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Why haven't suicide bombings occurred in US?

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posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 09:49 AM
The opening post asks a very thought provoking question: why hasn’t the US been attacked more? And there have been some good answers.

I have asked myself the same question. The DC sniper and the anthrax letters clearly show that one or two people with minimal resources can cause a great deal of havoc. We have heard constantly about “sleeper cells in place waiting to be activated.” The US is a huge country with porous borders and relatively lax security in public places. So why not more attacks?

What we have seen is attacks against western presence abroad such as embassies, nightclubs, ships and military forces. We have also heard many reports of worrisome thefts of explosives and vehicles. We have heard reports of what seems to be “dry runs” or recon missions. Yet we have seen relatively little actual attacks in the US, even of the kind feasible by individuals acting alone without central command.

We did of course see the huge, orchestrated attack on 911. Which gave the US government exactly the excuse they needed to invade the countries they were clearly itching to invade.

I will be the first to say, before anyone else does, that I don’t have an adequate command of the facts to realistically evaluate all the 911 conspiracy theories. But I think it’s worth considering how events have unfolded that have allowed the US to do something that is politically very difficult to do and get away with in modern times—invade and conquer another country. The US has done this twice in the span of a few years. And it has conveniently happened at a time when the Soviet/Russian influence is reduced enough to allow it.

I think it is also fair to say that the US has made the most of the climate of fear that the 911 attacks created. Both to reduce freedoms at home (while claiming to protect them), and to justify our exploits around the world.

What does it all mean? I can’t answer that. But these are questions well worth considering.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 10:16 AM
FBI Director Robert Mueller predicted in 2002 that we would see suicide bombers in America. I printed out this piece before it disappeared down the Yahoo Memory Hole, but here it is on a different site:

FBI: Suicide Bombers Likely in U.S.

As for the person who said, "Suicide bombers wouldn't accomplish much", exactly what did the Pentagon attack accomplish? The idea that these ragged arabs would attack the Pentagon is utterly absurd. What could they possibly see as the result except the Pentagon war planners being untethered and bringing the fight to Iraq, which is exactly what happened?

Suicide bombers in America will be hugely effective toward a goal. The only question is, "What goal?" The answer is: "To traumatize Americans and move the American herd in a prescribed direction." The reason we haven't seen them yet is because the script doesn't call for it yet. It's like a trump card that won't be played until it's needed.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Heartagram
dabryankkruta,my friend,

Pearl Harbor wasn't an accident.

That is my point and neither was 9/11 we should have been better prepared based on past experiences that showed us air space must be controlled , if we can enforce air space on hostile land because of the possible threat then why didnt they do it at home. There was warning but no reaction.

That's why I'm enforcing the idea that a suicide bombing in U.S is inevitable.Being one of the most hated and despised country,it is not surprising that a suicide bombing could occur anytime anywhere in the U.S.

I think that more should feel as we do , it will happen , it may not be very devistating , but it will happen.

Dude,you probably misunderstood what I'm saying.I support the idea that you never knew that you're really safe until it strikes you.My country built itself from this notion and look where we are now.One of the most modernised country in SEA.

Scientific advancements mean nothing when the goverment turns it own its own people and allows the enemy to slip right by wouldnt you agree.

posted on Feb, 13 2005 @ 10:37 PM
Do not underestimate the fanatical devotion of Muslim martyrs' willingness to sacrifice through homicide/suicide bombing against such targets.

The willingness to kill Americans is as an attractive prospect to Muslims' desire to "avenge" the deaths of other Muslims at the hands of Americans' own government. It does not matter who you voted for in the government or not, to those Muslim extremists: any American who is part of the government and the nation is targeted. Keep in mind: who represents the American government? The American people.

Even some of you may not liked or support the US government, you Americans are all still targeted.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 01:31 AM
Yeah,as long as you are considered an American,you are associated with the killings of numerous buddies of these terrorists.A chain of cycle sparked by one single event.What that event that sparked all this is still confusing to me.

I personally think it's the U.S support for Israel way back in the past.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:12 AM
Read what the British did after World War I to the Khilafa.

Then read how Israel came about after WWII.

