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The lying media!!!

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posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: network dude

I hope all of you enjoy being lied to, as you seem to really, really like it.

Network - you know what I see? I see this thread, along with some other posts - as you coming to terms with what you're looking at. And, to be fair - many of us go through a period of saying: everybody does it, they're all liars, we won't be fooled again

Right after we have our hearts broken

P.S. Network - who is it that fact checks ProperGander? And why do you trust them? :-)


Of all the respondents to this thread, I had high hopes for you. I consider you to be a good bit more intelligent than I, and a good person as well. But it seems you didn't take the time to see the point, or watch the video. If you did, and came up with a completely different conclusion, then perhaps it's me.

The point I was trying to make is that we have known that the MSM distorts truth, outright lies, and fabricates stories to drive a narrative or to sway public opinion. This video explains that all the way back to OKC Bombing, and other events that took place long before Trump was more than a rich kid grabbing life by the PUs......well you know.

But for some reason, everyone here seems to want to demonize those who now point out the lies of the press, in favor of pointing at Trump and saying "He lies more, so pay attention to him". I can only hope that some out there see this for what it is, and realize it's a bit past His lies. He has remained consistent over the years. An overbearing egomaniac in the past, and still is today. (believe it or not, everyone knew that then, and they still do now)

If I'm wrong and the press truly has out best interests at heart and we should cheerfully submit to their will, then just let me know. But somehow, I have much, much higher hopes for you.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: network dude

Do you think the news and media in general is controlled by the intelligence community/deep state for social control and manipulation?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: network dude

But it seems you didn't take the time to see the point, or watch the video

Oh - I did. I watched it - I just don't agree with your point of view. It's a lame video - for starters. It's also why I asked you:
P.S. Network - who is it that fact checks ProperGander? And why do you trust them? :-)

The press isn't perfect - we all know that. The video relies on a very few bits from here and there - to prove what? That all of journalism can't be trusted?

Journalists die trying to keep people informed. Three Russian journalists were just murdered this past week - for following a story. I've known some journalists in real life. If you want to argue that the media is a money making machine - have at it. If you want to say that the people that are trying to dig for the truth are all bad because you don't like what they're telling you, I'm going to have something to say about that

You think you can protect Trump from the truth? Well, this is what people are going for, so you may as well join them

But for some reason, everyone here seems to want to demonize those who now point out the lies of the press, in favor of pointing at Trump and saying "He lies more, so pay attention to him". I can only hope that some out there see this for what it is, and realize it's a bit past His lies.

Trump is a liar. Why do you want the press to back off?

Seems to me that you want to make it possible for you yourself to not have to take the press seriously. You really don't have to, make it easy on yourself. Continue to believe in your president Network, and also believe that the news you hear is all fake and hateful. For the purpose of this thread, I have a problem with your relying on cockamamie journalism to try and demonstrate that the journalism that bothers you is wrong

Journalism isn't perfect. What is? It does keep the ball in the air. Maybe you would rather we don't discuss things. You might be wishing that nobody criticizes your perfect president

If the snowflakes can't take the heat - they should get out of the kitchen. He is the president of the United States - and he whines like a little girl

“The theory of the free press is not that the truth will be presented completely or perfectly in any one instance, but that the truth will emerge from free discussion” ― E.E. Cummings

Also, thanks for buttering me up first before you insulted me though - you really went to a lot of trouble
Why is it you can't just talk to me - I wonder?

edit on 8/5/2018 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 02:07 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: network dude

So who is presently the political party of the robber baron????

The side that all the big corporations donate to??

Or the side that all the unions donate too???

That is the best lie they have managed to sell.. that the side who wants to deregulate big buisness is also the party “for the people “ lol..

Follow the money...

Who gets the vast majority of the big oil lobbying money???

The gop

Private prison lobbying money??

The gop

Big pharma lobbying money??

The gop

Where does the democrats party get most of its funding??

Unions.. the workers..

Where does the gop get its funding???

The CEOs...


So who is the side in the pocket of the robber barons again? Lol

It is propaganda meant for stupid people..

“Hey I know all the worst actors on the planet donate the vast majority of their lobbying money to republicans, but the republicans are really the “for the people” party..”


It shouldn’t fool a toddler.

The dangers of favor to the corporations pale in comparison to the dangers of open borders. A large congress majority can undo any procorporate law. But once tens of millions come in and reproduce, the culture has been irrevocably changed, there is no law that can be passed to fix an irreversible change.

edit on 5-8-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 02:17 PM

originally posted by: olaru12
a reply to: network dude

Do you think the news and media in general is controlled by the intelligence community/deep state for social control and manipulation?

