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1030 yrs Christianization of Kyevan Rus, Motherland of Belorussians, Russians & Ukrainians

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posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 03:06 PM
The Peace of God to all that belong to the light,
Dear Readers,

In recent days I posted another thread in the History forum to expose the Bolshevik revolution as the mother of all political and economical conspiracies of History, one that in the name of foreign interests brought modern slavery to the peoples of all the Russias a century ago.

In that sense I pointed that there is really nothing to celebrate for Russia or other countries about such a coup d'etat arranged by Lenin and sponsored by Wall Street tycoons in ambition of monopolies in the east or by the mad Kaiser William II that was obsessed to declare and win world war first.

Nevertheless 2017 is indeed the anniversary of another so much important event that determined the advance of Christian civilization in the world and that has to do with those family of eastern Slavic nations that are Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

The baptism of the Slavics occurred more then ten centuries ago in the land of Crimea that became so much important in the last years due to to be in the center of a conflict between the EU so much ambitious expansionist projects and the federation of Russia trying to refrain them.

Please check

The really meaningful anniversary in 2017 for Russia, as well as for its sister nations Ukraine and Belarus, is the political pact of the Prince of Kiev Vladimir, head of a kingdom called Rus, sealed in September 15th of 987 A.D., with the Byzantine Emperor Bardas Phocas that led to the Christianization of his Kingdom.

Please check:
Ukraine marks baptism day of Kyevan Rus

That decision made the Russias, with the marriage of Vladimir with the Byzantine Princess Sophia, the legitimate inheretors of the eastern Roman Empire when in XV century Constantinople fell under the assault of the Ottoman Muslim Turks.

Please check:
V.Putin: It is impossible to imagine Russia national identity without Christianity

Lets pray for the reconciliation of the eastern slavic peoples, of all the Christian denominations, that have been so much divided due to the international political conspiracies boosted by corrupt politicians in Brussels, Berlin and Paris, from nations that never have had really a historic relationship with the region and only are looking for use it strategically.

Lets specially pray for the cease of fire in UKraine, that was agreed in August of this year 2017 to let millions of children and adolescents to be able to go back to their schools in relative peace.

Please check:

Let us pray to God and to his servants St. Methodius and St Cyril, the Bizantine monks that brought the gospel to the Slavics also that the spring of mutual understanding in between Russia and America that started a year ago can produce fruits of peace and cease for ever the absurd and evil cold war that was revived also by incompetent politicians that followed the Europeans here at home.

Please check:
St Cyril and St Methodius

Let us pray that the artificial scandals investigations that are clearly biased to favor only very specific political partisan or sectarian agendas, and not the real impartial justice, that are right now moving in the congress do not have the power to push us back to such an anguish time of uncertainty lived in between 2013 and 2016 to live again in the edge of a nuclear armageddon.

Thanks for your attention,

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 11/14/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

It is important to comment that as a matter of fact this celebration is also very meaningful for Bulgaria and Serbia since the Balkan nations are product of an eastern Slavic migration in middle age from the central Volga River basin and the delta of the Volga, respectively, toward their current geographic location.

The conversion of Russia and Ukraine into Christianity also in some way prevented that Europe became conquered completely by the Islam or Buddhism, brought by the Turks and the Tartars respectively.

Without Russia located where it is chances are that Iranians, Turks. Tatars and even Mogols may have taken possession of at least half of the European continent for ever implanting eastern or middle east civilization on it.

The Kyevan Rus was a kind of Slavic-Viking kingdom that functioned as cultural bridge in between Nordic Europe, Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean. The world might not have any legacy to exhibit of the Byzantine civilization, that is the very last form of the great Greek-Latin culture, without these Slavic nations that preserved it until modern era.


The Angel of Lightness

edit on 11/14/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 06:37 PM
Thank you for the history. We can only hope that one day all religions will be where they belong. History books.

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: MOMof3

Well the day that happen I am not sure if we can really qualify that as hope, since it is in religious thinking that there is the strongest reservoir of ethics that exist for our civilization.

Take away the moral principles and values that have been taught by all the religious traditions and what it remains?

