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Were dinosaurs mentioned in the bible?

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posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by drbryankkruta
you know guys there is an evolved form of fire breather today that is still living , and it is a beetle that shoots a chemical that produces heat , its called a bombadier bettle and it can easily be an evolved verion of one of the biblical fire breathers as well. An its appearance also matches some of those descrided just on a small size scale.

Amen- in fact would love to see that beetle operate. It just doesn't sound so far fetched.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by launchpad

Originally posted by drbryankkruta
you know guys there is an evolved form of fire breather today that is still living , and it is a beetle that shoots a chemical that produces heat , its called a bombadier bettle and it can easily be an evolved verion of one of the biblical fire breathers as well. An its appearance also matches some of those descrided just on a small size scale.

Amen- in fact would love to see that beetle operate. It just doesn't sound so far fetched.

I thank you but I wish I could see this thing up close as well , I have only seen little snippets and never on in person it would be nice to in real life the fire breather, but come to think of it I want to see our electrified friend like the eel and the acid like blood creature that is the lizard that has chemicals in it that act like hyper cells of nueclaic acid like origins , all these creature have unique defenses and I even remember a bullseye fish that can raise its head out of water and shoot water 20 ft away with an acuracy of a swat team marksman, just amazing and in biblical days these would have been creatures of wonder as well. Now having said that Imagine what we missed out on with the extinct species from parts of the bible.I still marvel at fish and lizards who can change color and the one coral species of crustation , that can actually change to minic topographical changes in the terain by adding mud and corel to its shell with the speed of an indy driver. amazing .

[edit on 22/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 03:58 PM
I don't think people were walking around much less writting books 65 million years ago so any writting about them would have to be in past tense, if they even knew the creatures once existed at all. However anything is possible but until i spend as much time studying the subject as the many experts who dedicate their life to paleontology i will assume their findings are correct until these people who study it start to think otherwise.

[edit on 22-2-2005 by Trent]

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 04:09 PM
well Trent you are entittled to it.

if you read previous posts you might see where we talked about how it could even be possible to describe one of these creatures unless you had been there done that so to speak. modern man guesses on most of the composition, muscle mass, how they could have walked, etc- However, biblical accounts actually describe the animals behavor and eye color.

Read the whole thread - it is quite interesting and only peoples opinion on the material available.

i do appoligise for the person calling everyone liars and taking up otherwse good space if it detracts from the otherwise great subject.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Trent
I don't think people were walking around much less writting books 65 million years ago so any writting about them would have to be in past tense, if they even knew the creatures once existed at all. However anything is possible but until i spend as much time studying the subject as the many experts who dedicate their life to paleontology i will assume their findings are correct until these people who study it start to think otherwise.

[edit on 22-2-2005 by Trent]

They are not past tense that is the point some species alive today , like the large unexplained deep water creature , some whales as well are directly connected to the era only seperated by minor changes of eveloution , there was a large reptilian/anphibious/deep sea creature in fact discovered alive that resembles a only slightly evolved dinasour I cant remember the name of this reptilian creature but I think it was found in the great down under.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by launchpad
well Trent you are entittled to it.

if you read previous posts you might see where we talked about how it could even be possible to describe one of these creatures unless you had been there done that so to speak. modern man guesses on most of the composition, muscle mass, how they could have walked, etc- However, biblical accounts actually describe the animals behavor and eye color.

Read the whole thread - it is quite interesting and only peoples opinion on the material available.

i do appoligise for the person calling everyone liars and taking up otherwse good space if it detracts from the otherwise great subject.

Why apologize? I never made a false statement. I just call people out when they do. If you lie, or distort the truth, I will make it clear to everyone.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Seapeople

Why apologize? I never made a false statement. I just call people out when they do. If you lie, or distort the truth, I will make it clear to everyone.

i appoligize because reading your posts are a drag- and detract from a legit discussion making it difficult to read and limiting REAL discussion. I appoligize because you tactics are dispicable/hostile/disruptive and makes me embarassed for you because you don't come off as much more than a hothead.

well now you for sure are the liar (by your very definintion) and i can think of a whole slew of other things that would fit - you made the whole situation look like Styx was saying: "without a doubt, this proves it once and for all dinos are described in the bible". It was you and you alone demanding/ provoking and wailing "wahhhwahhhwahhh i want a yes/no hard definitvie answer"- Styx gave you his opinion and you start labeling him (THIS IS CALLED ENTRAPMENT) and other people liars- even whole groups of people as liars which you have ZERO proof of and no right to be calling people out.