Then you'll understand.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 04:46 AM
Personally I think it hasn't happened for the same reason there have been less attempts at terrorsts actons after 9/11.
You see I dont thnk OBL expected the American reacton to be what it was.
I think he truly believed we would fold up our tents and go home.
He belived the propaganda that all americans are fat, lazy,stupid, weak, and dont have the will to fight back.
He expected the 9/11 attacks to usher in a change in US foriegn policy, and it did, just not the change he expected.
The simple fact is despite the worldwide propaganda there is no country on earth more willing or able to go to war, if the cause is just.
When will people learn?
No matter how divided we may be as a nation, # with one of us, and you have to deal with all of us.

posted on Feb, 14 2005 @ 07:38 AM
Mecca will be vaporized after the nest large scale attack in the USA.

As far as small type attacks, its not as easy as it sounds. For one, there simply isn’t that mindset from the American public, the extremism just isn’t here (not that kind anyways).

So any attack of that nature would most likely need to be not home grown. And getting into the USA isn’t just a trip to the market. It takes arrangements, cash, and approvals. That alone keeps most extremists with no organizational ties out of the US. And once they get the necessary ties/backing to get here, then by that point (hopefully) they are being monitored.

So its still very possible, but its not something that can be thrown together on a whim.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:24 AM
i too have wondered about this. im assuming the authorities disruptany plans for this on a daily basis since it days seems fairly easy to pull off such an attack.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:44 AM
It is not yet the right time for it

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:50 AM
who are you?

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 10:02 AM
couple of reasons i can think of off the top (already mentioned in some cases)...
harder to get explosives here than there.
you have to have the fear of death removed from the person 100%, AND you have to convince them it's worth it. to do this you need to brainwash from a young age (im not saying americans arent brainwashed in some ways) and that just doesent happen here as easily.
las long as it happening in iraq (or anywhere in the world) it will be on the news and feed the propaganda machine. since their approach is 'working' they dont have to do it on our soil.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 10:12 AM
Ok first off I do not see things this way this is how I see them seeing things... you know what I mean..

The terrorist mostly just want us out of the Arab world so they can subdue the Arab populace under extreem Islam. They also HATE Israel and attack us because we support their BORN enemey. They dont really care how much we improve Arab quality of life as we do same for Israel they only care that we are helping their sworn enemy. (They will never change in this thinking untill death). (The friend of my enemy is my enemy no matter how friendly my enemies friend is to me)

So they mostly only attack us in their world all though with 911 they wanted to send a message that they should be taken seriously. I dont think they intend a long term campain to commit terror on our soil. They will continue to try for the big ones though to propogate their message of stop helping Israel and leave us alone in our world so we can enslave our peoples uder fundamentalism.

They want

Israel Dead
America and other free nations out of Arab soil.
To enslave the Arab populace under religious law.

If they achieve this then eventually they would seek to do same to world poplulace but for now I think they are mostly happy trying to achieve the above goals on Arab soil so we see little suicide bombers here on our soil.

If we let them have thier way.. eventually you would see that sort of thing over here as they try to expand and conquer the world.

They also may be afriad of the reprecussions that America could poor on the Arab nations as well as being hard to get over here (its just easier to do it over there).

[edit on 15-2-2005 by Xeven]

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by KAOSKTRL
It is not yet the right time for it

Thats a pretty sick comment to make KAOSKTRL.

Having been subjected to a lot of messages that contain abuse, and threats, i find that the comment you made makes my skin crawl.

posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 01:21 PM
No, nows not the right time.

When the puppet masters want a problem / reaction / solution for the American public, some suicide bombers will magicaly appear.

Oh, and for the poster who thinks getting into the USA is hard undetected, can he please explain all the mexican illegals?? how did they get in undetected....

Suicide bombers are a product of their enviroment, and the politics of the day....just as Osam bin laden is a product of the CIA.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Bikereddie

Originally posted by KAOSKTRL
It is not yet the right time for it

Thats a pretty sick comment to make KAOSKTRL.

Having been subjected to a lot of messages that contain abuse, and threats, i find that the comment you made makes my skin crawl.

Sorry I did'nt mean to creep you out, I wouldnt do that without prima facia evidence

(“Radical Muslims have at times treated nonradicals as one large sleeper cell that can be activated by summons to the full practice of their religion. This is illustrated by a chilling story from the Ottoman Empire of the late nineteenth century:

‘Then one night, my husband came home and told me that the padisha had sent word that we were to kill all the Christians in our village, and that we would have to kill our neighbors. I was very angry, and told him that I did not care who gave such orders, they were wrong. These neighbors had always been kind to us, and if he dared to kill them Allah would pay us out. I tried all I could to stop him, but he killed them — killed them with his own hand.’

