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The Boring Isolation Theory

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posted on Oct, 2 2018 @ 08:44 PM
We may be the only planet in the universe with life, and somehow... We have Donald Trump, Kanye West, and Miley Cyrus.

And people think aliens would be concerned about our nuclear weapons... Maybe it's a culture issue.

"That Earthling did what?!?! Turn the ship, screw that, we're going over to Proxima."

posted on Oct, 2 2018 @ 08:59 PM
I've never posted this, I typed it earlier when it crossed my mind and posted it. I hadn't been making threads for a few months but I'm back out of boredom and longing for intelligent interweb life. I don't pre-write posts and save them to file but I could see how other people do lol. It makes sense right?

I was going to mention that in reply to dfnj2015 and you beat me to it. I'm not saying that I personally believe the higher power/special purpose reason for us hypothetically being the only planet with life or with life anywhere near as advanced genetically as human beings but now that I think about it, it could fit into a Deistic model of the universe and I'd have to say I'm a Deist of some sort. The.. whatever it is that people call God, the thing that caused the Big Bang to occur on purpose with physics, mathematics, evolution, science etc all coded into it soto speak could've theoretically designed only us as the top of the food chain by leaps and bounds, or the only intelligent life at all. You could also say a God that intervenes in worldly affairs, receives prayers, does miracles, etc. made it that way if that's your belief.

As for the lottery ticket analogy, there has to be a prize to win, otherwise you can draw numbers for infinity.

posted on Oct, 2 2018 @ 09:18 PM

originally posted by: Archivalist
We may be the only planet in the universe with life, and somehow... We have Donald Trump, Kanye West, and Miley Cyrus.

And people think aliens would be concerned about our nuclear weapons... Maybe it's a culture issue.

"That Earthling did what?!?! Turn the ship, screw that, we're going over to Proxima."

Sometimes I get the feeling that our society is starting to "max out" on cool new music and fashion so everything is starting to really suck worse and worse, become weirder and weirder to the point that it makes you laugh and wonder after the fluppery. It can't just be that I'm not in my late teens or early twenties, this has to be different lol. I also think many politicians, especially the President who was never one so he came in swinging without the traditional style of all previous presidents, don't have much for ethics, tradition, or disagreements among their fellows. They, and the people, freaking DEMONIZE each other. It's uglier than I ever remember, even the Bush Jr. days and I'm 36. I've been so moderate the past few years, especially since summer 2016, that I'd be unelectable to the House or Senate and I'd be an Independent that voted left or right depending.

If there were intelligent life advanced technologically enough to travel to our solar system and observe us, it would be the rough equivalent of human astronauts finding a species of insect or plant based life form on Mars in however many years.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: r0xor

It hardly matters what we think because we're alone out here or we're not. This astronomer makes a compelling argument that we're all there is based on a string of improbabilities.

Personally, I prefer to withhold judgement. Exoplanets were almost unheard of when I was a kid and it took wild speculation to suggest there might be a few stars with a few planets. Nowadays it's a given that almost every star in the sky has planets and moons. More planets than every star in space is almost a 180 and the flip happened in under three decades. Imagine what we'll know in the next 30 years? It needn't mean the James Webb will be spotting signs of technology in exoplanetary atmospheres, but it shows we're always reflecting and advancing in our knowledge - what we know now is transitory. Our next leap may even revise our sense of reality.

It'll be joyous and heartbreaking if we find life out there. Here we are like flowers in a vase or maybe a teenager staying home on a Saturday night who can hear a party in the neighbourhood.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: norhoc

Sudden changes in the fossil record are not missing evidence of gradualism; they are extant evidence of punctuation. Species are stable over long periods of time and so they leave plenty of fossils in the strata while in their stable

The change from one species to another, however, happens relatively quickly (on a geological time scale) in a process called punctuated equilibrium.
One species can give rise to a new species when a small “founder” group breaks away and becomes isolated from the ancestral group.