you furthermore - please see page 6 - presented purposefully incomplete information in the form of a single link as a consensus of a whole community and a FACT (which it was nither)- this is again, YOUR definintion of lying.

so good sir (i use the term lightly) you fit the very description you use of a liar, the common definition of a bigot, and that of religiously intollerent toboot with an obvious agenda you are trying to push.

it would be well advised for you to just butt out of the religious discussions because your bias is making you somewhat of a joke and not of the funny kind. Please take your high school tactics eleswhere as you obviously have nothing to contribute either way and have repeatedly proven yourself not worth listening to. and while you are at it: please ammend your screen name to let every one know you distort the truth.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 06:12 PM
You are wrong Launch. You are not even close. SNTX gave me what he called a fact. If he had said, "it is my opinion", then I would have left him alone. I wanted to know simply, if he was calling it a fact or opinion. I asked him about 30 times before he finally mustered up an answer.

This is a serious problem that you obviously contribute too. No matter what is being discussed, there always needs to be a seperation between opinions and facts. Christians go far across that distinction. People that defend that line of thought, such as yourself, do as much disservice to this world as anyone could imagine. By defending someone in an outright lie, such as you are doing right now, you condone that lie. You condone the intentional distortion of the truth, therefore you are a part of it. You sir, are no better than the liar, and quite frankley, you are probably worse. You see. SNTX simply may not be smart enough to understand what is going on, and what is being asked of him. You are, without a doubt smart enough.

Tell me, even if there was a 99% chance of something being correct, would it be a lie if you stated that information as fact without a qulaification such as "theory", "I believe", or "it is my opinion"? If you say no to this, then you are lying to yourself.

A lie is an intentional distortion of the truth. When you partake in distributing information that is untruthful, or you enable it, you are lying. That means, even if you believe something, but do not know for sure, you are a liar if you state it as fact. It is impossible to know for sure whether those references that most christians themselves say are not dinosaurs, really were. No matter how likely or unlikely it is. I asked him if it was a fact. He said yes. That is a lie. There is no way to circumvent the terminology.

I am tired of letting this go on right in front of me.

posted on Feb, 22 2005 @ 09:22 PM
Contradicting views abound in those of passion , but those of passion kill people in wars for the sake of there views.......Man would be better represented by compasion and tolerance, the things that war can only show the lack of but cant make come to pass.

by Dr Bryan K Kruta

Feb 7th 2005

[edit on 22/2/2005 by drbryankkruta]

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by launchpad
it would be well advised for you to just butt out of the religious discussions because your bias is making you somewhat of a joke and not of the funny kind. Please take your high school tactics eleswhere as you obviously have nothing to contribute either way and have repeatedly proven yourself not worth listening to. and while you are at it: please ammend your screen name to let every one know you distort the truth.

Why have a forum to discuss religion at all if people with differing beliefs cannot express them? Surely you understand why he does this? For a non-Christian, citing of the Bible as evidence for anything and everything, particularly to back up an argument that the Bible is not flawed when it is called into question, is laughable, even infuriating.

It's probably impossible to defeat blind faith in argument, but attempting to do so is no worse than attempting to convert someone to religion.

Everyone posting on this thread is biased one way or the other. It is clear that this bias has got in the way of facts and evidence on both sides.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad

Why have a forum to discuss religion at all if people with differing beliefs cannot express them? Surely you understand why he does this? For a non-Christian, citing of the Bible as evidence for anything and everything, particularly to back up an argument that the Bible is not flawed when it is called into question, is laughable, even infuriating.

It's probably impossible to defeat blind faith in argument, but attempting to do so is no worse than attempting to convert someone to religion.

Everyone posting on this thread is biased one way or the other. It is clear that this bias has got in the way of facts and evidence on both sides.

Here we go again- please note the topic- "could dinos have been mentioned in the bible?” this MIGHT HAVE BEEN a good discussion but a few tactless, agenda pushing, people decided to turn the discussion into something else.

NOT: are Christians a bunch of liars, nuts or goof balls?

NOT: is the bible literal word of God or not?

NOT: is the bible true or false?

NOT: Not Christians please convert to Christianity? or vise versa.

Now please stick to the topic at hand- if you wish to discuss other things please go start a new thread. But this isn't the place for it.

Whatever happened to the moderators? Are they on strike? What is the point of having a moderator anyway? Oh gee, look at that. Maybe I should start a thread on the very subject? Got to be on most peoples minds anyway- since the majority of threads on this site seem to be ALLOWED to be hijacked.

