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Trump as a puppet to start Civil War?

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posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 10:41 AM
Ok, so here is my conspiracy theory that just popped in my head. I am a long-time lurker, and rare poster, but this could be worth posting (or not, who knows!).

Disclaimer, if you like to believe wild conspiracy theories this will be perfect for you, if not, well give it a whirl and you just may enjoy it.

So, what if the deep state and Trump have already worked out a plan to start a civil war in America by using him and the media as puppets to divide the nation and ultimately start a war? Hear me out.
Are you the type of person who has his own doubts about the life and death of Osama bin Laden?
Have you wondered about the hanging of Saddam Hussein and all the talks about one of his doubles being hanged instead?
(This is a tough one for me) Do you believe that Hitler did not die in Germany, but faked his suicide and escaped at the last minute?
If these deaths can be faked (remember, this is a conspiracy theory, not what I believe to be fact) then why can we not fake a president's death to be the final step to start war in America? As much as the media, for the most part, is gaining followers from the left, and Trump holding on to his following on the right, what could be a better conspiracy than those two entities colluding with one another to divide a nation on purpose?
Trump's false-flag, fake, deep-state motivated assassination, or whatever you want to call it, would be the perfect way to jump-start a war. Especially if the assassin involved (fake of course) was BLM, or antifa, or even better, a famous person.
Can you picture Trump hanging out on whatever island the CIA puts him on with HItler, Hussein, bin Laden, Elvis, Jim Morrison, and Tupac?

My only hold-up is how would the elite and deep-state benefit from civil war? And are we as American's able to be motivated enough to even bother fighting a war? Could we set down our fast food, out cell-phones and our social media long enough to care? Maybe we already are the loyal worker bee's that they want us to be?

Anyway, just a thought and a fun conspiracy (although, if it's true it may not be to fun for us after all).

Thanks for listening, I'll hang up now


posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: Vault40

Your thought may not be as far-fetched as one might think. A real or faked assassination of Trump could very well be the straw that breaks the camels back and starts serious fighting and warfare in the streets. Or a shtf scenario.

Personally, I think obummer was put there to get the ball rolling. I think they were supposed to put hitlery in there to finish off the US. That Trump ended up getting in, well, that may very well play out better for tptb.

Regardless of how, or what, may start the all out fighting, what the deep state may benefit from it? Well, how about full on martial law, complete control of the American person or a shoot to kill order if that American is deemed as out of control or a threat. A perfect reason to get the "obedient" to line up, get on the bus, get into the "camps" and take their pill to continue to be the good slave.

In my opinion, they "want it all".... all of the resources, all of the wealth, all of the land, all of the people to be at their beck & call and not ever question why. I find it intriguing that there appears to be a coming together of numerous conspiracy theories that are beginning to play out as maybe not so theoretical at all, just over the election of one man.

NWO meets police state, with a side of false flag, resource confiscation etc etc.....

I don't know. but I do love a good conspiracy!

edit on 1-7-2017 by Jusvistn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: Vault40

Interesting premise.

I doubt we could keep Trump off Twitter long enough for the fake assassination to hold up, lol. "I'm not dead! Fake news!"

But as you asked, for what purpose would a civil war serve? Martial Law? Establishment of an autocracy? Elimination of the Constitution? Satanic ritual? Or simple sadism on the part of those who pull the strings?

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Vault40

Perhaps you are partly correct. I would further that conspiracy theory to suggest that Obama being put into office for the original attempt for the nation to go to pieces, us racist white conservatives and all. But other than bitch and ask for decent investigations into his whole history, nothing much happened as he sat about destroying the nation single-handed.

So when the madam didn't look good enough to get the job done, TPTB put Donald in the hot seat. 'Course, being non-gun owners, the power brokers will have to incite with some sort of good reason for federal troops to be deployed to really start a genuine civil war . 'Seems they are looking pretty hard for any reason they can lay their tongues to.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Jusvistn

Note: I did not read you comments before I posted mine as there was no replies as I wrote.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: Jusvistn

Note: I did not read you comments before I posted mine as there was no replies as I wrote.

No worries! Have a GREAT day......

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:10 AM
I don't buy this type of theory.
The sheepdog wants the sheep calm and content, they are easier to handle that way.
Why would you want to stir them up if you already control them?

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

I agree.

There will be no civil war. It is too bad for business.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
I don't buy this type of theory.
The sheepdog wants the sheep calm and content, they are easier to handle that way.
Why would you want to stir them up if you already control them?

Because they don't control them enough yet.

I think of trump as a trojan horse and hope i'm wrong.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
I don't buy this type of theory.
The sheepdog wants the sheep calm and content, they are easier to handle that way.

You do make a good point. Except right now there are a lot of sheep running around scared of the big bad wolf, and just as many that's not really sure which among them IS the wolf.

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Why would you want to stir them up if you already control them?

Population control? Get the population down by allowing them to take each other out. Then step in like you are the good guy with the clean hands, and point your finger at the bad guys who have killed so many.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:20 AM
your theory has some very plausible elements, but like others have said i dont think the endgame is a civil war because frankly thats just not even possible. However, civil unrest and localized outbreaks of violence in population centers as a pretext for martial law etc is totally doable and i think has already started happening.

the thing that worries me more than civil unrest is Trump being in the pocket for a war with Russia. So far he has TOTALLY FAILED to live up to his pre election rhetoric on non intervention. Instead he has actually made international relations MORE tense and MORE dangerous than they seemed to be before. I dont see many of the more visible Trump supporters/advocates admitting this (like Alex Jones). In my opinion Trump could be just as dangerous as Clinton and as i am fond of saying "there are many ways to skin a cat" and just because Clinton didnt win doesnt mean the Deep State doesnt have a total strangle hold on the Presidency and what it does.
edit on 1-7-2017 by tribal because: spelling

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: AkontaDarkpaw
I think of trump as a trojan horse and hope i'm wrong.