There is evidence to suggest some of it does answer to the intelligence community. That said there's been mergers upon mergers and now they are in the hands of a few oligarchs, and they are nothing more than their propaganda arms.

One of the things that helped turn the election was the media claiming Hillary was in perfect health. Even editing out Bill Clinton in an interview saying she fell frequently, iirc.

Not sure if Trump questioned her health, but the alt media did, and when she collapsed on 9 11 that was a clear signal the media was lying plain as day..

Wouldn't surprise me if Trump questioned it and it is amidst his supposed lies. While Trump may be misinformed on some topics, it is also the case that the media takes some of Trump's comments out of context and distorted to turn them to make them look like lies.

When Trump said crime was up 10% I think in germany, I think, when talking about migrant violence. He forgot to qualify it as violent crime was up 10% which is what he meant and was true. The media said he's wrong general crime is not up, but forgot to mention that he was right if it meant violent crime. That is A LIE of OMISSION, the media knows Trump is saying the truth, but mispoke with a qualifier and rather than clarify they LIE and claim Trump is lying.
edit on 5-8-2018 by Xenogears because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: toms54

All you need to be is alive to know trump is so full of #💩his eyes should be brown.

And Hilary is not? You mean like wipe with a cloth? For Obama, you can keep your doctor, and save $2,500 a year? Or this is the new normal for the economy? Hands up don’t shoot? The Democratic primary between Burnie and Hilary was a fair and open primary election? The IRS under Obama did not target conservatives? Like to keep the list going?

Keep lying to yourself only Trump spins the truth........

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: toms54

All you need to be is alive to know trump is so full of #💩his eyes should be brown.

Oh, speaking of BS? Ever come up with a logical argument to back your claims Trump cheated to win the election from a Obama/Democrat controlled Whitehouse?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 02:40 PM
The comments by David Rockefeller a member of the CFR on the state of media and him thanking them, pre-dates Trump,
It also is very telling. False flags pushed by the media have been mentioned many times right here on ATS.
This has nothing to do with Trump, although he just likes to point it out.

People posting on ATS that don't know this are either ATS novices, or well you know......

Some people posting here seem to forget this sites primary purpose has always been conspiratorial in nature and not political, even though that seems to dominate the front page right now.
edit on 5-8-2018 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

There are so many lies and abuses documented about the elite / deep state / career politicians that keeps USA at odds with itself like a bad divorce case? Why would you go off the deep end to unsubstantiated “false flags” based on only coincidence and innuendo.

Especially when there are documented items like mayors giving free reign to rioters?

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake stood before the news cameras over the weekend and really did say, “We also gave those who wish to destroy space to do that as well.”


After that success over the weekend, she apparently took the same approach on Monday. And this time those who wished to destroy just kept destroying and destroying as the situation escalated to where Maryland Governor Larry Hogan activated the National Guard.

Many people were apprehensive about the patriot act. Now the scandals involving the NSA and the abuse of secret FISA courts has show how far down the toilet individual freedom has declined. Is that a false narrative? And more provable than “false flags”?

Still find it ironic after the WMD thing by the left, now we are supposed to believe the intelligent community without question?
edit on 5-8-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

False flags are a real thing, but not every event claimed to be false flag is. And some false flags are political stunts designed to shock people.

Let me give you just one example during the Bush years when Iraq invaded Kuwait, CNN and every news station featured news reports that Iraq soldiers were killing babies in Kuwait by throwing them out of the incubators and leaving them to die.
This was a total lie, it never happened, the nurse interviewed was no nurse at all, she was the daughter of some ambassador.

I could go on and on, research the Gleiwitz incident, The Nazi's started WW2 with a false flag op, we only know about it because they lost. You think the American government is above that, Kennedy had to veto false flag plans for Cuba, probably another reason why he never got to finish his presidency.

The media is using political false flags on a daily basis, for example ICE separating families, if you break the law for example by dealing drugs, you get removed from your family even if you are a citizen. Violation of the law also causes family services to take peoples children away, so the media whipped up outrage for cheap political points.

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

A lie is not a false flag?

A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility.

Americans dressed and using equipment to project the perception India blew up the Hover dam by actually carrying out the act would be a fales flag.

You cited propaganda.

Let me give you just one example during the Bush years when Iraq invaded Kuwait, CNN and every news station featured news reports that Iraq soldiers were killing babies in Kuwait by throwing them out of the incubators and leaving them to die.
This was a total lie, it never happened, the nurse interviewed was no nurse at all, she was the daughter of some ambassador.

