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Migrants banned from Finnish schools and daycare centers after multiple child rape cases

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posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

No not all Muslims are bad but...sadly all Muslims are brainwashed by their religion which as we know is more a complete way of life, and as such, are unable & unwilling to integrate fully as other immigrants can and do.

They are Evangelists
Does no-one wonder why these people emigrate in such huge numbers despite their hatred of the West and all it stands for?

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: MountainLaurel

No not all Muslims are bad but...sadly all Muslims are brainwashed by their religion which as we know is more a complete way of life, and as such, are unable & unwilling to integrate fully as other immigrants can and do.

They are Evangelists
Does no-one wonder why these people emigrate in such huge numbers despite their hatred of the West and all it stands for?

Hopefully enough people wonder WHY and learn from what we're seeing happening. This is a World wide problem and people better wise up soon. It needs to start with people pushing back on the " You're a Racist " BS and manipulation. I would say most people are so un-racist it's being used against them by actual Racists.

Having grown-up in a very diverse and liberal state in the USA , I've seen more claims of racism now, then 30 years ago. This is an agenda being pushed and used as a weapon against well meaning people that are being brain-washed by MSM, lol, ironically having Saudi owners behind the scenes.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Bloodworth
Rape and multiculturalism go hand and hand

A freaking rape wave.....

When I was young rape was a serious offense, got people very upset. Made people seek justice.

In the last 10 years the world has been numb to the amount of raping that came along with muslim rapugees.

You cant even Make this stuff up.

Yep you just made up stuff about a very real problem. Well done you....

What did I make up?

Many articles I come across like the one in the op mentioning muiticulatrism have a rape component to it.

For generation immigrants have been arriving in host countries and never has a group made a name for themselves as rapugees. That is a new term created by the amount of raping the newly arrived muslims were doing.

And the more people read about rape the less they care. That's just proven psychology.

Back in my day rape was a serious offense, it got people very upset and got people to demand justice.
Today not so much

These people would be given a swift lesson in justice and sent back to the hell holes they created.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 11:02 AM
It actually makes sense considering Europe’s desperation to win the assimilation war. For some reason they want to be like the U.S. and vice versa. Western elites fear of population stagnation along with wanting to stay on top also plays in heavily.

They want the children to see the foreigners and get used to them. It’s really about training globalism into the kids, to better prepare them for international engagement. When their younger generation grows into adults, they will be better prepared to face this foreign culture within the economic spectrum (preferably) but should the need arise, also as adversaries.

Also very important is that with the children seeing the strong adults of the newcomers, it will the mitigate the bullying potential for the foreign children. Finland (and others) are playing laboratory psychology with their populace. Unfortunately, the unintended consequences occurred due to either oblivious overzealotry or just accepted as the cost to doing business.

The West needs to just start accepting the fact that large scale global population growth is coming to an end. They need to automate technologies that include caring for the elderly and handling mundane tasks. They also need to prepare for economic growth that doesn’t defy the laws of reality. And they need to realize multiculturalism is literally an oxymoron. It’s kind of like saying we should have a transportation lane where people, cars, horses and bikes can all travel on together because they share the common characteristic of trying to get from one place to another.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: MisterMcKill
a reply to: 727Sky

Am I missing something? How does a visit to a school or a daycare center lead to rape? Is nobody watching these people? I mean, you can just go into schools in Finland and rape away and nobody stops you, or what? Help me out here...

To answer your question , yes you are missing something
With that post I would say you are missing a very basic understanding of the situation
Ever heard the word "kidnap" ?
Ever heard the word "stalk"
Faking naivety ?

You have quite a lot of knowledge in this field. How do you know all this stuff.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I am kind of disturbed that the Finnish government hasn't kicked out any migrant that even looked like a possible rapist. They are not working for the best interests of their citizens. Muslims have a different cultural style and rape is allowed if certain rules are not followed by women. They need to chop off some body parts of a few Muslim males who do not comply with our societies more loose standards with women's rights. A couple thousand Muslim boys neutered because of their improper actions towards women would put a stop to them raping women.

I'm not being racist, maybe this would be appropriate for pedophiles and rapists world wide, no matter what color they are.

Please explain what a possible rapist looks like. I'd be curious to hear this.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Wardaddy454

one already made suicide,14 yo

as far we know there is 10 immigrant arrested concerning the wave

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 03:40 PM
Be careful what you wish for.

If you profile paedophiles, your number one group won't be muslims...

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: DoubleDNH

originally posted by: rickymouse
I am kind of disturbed that the Finnish government hasn't kicked out any migrant that even looked like a possible rapist. They are not working for the best interests of their citizens. Muslims have a different cultural style and rape is allowed if certain rules are not followed by women. They need to chop off some body parts of a few Muslim males who do not comply with our societies more loose standards with women's rights. A couple thousand Muslim boys neutered because of their improper actions towards women would put a stop to them raping women.

I'm not being racist, maybe this would be appropriate for pedophiles and rapists world wide, no matter what color they are.

Please explain what a possible rapist looks like. I'd be curious to hear this.

guys who have been brought up in a culture that allows this kind of behavior as I said above will have a higher ratio of the young who will pull the crap on women. I can usually tell by talking to some guys if they respect women and if they are more prone to forcing sex on women. Some guys wouldn't do it when sober, but would if they get drunk. The statement I made was made to deter letting these young muslim guys who might be a threat to walk around in our societies.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 04:26 PM
The whole idea of putting immigrants to schools and kindergartens was driven by red cross in 2016, it was widely frown at the time Y

New victims will appear daily in Oulu, the city who banned them. Needless to say MSM has been totally quiet about it
edit on 11-2-2019 by AcerM because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: JourneymanWelder

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: MisterMcKill
a reply to: 727Sky

Am I missing something? How does a visit to a school or a daycare center lead to rape? Is nobody watching these people? I mean, you can just go into schools in Finland and rape away and nobody stops you, or what? Help me out here...

