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Humans Are Not Capable Of Harming Mother Earth

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posted on Sep, 13 2017 @ 10:35 PM

originally posted by: nemonimity
I'm not one to buy into human caused global warming, but to think a virus can't kill it's host is naive to say the least.

A virus can and has killed it's host.

But how can humans kill a planet?

Like Mars losing it's atmosphere.

Think about how that could happen, if , indeed, it had one.

posted on Sep, 13 2017 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: Gothmog

One single volcanic eruption can throw as much CO2 in the air as produced by man throughout the span of time

A simple google search can tell you that's a lie. You are grasping at straws.

Yep , I imagine you can find all sorts of fallacies using Google
Thats why I try to stay away...

And you get your info from where?

posted on Sep, 13 2017 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: Groot

I can think of lots of ways we could destroy the planet pretty quickly, and there are ways we can kill it over a long period as well.

Just to name a few:
We could try to bring a large object into orbit to mine and it could come crashing into the planet.
To stay on asteroids, we could also start mining the asteroid belt using nukes (as has been proposed) and knock something into us.
We could go down the grey good road and eat up the planet in reproduction.
A designer virus or bacteria could go wild and destroy the food chain.
We could open a worm hole on earth and suck all the atmosphere away.
Could do the same if we created a black hole.
Convert all the oil to plastic and gum up the tectonic system.
Introduce to much of some chemical and break the ability for proteins to properly form..

There's a lot of ways we could screw things up. I do think we'll die off before the planet does, but it's irresponsible not to acknowledge the impact and power we actually wield as a species.

I think the major problem with the eco cult headed by people like Gore is that their message is sound, it's what they do and propose to be true that's categorically wrong.

posted on Sep, 13 2017 @ 11:17 PM
Oh, we are definitely hurting our ecosystem, mostly by poisoning it with chemicals that are not natural or are too concentrated. We are hurting mother earths ability to sustain life perpetually on this planet. There is no doubt of this in my mind.

The CO2 is just a tiny part, the major players are herbicides, pesticides, and all sorts of manmade chemicals. The Chemists are contributing to this bad chemistry. All these mixed chemicals will cause a collapse of the ecosystem. All that unnatural plastic chemistry in the dumps becomes a problem with flooding too. The Climate change idiots seem to be shuffling the worst part to the side and directing us to look at carbon emissions. Then we keep on polluting the ecosystem. They are blinding us to the true toxins that are poisoning the land and sea.

posted on Sep, 13 2017 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: strongfp

originally posted by: Gothmog

One single volcanic eruption can throw as much CO2 in the air as produced by man throughout the span of time

A simple google search can tell you that's a lie. You are grasping at straws.

Yep , I imagine you can find all sorts of fallacies using Google
Thats why I try to stay away...

And you get your info from where?

From laws and facts derived from the known Universe and the current reality.
Whats your excuse ?

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 02:04 AM

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: Groot

Eventually the Earth will shake us off like a bad cold. Humans are essentially a virus to the planet that had run rampant and multiplied beyond sustainability. The Earth will be here long after we as a species has ceased to exist and another dominant species will rise to take our place. Maybe the dinosaurs will get another day in court!

You're right, unless we start respecting this gem of a home planet and treat the Earth the way that we should treat it.

Not just for us, for all Earth life. Pretty simple.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 02:25 AM

originally posted by: CreationBro

originally posted by: GeauxHomeYoureDrunk
a reply to: Groot

Eventually the Earth will shake us off like a bad cold. Humans are essentially a virus to the planet that had run rampant and multiplied beyond sustainability. The Earth will be here long after we as a species has ceased to exist and another dominant species will rise to take our place. Maybe the dinosaurs will get another day in court!

You're right, unless we start respecting this gem of a home planet and treat the Earth the way that we should treat it.

Not just for us, for all Earth life. Pretty simple.

The Earth is a gazillion ton ball of left over crap from the "big bang" that doesnt give a rat's a** about us. It has found a way to eliminate the dominant species throughout it's history , and one day will do it again....
Till then , live life as we can

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: Groot
Well,from what I have read from the responses to my thread, plenty of trolls and plenty of people who just don't get it.