Back to the thread topic: I have tons of pictures if only there seemed to be a way to load them-(anyone?) Recently, looked into Norse and Viking mythology and some of their descriptions. the similarities with some of the other cultures previously discussed (if you can find them amongst the irrelevant inputs) are amazing.

it seems to me that the similarities in all these different cultures from around the world - even hugely separated by geography - would scream that it is reasonable that ancient people did have at least some contact with what we call dinosaurs today.

I’ve heard people call Veloski (SP) a quack- but those same people seem to be pushing an agenda of their own pretty hard. Carl Sagan comes to mind.

posted on Mar, 6 2005 @ 04:16 PM
If you'd care to read the previous pages you would notice that there has been plenty of on topic discussion. I myself have cited my reasons for believing dinosaurs were not mentioned in the bible in several posts. I have done something perfectly reasonable and legitimate in presenting my arguments to others and pointing out the flaws in theirs.

Unfortunately there are those posting on this thread who let blind faith get in the way of logic and research.

Do you have an opinion on the topic yourself or are you just offended at my questioning of the Bible?

posted on Mar, 9 2005 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by CiderGood_HeadacheBad
If you'd care to read the previous pages you would notice that there has been plenty of on topic discussion. I myself have cited my reasons for believing dinosaurs were not mentioned in the bible in several posts. I have done something perfectly reasonable and legitimate in presenting my arguments to others and pointing out the flaws in theirs.

Unfortunately there are those posting on this thread who let blind faith get in the way of logic and research.

Do you have an opinion on the topic yourself or are you just offended at my questioning of the Bible?

by plenty of realavant posts, do you mean less than 1 in four?

your "reasonable and legitimate" posts are exactly like the one here accusing people of blind faith when really that has zero to do with THIS PARTICULAR discussion.

Since we were discussing if the DISCRIPTIONS AS GIVEN could be dinos - refrencing the document itself is not a faux pau but rather central to the discussion itself. With that i see all the evidence of agenda pushing against any sort of faith with no "legitimate" reason within this thread. Again this is not the place- Please take it elsewhere. Name calling is not appropriate- nor is sacasticly knocking peoples faith/beliefs because you SUSPECT based upon their statements they MAY be Chrisitan or what-have-you. You sir, obviously have an agenda and it can be seen from your disrespectful posts to several people on this thread. Have some respect or bugger off.

question the bible all you like somewhere else- we were not discussing if it was valid or not- and has zero bearing on the particular topic. Unless you are declaring it a MODERN document and not the rather ancient document as commonly accepted.

As to MY opinion on the matter- please reread the entire thread- it has been discussed. i do think it probable that the discriptions as given do describe the traits we know today as dinos- rather than the "oh its an elephant" or "oh its a hippo" the discripitons do not match either of those animals even on a huge stretch.

WE (and I) have also followed up with several sources / references and citations from different cultures on both sides of the time scale commonly seen for the writing of the bible on extreme different geographical locations all with similar discriptions that match DINOS more than animals alive during the lifetime of man- thereby leading evidence- that man has seen live dinos and further backing up the opinons of several on this thread the the bible discriptions were accurate as given.

does this prove the bible accurate in all areas?- no it does not- i certainly hope that we do not have people trying to do so but that might just happen. i am hoping those people will at least be mature enough to take it to another thread.

As well there maybe other reasons to declare the bible not accurate - discuss those elsewhere also.

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:05 AM
[edit on 11-3-2005 by BobDylan]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:06 AM
[edit on 11-3-2005 by BobDylan]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:08 AM
[edit on 11-3-2005 by BobDylan]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 06:08 AM
What in the name of Satans spikey sack are you all talking about!!??

Let me lay down some common sense.

Fact: Dinosaurs did Exist
Distorted Facts and generous dollops of fiction: The Bible

Mankind had a long history of Dragon Legends, Dragons (believe it or not) are quite similar to Dinosaurs so it makes sense that somewhere along the line they co-existed...OR...Ancient folks found the bones and created the myth but if you sit down, sip tea and think about it with no religious. moralo scientific prejudice....Co-existence seems more then likely.

The church managed to supress discoveries of Dinosaur bones for a good 1800 years which was pretty good going and you can't blame those crazy Catholic Cats really...after all....The existence of Dinosaurs kind of flys in the face of the story of Genesis doesn't it.

