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This Alex Jones Ban

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posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:10 AM
So it has been reported that Alex Jones's videos have been blocked from a number of social media websites. Including Facebook and YouTube.

Here is the thing, he still has his own channel. I remember watching his videos on or something way back in 1999 before YouTube even existed. It is true that YouTube has made his material more widely available, but he still has his own websites where he can host his own material like he always has.

Do YouTube and Facebook have the right to ban him? I would say yes. They can do what they want. AboveTopSecret does the same thing doesn't it?

I myself have been on this website (abovetopsecret) before. And when it became knowledge I was Jehovah's Witness, eveyr single post I made certain people would come to the posts and totally ignore the OP and change the subject stating the same slanders over and over. And I repeatidly would report them about being off-topic. Never was anything done to those off-topic posts. In fact I would get posts deleted.

So just like there are biased people at YouTube, at Facebook, et al. There are biased people here at as well. They all have their own agendas, their own prejudices. And that is fine.

That is why, for example, the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses host everything themselves and give it away free of charge at JW.ORG and TV.JW.ORG.

Another thing about social media websites and websites like YouTube. They try to monetize the videos posted. If they make money off of dirty and bad videos they become responsible with the bad actors.

The truth should never be monetized or charged money for. The Jehovah's Witness websites never charge 1 cent to anyone. They are fully funded by voluntary donations mainly by Jehovah's Witnesses themselves. Another unique thing in the Internet. And they have their website available in over 900 languages, almost 1,000.

Russia is the only nation on the planet that has blocked JW.ORG. And they have also banned the Christian activity of Jehovah's Witnesses as extremist. And have banned the Bible.

But so far, elsewhere, such as in the United States the government itself has not banned people like Alex Jones. So no violation against Constitution has been committed.

Although acts of prejudice are happening on a daily basis among these websites. Including this one. I am used to it. I grew up with lies told about me and my worship of God. And faced bitter opposition from classmates and teachers in school in the Untied States for serving Jehovah God. And watched as media portrayed us in the most unfavorable light, and outright lied about us many times.

I knew this has been going on since I was born. Since the advent of the internet, other people are realizing how much propoganda, lies, and prejudice exist everywhere in society.

Am I advocating for Alex Jones? No. Not at all.

+17 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:12 AM
Who cares about AJ lets talk about JW, amirite?!

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: Lysergic
Who cares about AJ lets talk about JW, amirite?!

Nah. I have found the internet a very poor forum to discuss things of such a private nature. And like I said, there are nations, like Russia, that have banned the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses. What if a Russian was on this site? Could they get in trouble for trying to find out more about what I am saying?

Many nations in the Middle East are the same. There are countries that would murder you for investigating further into Jehovah's Witnesses. So no, this is not the forum for such things.

I just wanted to give my 2 cents on the issue. I don't see what is happening to Alex Jones as wrong per se. But I can see prejudice and agenda behind it.
edit on 7-8-2018 by redletter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: redletter

I don't really get the comparison between Alex Jones and Jehovahs Witnesses. Even Alex Jones himself claims that anyone who believes his rhetoric is an idiot.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:27 AM
Alex Jones is a Jehovah's Witness? No wonder they kicked him off Facebook and YouTube.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: Atsbhct

He still has not been censored by the government. He still has free speech. So no violation of Constitution has been made against him. He still has his websites, as far as I know, up and running.

The same is true with Jehovah's Witnesses. They actually will NOT and do not host any material on any website outside their own. For various reasons, among them, websites that would try to monetize or make money off of their material. They never have ever tried to make money off of their material and never will.

Alex Jones on the other hand has monetized himself and made a lot of money off of his hate mongering. I am not saying he is similar to JWs in that way. I am stating that I have faced prejudice and censorship without warrant on websites such as this and YouTube as well actually. For not even stating anything bad or wrong. So I can see an agenda and see prejudice behind the people who run these sites. That is the connection I am making in my mind and want to share.

Actually I remember watching a video this morning that brings out the same point...let me find it...

Found it. This may appear off topic. But watch and see what I am talking about, this prejudice and agenda that is happening in these Social Media platforms. I am not the only one that notices it...

edit on 7-8-2018 by redletter because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:33 AM
a reply to: redletter

Could be an attempt by left-leaning platforms to censor right-leaning speakers, ahead of the November elections. The left needs all the help it can get to prevent being trounced at the ballot box once again.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: redletter

We'll the JW organization is monetizing something, considering the Watchtower Society is worth close to 1 billion.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:38 AM
Sandy Hook.