That will leave the world ruled by the most low of the human passions: materialism, egotism, uncontrolled ambition, unstoppable violence, no respect for life and the human dignity at all.

Of course religions can lose all their formative value when they become adulterated by misinterpretations that are product of the human relativisms or when they are biased under the evil influence of politics, but that is something that is in the way they are applied, not in the way they were originally formulated.

The Angel of Lightness
edit on 11/14/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2017 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

Faith isn't a requirement or prerequisite for morality. If it were priests wouldn't rape children, the Westboro Baptist Church wouldn't picket the funerals of soldiers, the Crusades never would have occurred, the indigenous population of huge Americas wouldn't have been decimated... Should I go on? I know plenty of agnostics and atheists who live closer to the teachings of Christ than I do devout Christians. Heck, I know of LaVeyan Satanists who act more Christlike than most Christians.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

You do not know what or who Christians are.... let me clarify:

You acknowledge those who say they are "Christian" and yet they are not Christian. A Christian is not that easy to detect, why last week I know an atheist who was baptised ONLY so she could be a godmother to her friend's baby girl. She does not care about God..... only that she can be a godmother. And she is not a Christian and yet she is baptised.

Those who say they are Christian and yet live a sinful life are not Christian.

A Christian does not curse, argue with others, become angry to the point of seeking revenge, follows the 10 commandments, follows the teachings of the Gospel....and when he/she stumbles (meaning committing a sin which can be planned or even an accidental sin) she/he picks them self up and repents to God and makes the required change in one's life. Why? God will not get near those who sin, so you walk alone and not with the comforter... the Holy Spirit.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 03:23 AM
a reply to: The angel of light


I enjoyed the article.

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: The angel of light

I believe religion and gods were the explanation for the unknown before science.

Morals happen with experience. Humans are social creatures. No family, clan, village, could have survived without order.

"That will leave the world ruled by the most low of the human passions: materialism, egotism, uncontrolled ambition, unstoppable violence, no respect for life and the human dignity at all. ". Quote

That is capitalism, the economic system backed by Christendom.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

How convenient for you to have the luxury of getting to decide who is a "real" Christian for me. Thanks, I never would have been able to figure any of this out without you giving your own personal views as if that's where the buck stops in regards to what a "real" Christian is! And please don't tell me how I am determining whether or not someone is a Christian because you're making it up to feel better and superior. That wasn't how I decided if someone was a "Christian" Maybe in the future it would benefit you to have a dialogue and ask questions instead of pointing fingers and making assumptions. I also highly doubt that you've gone through life without sin and would gam le based on your reply to me that Prude is only one of your prevalent failings. But please... by all means, talk down to me from your pedestal as if you're innocent and in the clear. Meanwhile, I'll go through life the way I always have and not lose a nights sleep wondering which high and mighty Christians are going to look down on me because they read what they want and miss the point of my post in a rush to pass judgement.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: The angel of light

Faith isn't a requirement or prerequisite for morality. If it were priests wouldn't rape children, the Westboro Baptist Church wouldn't picket the funerals of soldiers, the Crusades never would have occurred, the indigenous population of huge Americas wouldn't have been decimated... Should I go on? I know plenty of agnostics and atheists who live closer to the teachings of Christ than I do devout Christians. Heck, I know of LaVeyan Satanists who act more Christlike than most Christians.

Faith isn't a prerequisite for morality, but morality came from faith and commandment keeping. The Ten Commandments were passed down from creation and kept by God's people. The influence of which can still be felt today, despite the fact that the Ten Commandments and obedience to God are no longer front and center. Moral decay and depravity in society are at an all time high. We're starting to resemble Rome before it fell.

We are a product of the influences in our lives. Family. Friends. Co-workers. Morality is learned.

As for churches and individuals who supposedly have "faith". If they were centered in obedience, they wouldn't be doing what they do. The Bible lays it out clearly. Obey the Ten Commandments, love God and love your fellow man. True Christianity is love. Therefore, if you are doing it correctly, you have a solid moral compass, aren't judgemental and are setting a righteous example for others.

