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100,000 year cycle Upgrade

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+87 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:25 AM

100,000 year cycle Upgrade

Mods you are welcome to replace my original thread “100 000 Year Discrepancy & Ice-ages” with this upgrade to save bandwidth.

Disclaimer – This article is based on facts, theories, hypothesis as well as personal conclusions and therefore should be taken as such. Unfortunately some facts, theories and hypothesis are ignored if they contradict mainstream belief/motive.
Theories – “Usually involve generalizations over an infinite number of cases; they can however never be verified directly”
Hypothesis – “A suggested possibility for an uncertainty”.

Earth’s Internal System:
1) Ice/Albedo
2) Atmospheric composition
3) Clouds
4) Sea levels & Ocean currents
5) Land mass positions
6) Volcanic eruptions & Impacts
7) Earthquakes & Plate tectonics
8) Humans

Ice/Albedo: (Snow can reflects up to 85-90% of radiation)
Ice sheets increase Earth's reflectivity and thus reduce the absorption of solar radiation (heat). This in turn could contribute to either side if a balancing point is reach for expanding or declining. The angle of the sun also impacts the Albedo as the energy coming from a low sun angle is not as strong as when arriving from a 90° angle. In terms of visible colors, darker colors have a lower Albedo (absorb more heat) and lighter colors have a higher Albedo.

Atmospheric composition:
Our atmosphere in the Troposphere (the one we live in) is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and ±1% other gases, where water-vapor is the single largest greenhouse gas (variations are between 36% and 66% for clear sky conditions and between 66% and 85% with clouds). Oxygen has the most notable effect on sound waves (sonic booms that is of a higher volume), greater temperatures fluctuations in cooling and warming (direct sunlight and shade), more severe storms (wind, lightning and rain), etc. In periods when oxygen levels declined, the resulting drop in atmospheric density leads to increased surface radiation and evaporation.

The Tropopause (boundary) is the coldest area between the Troposphere and Stratosphere.

In the Stratosphere (where aeroplanes like to fly due to its stable conditions without turbulence) we find ozone a molecular oxygen at the top (O3) caused by ultraviolet (UV) radiation scattering oxygen atoms (O2). This protects us from radiation which means the less oxygen, the less ozone can be made. This mixing/scattering of the oxygen atom, ozone and UV radiation causing the release of rapid heat, making the Stratosphere the only layer where temperatures go up, the higher we go. Earth atmosphere has very limited influences on the static Stratosphere. Other aerosols with limited and short-lived influences are sulfur dioxide (volcano eruptions rich in sulfur) which turns to sulfuric acid particles and halogens (Bromine, iodine oxide etc.) which luckily break down quickly. Our magnetic field strength has a direct influence on the ozone layer and the holes at the Polar Regions.

The mesosphere is the next layer with mostly external influences where Earth’s atmospheric make-up has no noteworthy effect we currently known of. It is part of our inner magnetic field where Solar and Cosmic radiation interaction with particles cause the Ionosphere (useful in bouncing radio signals) and Noctilucent clouds. Here we get energetically charged air-glows and lightning discharges called Blue Jets, Spites and Elves that reach down to the clouds in the Troposphere.

Clouds mean less solar radiation (less heat) and visa verse. Low altitude clouds have a net cooling effect as their "Whiteness/Albedo” is more important than their "blanket" effect. Clouds play a key role in the energy received on Earth’s surface and lower atmosphere. Small modifications to the radiation properties of clouds can have a significant amplification impact on our climate. That said; we still need to be proportional with our conclusions in insignificant percentages.

Sea levels & Ocean currents:
Ice levels influence sea levels that directly affect ocean currents and its salinity which all contribute towards the water evaporation into the atmosphere. The more ice, the less rain Earth will receive. Sea-current changes due to the merger between North and South America are believed to be the tipping point towards the massif ice-sheet formations in the Northern hemisphere the last 2.15 million years.

Landmass positions:
As long as the continent of Antarctica exists at the southern pole of our planet we will be repeatedly pulled back into glacial ice ages. Ice caps cannot maintain thickness over open oceans but can accumulate great thickness over a landmass in a polar position. No amount of warming in our current cyclic patterns can or will deplete the ice on Antarctica as long as it is on top of the South Pole - period.
Currently it covers an area of almost 14 million square kilometers and contains 26.5 million cubic kilometers of ice. The landmass portion of Antarctica is averaging at least 1.6 km (1.0 miles) thick that amounts to around 90% of the world's ice and 60+% of the world's fresh water. A study conducted in 2015 finds that although Antarctica is losing sea-ice the landmass portion is gaining ±75 billion tons annually and seems to be close to equilibrium with a small gain. (The study actually found it to be 80 billion tons, but a 2nd study found that 7% gets blown away by the strong Antarctic winds)