This new founder group, as long as it remains small and detached, may experience relatively
rapid change (large populations are genetically stable). The speciational. change happens so rapidly that few fossils are left to record it.

But once changed into a new species, the individuals will retain their phenotype for a long time, leaving behind many well-preserved fossils. Millions of years later this process results in a fossil record that records mostly stability. The punctuation is there in between the equilibrium.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: theatreboy

originally posted by: norhoc
a reply to: r0xor

Either I am having Deja Vu or you already posted this before. I have read this exact post word for word.

You're on the internet.
Google is a tap or click away.
Research "VIKING VENUS".

And as far as point 1-- Mars is not the only planet we have landed on. We landed on Venus with the Viking Lander

Correct me if i am wrong, but we never landed on Venus. Upon entering the atmosphere, the craft was destroyed.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: prevenge

Define "we."

(Is that what you meant to say?)
edit on 10/3/2018 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015
It all comes down to probability theory. If you buy enough lottery tickets at some point you will win.

That's not the way probability works, but that kind of thinking sure sells lottery tickets.
edit on 3-10-2018 by Blue Shift because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

Actually the IDH is on the way out..

the even more impossible to understand "Information Theory"
is the next one coming down the pike.

Yeah, that's a good one. Where you get sucked down a black hole, but your information still survives in some form. Talk about multi-dimensionality. Moving from mathematics, where everything is equivalencies, to information, where we're contemplating the meaning of those equivalencies. Of course, information doesn't exist without communication, but hey, technicalities.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

I think that going to an Information Systems model is potentially
fantastic and leading edge.

Unfortunately for "UFOlogy" we are getting so far away from
'crashed saucers' that any gibberish imaginable will be swept
under the rug of first "the Phenomenon" and then eventually
"the Information System" (or whatever).

But since "UFOlogy" has been for the most part a scam, so far
anyway, I guess it really doesn't matter how many invisible
pet unicorns are said to be dancing on the head of a pin
Vs/ how many angels are dancing on the head of a needle
in terms of metaphors.

People just mangle the latest system, no matter what that
system is, to suit their preconceived notions.


posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: r0xor

This hypothesis would be based on the fact that up to now, no concrete evidence of any kind has been officially found, and we can only go off of what's official, otherwise aliens exist because someone says they were visited, abducted, talk to them, etc.

"Officially" would mean some political agency approved the release of data, and we all know that's not going to happen soon.

Then you mention aliens existing because someone was abducted...but guess what??!! There actually IS an abduction event that gave up a virtual artifact, that kind of does prove that it was actually "aliens" visiting, abducting, and leaving something behind that can be analyzed.

That "case" is the Betty Hill event from the early 1960's. It seems that Betty received what can only be interpreted as a "star map" and while there is little supporting analysis from other scientists, my analysis of the"map" shows that it is indeed real, and, has a probability of virtually 1. I know, its all astrometrics and mathematics, but on the other hand, it is supported 100% by the Hipparcos star mission, and other star mapping / data collections.

You can view my preliminary analysis here.

This is an interactive page, so...mousing over a star will display its name, clicking on it will display additional relevant information. Use the main menu to view additional information, and a preliminary analysis...I'm still working on the "white paper" wants to take on a life of its own...

While this a far from "official", it is still a valid analysis, with very real results and implications, and most importantly, it shows the presence of extraterrestrials visiting the Earth with a probability so close to 1 (100%) that it would be virtually impossible to differentiate. I want to stress this probability; when trying to compute the actual real world probability, by computer said the probability was "1". It did this because even a "double" data type cannot contain the difference between the value and 1, which means that it has more than 15 9's following the decimal point, and a modern computer can only handle 15 digits and a, how close it is to "1" cannot be calculated by a modern computer. Thus it is virtually 1.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 02:42 PM
It would be neat to think that there is one dominate intelligent lifeform per universe. First one to conquer all, wins.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: james1947

Betty Hill underwent severe false memory implantation according to a variety of extremely credible researchers.