Not to put words in his mouth, but I think what DeathSlayer was trying to say is that there's a clear distinction between so-called Christianity and true Christianity, which is self-evident. Thus, calling people who do such things Christians is to lump them in with a loving people who wouldn't think to do such things.

edit on 15-11-2017 by Freth because: endless edits are my thing

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

The only allowed so called Christian groups that were in Russia since before 986 AD was the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches.

So don't claim Christianity has been there all that time when True Christianity and other Christian cults have only been there since 1991 when soviet Russia was officially ended and other Christians groups allowed in.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn
If you exclude those groups from being Christians, then you'd have to say there were no Christians anywhere else, either, for many centuries. Which would be absurd.
The attitude of wholesale rejection of other Christian groups needs to be given up, on both sides of the argument.
Only five minutes ago, I wrote these words as part of a future thread on "All one in Christ Jesus";

In the New Testament understanding, unity or disunity among Christians is determined not by their structures of organisation but by their attitudes.
The church is not divided by the fact that “X church” and “Y church” exist as distinct bodies.
The church is divided by the fact that “X church” and “Y church” choose to regard their separate existence as a reason for hostility. They refuse to accept one another and they refuse to co-operate.

[That's the first draft, so it will probably have been re-written by the time the thread appears]

edit on 15-11-2017 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 08:19 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy may contain corrupt doctrines, but wherever there is availability of scripture and positive volition, there are likely true Christians living under the radar.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: ChesterJohn

What prey tell is a "true christian". Do they read that mythical preserved word of god, you forked money out for?

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: peter vlar

Excuse me Dear Peter vlar,

In todays world we find:
- Movie directors accused of pedophilia
- Executives of large corporations accused of pedophilia
- Professors of Universities fired because they were found spreading pornography.
- Large cities on civilized countries on which there is child prostitution (Bangkok, Praga, Napoli, etc)
- Pastors, ministers, Rabbis, and even Muslim priests are accused of pedophilia, so this is not exclusive of Catholicism, and we are also have on our days leaders of secular organizations that represent atheistic communities like scientology accused of the same crimes.

Please check:

This leads us to realize that the problem is not just in religious circles, it is on the highway of information, the world wide web that is a fabulous highway of perversions where the pornography mafias operate without control.

If you still think this is not true, why don't you just check the personals section of Craigslist in any large city of the United States to see the extremely dense market of prostitution of any kind, included the most bizarre perversities, like masochism or sadism, that advertise free of charge openly their 'personal services' with No control what so ever from the authorities.

It is a wrong understood individual freedom in societies what is allowing criminal organizations to permeate the society at all levels, and of course the corruption or incompetence to exert control from the authorities.

Many of these terrible social ills are being drastically prosecuted and repressed in Russia right now, in a way that of course is motif of scandal for the western organizations that promote 'tolerance' to perversities. We can't blame Putin for what they are doing to refrain this epidemics of perversion that is being spread from the west to the rest of the world.

Now if you have problem to trust or believe in the explanations that Religion gives to the existence of the Universe just consider the possibility that it is important that the religious archaetypes must be seen as divine, just only because they promote ideals of ethical behavior in civilized societies, ones that are essential for their survival, in spite of what ever other truth that is behind them.


The Angel of Lightness
edit on 11/15/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

just only because they promote ideals of ethical behavior in civilized societies

Oh yes. Raping, murdering, pillaging, torturing are all ethical behaviours for Christians.

I’m sure the “converted” were all so greatful for all that.

posted on Nov, 15 2017 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: The angel of light

I don't disagree with the notion that the entire world has gone mad and wallows in depravity. But that doesn't support the notion that morals are only inherent in Christians or "real" Christians. One can have morals and lead a fine life without the shackles of theology weighing them down. I treat people with compassion and kindness because it's the right thing to do, not because I'm afraid of going to a hell that doesn't even exist in scripture. Scripture that was compiled by a committee of Roman aristocrats in the 4th century no less. Insisting that religion of any type is a prerequisite for being a moral person is an outright falsehood. As I stated previously, I know LaCeyan Sstanists who echo Christ's teachings more closely than the majority of Christians I know. Morals are not the sole domain of a singular faith and existed prior to the advent of any of the Abrahamic traditions and will be here long after Christianity goes the way of the Norse, Greek, Egyptian and Sumerian Pantheons.