Volcanic eruptions & Impacts:
Dependable on size and aerosols released volcanic eruptions & impacts can cause quick warming/cooling, severe destruction, famine and extinctions. Although it can be triggers that last for extensive periods their influence always seems short-term in relation to temperature spikes in data sets. In short – They can be seen as fast variations and cooling triggers but not long lasting cyclic ice-ages. But there is nobody alive to tell us what would happen because of a mega-burp or large hit, however at 640,000 years ago Yellowstone erupted and that didn’t seem to have any detectable effect on the ice-age following it.
On a personal level I do believe a large enough impact will fracture the Earth’s crust (lithosphere) causing lasting volcanic events that will destroy most of the evidence, especially if you are looking for a needle in a hay-stack with a drill. But all credit to the scientist in their relentless pursuit of facts.
Impacts however can cause “Flash Freezing” forming a vacuum pulling in cold space-temperatures behind them.
An interesting hypothetical article about the Younger Dryas event, the multiple impacts and its effects can be found “Here” (informative)

+14 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:25 AM
Earthquakes & Plate tectonics:
It has more to do with local destruction that could affect air, sea currents and river directions. However on a longer time scale it completely change the way Earth would look with the reshuffling of continents. Personally I have a problem with the speed of plate movement and it’s interaction with gravity, earthquakes and a 14km high mountain. Even with the internal heat and the correct Olivine (magnesium, iron and silicate mixture) strength we will need a rock or two to trigger mountains reaching that height. There must be more to India (the speed boat) and the Himalayas.

Humans are responsible for the abnormal temperature spike starting in 1968 due to the use of Phosphorus bombs causing atmospheric contamination of hygroscopic phosphorus pentoxidein during the Vietnam War (Rolling Thunder). Other influences are atmospheric bomb testing (atom bomb), cloud seeding (silver and lead iodide) and the build-up of a toxic ozone fog around cities. And the last but not the least is our waste and pollution of Earth on all levels; although it does not show a trigger, which individual reports does not do justice, the combined effects will still bite us.
For the facts about the heat spike caused by Phosphorus; Darryl Whitford - Global Warming Trigger Event pdf
Mainstream science is ignoring this.

Solar System and Beyond:
1) The Sun
2) Earth Orbital Cycles (Milankovitch Cycles)
3) Cosmic radiation
4) Magnetic field
5) Ad-hock events

The Sun:
Our Sun is a variable star that control Earth’s climate. Nearly all the energy arriving on Earth, that is driving the various climatic events, originates from the Sun. It takes approximately eight minutes for solar radiation to reach the Earth after leaving the Sun’s surface.
It does not matter how many dynamos’ our Sun have because Angular Momentum (AM) determine our Solar System’s Barycenter and together with its magnetic field orientations control most of the variations. The 11 year cycle is proven by the Jupiter/Earth/Venus motion in the last 1,000 years of historical records. The 30-60 year cycle (cooling/warming) is linked to the Jupiter/Saturn motion. The 172 year/208 year cycle (which is the same cycle) is linked to the Jovian planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The 172 year Jose cycle comes to the foreground inside Grand Minimum periods when the Uranus/Neptune conjunction strength is strong enough, to cause perturbations in the Jupiter/Saturn cycle. The 208 year De Vries cycle is outside Grand Minimum periods when the Uranus and Neptune conjunction do not have the strength to influence the leading Jupiter/Saturn (AM). Therefore we find the shift between 172 and 208 year cycles.
A site about Angular Momentum

Earth Orbital Cycles (Milankovitch Cycles):
The Milankovitch Cycles are well documented and proven in various data-sets. With the Angular Momentum (gravitational pull) and positions of our solar system planets around the Sun, the orbit and degree of tilt will always change on Earth.

Precession - Earth’s wobble while spinning on its axis (20-26,000 years). This is mostly due to the Sun, our Moon and to a lesser extend Jupiter.
Obliquity - Earth’s degree of tilt in its axis while moving around the Sun (41,000 years)
Eccentricity - Earth’s circular orbit change every (100,000 years with a larger 413,000 year cycle). Here the gravitational fields between the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn play the biggest part.

Cosmic radiation:
Cosmic rays are the high-energy particles coming from outside the solar system which are scattering the atmospheric particles and the dominant source of ionization in the troposphere. Cosmic radiation differs from solar radiation because it has sufficient energy to collide violently with the nuclei of other particles that make up the shielding that protect Earth (magnetic and atmospheric layers). This violent collisions cause nuclei to break-up into many different types of new particles, called secondary radiation. Cosmic density and the strength of the Sun will determine the Total Solar Irradiation (TSI) the Earth receives. A lower output of the Sun means less solar radiation and more cosmic radiation which is directly link to Volcano frequencies, plate tectonics movement and earthquake increases.

