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The MSM.

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posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Well the station is my region, Northwest Washington St., is the one cited in the link. KOMO Seattle.

You can take it to the bank, it IS Seattle after all, that KOMO is not far right. It's not near right, it's not 'right' at all. Moderate left is the general meme. The Fox station, locally, is moderately right leaning.

I can't speak for the other stations. I can't speak to what degree ownership dictates policy or latitude enjoyed by his stations, either.

It isn't unreasonable to assume profit is the first and foremost consideration and this region is left to far left in it's politics. JMO, though.

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 07:32 PM
The mainstream media, the pundits and local news broadcasts are not worth watching AT ALL. I read my news - usually multiple sources - and can usually filter out the bias whichever side it's on. In the car, I usually listen to sports radio. No politics, no crap for the most part. Still a few idiots but a lot less harmful to society when they say something stupid about an athlete or team owner. Usually fewer commercials too.

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I had seen it a couple of days ago, but the link wasn't available. I saw it today and diecided to run with it.

Of course, we know this has been going on for decades. The visual was striking, as was the vocals. I 'threaded' it as a strong evidence that couldn't be easily shrugged off by doubters of the issue.

As far your comments on conservatives goes. I snort in derision. The thread was largely intended as non-political....naive on my part, I suppose.

But claiming ignorance by Conservatives on this? Bull.

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 08:49 PM

originally posted by: The GUT
Both Left & Right MSM shill for the Deep State when it comes to things like War and screwing with other countries national sovereignty.

Exactly just look at how foxnews and the other right wing sources like drudge and Limbaugh treated ron paul each time he ran for potus.

One in the same when it to comes to agenda but with different rhetoric.

People that still believe in right vs left are the reason this country has been stolen by corporations and the highest bidder.
edit on 56430America/ChicagoTue, 03 Apr 2018 20:56:08 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 09:55 PM

originally posted by: nwtrucker
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

I had seen it a couple of days ago, but the link wasn't available. I saw it today and diecided to run with it.

Of course, we know this has been going on for decades. The visual was striking, as was the vocals. I 'threaded' it as a strong evidence that couldn't be easily shrugged off by doubters of the issue.

As far your comments on conservatives goes. I snort in derision. The thread was largely intended as non-political....naive on my part, I suppose.

But claiming ignorance by Conservatives on this? Bull.

Here, read what I said again

This is not ''news'' to conservatives

Here I acknowledge that conservatives are NOT ignorant on this topic.
The partisanship you mention is strong here on this sight, both right and left holding that their interpretation of politics and propaganda is correct and the other incorrect. Right does it to left and left does it to right. But not all the time. This is one topic that both sides can see clearly I think. At the time I made that reply I thought I was adding to the thread and not deriding conservatives, however I guess I did not make that clear enough.

and as much as conservatives would like to believe that it is only they who are aware of this, this notion of centralized media control has been on the top of progressive awareness campaigns for decades.

There i was mearly pointing out that this issue of centralized media ownership as a prime threat to democracy had been understood by progressives for a long time and not something that needs to be presented as new news to anyone here.

We can read ATS threads up and down the forums for years and it is clear that many conservatives here completely snub any progressive points of view and dismiss progressives with the vilest of name calling.That was my point, the dismissel of other points of view when in reality those other points of view might help us all to see the entire picture more fully.

But the reality I stand by is summed in my final paragraph

Le'ts not just notice the effect, main stream media control of public consciousness, but the WHY is has been allowed. We are now suffering from the accumulated effects of the conservative stance of kill the regulations way back in the 80s

The severity of the effect is now understood by liberal and conservative alike. However when the CAUSE that has allowed this effect was taking place it was conservative America who bought into deregulation of media ownership as presented by Reagan.

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Fair enough.

posted on Apr, 3 2018 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: nwtruckerAnd thank you for calling my attention to the vagueness of my original reply

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: olaru12

I thought the only wire was Associated Press (AP)? I don't care how many sources they claim to have, the video made it obvious they all say the same exact thing.

