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Trump Assembles Team of ‘Street Fighters’ to Combat Negative Press and Leaks

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posted on May, 28 2017 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: alphabetaone

A sitting President will never be impeached if his party is still in power. If the Dems win control of the Senate in 2018, it doesn't matter because the process starts with the House.

And I don't think that the Dems will win control of the House in 2018.

posted on May, 28 2017 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: lincolnparadox
a reply to: alphabetaone

A sitting President will never be impeached if his party is still in power. If the Dems win control of the Senate in 2018, it doesn't matter because the process starts with the House.

And I don't think that the Dems will win control of the House in 2018.

In what way does that have ANYTHING at all to do with the topic?

posted on May, 28 2017 @ 11:23 PM

originally posted by: alphabetaone

originally posted by: carewemust

I have the feeling that this initiative is going to be SERIOUS.

I, along with about 57% of all other Americans believe you couldn't be more in error about your "feelings"...and a lot of his colleagues as well.

My feelings/hunches regarding President Trump have been on target, for the most part. I'm not as accurate as Xuenchen, but he's operating at a higher level of intuitiveness.

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 05:06 AM

edit on 29-5-2017 by ElectricUniverse because: deleted for bouble post

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 05:06 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

Perhaps if the DNC/Soros/etc machine were using all the money they have used to stop conservative hosts, and conservative news, and programs. If these liberal elites hadn't been wasting money so they can control everything and everyone in the U.S. there wouldn't be a need to do these things President Trump is doing...

Every time I wake up and see these news stories from the "left-wing machine" in general trying to stop dissent against them, and in general going after conservatives it feels like I am back in Cuba...

This country is being turned into yet another "left-wing dictatorship". But if you all think it will stop when the liberal elites have squashed all dissenting conservative/right-wing views you will have a rude wake up call when this same machine turns against most of you in the left. It always ends up the same way, with the majority of people in that nation whether they lean to the left, or right in politics being subjugated to the whims of a small group of people.

edit on 29-5-2017 by ElectricUniverse because: correct comment.

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: underwerks

Why don't you ask your Congressman if you're serious?

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 05:29 AM
damm - i too was hoping that it would be a cohort of real fighters - physically silencing leaks and critics - the old fashioned permanent way [ like putin does ]

i remember a novel i read - cyberpunk // sci-fi - where corporate take overs were " decided " - by single combat between the rival corps champions - it was bizarre - but in a way - such strategy would suit trump
[ sarcasm ]

i cannot remember the title - it was a long time ago

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 05:34 AM

originally posted by: Jefferton
I was hoping 'street fighters' was literal.

I just imagined them going door to door Jay n Silent Bob style kicking critic butts!

First thing I thought was Ryu and Ken going around...


posted on May, 29 2017 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

"He is wasting his time, all he has to do is stay off twitter and Damage? Controlled."

Really, you believe that? People wouldn't leak if he stayed off twitter? Dems would stop the russia propaganda if he just stayed off twitter?

What I'd like you to do is imagine for a moment that trump is right. What is the appropriate response?

posted on May, 29 2017 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Dfairlite
a reply to: alphabetaone

Really, you believe that? People wouldn't leak if he stayed off twitter?

Not really, no. I still think he would end up being his own worst enemy and embarrass America in other ways that didn't include twitter. It was merely the easiest example to turn to.

Dems would stop the russia propaganda if he just stayed off twitter?

I'm not democratic and yet I think there's veracity to the concept that Russia was a key player. Trump supporters (of which I used to be one) simply want to ram down people's throats words like "propaganda" and "FAKE NEWS" because their premise is built on the foundation of those core principles.

What I'd like you to do is imagine for a moment that trump is right.

I have many times.

What is the appropriate response?