Magnetic field:
Earths Magnetic field strength (magnetosphere) is our first line of defense (like a shield) against the radiation it receives and deflects. Through its polarity the Sun and solar storms (CME) will weaken or disturb our magnetic field that can even create holes. Southward-oriented magnetic field from the sun merges violently with Earth's northward field in a process called reconnection. Storms that normally might dump their energy only at the poles instead dump it into the radiation belts, ionosphere and upper atmosphere and create auroras down to the tropics.

Ad-hock events:
This is where all the bad boys fit in from close range Super-nova events; rouge Stars, Planet X’s and large Comet strikes that can make alterations to our Solar System and cycles. Sorry I nearly forgot planet 9/10 depending how you see Pluto. It could possibly explain some of our longer TSI cycles.

+13 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:26 AM
Earth is on a cyclic path slowly getting colder with bigger extremes. The proof is in the data-sets.

As does the spinning of Earth around the Sun controls our seasonal climate so does the planetary positions controls the Sun’s output. It is clear we follow the AM/TSI cycles for longer warming and cooling periods on Earth.

With plate tectonics and the landmasses always moving around, Earth will get colder with more ice accumulation on one or more landmasses in Polar Regions and visa versa.

The 100,000 year cycle’s illusion of dominance is in plate tectonics and the landmass distribution:
Around 34 million years ago Antarctica started to move closer to the South Pole and slowly started to accumulate ice. 1-0.6 million years ago is where the stronger 41,000 (Obliquity) cycle get overwhelmed by the weaker 100,000 (Eccentricity) cycle due to the accumulated ice. Yes and no, we’re in a continuous ice-age where the 20-26,000 (Precession) cycle is actually controlling the warming periods. It’s a dance between the 100,000, 41,000 and 20,000 year cycle where the position of the angle will determine the length of this heating period. The reverse will be true as the landmass Antarctica moves away from the South Pole in the far distant future. Therefore with no landmasses in Polar Regions that can accumulate ice the 20-26,000 (Precession) cycle will seem to overwhelm the 41,000 cycle. This can be seen in the data during the Jurassic Period. Earth was hot with no landmasses in Polar Regions to accumulate ice. Therefore any 41,000 cycle period can be seen as Earth’s balancing point (equilibrium) between our warming and cooling. If we see this illusion of the 100,000 year cycle we are busy freezing and with the 20,000 year cycle leading we are getting hot.

So what am I saying?
Earth’s climate is controlled by the Sun cycles, Earth’s movement, cosmic radiation and landmass positions (ice accumulation). In the motions of Earth the 41,000 year cycle is the most dominant one for our local climate, but it gets overridden in data-sets depending on landmass positions.

Therefore the longer Antarctica stays on the South Pole and the ice sheet above the balancing point the more severely ice-ages will become. It could even possibly lead to another “Snowball Earth” especially if the Northern hemisphere landmasses start moving closer to the pole as they are already to close for comfort. If it wasn’t for the landmass positions Earth would have been hotter, which is not a bad thing, as we are below the comfortable average level and could easily trigger into a full blown ice-age.
Ice-age ages are brutal and dry.

Yes, we need to melt some ice on Antarctica and let CO2 be as life flourished during the Jurassic Period when it was 2000 parts per million. We also just past the peak of the 208 year AM/TSI warming cycle and will start cooling down steadily over the next 100+ years. Within 2-10 years politicians will forget “global warming” and start shouting “ice-age taxes” for mirrors to direct the sunlight to Antarctica. Then 50% of the money would disappear, 25% will be used to investigate why and the rest to get the actual mirrors up and running. Some scientists will loose their funding as well. (The truth to be taken with a pinch of salt)

BC-theories, hypothesis as well as personal conclusions:

Volcano’s – Volcanic Explosion Index – VEI7 and above
Earthquakes & Plate-tectonics – high death toll, large damaged area or above magnitude 8
Landslides – large slides listed
Impacts or Space influences – 100km craters and above, or if multiple impacts (Crater size)
Tsunamis and/or flooding – any destructive listed
Climate – inside ice-ages or notable cooling periods
Climate – relatively warm or notable warming periods
Climate – Earth is frying
Magnetic field – reversals or influence
Atmosphere – only notable events

548-488.3 Mil BC - Climate – The highest known concentrations of CO2 during this Period reached around 7000 ppm and temperatures average around 26°C.
548–238 Mil BC - Climate – The accepted hypothesis seem to be that during the Cambrian period Western Antarctica was beginning to form in the Northern Hemisphere because of the deposited of large amounts sandstone, limestone and shale’s. Eastern Antarctica was at the equator, where sea floor invertebrates and trilobites flourished in the tropical seas. There is however some evidence suggesting Antarctic marine glaciations during the Cretaceous period. This most likely was caused by the uplift along the Transantarctic Rift but was insignificantly minor due to the landmass position.
543 Mil BC - Impact – Multiple impact rings, Northern Territory, Australia (500-2000km) (unconfirmed)

