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Alec Baldwin Melts Down on Twitter After Weinstein Comments, Blocks Asia Argento

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posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 11:00 AM
Joe Rogan nails it.

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: TheConstruKctionofLight
a reply to: Christosterone

Way to deflect - answer the question - where have you shown that Baldwin is defending Weinstein? Should this be in the LOL forum?

I don't think you'll get much that's rational in reply.
As far as that interview goes, AB is 100% right, but I guess anybody that knew Weinstein is up for grabs now in the tittle-tattle know, a little bit of seed throwing for starters, maybe even a little politique bubbling in the background???

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 11:28 AM
To all liberal apologists,

Why did Alec Baldwin issue a long, ranting apology?

What does he have to apologize for?

Why did he delete his twitter account?

Did he take his toys home?

edit on 5-11-2017 by Christosterone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 11:35 AM
i may be a dick....... but i feel NO sympathy for these "victims"

it was going on for decades, and none in that time spoke up or said anything... or they took hush money
and kept working for the man/men to further their career and money and still didnt speak up when they knew it was still going on

the only person i have seen who has been saying for years that hollywood is full of pervs is feldman.. and no one else

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: Jiggly

The really sad part is that all the women we are hearing about now, are the ones that said no. The list of speculation over who said yes is staggering, from Renee Zellweger and Drew Barrymore back in the 90's to Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart in the past few years.

A lot of these women will never come forward, because it not only affects them as a role model, but it shows the fact that the only reason they are famous is because they sucked off the right guy.

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 12:12 PM
Twenty years ago my daughter was raped-she was 14-in our own backyard. My deputy sheriff uncle called the jerk's aunt and uncle who he lived with and gave him 48 hours to leave town. The rape crisis center said not to file charges because the people here do not support the victims. I went crazy; which I never do; and met with the high school principal-had him kicked off the football team and expelled. He disappeared back to Indiana-he was living here because of the same rape charges there he was trying to escape.
There has been extremely little empathy much less quid pro quo for most of the victims of rape in our society.
There is no way we would have accepted money to be quiet.
I am just as angry at the women/actresses who kept quiet. They could have helped other women but wanted a career.
Imagine if women had stood their ground and supported one another?
Where is their voice? If they can always be bought, what sick society we perpetrate-just like Hillary Clinton as their example.
This all makes me ill and we have all known about this forever.

Women-we've got a long way to go and we are our own worst enemies. Quit prostituting ourselves.
edit on 5-11-2017 by Justso because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Christosterone
To all liberal apologists,

Why did Alec Baldwin issue a long, ranting apology?

What does he have to apologize for?

Why did he delete his twitter account?

Did he take his toys home?


As I thought, the politique was bubbling in the just stuck that extra bit in eh!

Must something big about to go down on the political, money laundering and tax evasion front...oops it already has!

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 02:55 PM
All aspects of the Swamp are really belching the swamp gas lately, and Trump is standing there holding the lit match.

They gave Alec an award for impersonating Trump, then he turns out to be a rape apologist, this stuff is solid gold.
edit on 5-11-2017 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 03:07 PM
He's got a damn good point about accepting hush money -- in my own opinion, if the dollar signs override common sense to prosecute & help remove a predator from easy pickins, it cheapens the rape claim to begin with and makes the accuser look a lot less like a victim and a lot more like someone willing to throw others just as or more vulnerable than them to the wolves for their own benefit. Which is exactly how Rose accepting hush money for a rape looks here.

posted on Nov, 5 2017 @ 04:42 PM
This whole thing really grinds my gears. Basically since the advent of the internet, gossip articles have been circulated about the behavior of these characters in Hollywood. Now it feels like this issue of sexual harassment, predation and assault has gone viral. It doesnt feel sincere. When people are acting like christosterone and just high horsing people left and right, it feels like, what are we trying to prove to each other?

