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Full Disclosure This Week

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posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 05:25 PM
...if you want it.
Dear ATS,

please consider this as reality.
What if during the next few days complete disclosure would occur? All questions answered pretty much at once, a global event, let's say a low flying BT circling the world, flying over every country, so slow and low that it is impossible to ignore it.
With all questions answered I don't mean at once but... what if they chose their contact people, fly around and pick them up, for all the others to see. I know that would cause riots maybe out of fear at first, but we aren't that stupid that we would actually kill and loot instantly, are we?
Then the persons they chose get their questions answered, and for everybody to see put back, to tell everyone what they learned.
Would they instantly get killed, by the masses? By their govs? Would they be allowed to deliver their messages? Would they be welcomed and celebrated?

(Some of) You said it's worth dying for, but do you actually mean that? Would you accept that your fellow humans might shoot you? Are you sure you want to be in on this?
Even if visiting other planets would be impossible for now until the job is done? Which means maybe not in this life? Is it really worth it?

Because I'm struggling to see what the alternative could be. Carry on with the status quo forever? How long would that be possible? And wouldn't that almost inevitably end in our almost extinction? Or at least huge set backs? The oil is almost empty, fe. We are nowhere near being able to cope with that. At least not on our own.

Then there is the religious question, which is boiling down to some nasty sh1t. I actually saw an US army officer declaring the war on muslims is indeed the holy war. If a critical mass of people thinks it is, it is and we are past that point. And it is all so connected we don't talk about one country going down at this point we talk about global decay.
Wouldn't those responsible for the religious "teachings" be somewhat obliged to clean up the mess they made?
And wouldn't picking up or rapturing a few hundred or thousand still be an immense loss? In our evolution, our technological development?
So waiting until it's too late is something I wouldn't recommend.
I would want to save as many as possible. And I don't even like humans. But we deserve better, not? Or it should be everybody making their choice.
Be smart stay away from the rioting ones. Don't turn violent or run with the mob or you'll die too.

But that's not the point, are you ready and really sure you want to take the risk, now? Because I do. But I feel like I'm one from the outside and can't be deciding this for everybody. On the other hand people are really stupid and can't be trusted with this decision either.
I found you. You are smart. So it's you who'll decide, and me who'll send the message. Are we willing and ready to give our own life maybe, but to be basically directly responsible for thousand, maybe millions dying, even if it won't be by our hands but their own?
For the truth.
The next step of our evolution.

+15 more 
posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 05:42 PM
Doesn't matter. Unless the aliens load us all up in their golden flying saucers to make us gods and show us a sunrise from Club Med Planet with three moons (or roast us up for dinner), I'm still going to have to go to work and buy food and gas and generally continue to live my life. It might be cool to know that there are aliens, but after the coolness wears off, I still have to eat and crap and sleep, just like before.

It might be the biggest thing in the history of mankind, but it ain't gonna pay the bills.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
...if you want it.
Dear ATS,

please consider this as reality.
What if during the next few days complete disclosure would occur? All questions answered pretty much at once, a global event, let's say a low flying BT circling the world, flying over every country, so slow and low that it is impossible to ignore it.
With all questions answered I don't mean at once but... what if they chose their contact people, fly around and pick them up, for all the others to see. I know that would cause riots maybe out of fear at first, but we aren't that stupid that we would actually kill and loot instantly, are we?
Then the persons they chose get their questions answered, and for everybody to see put back, to tell everyone what they learned.
Would they instantly get killed, by the masses? By their govs? Would they be allowed to deliver their messages? Would they be welcomed and celebrated?

(Some of) You said it's worth dying for, but do you actually mean that? Would you accept that your fellow humans might shoot you? Are you sure you want to be in on this?
Even if visiting other planets would be impossible for now until the job is done? Which means maybe not in this life? Is it really worth it?

Because I'm struggling to see what the alternative could be. Carry on with the status quo forever? How long would that be possible? And wouldn't that almost inevitably end in our almost extinction? Or at least huge set backs? The oil is almost empty, fe. We are nowhere near being able to cope with that. At least not on our own.

Then there is the religious question, which is boiling down to some nasty sh1t. I actually saw an US army officer declaring the war on muslims is indeed the holy war. If a critical mass of people thinks it is, it is and we are past that point. And it is all so connected we don't talk about one country going down at this point we talk about global decay.
Wouldn't those responsible for the religious "teachings" be somewhat obliged to clean up the mess they made?
And wouldn't picking up or rapturing a few hundred or thousand still be an immense loss? In our evolution, our technological development?
So waiting until it's too late is something I wouldn't recommend.
I would want to save as many as possible. And I don't even like humans. But we deserve better, not? Or it should be everybody making their choice.
Be smart stay away from the rioting ones. Don't turn violent or run with the mob or you'll die too.