542-251.5 Mil BC – Paleozoic Era

542-488.3 Mil BC – Cambrian Period

542 Mil BC - Impact – Bangui magnetic anomaly, Central African Republic (600-800km) (discredited but still on unconfirmed list)
542 Mil BC - Impact – Middle-Urals Ring structure, Russia (500km) (unconfirmed)
500-250 Mil BC - Impact – Wilkes Land, Antarctica (485km) (unconfirmed)

488.3-443.7 Mil BC – Ordovician Period

460-430 Mil BC - Impact – Ishim impact structure, Akmola region, Kazakhstan (300km) (unconfirmed)
450-420 Mil BC - Climate – The Andean-Saharan Ice-age were a moderate series but still bitterly cold (meaning its coldest period was not as cold as the maximums we are currently reaching during ice-ages). CO2 was 4400 ppm and global temperatures were as low as they are today. (Oops)

443.7-416 Mil BC – Silurian Period

420-360 Mil BC - Climate – The Earth was hot. CO2 was around 3000 ppm and temperatures around 25°C.

416-359.2 Mil BC – Devonian Period

374 Mil BC - Extinction & Climate – Global cooling with CO2 around 1500 ppm while surface temperatures dropped to 17°C. 70% of marine species gets extinct.
360 Mil BC - Impact – East Warburton Basin, South Australia (200km) (unconfirmed)
360 Mil BC - Impact – West Warburton Basin, South Australia (200km) (unconfirmed)

359.2-299 Mil BC – Carboniferous Period

350-260 Mil BC - Climate – The Karoo Ice-age had extensive glaciations.

+12 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:27 AM
315-270 Mil BC - Atmosphere – Is the only time period in the last 600 million years when both atmospheric CO2 (about 350 ppm) and temperatures were as low as they are today.
300 Mil BC - Impact – Unnamed impact, Cooper Basin, Queensland, Australia (130km) (unconfirmed)
300-280 Mil BC - Atmosphere – Atmospheric oxygen levels reach over 30%.

299-251.5 Mil BC – Permian Period

It is believed that Pangaea began forming about 300 million years ago, was fully together by 270 million years ago and began to separate around 200 million years ago.

275 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics & Climate – Laurasia and Gondwana started too rejoined and form the supercontinent Pangea with ice starting to vanish from the poles that would last until around 55 mya.
252.28-251.5 Mil BC – Climate, Extinction, Volcanism, Atmosphere & Climate – This must have been a double extinction within 500,000 years of each other as new research proved the Siberia Traps /Emeishan at 500,000 years after the Permian-Triassic boundary extinction. Sediment layers with an accuracy of 35,000 years in the Nanpanjiang basin in southern China corresponds to this period with a sea-water level decreased for around 80,000 years. This in turn points to an Ice-age. The Siberia Traps in Russia/Emeishan in China has the larges known deposited of lava and volcanic rocks on land. The volcanism lasted for around 900,000 years with the main trap forming events less than 60,000 years. An upward temperature jump was detected globally with massif atmospheric changes and greenhouse gas releases. Oxygen (O2) levels dropped from 30% to 12% and Carbon dioxide (CO2) level was below 2000 ppm. Temperatures reach 50-60°C on land, and 40°C at the sea surface. Now this is what I will call “Global Warming” as Earth went from cold to frying in a very short time. Even CO2 couldn’t keep up. The Triassic–Jurassic extinction was Earth's worst Mass extinction that eliminated 90% of ocean dwellers, and 70% of land plants and animals.
(Please ignore this – Maybe more work needs to be done on the 250 Mil BC unconfirmed impacts because I can’t shake the comet feeling. The gaps in data missed this Ice-age)

251.5-65.5 Mil BC – Mesozoic Era

251.5-199.6 Mil BC – Triassic Period

The Triassic was a Hot House world, with no landmasses in Polar Regions

250 Mil BC - Impact – Bedout, offshore of Western Australia (250km) (unconfirmed)
250 Mil BC - Impact – Arganaty, Kazakhstan (300km) (unconfirmed)
250 Mil BC - Impact – Malvinas Plateau anomaly, Falkland, Atlantic Ocean (250-300km) (unconfirmed)
250 Mil BC - Volcanism – One of the largest ever volcano events occurred under Africa.
250 Mil BC - Volcanism – Volcano events occurred near Java in the South Pacific that begins to form an undersea plateau 20 miles thick.
238-146 Mil BC - Climate – Earth was warm with no polar ice and islands gradually rose out of the ocean due to igneous intrusions and volcanism.
201 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics, Volcanism & Extinction – Continent split forming the Atlantic Ocean (Central Atlantic Magmatic Province) killing 20% of all marine life.
200 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics & Volcanism – Pangea split again into Laurasia (northern part) and Gondwanaland the southern part which consisted of the present day South America, Africa, Arabia, Madagascar, Seychelles, India, Sri Lanka, Antarctica, Australia and New Zealand.