“In this light, the number of terrorists and their sympathizers is likely to grow beyond Pipes’ 100 to 150 million. In a very real sense this group is what the less militant majority considers to be the conscience of the umma. They are the people who actually dare to do what Alla said to do, whatever the cost.” (Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions About the World’s Fastest-Growing Faith, by Robert Spencer))

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 06:14 PM
I'd feel more comfortable knowing elements of the U.S government were responsible for 9/11 rather than those who have been accused. I do not deny the existance of islamic jihad against the U.S, but I do find it hard to believe that our military headquarters (home to the most advanced and respected military in the world) was attacked by jihadists. But I'm sure the jihadists that saw the towers crumble weren't dissapointed when it happened.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by cstyle226
Suicide bombs already happened in the US.

The reason the small ones don't happen, is because it doesn't have a significant enough economic impact.

The goal is not to kill Americans, it is to weaken their economy until they cannot afford their operations anymore.

Every week in the news I read stories about explosives being found in another city. ELF is currently under a microscope in Californaia because of there recent home fires and a pipebomb was found at the nearby courthouse that a ELF member was being arraigned at.

Though there have not been many explosions, I think that they are on the way.

AQ does want to ruin our economy. I will agree, but if they can do that by blowing up a few cars along the highway and killing a few dozen civilians that were just heading home from work one day, I think people would think twice before driving to work the next day.

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
FBI Director Robert Mueller predicted in 2002 that we would see suicide bombers in America. I printed out this piece before it disappeared down the Yahoo Memory Hole, but here it is on a different site:

FBI: Suicide Bombers Likely in U.S.

As for the person who said, "Suicide bombers wouldn't accomplish much", exactly what did the Pentagon attack accomplish? The idea that these ragged arabs would attack the Pentagon is utterly absurd. What could they possibly see as the result except the Pentagon war planners being untethered and bringing the fight to Iraq, which is exactly what happened?

Suicide bombers in America will be hugely effective toward a goal. The only question is, "What goal?" The answer is: "To traumatize Americans and move the American herd in a prescribed direction." The reason we haven't seen them yet is because the script doesn't call for it yet. It's like a trump card that won't be played until it's needed.

I completely agree. But what are the chancess of a "lone wolf" terrorist doing this just to get the ball rolling?

posted on Feb, 19 2005 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by Heartagram
2)Ingredients that are used for the bombings such as,for example,ammonia are a somewhat controlled subtance and use of such substance are only permitted for environmental purpose.

Only large quantity purchases are documented, so with a little time & effort one can still obtain all they need without notice if they're not in a hurry. Besides if your willing to kill people you probably don't have a problem stealing what you need to do it with - although that does create some temporary unnecessary attention.

Originally posted by jprophet420
harder to get explosives here than there.

Untrue. Besides making them with the raw ingredients readily available (nitrates ect.). One only has to know where to obtain them and off the top of my head. Construction sites, logging operations, avalanche control areas and the companies that supply them etc.

The fact is we don't have bombings or suicide bombings in the U.S. because we don't have a desperate population and we are not brainwashed to kill those who are different than us. Our schools don't train our children to believe it's good to hate, kill & be rewarded for it like they do in the known terrorist countries.

I think that if suicide bombings began to take place in the U.S. it would probably spread like wildfire among a certain type of people similiar to the spread of school shootings that occured in the US due to the media broadcasting the events for other mentally unstable youths to see.

Besides in the US we have enough tech stuff that makes it unnecessary to have to kill yourself while killing others, so you can go on killing without taking your own life.

As far as getting into the US is concerned I believe it is very difficult for those who come from high percentage terrorist populations to get in here. So, they must have support in order to do so and I believe we have been watching that support system. Those who usually kill themselves don't have the money or education to come here without support.

Coming in by way of Mexico or Canada still requires a support system though I suspect if any did come in that would be the easiest way to bypass our customs agents.

Actually I'm quite suprised that the Sniper shootings didn't bring out more copycat nut cases.

Terrorist threat - no more than it has ever been. Government threat - higher than ever.

[edit on 19-2-2005 by outsider]

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