was reversed and the mother was let off the book.
Interesting that the man who did this to a nine year old child, although he did jail time, his crime wasn't considered bad enough to warrant excommunication. Just like the priests who have abused little children were protected by the church.
Right now we have a bunch of laws in the pike and some of them have no exception for rape or incest. If they were to actually be enforce I think you can forget about
any future nine year old in similar circumstances being able to have it taken care of in the first couple of months because the doctor will either be more inclined to have a wait and see attitude and not intervene until there is no way to deny the child's life is threatened or it will wind up tied up in court for a few months.
I won't go far as to day that God
Doesn't really care much for the females in the human race but the men who have took it upon themselves throughout history don't seem to have cared much for them.

That's south America for ya.

What a sick story

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: BoscoMoney

Which leads back to just my just say no to sex idea. Ya know if You don't want kids at the present time just don't have the sex. If that means that your husband or wife has to make a choice between breaking their marriage vows or going a year or two celibate well they should be more than willing to accept that out of respect for your wishes.
But no birth control is a hundred percent effective and quite frankly a few moments of pleasure isn't worth losing your rights to a small little lifeform within you If the pregnancy goes badly.
Funny thing a lot of people just didn't like that idea. Maybe it was the way I presented it.

posted on May, 23 2019 @ 06:38 PM
Only the misinformed are in the dark that the tptb use multiple
Eugenics strategies to accomplish Margaret Sanger's vision.

"We don’t want the word to go out that we want to
exterminate the Negro population..."
-- Letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: Woodcarver

A women can sleep around with a hundred different men and yet it will only produce one pregnancy in a year's time. How many pregnancies can the man produce in that year's time if he is sleeping with a hundred women?
One careless women will only produce one unwanted pregnancy. One careless man could produce five? Ten?? Twenty??? Fifty????
When it comes to one on one personal relationships ya it comes to a 50 to 50 responsibility but on the broader spectrum like a society on a whole I really think men should hold way more than they hold.
I think everyone should be more responsible. But, how would you legislate that? Remember that this argument is about whether we need new laws, and how those laws will be written.

Just saying that one group is more responsible than the other is less than logical. I have seen that paragraph floated on facebook too, so i’ll give you a D- on originality.

Unless these guys are raping women or intentionally impregnating girls without their consent, then the responsibility for the pregnancy is equal between the two parties.

This is a scenario that could happen, but this only backs up the argument that women need to be vigilantly responsible for their own bodies right? I see a lot of man bashing lately, with various examples of why men are bad, so, why would you tell girls to trust their male partners intensions and accountability over thier own? If anything, we should be focusing our attention on teaching both parties how to avoid pregnacies.

Unless you want to ban casual sex and be prepared to fine 90% of the population for breaking the law then all of your emotional punting about this issue is null and void.

These state governments that have banned abortion will be sacked soon enough, and the people will know better than to vote these idiots in again.

Logic will always prevail over irrational emotional demands.

You can cry about abortions all you want but banning them will not deter those who do not want to have that child. They will go to another state, or they will get a second rate doctor to do it for them. Those who can’t get it any other way will do it themselves.

That is the reality you must accept when you try to legislate human behavior.

edit on 24-5-2019 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 11:02 AM

originally posted by: dawnstar
a reply to: BoscoMoney

Which leads back to just my just say no to sex idea. Ya know if You don't want kids at the present time just don't have the sex. If that means that your husband or wife has to make a choice between breaking their marriage vows or going a year or two celibate well they should be more than willing to accept that out of respect for your wishes.
But no birth control is a hundred percent effective and quite frankly a few moments of pleasure isn't worth losing your rights to a small little lifeform within you If the pregnancy goes badly.
Funny thing a lot of people just didn't like that idea. Maybe it was the way I presented it.
That would only work in your fantasy that all humans are perfect little angels just like you.