199.6-145.5 Mil BC – Jurassic Period

199.6-145.5 Mil BC - Climate – In the early Jurassic, Earth was warm with no polar ice where 20,000 year climate cycles can be observed.
180 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – North America separates from Africa.
160-152 Mil BC - Climate & Plate-tectonics – Earth was hot and Gondwana began to break up separating Africa from Antarctica marking the opening of the Indian Ocean.

145.5-65.5 Mil BC – Cretaceous Period

138-128 Mil BC - Volcanism – The formation of the Paraná and Etendeka traps in Brazil and Namibia/Angola.
135 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – South America break-away from Africa forming the Atlantic Ocean.
133 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – Antarctica-Australia rifted from Madagascar-Seychelles-India (Gondwana).
129 Mil BC - Impact – Duolun, Inner Mongolia, China (120km) (unconfirmed)
125 Mil BC - Climate & Plate-tectonics – Earth was hot and the Indian subcontinent separated form Gondwana.
125-120 Mil BC - Volcanism – The Louisville hotspot, active for at least 80+ million years linked to the Ontong Java Plateau.
120-90 Mil BC - Climate – Carbon dioxide levels were 550 to 590 ppm and life was cosy when the Dinosaurs were not hunting.
118 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – The Madagascar-Seychelles-India block attached to the Africa plate again.
93 Mil BC - Atmosphere – Gasses choking the oxygen supply in the oceans.
90 Mil BC - Climate – Global warming event ends and North America separate into Laramidia (west) and Appalachia (east)
84 mya - Plate-tectonics & Volcanism – Madagascar and India separate which created the large oceanic plateau of the Madagascar ridge.
83 mya - Plate-tectonics & Volcanism – The Australian plate separated from the Antarctica plate.
75 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – Zealandia the current underwater landmass, east of Australia, broke away from Gondwana.
70.3 Mil BC - Impact – Kara, Russia (170km)
67 Mil BC - Volcanism – The Deccan Traps volcanic eruptions start in India related to the Reunion hotspot activity.

+9 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:27 AM
66,038,000-65,500,000 years ago – Extinction, Impacts, Tsunami & Volcanism – At the K/P boundary Antarctica had a subtropical climate and flora, complete with a marsupial fauna. Work at Seymour Island, Antarctica showed two separate extinction events near the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, with one correlating to the Deccan Trap volcanism and the other with the Chicxulub impact. It was however decided that the Chicxulub impact will receive the laurels’ of the main culprit of the 7.8 ±3.3 °C warming synchronous with this period.
The Shiva Impact crater, offshore India (400x600km) a large bolide at about 10km diameter (unconfirmed); Chicxulub Impact crater, Yucatan, Mexico (180km); Boltysh Impact crater in Ukraine (24 km) and Silverpit Impact crater in the North Sea (20 km) all were in this K/P boundary timeframe.
The problem with the above scenario is that the Deccan traps formed over 800,000 years and the large spike detected in Antarctica’s research was most probably done by the massive Shiva impact and not the Chicxulub impact. Yes, the second warming spike was smaller and occurred about 150,000 years later contributing to the extinction of the surviving dinosaurs on the American continents.
The Cretaceous–Paleogene Dinosaur extinction (80-90% of marine species and 85% of land species extinct)

65.5 Mil BC-Today – Cenozoic Era

65.5-23.03 Mil BC – Paleocene Period

62 Mil BC - Volcanism – Baffin Island in Canada and Western Greenland.
58 Mil BC - Climate – Life was cosy again with a tropical to temperate climate
57 Mil BC - Climate & Plate-tectonics – The uplift of the Lomonosov Ridge believed to start iceberg rafting in the Arctic.
56 Mil BC - Climate – Thermal Maximum with global mean temperatures estimated as high as 22.7 °C which is over 9.5 °C above current levels.
55.8 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics, Volcanism, Climate, Atmosphere & Extinction – Greenland separating from Europe during the opening of the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Major global warming episode North Pole temperature and CO2 concentration was 2000 ppm. Mass extinction wiped out 40 to 60 per cent of deep sea creatures living on the ocean floor, as well as a boom in plankton near the ocean surface.
55 Mil BC - Climate – Earth began to cool after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum due to a range of tectonic influences which are apparent on the formation of glacial ice covers. Plate tectonic modification of continental position, elevation, ocean configuration and oceanic gateways are recognised as keys to understanding the transition from a long warming to a cooler period.
53 Mil BC - Volcanism – The Pacific "Ring of Fire", a hotspot for volcanoes and earthquakes, begin to come into existence.
50 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – “The speed-boat” India meets Asia forming the Himalayas. 20 cm/year from (~ 67 Ma) to (~ 50 Ma), at which point it drastically slowed down to 5 cm/year.
48-40 Mil BC - Climate & Plate-tectonics – Australia-New Guinea separated from Antarctica where the first sea-ice began to appear and global temperatures start dropping 10°C as well as the CO2 levels begin steadily decreasing during the Eocene epoch (55.8–34 mya).
45 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – Australia separates from Antarctica.
35.7 Mil BC - Impact – Popigai, Siberia, Russia (100km)
34-25 Mil BC - Climate – Ice-sheet formations on Antarctica begin occurring. In North America the annual air temperature dropped by approximately 12° C and CO2 was 760 ppm
33.9-23.03 Mil BC - Impact – Ross crater, Ross Sea, Antarctic Ocean (550km) (unconfirmed)
27.8 Mil BC - Volcanism – La Garita, Colorado (Super eruption)

