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Breatharian FAQ

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posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:33 PM
This is a follow-up of my original Breatharian thread that details the SCIENCE (as if it were needed) and my personal experience over the past years living as a breatharian (one of many thousands):

I have received and continue receiving many reactions and questions, so I compiled an FAQ and am putting it out there. To paraphrase something I read once on a vegan website: the hardest part of being vegan is having to answer the same questions all the time. Even though Ray Maor already has an FAQ, I find that one less than helpful so I have compiled my own. I hope it will make a few things clear about this lifestyle. So here goes.

Q: When you say you're a breatharian and you don't consume food, what you really mean is that you don't eat solid food, but you drink smoothies and stuff, right?

A: No. No food means no food, in solid or liquid form. Water only. (A few breatharians do not drink at all either.) Otherwise it would be called juicing, no?

Q: How can you survive without and energy source?

A: We don't. Humans need food for 1. heat and 2. for movement, both possible from the energy stored in food. Prana is universal energy similar to (or perhaps the same as) vacuum energy / zero point energy. Energy is energy, whatever the source.

Q: What prana? There is no such thing.

A: This prana:
a.k.a. chi (Qi) in China:

Q: But how can prana replace food?

A: food consumption is simply a stepped-down form of consuming universal energy passed down, in our case, from the Sun. Plants absorb light and transform and store it in various forms, which plant-eaters consume, which then gets passed on to meat-eaters. If you take the train of thought back to the origins of life when there were the first living plant cells on Earth and move on from there you will see that the total biomass of the planet is Earth-stuff (star dust) brought to life by solar energy.

We are all essentially condensed sunlight, taking downgraded sunlight for energy. From that understanding it is not a great quantum leap to come to accept that we can take that same universal energy in its pure form. For where did all these suns come from? From the energy soup of the universe after the Big Bang. All matter in the Universe was once energy. We are energy. e=mc2, right?

So you see, breatharianism is simply cells (the cells of our bodies, muscle cells and all) re-acquiring the ability to take that same old universal energy in its pure form. Nothing magical about it. "Food" only seems natural while you think inside that box. But even in that box, we already use sunlight for warmth. Imagine how hard all this understanding would be if we all lived underground unaware of the existence of the sun, relying exclusively on food for both heat and movement. Luckily we know better. We are aware of the Sun being the source of it all.

Q: What about vitamins, minerals, etc.?

A: What about them? Many vegans today live on a handful (sometimes just one or two) of foods that do not contain ALL the vitamins. Yet they do not suffer ill effects. Some of them don't even bother with soy or other source of protein to "replace" meat. They live without proteins. Or did you think that the Inuit have been living for thousand of years eating carrots and oranges? I watched a documentary on Inuit lifestyle and they admit openly: (paraphrasing) they don't bother with fruits and vegetables, they have no need for them. Don't be mislead by wikipedia. No, most Eskimo families do NOT hunt for beluga whales, many don't even bother with fish as they are small and take long to catch. Most only eat seal as that feeds the family for a long time (read: fills their stomach). There is not much vitamin in seal. Same goes for all people living in the tundra, in Siberia etc. I maintain that either all that "science" is myth and conspiracy, or the human body is natively able to synthesise what it needs from prana. I always picture it the way Hawking Radiation works. From Wiki: "This radiation does not come directly from the black hole itself, but rather is a result of virtual particles being "boosted" by the black hole's gravitation into becoming real particles". Well, if real particles can come from "nothing", then these particles forming organic molecules in an already-organic body would seem no wonder to me. (Isn't that how science claims life on Earth originated?) Quantum biology anyone?

Q: Do all breatharians use prana then?