ATS is no longer the place it was, and it saddens my heart.

If you tell a joke and no one in the audience laughs... you were the one who didn't get your point across (whatever that may be) you just aren't as smart as you think, and it saddens my heart.

Besides that we got nuclear capabilities which could destroy the earth three times (or more I'm too lazy to look that up) and as others stated we don't only extinct ourselves but also all other lifeforms we share this planet with. What makes earth unique is the (former) abundance of life.
Your OP is simply wrong. And whatever your intention was the effect is you look (not very) smart...

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: Groot

Though you are in some respects correct, in so far as the planet will exist for longer than our species will (particularly if we keep killing each other, rather than concentrating resources on intellectual pursuits, like making this species multi-planetary, then interstellar, when the time comes), you are also wrong to suggest that this is the point.

The point is, that if we keep doing what we have been, there will come a time, sooner rather than later, where the human race will be unable to live on this planet, because we will have destroyed the habitats we rely on for growing our food, ruined the atmosphere beyond recovery, destabilised the Earths crust with increasingly powerful bombs, sucked the underpinnings out of the planet with mining and fracking and God knows what other stupid ideas, caused flooding which entirely destroys all the oldest settlements in the world...

Perhaps when we have been living underground for a few decades, then people will stop playing semantics, and actually agree on what the problem is and how to solve it.

However, for the benefit and longevity of the species, it is a wise idea to come to an understanding on these points BEFORE our atmosphere resembles that of Venus, rather than after.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: Groot

originally posted by: Sahabi
a reply to: Groot

We are merely fleas on this planet. What we do now will not affect the planet that we live on.

Fleas, ticks, even smaller microorganisms are puny compared to the hosts that they are able to debilitate and kill.

Climate change is a natural part of Solar and Earth cycles; multiple Ice Ages & multiple warming periods. This is a fact, however, we can not discount man's supplemental effects to not only weather patterns, but also to Earth's entire biome.

We can not deny the massive amounts of pollutants that we are spreading throughout the soil, dumping into the water, and releasing into the air. We can not ignore the natural landscapes and habitats that we have destroyed. We can not ignore the animals that we have personally pushed into annihilation and extinction, and the many more who teeter on the brink. We can not deny the inhumanity, war, murder, violence, hate, rape, subjugation, and poverty faced by our fellow humans.

When we look deeply into the workings of Earth-based activity, we discover that each and every thing adds to an intricate balance of cause-and-effect. We may be comparable to fleas, but we are certainly having a detrimental effect on the health of this beautiful planet.

Maybe you need to take a look at Chernobyl and the nature around there after the nuclear meltdown.

Humanity has little affect on it. It recovers and moves on.

Hello again

Well, yes, Earth does eventually recover and move on,..... however, may I ask?; Isn't this the attitude of an irresponsible child? (Not calling you childish) Meaning,... a child often refuses to cleanup or caretake after themselves, and see no wisdom in cleanliness and order.

"Mom, why do I have to clean my room? Nature is just gonna reclaim it when I die."

Don't we keep our own bodies clean and healthy? Don't we clean and maintenance our cars? Don't we clean dishes, vacuum our carpets, and take out the garbage? Our personal life, and the reality of it, is bound to the entire biome of Earth through cause-and-effect.

Since Earth will eventually recover and move on, are you proposing that we stop cleaning and taking care of ourselves, our homes, and our belongings? Nihilism?

edit on 9/14/17 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Groot

Our mark on this planet really began back during the Industrial Revolution. Hell, if you have not read about it, you should read about The Dust Bowl. How we created the greatest MAN MADE Ecological disaster in history.

We created that mess in just a short period of time. You don't think all of the crap we have been polluting this planet with the past hundred years could affect the climate. Cruse ships just dumping crap into the ocean, factories did the same for many years. Leaking radiation into the Ocean. The Great Pacific Garbage patch, A bunch of trash and some cargo from ships that just floats on top of the water that spans miles. By the way "70% of trash in the ocean sinks"

Billions of people, more people live on earth now then ever before. Every day billions of us make our mark, we create trash, and pollution. Think about how many cars are driving on this planet at any given time. All of the factories, although MUCH better now, that just put pollution out there daily. Our use of nuclear energy is scary, when we cant even contain the radiation during a crisis.