Whether you like it or not, we are all complicit in this behavior, actively contributing to it, or allowing it to happen through inaction. If anybody really felt so strongly about this, Kevin Spacey and Weinstein and the countless other high visibility figures who are being accused these days would have been stopped years ago.

We put so much onus on the victims, "Oh, well... Rose shoulda said something, so here we are now. What a shame it went on so long." Give me a !@#$ing break. Rapp has literally been telling the Spacey story since it happened! Pick a good string of keywords and look for the old gossip columns. We all have had this information available to us for decades, but no one was doing anything about it because #metoo wasnt trendy yet.

Its ridiculous. Christosterone wants to accuse others of being a fish unaware of the water? Well bub, the info has been available for years, youre just as guilty of not realizing you were defecating in the same bowl you breathe in.

This whole thing disgusts me. Get off facebook, get off twitter, start paying attention and stop this kind of behavior, not because its a social movement or its 'hot' right now, but because its your responsibility as a god !@#$ human being.

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

How have I defended the perverse? You still have not shown what you claimed. How was Baldwin calling out McGowan for not pressing charges not addressed by you in response to me?

How about you answer?
Stop making it about me,

How about you produce what you claimed, you are the one making the claims.

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

liberal apologists,

You just lost all credibility. Equating people who hold liberal viewpoints to sexual predation apologist's.

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: Christosterone
a reply to: [post=22836370]TheConstruKctionofLight

You defend the perverse...but I don’t blame you...
Because you are no more aware of your bereft morality than a fish is aware of the water...


It’s a shame we don’t know each other. I know we’d be best friends in real life. Or we’d hate each other. Your thoughts and style of writing : it’s like my brain looking in a mirror

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 04:02 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

Shame he can't be one of his characters in real life, he's a damn good actor.

McGowan took the "hush" money but unless it was done through binding contract then she has every right to do what she is.
If it's through contract then Weinstein could sue.

Here's a question, what happens to all these women when Weinstein walks?
edit on 6-11-2017 by EA006 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: Nyiah
This is true of normal people. She probably was told he does this to everyone he wants and gets away with it. I’m sure rose had more than 100,000 in her bank account before she was raped. She probably thought that was her only real retaliation minus murder

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: Christosterone
To all liberal apologists,

Why did Alec Baldwin issue a long, ranting apology?

What does he have to apologize for?

Why did he delete his twitter account?

Did he take his toys home?


Well done for stirring the pot

The moral high ground is not a competition, it's a right of passage.

posted on Nov, 6 2017 @ 04:14 AM

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Christosterone

I'm certainly no Liberal apologist (just look at my past threads), but based on JUST the PBS clip, I see nothing wrong with what Baldwin said. Now IMO, he IS a douche, but based strictly on the clip, he stated facts. What he said in the past, or on twitter is a different story.

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: Justso

Women-we've got a long way to go and we are our own worst enemies.

This right here says all I haven't said about any of this. Thank you.

posted on Nov, 7 2017 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Khaleesi

Agreed. I also picked up on a little guilt there, maybe from everybody who knew, and did nothing.

“You heard the rumor that [Weinstein] raped Rose McGowan. You heard that over and over, and nothing was done. We’ve heard that for decades and nothing was done,” said Baldwin.

It sure reads like he heard the story too, and did nothing.

When the interviewer said “well nobody said anything,” Baldwin replied, “Well but what happened was Rose McGowan took a payment of $100,000 and settled her case with him. It was for Rose McGowan to prosecute that case.”

But he has a point. She took the 'settlement', and not just anybody could just head to the police department and file charges against him, or commence an investigation with a victim who wouldn't talk.

I think maybe everybody feels badly about not doing anything, and maybe trying to rationalize it. I'm really hoping the lesson has been learned.

This # has to stop.

But the premise of the thread is that Baldwin is defending "elite" sexual predators, and clearly he is isn't.

edit on 11/7/2017 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

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