23.03-2.58 Mil BC - Tertiary Period

23.03-5.3 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – The African-Arabian plate joined to Asia.
23 Mil BC - Climate & Plate-tectonics – The Drake Passage opened between Antarctica and South America and the ice on Antarctica began to spread, replacing the forests.
21-14 Mil BC - Climate – Warming period
19 Mil BC - Volcanism – Oxaya Ignimbrites in Northern Chile start forming.
18-16 Mil BC - Impact – Catalina structures, Pacific Ocean (12, 32, 37km) (unconfirmed)
17-5 Mil BC - Volcanism – Yellowstone hot-spots in the USA erupted multiple times.
15 Mil BC - Climate – Antarctica is now mostly covered with ice and Northern hemisphere ice sheets begin to occur.
15 Mil BC - Volcanism – Huaylillas Ignimbrite forms in Bolivia, Southern Peru and Northern Chile. (VEI-8)
14-6 Mil BC - Climate & Plate-tectonics – Antarctica separates from South America and the gap widens between Australia and the global temperature drops by 4°C more.
13 Mil BC - Volcanism – Anahim in British Columbia, Canada
12 Mil BC - Volcanism – Lyttelton on the Banks Peninsula, New Zealand
10 Mil BC - Volcanism – Mount Cargill in New Zealand
10-8 Mil BC - Volcanism – Mascarene Islands were formed by undersea volcanic eruptions near the Réunion hotspot, Indian Ocean east of Madagascar.
7 Mil BC - Climate – South-eastern Greenland was completely covered with glaciers.
6-5 Mil BC - Climate – Glaciers were creeping into Scandinavia and the northern Pacific region.
5-3 Mil BC - Climate – A level-off in the cooling.
5-3 Mil BC - Impact – Bowers, Antarctica (100km) (unconfirmed)
4.64-3.05 Mil BC - Magnetic field – Multiple (7) Earth Magnetic reversals.
4.45 Mil BC - Volcanism – Kilgore Caldera, Idaho, USA. (VEI-8)
4.2 Mil BC - Volcanism – Cerro Galán, Catamarca Province, North-western Argentina. (VEI-7)
4 Mil BC - Plate-tectonics – North and South America join at Panama changing ocean currents.
4-3 Mil BC - Climate – After the Pleistocene ice age the whole continent of Antarctica was covered in ice and all major plant life destroyed. The Northern hemisphere continental glaciations begin and the accumulation of ice at both poles causes the global climate to become even colder and drier.

+11 more 
posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:27 AM
2.7 Mil BC - Climate & Extinction – The major step toward our current brutal ice ages begins and around a third of marine mega-fauna disappeared.