A: It is subject to interpretation of what energy is what. Some claim to gain their energy from sunlight (they call themselves sungazers), others the air (BREATHarians), some from the water they drink (blessed water infused with love vibrations as seen in Dr. Emoto's studies. As you've seen, NCBI reports that this water speeds up plant growth, then surely this Love (or intention) can aid its own host body all the more so, after all every human cell contains water, which can be infused with love energy, which can be used by all these cells then to produce heat or to produce movement. Perhaps even be transformed into nutrients and the building blocks of our bodies. As I understand, breatharians in some traditions, most notably Hindu, use shakti energy, which interacts with the pineal gland and is transformed into a physical substance, commonly known as amrita. The overflow amrita leaks down through the roof of the mouth and then in turn they digest it. Whether that qualifies as breatharianism or not is again subject to personal interpretation. Again others gain their energies from the Earth itself, for which purpose they will spend time every day walking barefoot to recharge. Ultimately, though, as I see it, all is energy, and these beliefs regarding where your sustenance comes from is akin to the belief that you must perform this or that ritual in magick and alchemy, however we now live in an age where we understand the true meaning of these rituals as they relate to consciousness, hence the modern-day emergence of Chaos Magick, the basic principle of which I would invite you to familiarise with for a deeper understanding of, ultimately, existence and the Universe itself.

Q: But consuming food is natural.

A: Anyone who claims such says so without ever having actually thought about it. You can start from the top and work your way down, starting with the teeth. Why do you think humans develop cavities in their teeth? Why do you think humans lose their teeth with age? Have you ever seen a dog with missing teeth? Or a cat? A cow? What is natural about having to brush? What is natural about drilling and filling, what is natural about root canal treatment? And so on and so forth, as you work your way through, from irritable bowel syndrome through diabetes all the way to appendicitis, not to mention obesity. Does your dog have all those?

to be continued...
edit on 13-4-2019 by Rolci because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:35 PM
Q: If we are not meant to consume food then why do we have teeth, a digestive system, breasts, etc. in the first place?

A: All these organs are simply vestigial organs, the remnants from our previous evolutionary stages that we no longer need, like body hair, the appendix, male nipples, wisdom teeth, tail bones, or the wings of flightless birds. As long as they're being used by the majority of the species they remain functional. It takes a long period of non-use (usually hundreds of thousands or even millions of years) by a species for an organ to become dysfunctional and atrophied.

Q: Then why do babies die without food?

A: Unless the fetus begins its life cycle in a breatharian mother's body (as happened in the case of Camila Castello) it will get used to receiving food-based sustenance and will lose (or never develop in the first place) its ability to process pranic sustenance. From that point on it will "need" food the same as any animal until such time as it uses its consciousness (unique to humans) to gradually transition to pranic nourishment.

Q: If it is possible to live without food then why do people in Africa starve?

A: Access to prana is strictly a faculty of consciousness, more precisely that of a certain level of development, which is why animals have no access to it is spite of being more in tune with nature than humans in general. All humans are capable of accessing prana the same as we are all able to access a state of spiritual enlightenment. We all have the potential, however that does not mean that all of us have the call or the will to access it. Regarding those that starve to death, there's a lot of difference between when you choose something and when it is forced upon you. Starving people are in a state of fear, they operate from their 3 lower chakras only, their upper chakras, most importantly their crown chakra, are all closed. From an energetic point of view that makes all the difference. It is not possible to access prana with those chakras closed and from a state of fear. It's like not being able to breathe even though there is air all around you, like when you experience intense fear and you have shortness of breath or tightness in your throat. The air is there the same. FEAR causes blockage and constriction.

Q: Alright, if you really are a breatharian then why don't you prove it by undergoing observation and medical tests?