You yourself said it never happened? False flags are acts actual carried out.

edit on 5-8-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

edit on 5-8-2018 by neutronflux because: Added and fixed

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

This would be a false flag if the allegations are true....

What was once conspiracy is now fact, as it appears the CIA has essentially developed their own NSA without the oversight. Under the Center for Cyber Intelligence (CCI), over 5,000 hackers have produced more than a thousand hacking systems, trojans, viruses, and other “weaponized” malware targeting everything from anti-virus software to commonly used consumer devices. This includes malware which makes it look like it was planted by a foreign government or hacker. This includes Russia, essentially proving the CIA has the ability to plant evidence to make it look like Russian hackers were the culprits. This potentially disrupts and discredits the entire Russia hacking narrative being pushed by the media.

If the above is not true, or stated out of context, then it’s propaganda.

Get the difference?

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 09:06 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: DBCowboy

Maybe that's the level you operate at. Obviously you're eating up everything he tells you.
Including the bugger flavored stuff.

I don't need my tv to tell me how to feel.

Too believe the press reports on what it should and is on the side of the people is unbelievable.

It barely EVER accomplished any of that and now that all of it is entirely owned by goofballs that hate us and love talking trash to roust us up...well

Let's just say you and your ilk are not gonna be spared the full bore barrels of truth no matter how much pain and damage it causes.

Beyond excuses...

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: Sillyolme
a reply to: DBCowboy

Maybe that's the level you operate at. Obviously you're eating up everything he tells you.
Including the bugger flavored stuff.

I don't need my tv to tell me how to feel.

How come you repeat everything the TV says then?

Obviously you DO need have no idea HOW TO FEEL

posted on Aug, 5 2018 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: neutronflux

Technically you are correct, but if something is planned and staged with actors and video's and supposedly bad guys doing evil, that is more of a false flag. Propaganda is more just pure statements spinning the news, or pictures edited in a clever way. Somebody posted a picture that edited the picture three different ways, in one it looks like man is being abused by soldiers, in another he looks like he is being helped by the soldiers, in the third you see the whole picture and it's neither of those. That is propaganda, editing the news so the narrative can only be interpreted one way by the listener and viewer.
edit on 5-8-2018 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 03:05 AM

posted on Aug, 6 2018 @ 04:19 PM

originally posted by: Spiramirabilis
a reply to: network dude

But it seems you didn't take the time to see the point, or watch the video

Oh - I did. I watched it - I just don't agree with your point of view. It's a lame video - for starters. It's also why I asked you:
P.S. Network - who is it that fact checks ProperGander? And why do you trust them? :-)

The press isn't perfect - we all know that. The video relies on a very few bits from here and there - to prove what? That all of journalism can't be trusted?

No. Just I don't think that all of the news today is lies. I not only think, but I pretty much know for certain in my mind, that the liberal media, (those being Obama friendly, and Trump unfriendly) tend to spin things to make it appear Trump does nothing right or good, and Obama never did anything bad, Oh and if you ask again, you are a racist. But the point of this, showing things like when Dateline put a damn bomb in a truck to make sure the gas tank exploded in their "live test", then only recanted when it was proven they were full of #. It can be done, it has been done, and even today, Things are reported, wrongly, and people react accordingly and it turns out to be a complete fabrication, not just an omitted fact.

Also, thanks for buttering me up first before you insulted me though - you really went to a lot of trouble
Why is it you can't just talk to me - I wonder?

There are only a handful of posters here I trust to shoot straight, and you are one of them. I'm not buttering you up as much as making sure you don't take this personal, and know about the ATS crush and all.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 12:08 PM
Another example of Trump Derangement Syndrome...the liberal media just can't help itself. And anybody who thinks the media is honest, just look at a sample of mainstream media news: 90% of stories are twisted to bash Trump while 90% of stories were twisted to glorify Obama. That's reality, folks, and we should all be sickened by what our media has become.

posted on Aug, 7 2018 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: network dude

There are only a handful of posters here I trust to shoot straight, and you are one of them.

Well then, you just made my day. Also - I very rarely take anything here at ATS personally :-)

I know there's very little I can say to convince the unconvinced - people pretty much have to do all the legwork and heavy lifting for themselves. The hard part is being honest with ourselves and remaining as objective as we possibly can be - even when it hurts. That goes for me too Network

Journalism isn't infallible. I do believe that it's important that people stay informed. It helps keep us free

Not keen on the money end of it, so on that much I think you and I agree
edit on 8/7/2018 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2018 @ 07:50 PM

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