But that's not the point, are you ready and really sure you want to take the risk, now? Because I do. But I feel like I'm one from the outside and can't be deciding this for everybody. On the other hand people are really stupid and can't be trusted with this decision either.
I found you. You are smart. So it's you who'll decide, and me who'll send the message. Are we willing and ready to give our own life maybe, but to be basically directly responsible for thousand, maybe millions dying, even if it won't be by our hands but their own?
For the truth.
The next step of our evolution.

For the truth.

Bring it.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 05:56 PM
If you're interested in indulging in this sort of fantasy, I suggest you read "Childhood's End" by Arthur C. Clarke.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 05:58 PM
We're not all stupid enough to start killing, burning and looting - but never over-estimate the bulk majority of the populace.

I'd say roughly 30%-40% would immediately devolve, with another 25%-50% following in the days after disclosure.

People get bent out of shape when their EBT cards are denied, when they have to wait in a long line at the coffeehouse, and when they hear a viewpoint they disagree with. Some people actually need "safe places" to avoid opposing ideology, which doesn't bode well for something as Earth-shattering as contact.

My money would be on at least half the population loosing its mind within the first few days. After all, at any given time we're only 9 meals away from total, unabridged chaos and destruction of society as we know it.

Now whether or not we rise as a new, more stable society or whether we tank, leaving only the well prepared and roving bands of scavengers is up to the populous. History has shown that during chaotic events, some people tend to band together for the good of their communities while others devolve to looting, violence and destruction.

Rural areas would obviously be better suited to community based survival, whereas large urban areas would almost certainly be overrun quickly by the forces of chaos.
edit on 12/11/2017 by JBurns because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Disclosure? Ummm, maybe not.

As you point out Peeple people would die and we would end up with a polarised community of believers and not-wanting-to-be-believers.

Centralised disclosure, or to put it another way; hierarchial disclosure, probably wouldn't work.

Gotta find another way to get this out in the open. Hmmmm. (scratches head wondering how . . . .)

edit on 11-12-2017 by Whatsthisthen because: typos

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Whatsthisthen

The best way would be to gradually desensitize the population via mass media and other forms of thought control.

Unless there is some urgent need to disclose right away, I can't see any hasty or sudden announcements.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:04 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Now now, be respectful, this is Arthur C. Mother #ing Clarke you speak of. Indulging in fantasy? # That!

Do yourself the simple honor, give yourself the immeasurable joy of reading Arthur C. Mother #ing Clarke's "Childhood's End."

Or SyFy's excellent mini-series on's like $10.

First, in your response to your more basic questions about putting your life on the line for the truth. Sure, Mankind's been doing for that awhile now, it would be nice to be a member of the famed "Explorer's Club" and see something no one has ever seen before, if only for yourself.

And though the kind of event you speak of would clearly be labeled a "False Flag" among skeptics, for some it's as close to a religion as possible and so there are those who will never give up their skepticism no matter the weight of evidence.

I think it'd be necessary really, personally I would hope for more of a Stargate scenario than anything totally ship-based but thats me. Give us a hand and we would build some of the coolest damn spaceships around but for true exploration, we would need a gate. Make that part of the deal and I'm in, %100.
edit on 11-12-2017 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: JBurns
The best way would be to gradually desensitize the population via mass media and other forms of thought control.

A lot of it would depend on how close the aliens are. If the aliens are on some very distant planet that broadcast the equivalent of "I Love Lucy" 40,000 years ago, then people might not get so riled up.

On the other hand, if they fly out from behind the Moon on a spaceship as big as Cuba, people might get a little upset.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

For those curious thats 42,803 sq mi, or slightly smaller than the state of Pennsylvania.

Which is big ass ship.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: Peeple

You want a somewhat simple and easy solution. There is none. First, there is the heritage issue. Were we created somewhere along the way from lesser stock? --I assume the answer is probably. Then there is the issue of did they come along later to help early civilizations? --I assume the answer is probably. Then there is the issue that did the use of the atomic bomb trigger a renewed interest? --I assume the answer is probably. Then there is the issue of the abductions. Did the "medical exams" involve DNA tinkering? I assume the answer is a definite yes. So we have pro-active ETIs. Then did the ETIs give governments a set of rules by which they were to follow and enact liberal changes across their societies? I assume the answer is yes.

Do we see these changes in our daily lives? I assume yes, we have had no world wars in half a century. Most wars these days are to bring modernization to backward countries and religions for a more harmonious world. The evolution you mention is in the personages of the millennials, the carriers of that altered DNA that shuts down the standard aggression of humans and induces other slight changes. The end result is the millennials becoming a force we can easily label as Progressive Democrats. Not kidding!