You can read about it in Jack Brewers "The Gray's have been Framed".

The "star map" is also not credible for a long list of reasons.

There may be credible abduction events...but this isn't one of the best cases.. it's actually one of the least credible.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: james1947

Betty Hill underwent severe false memory implantation according to a variety of extremely credible researchers.

You can read about it in Jack Brewers "The Gray's have been Framed".

The "star map" is also not credible for a long list of reasons.

There may be credible abduction events...but this isn't one of the best cases.. it's actually one of the least credible.

I've read all of the so-called "debunks" of Betty's event...and I've done my own analysis of the Map, so..y'all are going to have to provide a list and links to ALL of those reason on your "long list" I can debunk them, I've probably already seen all of them, and none of what I've seen is truthful, even the stuff from so-called "astronomers"...

I've seen the astrometrics myself, I've built the 3D models, I've dome the math, and Betty's map is 100% real, and extraterrestrial...

So, IF you truly think it is not real, you are going to have to prove it...shouldn't be too hard, right? Course, to do so, you will need to use real science and mathematics, and not rhetoric.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: james1947

What rhetoric?

There's a whole chapter in the book I recommended tying together that incident with known Mkultra hypnotists.

That's incredibly non rhetorical.

But it's all the same to me... Nearly everyone has theories they passionately defend... that others passionately dispute.

I don't like the word 'debunk''s an emotional and typically unfairly used word.

Wanting real answers shouldn't be a negative.

But for all I know you are the one human alive who has all the facts and everyone else is wrong. It's all the same to me...

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 03:34 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: james1947

There's a whole chapter in the book I recommended tying together that incident with known Mkultra hypnotists.

Here's the problem with that...before 1992 some of the stars on Betty's map were unknown to astronomers (science)...and thus could not be any part of an "implanted memory", or some Mkultra thing.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: james1947

I never said memories about the stars were implanted, but if I had, or that 'map' had any significance you'd have a genuine point.

I'd suggest you read the book if you wish to refute that author. If you don't want to, that's fine too.

I have no interest in this case myself...but just wanted to share that even among 'believers' there is nothing definitive about this case. It's just another case.

I've never come across a definitive ufo case in the history of the topic...and many would agree that nobody ever has.

I had my own very compelling case investigated by both MUFON and investigated by Jacques Vallee...I can't dispute that one...but can't prove it happened either---just like every other case in the history of civilization.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: james1947

I never said memories about the stars were implanted, but if I had, or that 'map' had any significance you'd have a genuine point.

I'd suggest you read the book if you wish to refute that author. If you don't want to, that's fine too.

Well actually, it appeared as though you least imply that the map was an implanted memory...and of course that would have been quite impossible.

And, since the map WASN'T implanted, it has great significance, so I guess, logically, I have a genuine point...unfortunately everybody is just like you, and don't want to address the elephant in the room...that's okay, sometime after I'm gone the truth will come out...course then again that's what I thought you were interested in...truth, perhaps a bit of reality to go with it...alas!

As for reading the book...I'm nearly blind at least for a while, and as a result, I don't read much...and even after my vision is "fixed", I still probably won't have much for reading...there are a lot of other activities; like enjoying my WolfDog that I intend to engage in while I yet live.

But, again, IF you wish to list those issues, I'd be more than happy to address them.

posted on Oct, 3 2018 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to: james1947

There's no elephant in the room.. I love discussing
elephants in rooms.. it's what I do on ATS.

But sir.. I wish you well with your eyesight and your health.. i'd give
you a big hug if I could.

I understand that this topic gives meaning to your life.. and so I wish
you the very best with it. I'd let you convince me of something if
I could just to make you feel better... but i'm sorry.. I genuinely

Thank you for the spirited discussion.


posted on Oct, 4 2018 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: r0xor

So maybe UFO sightings and alien visitations are like a form of collective Cabin Fever....

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