To answer your question , yes you are missing something
With that post I would say you are missing a very basic understanding of the situation
Ever heard the word "kidnap" ?
Ever heard the word "stalk"
Faking naivety ?

You have quite a lot of knowledge in this field. How do you know all this stuff.

Gosh , and you didnt have knowledge ?
I keep up with the news.
Mostly here on ATS

Denying Ignorance ?
Why ?
I just woke up and this was the first one of my day.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
Just to clear this up...there are many sources for this story if you care to look and it relates to Asylum seekers on "integrational" visits organised by charities such as the Red Cross

ALL charities are a scam..and usually run by worthless scum that do very dark things behind the scenes.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 09:57 PM
Bullets are worth less than a child's innocence, a knife even cheaper. I feel for any man that hurts my kids,I'd think about my actions later,and still do it again if I saw any other kid victimised. Bastards.

posted on Feb, 11 2019 @ 10:18 PM
Grow some balls and kick them out of your country

posted on Feb, 12 2019 @ 05:24 PM

originally posted by: Whodathunkdatcheese
Be careful what you wish for.

If you profile paedophiles, your number one group won't be muslims...

I'm confident that the population in parts of the world where this is ok will outnumber catholic clergy.

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 02:59 AM
It looks like the "Soldiers of Odin" started small a couple of years ago and now have grown into a group of people patrolling the streets of Finland and other countries where their is a perceived problem with Muslim grooming gangs and rape. No one should really be surprised at this IMO ...

Of course the press and the politicians are going out of their way to call the "Soldiers of Odin" just about every derogatory name they can come up.. One video I saw showing their interactions with the local police was more of a thank you from the undermanned police officers than "what do you guys think you are doing"..

Anyway there are several stories and even youtube videos (surprise they were not taken down yet) showing the group and their goals..Also of note, so far, they have not committed any crimes of record.. But by their mere patrolling of the streets the gangs who used to hang out on the corners and intimidate the women who passed by has been severely curtailed according to some reports. This is the shortest video I could find of an interview with a member. I had never heard of them but as I said I am not surprised that some group has formed to help protect their citizens..

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 04:32 AM
And a simple but different response which seems to be well financed and organized. We now have Muslims driving around in what looks like a police car decked out in what most would consider a police type uniform. Skirt to short, drinking, possible being gay and expect a visit from the MCP on the street telling you this is a Muslim areas and that is not allowed.. Sharia or just Muslim sensitivities you be the judge. Oh this is happening in Manhattan and other places in N.Y. USA.

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
And a simple but different response which seems to be well financed and organized. We now have Muslims driving around in what looks like a police car decked out in what most would consider a police type uniform. Skirt to short, drinking, possible being gay and expect a visit from the MCP on the street telling you this is a Muslim areas and that is not allowed.

Correct me if I'm wrong but when America was founded there was a mixture

of Catholics Protistants and a few others. They had their own places of worship

and all jogged along, they may have stuck together a natural thing of people

joining and drifting toward what they are familiar with.


Mass immigration of Muslims not wanting to intergrate like others in the past

have .......foisting their culture on others and as their populations increase

America as we know it will cease to exist ...... It will have become a caliphate

state not by war but by stealth , I wonder if this continues how many years will

it take to complete '

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: eletheia

The Minnesotan Rep Omar is one of the many ways it is done. Congregate in a region until you can get one of your reps into government which is how it should be if arrivals want to assimilate.. Unfortunately some want to change their new host county into a mirror image of the country they fled..

Some of our bleeding heart "let more in" really should go to the home of Sharia and Wahhabi religious police, Saudi Arabia.. Maybe the real PTB actually want that life style for the worlds population ? I can not think of a better control mechanism for a population unless it is the Chinese model where every place you go and everything you do is graded by the all seeing state.

Moving in getting reps and out breeding the population is not an over night process but it is effective.

Marrying your first cousin or sister/brother really does have a effect on the I.Q. Look at a world map of population IQs.. That answers much of the insanity

posted on Feb, 14 2019 @ 07:02 AM

originally posted by: 727Sky
a reply to: eletheia

The Minnesotan Rep Omar is one of the many ways it is done. Congregate in a region until you can get one of your reps into government which is how it should be if arrivals want to assimilate.. Unfortunately some want to change their new host county into a mirror image of the country they fled..

' As the old saying goes ......softly softly catchee monkey!!

I've never been able to understand a new country, a fresh start, opportunity,

but hey ! I want all my old # with me.

Some of our bleeding heart "let more in" really should go to the home of Sharia and Wahhabi religious police, Saudi Arabia.. Maybe the real PTB actually want that life style for the worlds population ? I can not think of a better control mechanism for a population unless it is the Chinese model where every place you go and everything you do is graded by the all seeing state.

Problem is its impossible to plan beyond one or two generations change

happens....... when I look back *telegrams* I wonder how many remember

them?? Television BBC 1 and 2 and only in black and white.
. Phone

booths, a land line was for the well heeled. memories eh?

Moving in getting reps and out breeding the population is not an over night process but it is effective.
Marrying your first cousin or sister/brother really does have a effect on the I.Q. Look at a world map of population IQs.. That answers much of the insanity

Its the long plan

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