The change is happening and is plain to see as we fuss over what UFO contact is all about. The ETIs are not the problem our former whole system of operating is at fault and it must change. We are the problem and the solution. Onward to the transformation of humanity.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:23 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I wouldn't riot, I would be welcoming....however I wouldn't venture into the city until things calmed down....people are idiots!

On a side note, oil is the 2nd most abundant liquid on earth.
in 1892 the Rockefellers had the term fossil fuel coined to make it seem like crude oil was a rarity. When in fact, it's not a fossil whatsoever.

Fossils are found around 16,000 feet Below Ground level.
Oil is drilled at almost double that at 30,000 ft BGL.

By making it seem like we would run out of oil, it allows the market to be manipulated and the prices driven up to make the rich men richer.

We will never run out of oil. Wells may dry up, but there is always another not far away.
As the price goes up, and technology advances, alternatives to oil are being used more and more. This alone offsets the estimated "Oil end date"
New deposits are found daily.
new tech allows us to look in areas we never thought about looking or didn't have the ability.

Even if we developed the technology to extract every last drop of oil on earth from the ground, the extreme rise in prices of oil on the market and alternatives that would be introduced because of that, would necessitate the world to change long before we would ever completely run out.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: Peeple

a global event, let's say a low flying BT circling the world, flying over every country, so slow and low that it is impossible to ignore it.
With all questions answered I don't mean at once but... what if they chose their contact people, fly around and pick them up, for all the others to see. I know that would cause riots maybe out of fear at first, but we aren't that stupid that we would actually kill and loot instantly, are we?

Right here. Playing devil's advocate, but just how and did you want to be the one to tell these aliens that "If you put me back, or drop me off on the White House front lawn they are going to hold me hostage debriefing the ever-loving crap outta me an that's before the truth serum ect and I'm probably NEVER gonna see the light of day again?"

That's gonna be one heck of an interesting conversation.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:36 PM
I still like the X files tag line "The truth is out there".
Started getting interested in reverse engineering UFO observations in the early 90's.
Historically disclosure has taken more of the art form route rather than a single cut and paste scientific disclosure.

Has there been disclosure in the past?
The early 90's brought the ability to search the internet for all kinds of government and NWO secrecy clues.
Remember the tasty nuggets we got from Art Bell participants back in the early 90's?
The listeners to the Art Bell radio broadcasts would form their own interpretations many of which would be predictable.

If you took a poll after a typical Art Bell interview and did a frequency analysis, responses would fall along the bell curve somewhere.
Most of the responses would find their home in some plausible deniability safeguarding. At the extremes it would be difficult to know if someone was obtaining true disclosure or they were just suffering from schizophrenia.

I'm still working on the question of "who was Kepler"?, I'm not ready to accept the idea that there are intelligent civilizations on some Exoplanet outside our solar system that are in communication with NASA.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:38 PM
a reply to: JBurns

Yep, one definitely wouldn't rush into things. Dunno about the "thought control" though. Manipulation always gets people angry.

Perhaps if it happened everywhere to everyone all at once. If suddenly everyone could see it for themselves in a nonthreatening way. But then again what would that achieve?

I once heard it said; "We could take control of your world easily, but that would achieve nothing."

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:56 PM
Wow this headline grabbed my attention more than a clickbait title.

Full Disclosure This Week

Then you broke my heart!

...If you want it.

What the hell man really.

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 06:59 PM
Perhaps disclosure from the human side is a non issue.

Perhaps it would be best for them to simply say; "We are here".

edit on 11-12-2017 by Whatsthisthen because: rephrased a few words

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 07:01 PM
Lets see some disclosure. I mean, if the people are still living their lives despite whats going on in politics right now, and not
letting fear stop the majority from working a job, going to school anyway...

Then to me the public can handle a topic just as unstable, like E.T disclosure, i mean i think the public reaction would be:

"Yea, we kinda figured you guys were hiding something"

Then we'd go back to our everyday lives... Probably most kids these days id argue would laugh if they saw an alien walking down the streets, seeing as how normalized Alien/UFO culture is at this point......
edit on 11-12-2017 by clt1994 because: context

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Peeple

Contact all the communications devices from telephones to televisions and radios across the planet and ask questions to the soon to be disclosed.
Areas with limited communications like North Korea for example that may be hostile with sharing the truth override technology to spread messages. And for them allow telepathic responses...

Imagine receiving a global text being sent that directly allows you to respond to them physically and or mentally.
edit on 12/11/17 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2017 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13

That way part of the population that may experience fear can communicate their fears to the Visitors or Returning faculty to better help them adjust.

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