2.58-Today – Quaternary Period

2.15 Mil BC - Climate – The First intense ice age of our current Quaternary Period starts.
2.1 Mil BC - Volcano – Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption (VEI-8)
1.3 Mil BC - Volcano – Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption (VEI-8)
1.3-0.82 Mil BC - Climate – The Sherwin Glaciation.
1-0.6 Mil BC - Climate – This is where the stronger 41,000 cycle seems to get overwhelmed by the weaker 100,000 year cycle.
780,000 yrs ago - Magnetic field – Last reversal before present
680,000-620,000 yrs ago - Climate – The Günz/Nebraskan glacial period
670,000-660,000 yrs ago - Atmosphere – The lowest CO2 levels ever recorded
640,000 yrs ago - Volcano – Yellowstone supervolcanic eruption (VEI-8)
455,000-300,000 yrs ago - Climate – The Mindel/Kansan glacial period
200,000-130,000 yrs ago - Climate – The Riss/Illinoian glacial period
125,000-110,000 yrs ago - Climate – Eemian stage or Riss/Würm interglacial period
110,000–19,000 yrs ago - Climate – The Würm/Wisconsin glacial period (the last Ice-age)
100,000-10,000 years ago - Impact – Hickman Crater, Newman, Western Australia (270km) (unconfirmed)
74,000 yrs ago - Volcano – Toba eruption, New Zealand (VEI-8)
70,000 yrs ago - Climate – Tahoe glacial maximum glaciers cover Canada and northern US
26,500 yrs ago - Volcano & Atmosphere – Taupo eruption, New Zealand (VEI-8)
22,000 yrs ago - Climate – Tioga glacial maximum sea level was 130 meters lower than today.
19,000 yrs ago - Climate – Antarctic sea ice starts melting.
12,835-12,735 yrs ago – Multiple Impacts, Tsunami, Climate, Atmosphere & Extinction – The GISP2 ice core event (10,657 BC) the Younger Dryas triggered a very cold spike but not a full-blown glacial period. The most probable cause is multiple impacts in Canada and Finland sucking in freezing space atmosphere from outer space which is –270.5°C. Extinction of the American Clovis culture, mega-fauna, the mammoth and sabre-tooth cat etc. (105km; 120km; 241km; 290km; 480km) (unconfirmed - see the link in “Volcanic eruptions & Impacts:”)
9,400 BC - Climate – Warming sea levels rise is now 91 meters (300 ft) since the ice-age.
9,258 BC - Atmosphere & Unexplained – GISP2 ice core event.
6,225-6,170 BC – Landslide, Impact & Tsunami – The Storegga Slides occurred 100 km North-West of the Møre coast in the Norwegian Sea believed to be caused by an meteorite creating a very large tsunami (unconfirmed)
3,600 BC - Earthquake, Landslide & Tsunami – At the coast of Peru researchers found the disappeared of the Supe people coincided with earthquakes and landslides followed by massive flooding.
2,200 BC - Impact – Henbury, Northern Territory, Australia multiple impacts.
1,900 BC (±150years) - Unexplained – The Harappan civilization mysteriously disappeared in South Asia one or more quakes could have blocked or diverted the water that flowed through the now dry riverbed. That would have turn the part of the Harappan region into the desert it is today destroying (or forced them to move) the Harappan civilization in the process.
1,613 BC (±7 years) - Volcano, Landslide, Tsunami & Atmosphere – The "Minoan eruption" of Santorini. Mount Thera explodes in Greece with massive landslides, and tsunamis that affect the atmosphere – Linked to the disappearance of Atlantis by some. (VEI-7)
373 BC - Earthquake, Landslide & Tsunami – Magnitude estimated at 7.3, Greece - the Greek city of Helike was submerged and destroyed causing a tsunami. Historians recorded that the rats, snakes and weasels had abandoned Helice just days before the quake struck – Also linked to the disappearance of Atlantis by others.

The Global Warming/Money Cult

Humans are estimated to contribute between 5-20% of the total CO2 in the atmosphere. Currently we reached the 400 (ppm) parts per million which is 0.04%. There are more that enough opinions and discussions about a 35+% (140ppm over 300 years) increased in the total of 0.04%, causing the current run-away temperatures and political motivated scientific fiasco. Carbon dioxide is also naturally exchanged between the atmosphere and life through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.
With CO2 beginning to fall out of the bus, Methane CH4 is the next culprit made by micro-organism processes and mostly found in pockets both below ground and under the sea floors. In Earth’s atmosphere the present volume of Methane is 0.00017%. (That’s us and the cows included) CH4 has a lifespan of around 10 years before it breaks down in the atmosphere.
CFC’s seems to be in control.
Wow a brand new one in Dichloromethane ‎CH2Cl2. Watch this one gets blown out of proportion or maybe very quickly discredited. The politicians must really make up their minds in what to blame for new taxes.
I‘ll be awaiting the next culprit when ‎CH2Cl2 also falls flat.

We are not becoming a Venus type planet yet. For the past 800,000 years CO2, Methane, Dichloromethane and all the new ones still to be identified has never been a factor, and we were 4.5C warmer during the previous glacial warming phase. Glacial periods have been around for millions of years without the greenhouse gasses and humans. Yes, we are mostly responsible for the current declining oxygen levels and therefore should be concern about our free use of chemicals and deforestation. Yellowstone didn’t stop an Ice-age and I do not see humans doing it, but we are making it more uncomfortable before reaching it.

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:36 AM
Star and flag for effort! I hate to ask, but is there a TL;DR? That's A LOT of reading. I don't even know what it's about.

Perhaps forego telling mods they're allowed to do their jobs and giving us a little statement?

Really impressed with the layout!

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 05:46 AM
Thank you for posting.
The earth is like a woman giving birth to life, as life ventures into its energy of light, that light dims to nothing in the end and we don't know what happens to the actual end of life, we can only guess and see what is available to us and to check on the "whys", and "ifs".

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 05:51 AM
a reply to: ICycle2

You missed cosmic rays link to cloud nucleation

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 06:11 AM
See that

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 06:27 AM
Impressive, most impressive!

