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Would You Swim in This River?

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posted on Jul, 12 2017 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: TinySickTears

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes
Hey! Have a new possibility! My Florida source has now suggested that this could be Arapaima; a large South and Central American fish, that breathes air, and, he says, fits the foliage and behaviors. Described as "figity".

So, not a fish one might expect, hence the smile, and the seemingly odd behavior!

is florida in central or south america?

there are no arapaima in those waters

Well, according to the person I know, who has lived there all his life, and fishes frequently, yes they are in fact in Florida. The behavior fits what is in the video, too. Seems the most likely explanation. With the official explanations, they always wait till everyone else knows before admitting to anything. Cougars in Tennessee are a good example of this. They have always been there, and now the wildlife folks are admitting they are around.

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