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Say it... Trump was right! Countries Falling Short of Climate Change Promises

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posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 03:14 PM
I wonder just how many of the people FOR the Paris Accord actually READ what our commitments would be, and then actually COMPARED them to those of other nations.

It wasn't just a BAD deal for was a complete and utter insult.

And yes, as another said, the targets were completely unrealistic, but more than that, they were also extremely lopsided.

posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: StallionDuck

Regardless of what other countries end up doing the PCA was ALWAYS a series of promises. Trump never had to leave the accord and could have just renegged on the promises as these countries are doing. This was only supposed to be a stepping stone to cleaner air, not the end game.

So he could have pretended to go along with it and then broken the promises like other countries are doing, or do what he did and be up front, honest, and pull out because it was not a good agreement. Glad he chose the latter, unlike the usual swathe of politicians.

Let's not forget that after he did it, he was accused of ending the world, literally. How stupid those people who were saying that now look.

posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 03:22 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: StallionDuck

Regardless of what other countries end up doing the PCA was ALWAYS a series of promises. Trump never had to leave the accord and could have just renegged on the promises as these countries are doing. This was only supposed to be a stepping stone to cleaner air, not the end game.

Funny, I was told millions would die without the PCA, so it seemed like the end game.

And he could have reneged, but you and many others would have given him hell for it, just like you did when he pulled us out of it.

edit on 21-2-2018 by Wardaddy454 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 03:29 PM
while everyone else is focusing on that climate accord, kissing each others butts while looking down at our country and all that pointless expense they think will fix everything environmental our country along with numerous energy companies, Norway and the E.U are developing carbon capture & storage technology that will cut pollution down to the needed levels to meet and far exceed what that climate accord demands while maintaining our current level of power production and lowering cost of manufacturing.

sometimes rushing the solution to a problem is a terrible idea, this accord everyone seems so proud of is just a scam for politicians to look good and extend connections while appeasing the panicked common folk and giving the government more tax money.

america is just fine ignoring an unconstitutional heap of nonsense like that accord and we will accomplish far more than what it's demanding without screwing people over, you all are a bunch of gullible suckers if you think that agreement will accomplish anything.

posted on Feb, 21 2018 @ 03:33 PM
The OP is a bit of a strawman, isn't it?

Did he ever give that as a reason, according to the transcript of the announcement the closest he got was:

The fact that the Paris deal hamstrings the United States, while empowering some of the world's top polluting countries, should dispel any doubt as to the real reason why foreign lobbyists wish to keep our magnificent country tied up and bound down by this agreement.

But if that wasn't true then how could he have been right?

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: MissionTruth

Yes, even the IPCC former head said that Climate change is just about wealth distribution.
How anyone can still believe that Man Made GW is real is beyond me. Just the other day, NOAA fudged their data, again on Arctic Ice.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Krakatoa

Fine. Call it whatever you want. It still can't be negative since there are no repercussions to not living up to the promises within. As such it is physically impossible for the Paris Climate Accord to be a "bad deal" for anyone involved.

There can be repercussions for the other parties who are trying to live up to those promises though.

Countries A and B both produce widgets. Country A cares about the environment and is actively trying to improve. Country B doesn't give a tinker's cuss and just wants to make lots of cheap export widgets.

They both promise not to produce widgets at factories unless they have been fitted with very expensive specialist air/water/etc filtering equipment, driving prices up significantly. Country B reneges on the promise and is able to produce widgets at half the price of Country A, causing a significant economic impact.

Country A are now being penalised for trying to keep their promise. Country B are pointing, laughing, and yelling "suckers!"

Apparently - and this really deserves an Olympic Gold Medal in Mental Gymnastics - this isn't a "bad deal".

The correct response for Country A is to say "this is a bad deal" and walk away.

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 06:17 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22

He just said what most of us already knew.
The targets were unrealistic.

With zero repercussions... that was a key point of his... China can continue to pollute more than the REST of the world Combine, but hey they joined the Give me a break

posted on Feb, 26 2018 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

right, 0 enforcement for any country, yet, damn near all countries needed the funding from whom?? Thats right, the Good ol US of A. now that we have pulled out (not a good thing for not getting pregnant) countries have stopped attempting to go green, or cut their carbon emissions.

posted on Feb, 27 2018 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: sstyles15

right, 0 enforcement for any country, yet, damn near all countries needed the funding from whom?? Thats right, the Good ol US of A. now that we have pulled out (not a good thing for not getting pregnant) countries have stopped attempting to go green, or cut their carbon emissions.

Don't think they would have in the first place even with billions from the US. If you look at where the pollution is spiking and maybe why we are seeing climate changes just took to China. About the time their pollution line started on the vertical climb the rest of the would is not really changing much since the 1970s. China on the other hand has surpassed the whole world combined in pollution and doesn't seem to be stopping or slowing down. We are talking about a country that puts lead paint on their toys, plastic in their rice and fake baby formula that starves people, they go into their sewers and mine gutter oil and reuse on street food carts, have roaming illegal butcher shops to process dead and sick animals that are not allowed in the normal ones, and then they mix that meat right back in to the population etc really they are going to reduce their pollution.. ya right...

posted on Mar, 4 2018 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: StallionDuck
Ok, I really don't expect many to actually admit Trump may have been right when he pulled the US out of the Paris Agreement. However, it's hard to deny it when you look at the truth of the matter as to what is really taking place.

Trump said that the agreement that we were under was just a bad deal and would have hurt us economically. He also stated that the US, according to this deal, would be sacrificing far more than any other country that was also part of the deal and that was a bad deal for us.

"It's an agreement that I have no problem with but I had a problem with the agreement that they (the Obama administration) signed because, as usual, they made a bad deal," he told reporters. "So we could conceivably go back in".

Mr Trump stressed his administration's commitment to environmental issues, "clean water, clean air", but added "we also want businesses that can compete". "The Paris accord really would have taken away our competitive edge, and we're not going to let that happen," he said.


A dew days ago, a report has come out about what the other countries were really doing. Unfortunately this report didn't make any waves. I just happen to stumble upon it.

It shows that countries are falling short and not pushing very hard to meet their promises. In fact, it shows that it might even be pointless.

“It’s not fast enough. It’s not big enough,” said Corinne Le Quéré, director of the Tyndall Center for Climate Change Research in England. “There’s not enough action.”


I'm fully expecting the rebuttal to be, "Well, Trump pulled out so all other countries aren't going to keep up with their promises", as though it will be Trump's fault and responsibility to see other countries through.

Just saw this thread, so a bit of a late reply, but Trump was 100% wrong in pulling the US out of Paris. It has been a political disaster for him, especially internationally.

Because of the nature of Paris being a non binding agreement where each country sets their own goals, all Trump would have had to do, is set the US goals at something we would achieve without even trying. Then leave the US in the agreement, and take credit when we hit the goals. He turned a near certain political win into a total disaster while not changing the outcome at all.

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