It has been done numerous times by a number of breatharians, voluntarily, putting their own reputation on the line, with nothing to gain. The results of some of these studies have been published, others withheld, some have been made into documentaries. Just a few examples:

1965 - Angus Barbieri (Maryfield Hospital, Dundee, Scotland) (Technically not a breatharian, he "only" completed a 382-day fast under constant medical observation (meaning regular blood and urine tests which would have signalled instantly even the smallest amount of food consumption), with an average blood sugar concentration of 30 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) during the fast (compared to an average person's level of 80-140 mg/dL). He was able to go about his daily business and suffered no ill effects. Due to the well-documented nature of the "experiment" he was admitted into the Guinness Book of Records)

1998 - Jasmuheen (60 Minutes, Australia)

2003 - Jani yogi (Sterling Hospitals, Ahmedabad, India)

2004 - Michael Werner (Lindenhof Hospital, Bern, Switzerland) (results withheld)

2006 - Ram Bahadur Bomjon (Discovery Channel - The Boy with Divine Powers)

2007 - Michael Werner (University Clinic, Prague, Czech Republic) (results withheld, refused to comment)

2010 - Jani yogi (Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences of India)

2013 - Ray Maor (Israeli TV)

This is of course only a partial list of the more well-known studies - the point being that it is pointless to go out there to try and "prove" anything by undergoing more studies, the results of which may be withheld, distorted or simply explained away as being due to the tests not properly conducted after successful results. Give us a break.

Q: I heard that 4 people died trying to transition to breatharianism. Isn't that proof enough that this doesn't really work?

A: You heard right. There are hundreds of guides now worldwide who run breatharian workshops and over 50.000 people have transitioned over the past 40 years. However breatharianism isn't for everybody. You must listen to your own body first and foremost. Some of those trying to transition wanted it too bad and did not follow the guidelines. This is very similar to some motorists not following the guidelines, which causes over 1 million deaths on the roads EACH YEAR. But travelling in metal boxes at high speeds while you pollute the air and create noise and kill people is fine. So fine in fact that people pay $$$$ each year to take part in the fun (of queuing at traffic lights, sitting gridlocked in traffic jams and circling around car parks looking for a space, or breaking down, having flat tyres, etc.). But you all noticed how breatharianism massacred those 4 people. Well done.

Q: People lose weight simply by breathing out carbon dioxide, which has weight. How come breatharians do not constantly lose weight?

A: As explained above, breatharians gain sustenance in energy form. Energy has mass as expressed in the famous Einstein-formula E=mc2. This is why breatharians will show weight gain while meditating on a scale (as demonstrated at the 2018 Pranic World Festival). But you don't need breatharians for this, many people report weight gain on a 3-day dry fast and especially longer (say, a 30-day) water fasts. You don't need breatharians to prove that. But regardless of all that, starting from Santorio Sanctorius (who invented the “static weighing chair,” a device that allowed him to weigh himself before and after meals, sleep, toilet breaks, even sex) up to recent times countless studies have been done into researching this and they found that there is always much less weight loss (sometimes even weight gain, causing overall fluctuations in the measurements) in humans between meals than should occur due to normal metabolism, the energy needed to break down food, heat production, perspiration, etc., especially in studies measuring weight loss during exercise. But of course, no one talks about all that, because no one has done their research.

Q: What about your energy levels?

A: After all the above it's needless to say, almost all breatharians have a high energy level most of the time. Read their stories and listen to their testimonials - there are hundreds out there.

Q: Okay but you can't expect me to believe that you can "infuse" water with human emotions and intention.

A: No, I can't, and I wouldn't. But I would encourage to start reading those science journals, whenever you're ready.

Q: Really, meditation? That's all new age hoo-ha, its effects are just placebo at best and wishful thinking at worst, just like mind over matter.

A: &

Got anything else you wanna doubt today?

to be continued...

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:37 PM
Q: Even if I accept all that, I love eating, what could possibly be good about not eating?