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 03:10 AM

originally posted by: peter vlar
a reply to: The angel of light

I don't disagree with the notion that the entire world has gone mad and wallows in depravity. But that doesn't support the notion that morals are only inherent in Christians or "real" Christians. One can have morals and lead a fine life without the shackles of theology weighing them down. I treat people with compassion and kindness because it's the right thing to do, not because I'm afraid of going to a hell that doesn't even exist in scripture. Scripture that was compiled by a committee of Roman aristocrats in the 4th century no less. Insisting that religion of any type is a prerequisite for being a moral person is an outright falsehood. As I stated previously, I know LaCeyan Sstanists who echo Christ's teachings more closely than the majority of Christians I know. Morals are not the sole domain of a singular faith and existed prior to the advent of any of the Abrahamic traditions and will be here long after Christianity goes the way of the Norse, Greek, Egyptian and Sumerian Pantheons.

Had to Frame this...

posted on Nov, 16 2017 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

Even all the great civilizations you have mentioned were all aware that there is a cause and effect and that also there was a place of repose after life and another one of punishment for the evildoers. The ancient myths of Egyptians or Norse people are pretty clear on that aspect, and that is not an invention of Christianity.

Now, the scriptures are pretty straightforward that there is also condemnation of souls and Hell is not just reserved for life another dimension it begins here when sin becomes the rule of behavior in societies. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are the classical example, that shows very clear what is the reward for evilness.

Sodom and Gomorrah are not part of any Latin translation, or accommodation of them as you dared to suggest, of the ancient scriptures, that is a story in the Hebrew Scriptures as well.

Sinful way of thinking and acting brings Hell into this world even before their evildoers go the one after life, it is just to see the absurd domestic violence that has taken America since years ago, all those massacres are the kind of terrible uncontrollable madness that Hell symbolizes. That is what Satanism can bring to any nation.

Now, the Parable of the poor Lazarus and the Rich man, by Jesus himself, clearly describes two very different instances where the death people go after life: Heaven and Hell. Christ himself promised the Paradise to the good Thief when he recognized him before they both died in their crosses.

Nirvana, Shamayim, Paradise and Valhalla are Buddhist, Hebrew, Muslim and Norse versions of the Heaven, as well as Naraka, Gehennon, Jahannan , Helheim are of Hell, so your claim that Hell is a Christian invention is misinforming and absolutely false.

I can not even imagine how to frame your so wrong statements, maybe in the board of absurd claims of people living in ignorance.

The Angel of Lightness

edit on 11/16/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2017 @ 08:25 PM
a reply to: DISRAELI

Well the church is not an organization but an organism called the body of Christ. We may meet together but there is no local temple or chapel called the house of the Lord. We believers are the house of God, the temple of the Holy Ghost.

Not everyone who is members of RC are saved, the same goes for other Christian cults known as JW's, Mormons etc.

I am part of the body of Christ.

I don't eat the body of Christ each Mass, Nor do I believe that there is a class of priests or Nuns and monks in the church today. the Bible does say he gave us the apostles, the prophets and teachers. The RC is full of false teachings.

I don't get baptized for dead via like Mormons do, also I believe in three heavens as taught in the AV Bible not just two the terrestrial heaven and the celestial heaven and many other false teaching of the church of the latter day saints.

I like to celebrate my wedding Anniversary, my children's birthdays as Job did, and Remember the day my Lord raised from the dead (which was on the Thursday after Easter this year according to the Jewish calendar) things that the JW's do not allow. Another false teaching.

And I did not believe or practice any kind of Sabbath day observance as 7th day Adventist practice only one of their many false teachings.

Only those who have truly trusted that Jesus took our penalty of death upon himself and bare it on the cross to make us righteous and holy before God, as a gift from God and that through faith, that he died in our place and rose from the dead three days later. Jesus Christ is the Lord God almighty in the flesh when he was here and is now in heaven.

edit on 19-11-2017 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

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