Which brings us back to the Reliabilty of the religious document we like to call the bible, lest we forget in all our bickerings and debate that THE BLOODY BOOK WAS WRITTEN AND DESIGNED TO PREACH, CONVERT AND INFORM FOLLOWERS OR POTENTIAL FOLLOWERS OF THE GLORY THAT IS CHRISTIANITY!!...(cough)

Some things will be true, other things false....if other documents from around the globe back up Bible Quotes or ideas ( The great flood being a good example) then we can make an educated guess that the story has some truth to it....Anything that is not echoed elsewhere we should take with a very large pinch of salt...shouldn't we...if you think about in simple terms.

Hell...I know Christians who claim to believe in Evolution and I tell them " If you believe in Evolution then your not a Christian" to which they reply " Well I don't believe that God created the world in 7 days but the whole Jesus thing is True"!!!

These people need hitting with a big stick, they are totally and utterly deluded. They pick and choose which parts of the bible they are willing to accept and dismiss what they see as "Too far fetched" and that is three kinds of far as I'm concerend you either believe in the whole damn thing or none of it because if you are dismissing bible stories and passages as works of fiction then the authenticity of the entire book is brought into question....isn't it!

It's a wonderful subject religion, maybe the best...but I think people need to start thinking about these issues with a clear mind...go back to basics, pretend that whatever knowledge or prejudices you have are no longer floating about your mind and ask yourself these simple questions.

Was A jewish Virgin told by an Angel of the Lord that she would give birth to An almighty Gods Son? ....Chances!

Is the Pope, ex Polish Goalkeeper and elected Papal Monarch Gods representative on Earth and leader of a billion?.....Unlikely

Is Christianity a Genius method of social control....Well it is...obviously!

An Amazing thing Humanity...On one hand you could have a bunch of people who believe they are being ruled by giant oranges from the Planet Zarko and they would be dismissed as Mad people and on the other hand you have a billion or so who believe in Old Jewish folk tales of Walking on Water, Burning bushes and immaculate conceptions and they are considered to be perfectly normal rounded human beings.

Time for a wake up folks...This b*ll# has been perpetuating for a few thousand years...................and it's more then due a revolution.

[edit on 11-3-2005 by BobDylan]

[edit on 11-3-2005 by BobDylan]

[edit on 11-3-2005 by BobDylan]

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 07:01 PM
Are u suffering from a split personality disorder? did you ever happen to take a basic english course in college or not even make it that far?

Again, where is the subject of dinos???

(sigh) why do i waste my time anymore?????????

posted on Mar, 11 2005 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by BobDylanAn Amazing thing Humanity...On one hand you could have a bunch of people who believe they are being ruled by giant oranges from the Planet Zarko...
Now you have gone and done it. Why did you? We will be hearing the stories now about how, why and when, oranges from a previously unknown planet will be bringing on armaggedon. I bet they will even have a navel fleet, it won't be pitiful either.

posted on Mar, 12 2005 @ 05:21 AM
I have a theory about people who comment on other folks grammar and spelling Launchpad...any clues on what that theory may be?

Arrogance is for the workplace and playground my emotionally challanged friend.

Anyway...enough of you and back to the Oranges.

I enjoy this forum and all the wild theories that adorn it but I do think that there should be more room to question peoples beliefs without the fear of some Moderator or Christian Missionary getting a little hot under their dog collar.

You solve very little in life by being polite and anyone who really believes in their ideals and has faith in their God should be able to argue and accept whatever slander comes their way...if you're going to start blubbing like a stood up schoolgirl because someone writes something that you don't agree with then you should really be a taking a long hard look at yourself rather then pointing your icy fingers elsewhere.

The subject was on dinosaurs and 7 pages have passed by...have we solved anything?.


"And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." 23 And there was evening, and there was morning-the fifth day"

"24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good"

26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

I see no mention of Dinosaurs in this Christian version of events. Verse 25 mentions "Wild Animals" and lets for arguments sake pretend he included Dinosaurs in this cosmic jambalaya...according to the holy book he creates man just one day and one verse later so that would mean co-existence...wouldn't it!

It's nothing more then plain old Common sense. If you believe that the bible is the word of God then you must also believe that Dinosaurs and mankind co-existed because that's what verses 25 and 26 would be telling you.

However Dinosaurs allegedly died out 65 Million years ago so that would mean mankind has been around all that time...wouldn't it!


And if the very first chapter in the bible is false...what does that say about the rest of the book???

Answers on a stone tablet if you please.

[edit on 12-3-2005 by BobDylan]

[edit on 12-3-2005 by BobDylan]

[edit on 12-3-2005 by BobDylan]

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