A: Apart from the fact that food consumption is simply an addiction, nothing more and nothing less, how long a list do you want? More money as you no longer spend, uhm, hum much on food? Have you ever done the math on all that junk? More time. Have you thought about how much time you waste because of food? Shopping, preparation, cooking/frying/baking, washing dishes. More space. No need for a cooker or a dishwasher, tables or chairs, pots and pans, plates and dishes, cutlery or even a sink. Essentially your entire kitchen and your dining room can be emptied out and turned into other useful rooms. No more diseases (like salmonella) and illnesses. Most health issues come from food consumption, from additives and GMO, I don't care if you are an organic raw vegan, those plants will still breathe polluted air and be watered by polluted water even if it's natural rain. You know what acid rain is, right? So more money, more time, more room in the house and better health are among the more obvious benefits, but the list is endless, how about saving the planet by doing away with agriculture and the entire food industry and the related pollution from transportation from all the farms to all the supermarkets in gas-guzzling trucks, not to mention the export and import of non-seasonal and exotic foods, the exploitation of farmers in third-world countries, etc. etc. Do you need any more reasons? But yeah, knock yourself out for the taste, it's worth it.

Q: You have my attention. How do I find out more about breatharianism? I'm sick of youtube videos by self-proclaimed gurus. Got any documentaries?

A: Lots. Just a few:

No Way to Heaven (2008, Switzerland) -
In the Beginning There Was Light (2010, Austria) - available through file-sharing
Living Off Energy We Are Energy (2015, Czech Republic) -
The Light Generation (2018) -

Q: Can I meet any of these breatharians in person?

A: Yes, find hundreds of us each year here:

Q: And what happens after? Once a breatharian, always a breatharian?

A: It's your choice. Some will refrain from food for good, other may go back to eating due to social pressure, or simply for the pleasure of tasting and the enjoyment of flavours. Many breatharians go back to consuming food 2-3 times a week. Although you may find compromise in a middle-ground - there exist "restaurants" catering to breatharians that will serve you aromatic products to smell. You sit in, order, and spend time taking in the intense aroma. Kind of like cosuming an etheric cake. What's common in all these people, regardless whether they go back to eating or not, is that once they transition they will never NEED physical food again - they will always be able to sustain themselves from universal energies. Which can come handy in the event of a post-apocalyptic world of food shortage where fear reigns over the people, making it all but impossible for anyone to transition to inedia. Fear of death is no more an enabler of such a transition than a desire to save money by eliminating food from your list of expenses. It just doesn't work like that.

Now it's my turn to ask a few questions, it's only fair, don't you think?

1: If breatharianism were all lies, why would ANY one of them, let alone so many, voluntarily take part in the clinical observations and tests, if they know they will fail and be exposed, effectively ruining their own reputation? They could just refuse and keep claiming whatever they want. Why agree to be tested if failure is 100% guaranteed? It just doesn't make sense. (Of course all but one of these people passed the observations with flying colours, so only asking this as a rhetorical question.)

2: Take a look at the presenters at the World Pranic Festival. Do they look like some self-proclaimed breatharian charlatans to you? They are spiriually enlightened beings. Do you think they are preaching lies that they never lived personally, in full knowledge that a forced "transition" will most likely kill?

3: Finally, in the past 40 years we have had 4 deaths due to failed transition attempts. However, there are lots of workshops running worldwide each year, with approx. 50.000 successful transitions reported so far. If you go to any of the workshops you can see how many people attend and you will be connected with people who you will see transition and with whom you can keep in touch to update each other on your further developments. So my question relating to this is: Where are all the tens of thousands of dead people who failed to transition? Surely many spiritualist new-agers will be fanatic enough to go that far. Or alternatively, where are the thousands of failure stories and warning stories of all the participants exposing all these charlatans? Shouldn't forums and youtube be awash with them, in comments under breatharian videos, or personal experience videos shared by disillusioned participants warning others?

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:41 PM

2nd line.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:48 PM
a reply to: Rolci

I concur with David, you're full of it.

Just like the idiots that claim to live on sunshine.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: Rolci

What about them? Many vegans today live on a handful (sometimes just one or two) of foods that do not contain ALL the vitamins. Yet they do not suffer ill effects. Some of them don't even bother with soy or other source of protein to "replace" meat. They live without proteins. Or did you think that the Inuit have been living for thousand of years eating carrots and oranges?