That Press Wire.

i have seen this is pretty true for myself. i was looking for different takes on a news event that happened locally for me. now all the "local" (and by that i really mean pretty much every news source in the country that i could read/listen to, as well as those friends translated for me from the different languages). were telling pretty much one version of events, as far as the known facts went. but all the stories really were quite different from each other. yet the facts given out were all pretty much the same and in agreement. and had been all the way through the event as the facts were coming out.

the event happened in the morning local time. now that evening i went to check out the story in the newspapers and news media from North America i normally used. i was shocked. most of those "facts" were actually missing from the stories i was reading. and in fact those stories all were pointing to a specific group being behind it. and by the way that group they were all pointing to WAS NOT the group involved at all. in fact all those missing FACTS they were leaving out, told you who the group was, and why they were doing it. those facts including who did it. their targets, the makeup of the explosive device. all of which told you what it was all about.

so i went looking at other North American news sources. and i found the same thing. i expanded my search to English news sources in Europe. and yet again all the pertinent information was missing. and again they were all pointing fingers at another group as being behind it. so i went back and looked at time stamps on most of the stories. ALL had been written well after 12 hours after, those facts were known about looking at the timestamps of the local news that had all the facts.

in fact reading all of those stories from North America and Europe that i could find, there was one glaring thing that was jumping out at me. they ALL seemed to be written by the exact same person. every single story was almost completely identical. just a few words and sentences changed here and there, or an extra paragraph added in. leaving the information pretty much exactly the same. and with no "real fact available about who was behind it (and remember those facts were in fact known long before). they ALL jumped or led you to the conclusion of who was behind it which was not just incorrect, but a blatant LIE. and when i looked all those stories in every single North American, and European source ALL came from the same source (associated press i believe if i recall correctly).

now the actual truth with the missing facts did come out a few day later, regulated to small stories buried in the back of newspapers, that most people would never read. unlike the first stories of lies being some of the big news of the day so that everybody knew who the false culprits were. and the opinions of almost everyone in North America and Europe were formed against that group for what they had done and thus this fake news did what it was supposed to vilifying a specific group, even though that group had nothing to do with it. pretty much ALL western main stream media (and pretty much even all the minor media as well from what i saw, both left and right wing news sources, and those put their own spins on the fake news. to say what they wanted it to say). pretty much every news item seen and read on the two major continents, that are supposed to have reliable, and truthful news were all reporting the same carbon copy, fake news. which was pretty much all written by ONE PERSON. and it was that ONE PERSON, who was forming the opinions in almost all of the free world with their fake version of the event.

(and i must say it is highly annoying i got signed out while originally working on writing this. i got lucky and at least copied it before posting)

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 06:24 AM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: intrptr

The big four are AP, Reuters (HQ'd in UK), AFP (HQ'd in France) and UPI. UPI used to be the number 2 but they started to slack off in the 80's and 90's and then in 2000 they were bought by the Moonies (The Unitarian Church which also owns the Washington Times).

Ha, Reverend Sun Myung Moon, the owner of the arms factory that made such good .223 (PMC) ammo back in the 80's.

The 'Moonies' were just one of the religious sects operating in the US along with Krishna, various Indian cults, etc.

Praise the lord and pass the ammunition...

goog led

posted on Apr, 4 2018 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: intrptr

Further, a deeper look into the Moonies shows considerable affiliation with the IC community.

The evidence is also strong that the IC's investigation into cults led to actual cult building for numerous reasons including cut-outs and plausible deniability for covert actions and manipulation of cult members.

The evidence that Jim Jones and Jonestown was such is pretty compelling.

Not sure how that all plays in here but it's there.

posted on Apr, 6 2018 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Why rely on readers at all? Can't anyone with a 4th grade education "read?"

The vast majority of journalists are the people researching, interviewing sources, transcribing, trying to present any and all "sides" and writing about their findings. Where the hell do you think the readers "get" their information?

Regular reporters make less (to start) than what the $15 for everyone crowd wants for burger flippers. Those with 20+ years experience might make $25.

The problem is American people are so stupid they need "readers" to do their work for them. Read widely instead. There is nothing on TV worth paying a moments attention to, ever.

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