Reality shows us a different picture though. Humans are really just apes with really good math skills. Very few of us have perfect records, like i assume you have, because you are attempting to lead the way on the morals train.
edit on 24-5-2019 by Woodcarver because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver

You are right you can't legislate it. I am not trying to convince anyone to legislate it. If I were I would talking to the legislatures. I am here just words on a computer screen for people to read, accept, or reject.
Well it seems that at least here on ATS the idea of just not having sex unless you have kids isn't really fully accepted by many. When the full meaning of that is spelled out most will bring up birth control as the solution. But where is the reliable male birth control? Women have been screwing around with their hormones for the last fifty or sixty years while the guys have whined about having to use a rubber. Then if that birth control fails in it's mission, well the women lied about using it or was too stupid to have used it correctly. But did the guy take any action himself to prevent it? Or did he just lay all that responsibility down at the women's feet. So we have women opting for abortion, because quite frankly that small portion of most men's paychecks that is given in child support (if he doesn't find a way to avoid it, if its not lost through the child support collection system) usually doesn't even come close to providing half of funds needed for the kid. Let alone provide any assistance when it comes to actually raising the kid or take into account the nine months of pregnancy. And yet again, its the women who are at fault. They're monsters killing for convenience sake. But it took two to tangle and in today's economy it will take two paychecks to raise them, and it will take two people working together to provide a clean safe environment and to help them grow into adulthood.
And we have just as many men as women not even considering the long term before they hop into the bed. It might be fifty fifty in that one little part of the puzzle but after that it seems like the bulk of the responsibility and blame is being laid into the women. Which is something she is very much aware of and that awareness is something she thinks about when she is debating what to do about a pregnancy. So if the man has given her doubts or fled the scene then I am sorry he is more responsible than she is for the mess he has left behind. He probably just relied on her when it came to birth control, he might have accused her of lying about being on it when it failed, and then he failed to assure her that he would be willing and able to be there throughout the child's youth in partnership with her.

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

How about we just stay out of other people’s business?

Also, it seems like you have a chip on your shoulder about deadbeat dads? But really that is an entirely different problem from the abortion discussion. It ties in, sure, but it should also give more creedence to the argument that women have the right to choose when and with who they want to have a child with.

The point is, that it is very easy for women to get pregnant, and no form of birth control is 100% effective. Pregnancy is a life and body changing event. I would never want to tie a person down with children they don’t want, or are simply not able to care for. I wouldn’t want to tie a woman down to a man that is not willing to care for her or a child that neither of them want.

That seems far more cruel than scraping a clump of cells from a uterus wall. It should be a woman’s choice over all others involved. I would think you might agree with that sentiment seeing your dislike and distrust of men in general.

Or, you could invest in a male contraceptive business. Do whatever you want, and let other’s do what they want.

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: Woodcarver
Oh I'm all for the live and let live approach to life.

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 09:18 PM
What about the women whose husbands force them to do an abortion? Abortion is not birth control. It is a medical procedure to eliminate a genetically deformed fetus, or a dead fetus. Otherwise it's murder. Don't have sex if you don't want to be pregnant. Quality government education on birth control should be taught at twelve and fourteen, sixteen, and eighteen in health class at school in our free public education. The bill board should read birth control at the FREE CLINIC is self care, or abstain from sex until married. Democats are at it again. My mother 76, my niece, and I argued this all afternoon and now I want to leave and not come back for a year. What a way to ruin the day. Women's rights are about educating yourself and making smart choices. Visit the doctor. The FREE CLINIC is the new planned parent hood for getting birth control for no income people. Put that on a bill board!

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: Woodcarver

I’m sure you welcome folks telling you how to live your life? By your logic, if i don’t let you control me, i’m racist?

I'm not referring to you personally. I'm saying the lefties embrace a double standard that is unbelievable. As I said, they're free to tell you how to live your life, but not vice-versa. If you disagree with them, you're the enemy. You're not allowed to have a different point of view.
Truth is the new hate speech.
Until you stop seeing people as lefties or righties, the big picture will elude you. Not all people fit into neatly packaged boxes.

Both sides try to control you. Do you even realise, that If you want to ban abortions, you are trying to control people? Do you not get that? The people who you would call righties are the one’s trying to control people’s lives in this scenario.

I’m saying.

Stay out of people’s business

Nd even that, saying to stay out of people's lives, is an attempt to control others.

posted on May, 24 2019 @ 10:49 PM

originally posted by: jjsr420

originally posted by: Woodcarver

originally posted by: ColeYounger
a reply to: Woodcarver

I’m sure you welcome folks telling you how to live your life? By your logic, if i don’t let you control me, i’m racist?