I'm starting with this because it is just an affront to basic intelligence.

All the Inuit have been living off of for thousands of years is an almost exclusively protein diet.

A low-Carb diet, to be exact.

Secondly, are you assuming that every animal on the planet grew a digestive system because it got tired of the sun?

No... everything has a digestive system because it is a more efficient way to gain energy than trying to photosynthesize it.

A more efficient way to gain energy eventually meant that brains happened.

As opposed to plant life.

As far as the teeth comment, you should have looked back to the Inuit and other primitive cultures.

They did not have cavities.

Because they did not eat processed sugar.

And I'm assuming you have never been around actual animals, because now they do get cavities.

Because of their diet now, which includes high fructose corn syrup.

Have I ever seen an animal with missing teeth?

Yes... every single one as it ages.

I was polite and waited to post this part so that you could post the rest of your...


posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 08:51 PM
Have you actually read the research papers in the science journals?

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: DAVID64

2nd line.

Dangerous Bulls**t

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: maxey

originally posted by: DAVID64

2nd line.

Dangerous Bulls**t

Actually it really isn't.

We have a plethora, a screaming overabundance of stupid people in America.

Let's hope that they all become Breatharians.

And let nature take its course.

After all, according to the author of the OP, it's natural!!!!

It will also greatly impact your carbon footprint, if you don't eat and will eventually cease moving...

Of course there is that little offgassing problem when you decompose, but after that...

You are now once again a part of the planet.

For the record, I've lived off of carrot juice for weeks... lived off of honey and cyanne pepper once for 54 days.

I juice fast 7 days out of a month.

So it's not like I'm adverse to living differently.

But I'm adverse to just killing yourself off to be the next fad.

TidePodarians take heed...

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:15 PM
I get it, I'm a "ramenarian"...

Filling a standard bathtub with ramen noodles is easier than it sounds. Sliding into that tub, and absorbing the ramen through osmosis requires training and practice... but, wiggling around in that stuff for awhile is oddly arousing.

The downside is having to explain to a plumber, why there are 100 pounds of freshly cooked ramen noodles clogging all of the drains... then, having him post the pics on Facebook.

My family thinks it's weird, but I have never been as thin, or as sluggish in my entire life!

EDIT TO ADD: I've decided to star and flag your OP, in case you need the extra calories.
edit on 13-4-2019 by madmac5150 because: Never let your fellow man starve...

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

Just for you because I think you can relate...

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:27 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari
a reply to: madmac5150

Just for you because I think you can relate...

That's what us "ramenarians" call an "all you can absorb buffet".

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:35 PM
Sounds like more than water is being consumed. An alcohol of some type, maybe. The condescending tone in the OP, about a subject which no one asked for details on, means no one will take you seriously.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Lumenari

Ok, how tired were you when you did the honey and cayenne pepper thing? If you weren't tired, then how much honey did you have to eat?!

I ask because I did the lemonade/honey/cayenne pepper diet once. After 6 days I couldn't make it up a flight of stairs at work without practically passing out. I'm talking whiteout vision if I moved too fast. Out of breath from walking.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:52 PM

originally posted by: Kentuckymama
Sounds like more than water is being consumed. An alcohol of some type, maybe. The condescending tone in the OP, about a subject which no one asked for details on, means no one will take you seriously.

I think the OP should do due diligence and check back with us after 365 days of not consuming food or water.

Then we'll go from there.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 09:58 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: Lumenari

Ok, how tired were you when you did the honey and cayenne pepper thing? If you weren't tired, then how much honey did you have to eat?!

I ask because I did the lemonade/honey/cayenne pepper diet once. After 6 days I couldn't make it up a flight of stairs at work without practically passing out. I'm talking whiteout vision if I moved too fast. Out of breath from walking.

I mixed it with spring water... 3 tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of cyanne pepper in an 8 oz glass, fill it with water and do as many as you need in the day if you ever feel hungry.