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 06:44 AM
The cycles the Earth goes through are so obvious to anyone who looks and does not make policy based on computer models that have been proven (VERY) wrong since all this crap started with the hockey puck graph

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 09:45 AM
Wow, amazing work you did here. That's a lot to take in and at first glance, most of it makes a great deal of sense in explaining what we're seeing happening right now. It does seem that we're seeing an uptick in strong earthquakes and hurricanes and it sure seems we're seeing a lot more very strong tornadic storms.

For the last few years here where I live, the temps have been well above seasonal normal in the warm months and we've had fairly dry-ish winters. A little concerning because that means higher danger from forest fires.

Thank you for the posts!

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 12:30 PM
Whoa there.... completely wrong.

It is established fact that climate change is ONLY caused by humans. Not the solar system, geography, cycles, the ozone, ice concentrations, the Sun, common sense, the atmosphere, or anything like that.

Attributing climate change to anything other than humans and oil is an affront to CLIMATE SCIENCE* (see definition of climate science below) and is blasphemous to the religion, sorry, ESTABLISHED SCIENTIFIC CAUSES of climate change and amended statistics!

(*climate science - constantly changing "established" facts that change with narrative, don't stand up to scrutiny, fail to produce a single accurate prediction, and are undisputed. Unless disputed by a climate scientist, then it's ok, because they're never wrong. Unless they are wrong, and in that case it's ok. It's just not ok when someone else says they're wrong.)

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: dothedew

Nothing I can do about that. Luckily I'm not a scientist so they do not affect my funding

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: ICycle2


On a serious note, that is some damn fine work you did there, and an extremely good display of all the information you gathered.

Building off of another comment, it truly is amazing how much sense everything makes, when you're not writing policy, working towards a predetermined end result, or under the instruction of a funding institution.

Many stars and a flag for you

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 04:40 PM
A most impressive OP, with all the data, layout, links, and logic one would expect from top shelf, intelligent posters. Fantastic, I look forward to reading this. There is much to absorb and think about, it cannot be skimmed through.

As they say, the only constant in the universe is change. Thanks for the brain candy!

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 06:45 PM
Nobody puts in that much effort unless they want to distract you from a bad argument.

1) The issue, at root, is human civilization. Increasing the stressload on the societies and culture we live in is only desirable to elites - the vast majority of humans would suffer from rising sea levels (see pacific, indian and atlantic island states at risk) larger and more frequent hurricanes, larger and more frequent tornado's, greater evaporation (drying out of land) as well as precipitation, leading to draughts and floods; oh yes - and the famine that results from radically changed weather patterns, effectively turning agricultural regions into deserts and deserts into agricultural regions. No biggy, right? Long-term, the system will adapt, right? But can you blame sane humans for thinking about their progeny? For thinking about all the life on Earth that will needlessly suffer? Forest fires are another major hazard, and as we are beginning to increasingly see, it creates serious havoc on communities.

2) Economically speaking, science and technology cannot grow in the background context of climate change; climate change will wear down our ability to respond; its like anything else that works in a population-statistical sense; past a certain threshold, the disease takes hold, and everything falls apart. Stupid brains - and the minds which emerge from them - prefer idealizations to facts, and in the process, cancer takes hold and the body dies. Idealization is the enemy of reason; it dissociates you from attuning to the reality points that will help reorient the system back into sync with the world around it.

3) The Sun has grown in the last 630,000 years (since yellowstones eruption), which is to say, what would happen if an eruption were to occur at the same time that humans are dysregulating the planets biochemistry? This a big unknown; that is, our input is a truly new and novel input into the planets complex dynamics, so it be completely presumptuous of you to assume that our input is innocuous, given that are input is a brand new one which still, in fact, will interact with other cyclical/natural inputs.

A realistic person will come to recognize that the Earths biosphere is not exactly guaranteed to survive anthropogenic warming; and a sane person would recognize that civilization - knowledge, science, human wellbeing - is worth saving, because we've come too far at a sheer material level of development to allow ourselves to throw it all away.

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Astrocyte

A realistic person will come to recognize that the Earths biosphere is not exactly guaranteed to survive anthropogenic warming; and a sane person would recognize that civilization - knowledge, science, human wellbeing - is worth saving, because we've come too far at a sheer material level of development to allow ourselves to throw it all away.

Since the earth works in 1000s, 10,000, millions of years I don't think people put very much thought into just how fast humans advance. I think we will advance right out of our issue just like we have done in the past. People look at their life time as an significant period and it is a speck in time. Where will our science be in 10 years, 100 or even 500...all still a speck in time.

posted on Oct, 24 2017 @ 07:17 PM
Great OP. Lots to digest.
I was never a fan of HUMAN initiated global warming.
Welcome back ATS!

a reply to: ICycle2

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