I'm not referring to you personally. I'm saying the lefties embrace a double standard that is unbelievable. As I said, they're free to tell you how to live your life, but not vice-versa. If you disagree with them, you're the enemy. You're not allowed to have a different point of view.
Truth is the new hate speech.
Until you stop seeing people as lefties or righties, the big picture will elude you. Not all people fit into neatly packaged boxes.

Both sides try to control you. Do you even realise, that If you want to ban abortions, you are trying to control people? Do you not get that? The people who you would call righties are the one’s trying to control people’s lives in this scenario.

I’m saying.

Stay out of people’s business

Nd even that, saying to stay out of people's lives, is an attempt to control others.

Woodcarver, take a vacay, you deserve it after this fiasco. It's not in our hands, our hands are too busy working and slaving. Nobody got time for this. Except the people directly involved...and we ain't.
edit on 15CDT10America/Chicago051101031 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 25 2019 @ 06:15 AM

originally posted by: frugal
What about the women whose husbands force them to do an abortion? Abortion is not birth control. It is a medical procedure to eliminate a genetically deformed fetus, or a dead fetus. Otherwise it's murder. Don't have sex if you don't want to be pregnant. Quality government education on birth control should be taught at twelve and fourteen, sixteen, and eighteen in health class at school in our free public education. The bill board should read birth control at the FREE CLINIC is self care, or abstain from sex until married. Democats are at it again. My mother 76, my niece, and I argued this all afternoon and now I want to leave and not come back for a year. What a way to ruin the day. Women's rights are about educating yourself and making smart choices. Visit the doctor. The FREE CLINIC is the new planned parent hood for getting birth control for no income people. Put that on a bill board!
You can buy a billboard that says anything you want. Let others put whatever they want on the billboards they buy.

posted on May, 25 2019 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: gallop

originally posted by: Woodcarver
a reply to: gladtobehere

Stay out of other people’s business

Tell that to friggen bill boards then.

Yea, we should convince billboards to mind thier own business /sarc

Does that go for all billboards or just the one’s you don’t like.

Your comment is stupid.

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Have they figured out a way to self abort the child safely? If so why all the alarms of back street serices that killed millions before the legal alternative? So all this crap that women will die if roe vs wade is repealed is just that crap?

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 02:46 PM

originally posted by: JON666
a reply to: Boadicea

Have they figured out a way to self abort the child safely?

I can't be sure because the data isn't available, but I would say yes, to one extent or another. There are several substances that can bring about an abortion, stimulating the uterus to shed much like a spontaneous abortion or monthly period. It seems the greatest risk is uncontrolled bleeding, which requires medical attention if serious enough. At which point women are recommended to go to the emergency room for treatment for "miscarriage." But I have to assume that some women will be allergic to these substances, or have other adverse reactions. We are still individuals with unique needs and chemistry.

If so why all the alarms of back street serices that killed millions before the legal alternative? So all this crap that women will die if roe vs wade is repealed is just that crap?

As I understand the current thinking, back in the Middle Ages, when "wise women" provided natural herbs and such for healing, substances for inducing abortions were quite common. Almost always within the first trimester, before "quickening," or when the mother feels the baby move in her womb. Then with the Inquisition and during the Enlightenment Era, men took over medicine, and these "wise women" were considered heretics at best and witches at worst, persecuted and tortured and executed for their sins. Eventually, the knowledge and practice was effectively lost to public knowledge, as medicine was reformed.

I'm sure there probably were some horrific results for women seeking abortions before Roe v. Wade. But I'm also sure that it was never necessary, and could have been done much safer with natural substances -- if allowed.

But I'm also sure that the medical establishment will insist that only they can perform abortions safely... we cannot be trusted with our own health and well being donchaknow. I am not an expert by any means, but it seems to me that self-induced abortions using natural substances isn't too much different in effect from using the morning-after pill, with the same general risks. But I don't know that, so don't hold me to it!

posted on Jun, 17 2019 @ 03:45 PM
a reply to: AtomicKangaroo
Don't give women babies, and they cannot murder them on you or take away your parental rights.

The male has no right to their offspring. It took two but the one has final say.

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