It's justified on that alone.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:39 AM
The internet is a great forum for many things. There are many great sites for many things.
There are specific sites for specific things. Sometimes they spill over into other sites.

Me personally, I have gigged through to many Christian churches, to take any at face value.
Unity (not specific to christian, but the 3 I worked with had a christian slant).

I have had friends/family with the JW and Mormons. My understanding of congregations is; The majority of all religious beliefs, believe in the preacher. Not the religion.
Furthermore, the believe in the preacher's sermons (and the band) brings them back, more than their agreeing with their own world view.

As per Alex Jones. He has the name recognition to let his voice be heard.
It worries me a bit that some public forums choose to not let him post. But there are countless public forums. He can still get his message out there, if he wants to.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: Atsbhct
a reply to: redletter

We'll the JW organization is monetizing something, considering the Watchtower Society is worth close to 1 billion.

No monetization. Nope. That is a lie.

That reminds me when I was in school, decades ago, and had s substitute teacher who found out who I was and said the same thing. He screamed at me in front of the entire class about these lies.

To this day you cannot prove it. For it is a lie.

You see why I understand?

Every cent donated to the organization goes to building buildings and making videos, feeding volunteers, housing them, and publishing literature. 100%

ETA: Also to disaster relief efforts around the world.
edit on 7-8-2018 by redletter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: randomtangentsrme
The internet is a great forum for many things. There are many great sites for many things.
There are specific sites for specific things. Sometimes they spill over into other sites.

Me personally, I have gigged through to many Christian churches, to take any at face value.
Unity (not specific to christian, but the 3 I worked with had a christian slant).

I have had friends/family with the JW and Mormons. My understanding of congregations is; The majority of all religious beliefs, believe in the preacher. Not the religion.
Furthermore, the believe in the preacher's sermons (and the band) brings them back, more than their agreeing with their own world view.

As per Alex Jones. He has the name recognition to let his voice be heard.
It worries me a bit that some public forums choose to not let him post. But there are countless public forums. He can still get his message out there, if he wants to.

Well said.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: RMFX1
Sandy Hook.

It's justified on that alone.

Perhaps. I can't judge because I have been away from his information far too long to make an informed opinion. He always was very raged induced. But did make good points along the way.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: redletter

Good points? Please, tell me some..

Alex Jones is no idiot. People like to portray him that way but he's not. He knows exactly what he's doing and it's disgusting. Screw that guy.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:05 AM

originally posted by: RMFX1
a reply to: redletter

Good points? Please, tell me some..

Alex Jones is no idiot. People like to portray him that way but he's not. He knows exactly what he's doing and it's disgusting. Screw that guy.

The first thing that came to me was his understanding of secret soctities. And his infiltration of Bohemian Grove.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:12 AM
Didn't even like the guy , but first they come for AJ and then maybe ATS. don't be fooled there isn't freedom of speech on the internet anymore. It's all cooperations telling us how to think even AJ was a company. Signs are here that a war is coming : MSM vs Freespeech.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: redletter

Could be an attempt by left-leaning platforms to censor right-leaning speakers, ahead of the November elections. The left needs all the help it can get to prevent being trounced at the ballot box once again.

Who the phuck takes Alex "gay frogs" Jones serious? This guy is a disgrace and i doubt that any sane conservative wants to be linked to this loon.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: frenchfries
Didn't even like the guy , but first they come for AJ and then maybe ATS. don't be fooled there isn't freedom of speech on the internet anymore. It's all cooperations telling us how to think even AJ was a company. Signs are here that a war is coming : MSM vs Freespeech.

Alex Jones is a brand.
His shows are the product.
Alex Jones make money by spewing crap.
Apple and Facebook don't want to promote and be associated with his product.
Alex can take his business somewhere else.
No one has forbidden Alex Jones to publish his videos and post them on the internet.
Infowars is still up? No?

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:40 AM
a reply to: redletter

These companies literally get billions of dollars of government subsidies. If they want to practice politics and ban American citizens from their platform for wrong think, they shouldn't receive a dime of taxpayer money.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Konduit
a reply to: redletter

These companies literally get billions of dollars of government subsidies. If they want to practice politics and ban American citizens from their platform for wrong think, they shouldn't receive a dime of taxpayer money.

No they don't.
Apple the largest tech company in the world, but also the eighth largest company in the world on Forbes’ Global 2000 list. The company saw $247.5 billion in sales, $53 billion in profit, $367.5 billion in assets and a market cap of $927 billion in 2018. Imagine how many people are employed by Apple in the USA? They don't need no government subsidies, don't be ridiculous.

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