Oh yeah, 90% of climate scientist say we are creating global warming. I don't even need them to tell me I can see it.

edit on 14-9-2017 by kurthall because: fix

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Groot

Maybe you need to take a look at Chernobyl and the nature around there after the nuclear meltdown.

Humanity has little affect on it. It recovers and moves on.

Does it hell.

It may have escaped your notice, but the animals in the exclusion zone around Chernobyl, have a significantly higher chance of birth defects caused by mutation of their DNA, by the radiation exposure, than animals in locations which are not irradiated. Reduced brain size is one common feature amongst the wildlife which has grown up around the place, and is just one, but a serious example of a defect which is common to the wildlife there, which renders the individual animal who has that problem, significantly less viable in terms of their ability to do simple tasks, like hunt or forage, eat, bathe, or even ambulate normally.

The insect and invertebrate populations have been devastated in the region, meaning that the entire ecosystem there is under massive threat, regardless of the verdant appearance one often sees in documentaries.

Your casual, surface skimming understanding of the matters at hand, is not equal to the task of proper commentary, me thinks.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 12:46 PM

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha

originally posted by: Groot

originally posted by: NarcolepticBuddha
a reply to: Groot

Yeah who cares about loss of habitat or if a few species go extinct due to human behavior anyways!

It's not like we share the planet with other living organisms. They shoulda been smart enough not to mess with our planet!

We have no responsibilities to our Earth, I hear ya OP!

Love your sarcasm ! You don't get it , do you.

I get it. You're tired of liberal lefties with dreads and poor underarm hygiene. I get it. I'm tired too.

Dreads and hair don't necessarily mean one is a leftist. I have both, and consider myself completely apolitical.

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 12:47 PM
a reply to: Groot

Are you George Carlin?

posted on Sep, 14 2017 @ 05:04 PM
I really want to agree and I do ... but we can really really hurt earth ... we just would never devote the resources to it

Just for a second imagination we go suicidal and take all human effort make the moon crash into earth ... that would definitely count as a hit ... many even a whole round won

Next up we could bring in asteroids simmular to how we want to make them miss earth but hit earth with it

Im sure if we did this right we could slow the earth and get it to fall into the sun

We humans are capable but we can't even take effort away from killing to try and take out the planet but if we really tried I think we could do it

posted on Aug, 24 2018 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: Groot

originally posted by: Sahabi
a reply to: Groot

We are merely fleas on this planet. What we do now will not affect the planet that we live on.

Fleas, ticks, even smaller microorganisms are puny compared to the hosts that they are able to debilitate and kill.

Climate change is a natural part of Solar and Earth cycles; multiple Ice Ages & multiple warming periods. This is a fact, however, we can not discount man's supplemental effects to not only weather patterns, but also to Earth's entire biome.

We can not deny the massive amounts of pollutants that we are spreading throughout the soil, dumping into the water, and releasing into the air. We can not ignore the natural landscapes and habitats that we have destroyed. We can not ignore the animals that we have personally pushed into annihilation and extinction, and the many more who teeter on the brink. We can not deny the inhumanity, war, murder, violence, hate, rape, subjugation, and poverty faced by our fellow humans.

When we look deeply into the workings of Earth-based activity, we discover that each and every thing adds to an intricate balance of cause-and-effect. We may be comparable to fleas, but we are certainly having a detrimental effect on the health of this beautiful planet.

Maybe you need to take a look at Chernobyl and the nature around there after the nuclear meltdown.

Humanity has little affect on it. It recovers and moves on.

That is the EXACT OPPOSITE of the conclusion of that scientific study. It found that while radiation did have a negative effect on wildlife, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the effect of having humans around and the lack of humans allowed the wildlife around Chernobyl to recover in spite of the higher incidence of death and deformity.

To put it another way, dropping a nuke a few miles from a swamp is not nearly as bad as building a strip mall on top of it. Go figure.

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