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Ford says she absolutely does NOT want Kavanaugh to be impeached

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posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: SwissMarked

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: SwissMarked

originally posted by: shooterbrody
a reply to: SwissMarked


That would be a lady (term used extremely "loosely") that accused someone of gang rape for purely political reasons... you can't seriously be commenting on this tread and not know that...

Don't forget, ...and then officially backtracked until her story was basically, "I was at a party with a bunch of people and Brett was there, near the punch bowl with some friends laughing." and nothing else of substance other than "It is possible he had sex at the party, but didn't see or have any reason to believe that he did".

The only person with an actual accusation who did't recant was Ford, and it wasn't even close to a rape accusation. It was unwanted groping over the clothes by a teenage drunk boy.

And yet because the liberal news ran with RAPE, we now have tons of left-wing nutters completely off their spadoinkle calling everyone in the GOP a rape apologist or worse and probably 80% of the left think she actually accused him of rape.

Yeah... she walks her story back so far that by the time she stopped it was 1979... Deborah Ramirez was so sure about how it all went down after talking to a lawyer and shrink for six days that she had to call around to see if anyone else could corroborate her memory... and Ford couldn't remember where it happened... when it happened... and during testimony who it was that actually did it as well as it all being part of a "recovered memory" which is on par with "post hypnotic suggestion" when it comes to credibility...

I love that this is all blowing up in these loons faces... I'm glad they're all tuckering themselves out screaming and yelling and ranting and raving... because by the time election day comes they'll be too burnt out to even bother making it to the polls...

Mark my words... Democrat turn out this November will be the lowest it's been in decades... because the real loons won't show... and the centrist/moderates aren't going to keep putting up with being made to look like fools for bleeding blue...

It's weird that you are not acknowledging Kavanaughs team doing damage control on the whole Ramirez thing the day before the Wapo article came out. That looks shady... Oh right, he then lied about it under oath!

Why you luv the Koch more than the country bro?

posted on Oct, 8 2018 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: trollz

She's only saying that because they got busted with Kavanaugh. Now they're trying to recollect what little respect they can so they will even stand a chance in Novembers elections. There is no way that she actually believes what she's saying there.

posted on Oct, 9 2018 @ 05:30 AM

posted on Apr, 15 2019 @ 06:39 PM
April 15, 2019

It looks like the left is fearing the imminent retiring of Ruth Ginsburg, because they're stepping up their efforts to remove justice Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court.

It's led by Hillary's people:

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