Let it sit for 20 minutes or so.. the pepper needs to soak a little or it's ghastly to swallow.

I ran 5 miles a day the whole time and felt really great, actually.

I lost 15 pounds and then gained 3 back.. muscle mass.

I won't ever do it again unless I'm fighting some kind of cancer or anything... but to me I needed to do it to "blow the stink off" of a bad diet and too much weight for me and a whole lot of negative thoughts I needed to get rid of.

It was my marathon... LOL

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Rolci

Would you be willing to post a picture of yourself? You could crop your head out so there aren't any identifying details. Or, give us a link to pictures of confirmed breatharians.

I ask because I am curious if y'all look as healthy as you claim that you are.

Along the same lines, and regarding your comment about vegans who only eat a few things and don't get all the vitamins and minerals yet they're still healthy: please, vegans/vegetarians on this site, don't flame me (or do, it'll be fun), but I have yet to meet a vegan who looks good. Every vegan and vegetarian I know is pasty, pale, and I hate to say this, but chubby to outright fat. And many of them seem to have a waxy-greasy sheen to their skin.

So, if I haven't seen a healthy-looking vegan, I struggle to imagine a healthy-looking breatharian.

So how about some pics? Thanks!

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: Lumenari

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: Lumenari

Ok, how tired were you when you did the honey and cayenne pepper thing? If you weren't tired, then how much honey did you have to eat?!

I ask because I did the lemonade/honey/cayenne pepper diet once. After 6 days I couldn't make it up a flight of stairs at work without practically passing out. I'm talking whiteout vision if I moved too fast. Out of breath from walking.

I mixed it with spring water... 3 tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of cyanne pepper in an 8 oz glass, fill it with water and do as many as you need in the day if you ever feel hungry.

Let it sit for 20 minutes or so.. the pepper needs to soak a little or it's ghastly to swallow.

I ran 5 miles a day the whole time and felt really great, actually.

I lost 15 pounds and then gained 3 back.. muscle mass.

I won't ever do it again unless I'm fighting some kind of cancer or anything... but to me I needed to do it to "blow the stink off" of a bad diet and too much weight for me and a whole lot of negative thoughts I needed to get rid of.

It was my marathon... LOL

Holy ship, lady! That's pretty awesome. The running 5 miles part that whole time. I'm having such a hard time imagining how you had so much energy, because the difference, it sounds like, with your honey-cayenne diet and my honey-cayenne diet was that mine also had fresh-squeezed lemon. And same thing, I had as much as I needed when I felt hungry, which was quite a bit the first 3 days, and then not at ALL after that, but I kept up drinking it all day because even though I wasn't hungry (I think my body was damn shutting down), I didn't have any energy and knew I needed the calories. Maybe my frame of mind was wrong! That can make or break so many things, can't it? Kinda craving honey and cayenne now.

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

It may have been the citric acid part...

It makes you more acidic, which makes you more electrically negative.

Which makes you more.. negative.

PH balancing is a really big part of my life because the more alkaline you are, the more positive you are, electrically.

Citric acid has a PH balance of 2.2

I keep my PH above a 7 normally.. when I juice fast it hovers between 7.5 and 8

I really need to do an OP about this.

ETA.. normally people have a PH of about 5.5... right at the point where your body starts making cancer cells.

A PH too low will shut your liver function down and severely compromise your immune system.

A PH of over about 7.25 will eventually starve and kill a cancer tumor, if you stay away from anything sugar.

A PH of over 8 will eventually kill you too by wiping out your kidneys.

So there is a fine line there... Vegans (not junk vegans) will usually have a PH of 6.5 to 7

It's.. complicated and I should probably write about it.

Because PH isn't everything.. it's just a part of it.

edit on 13-4-2019 by Lumenari because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2019 @ 11:13 PM
But, I like to eat. I like to cook too, using good quality real ingredients to make a great tasting meal.

Rather eat than drink beer. I worked a real lot years ago and I like not being in the rat race anymore.

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