?? Am curious - care to share you thoughts on this?

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Vault40
Maybe not to start a civil war...
But it is certainly looking like the globalists have got their hooks in Trump. Because he is doing the same thing every other POTUS has done before him. Reneged on his campaign promises. Which I kind of expected but hoped it wouldn't happen.

I know Putin triggers some.
But the man tells it how it is.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Bluntone22

Why would you want to stir them up if you already control them?

Georgia Guidestones...

It's easier to control fewer numbers.... especially indoctrinate them. The Op's theory isn't far-fetched. The left has their problems with political correctness and lies, but the right has their problems with blind faith. Never trust the Hegelian Dialectics.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Jusvistn

originally posted by: AkontaDarkpaw
I think of trump as a trojan horse and hope i'm wrong.

?? Am curious - care to share you thoughts on this?

Trump was probably chosen long ago. He's known as a blustering idiot, a clown, and a hot head. They've been trying to start WWIII for quite awhile and everyone can see that trump lacks diplomatic skills.

He's what they'd call a "useful idiot". Not because he's stupid but because he can play that card so well.

So they put him in office and the very first trick they pull out? The Russia card.

Hmm... obama wanted war with Russia.

If you paid attention to the news, Obama's security around the white house had some giant holes in it.. methinks that he attempted to deviate from the plan and those "holes" were advertised as a reminder to obama that he either toe the line or go the way of Kennedy.

Trump has had same warnings... President Pence... they're reminding him who's really in charge and he's a bit harder to control than a regular politician.

All of this is just a continuation of the "incite Russia to war" strategy and the creation of civil unrest. Nothing has changed because the elected officials aren't in power. It's all a show to make people the world over believe in choice.

The endgame is to bring all nations under one government, one rule, one system of welfare or whatever passes as such under such a regime.

The point?

My pet theory which may not be true is that our brass want to join the Federation of Planets or whatever passes for such a thing in reality but they have to get the entire world under a one world system.

Yes this is a Star Trek ideal, but they have been showing this in multiple ways.

If this is true, then that means that they have to do whatever is necessary to move in that direction. Perhaps the truth is that we made deals with a negative race and now we need help to recover our sovereignty but to do that we have to match the requirements of a civilization admitted into such an alliance.

WWIII would be the final stage to remove all weapons, religions, and divisions in order to bring us together as a planet.

Once admitted into the new alliance, there'd be a completely new system in place. But to accept the new system the old must be destroyed.

Trump would be the trojan horse because he campaigned as a champion of the US when the reality is he will be instrumental in destroying it in order to form a North American version of the EU.

Of course this may all be fantasy...

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: JAY1980
a reply to: Vault40
Maybe not to start a civil war...
But it is certainly looking like the globalists have got their hooks in Trump. Because he is doing the same thing every other POTUS has done before him. Reneged on his campaign promises. Which I kind of expected but hoped it wouldn't happen.

I know Putin triggers some.
But the man tells it how it is.

I am assuming you have been drooling on twitter waiting for the latest tweet from POTUS. While he has the sheep sidetracked he is actually running the country...

Trumps Campaign Promises
edit on 7 1 2017 by Sabz228 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7 1 2017 by Sabz228 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Terminal1
would it be as bad for them as having the whole house of cards they call the economy collapse with only themselves to blame??
I don't think they need to assassinate him though, just impeaching him would do it, and they don't need all out full blown civil war, they just need enough chaos and violence to justify a massive clampdown on our rights....before that economy collapses.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: AkontaDarkpaw

Trump would be the trojan horse because he campaigned as a champion of the US when the reality is he will be instrumental in destroying it in order to form a North American version of the EU.

So he destroys the USA, and it gets divided up between Canada and Mexico?

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: AkontaDarkpaw

Thanks for the reply - your ideas do have some validity, as well as, pointing out some other interesting arguments. I don't necessarily disagree with you on any point, and do agree that there does seem to be something in place that has been trying to push us towards a world war, or at minimum a civil war.

Curious though, for all the years I've been subscribed to numerous different conspiracies (not that I believe them all, but they are fun to watch) it seems that the biggest noise was always NWO - One World Government - NWO!!! Very little on "The Deep State". And now that notion has seemed to take hold and catch fire.....

Maybe I'm wrong and just missed it.

Good thread, I do hope it doesn't get derailed with political sides slinging mud & insults.

posted on Jul, 1 2017 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: snowspirit
a reply to: AkontaDarkpaw

Trump would be the trojan horse because he campaigned as a champion of the US when the reality is he will be instrumental in destroying it in order to form a North American version of the EU.

So he destroys the USA, and it gets divided up between Canada and Mexico?

No of course not.

Canada, Mexico, and the US would cease to exist. Probably not right away but eventually it would become one country.

Borders wouldn't exist anywhere...

But again this is a theory and may or may not have a basis in reality.

At this point the EU hasn't lost any of their borders either although this is allegedly the goal.

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