What I have always believed. That all of D.C. is corrupt (ok not all, that's hyperbole, but a higher percentage than not), and that it should work as it was designed. BUT, I am also not so naïve to think that one man (namely the President whose hands are tied in more ways than they are not) has the ability to do so. And, frankly, ANYONE AT ALL who does nothing but toe a party line is to blame. When you think that ONLY "your party" should be in power, then you do not embrace the basic tenets of our Government in the first place...this is as much true for the democrats as it is for the republicans. When "damage control of the press" in ANY Government becomes a primary focus of a "war room" then you've already lost 'draining the swamp' and you are now the swamp yourself. But likely, the disproportionate sycophantic majority that seem to occupy this space will continue seeing things with blinders on.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

I appreciate the mostly civil response that actually addressed the questions. It's rare, anywhere on the web.

"I'm not democratic and yet I think there's veracity to the concept that Russia was a key player."

You think they were a key player in what? The election? The Trump campaign?

"ANYONE AT ALL who does nothing but toe a party line is to blame."

What party line are you talking about. Which party is actually trying to build a wall? Which party is actually trying to cut taxes? Which party is actually trying to repeal obamacare? Because last I checked it wasn't the republican or the democrat party that were trying to do those things. Trump is exposing the single party rule we have in this country. Where democrats say what they mean and do it; while republicans say they're for republican things but then do democrat things (See the budget, see the wall, see tax reform, see obamacare repeal, etc.)

I hate the republican party almost as much as I hate the democrat party. As Reagan joked: What's the difference between a republican and democrat? The republican takes a few more days to become a communist.

"When you think that ONLY "your party" should be in power, then you do not embrace the basic tenets of our Government in the first place"

While I'm sympathetic to this argument it ignores a number of things that have become obvious about the current democratic party. First they don't respect the Government unless they have all of the power. Second, anything non-democratic needs to be silenced and killed, there is no room for dissent, debate, or disagreement. They don't accept Trump (or any republican) as a legitimate president despite his being duly elected. They don't accept constitutional authority. The only authority they accept is the authority of liberalism, as can be seen by the 70 genders, embracing islam and rejecting christianity/judaism, rejecting gorsuch, holding the presidents cabinet hostage, characterizing every republican president as a moron, etc.

Our government can only work when those within it respect the rules and authority of said government rules. If one side refuses to respect the rules they have to be purged.

"When "damage control of the press" in ANY Government becomes a primary focus of a "war room" then you've already lost 'draining the swamp' and you are now the swamp yourself"

This is only true if you believe that the media isn't part of the swamp, but as many, many wikileaks emails showed us, the media is as much a part of the swamp as anyone. The media worked as an operative wing of the DNC, colluding on debate questions, advising the clinton campaign, not to mention the financial donations to the DNC.
edit on 30-5-2017 by Dfairlite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: Dfairlite

You think they were a key player in what? The election? The Trump campaign?

I mean it a little more broadly than all of America's current unrest. I think they are fostering it instead of keeping out of it.

What party line are you talking about. Which party is actually trying to build a wall? Which party is actually trying to cut taxes? Which party is actually trying to repeal obamacare? Because last I checked it wasn't the republican or the democrat party that were trying to do those things. Trump is exposing the single party rule we have in this country. Where democrats say what they mean and do it; while republicans say they're for republican things but then do democrat things (See the budget, see the wall, see tax reform, see obamacare repeal, etc.)

President Trump isn't exposing single party rule, we all already knew about it...there is nothing to expose. He was supposed to affect change...the world at large doesn't need him to expose a thing, it needs him to make real changes which he isn't doing and lead with dignity while doing so. In private life President Trump's biggest worries were Doald Trump and the Trump brand...regretfully he has brought that same mentality into the White House and hence my creation of this thread in the first place...the need for a "War Room" to negate unfavorable press is only looking after one interest; his own.

With respect to the "wall" its very idea is based on a threat that is non-existent and is one that will have the opposite effect of its intention. Though I voted for him, it's one of the talking points I vehemently disagreed with.

With respect to repealing the ACA, well, I think we have well seen what the results of that are going to be...little need to rehash that here.

To answer more completely though, I meant anyone who toe's any partyline. By saying as much, you only embrace the ideology of that particular set of beliefs without keeping in mind the broader picture - ALL Americans, not your compartmentalized interests.

While I'm sympathetic to this argument it ignores a number of things that have become obvious about the current democratic party. (1)First they don't respect the Government unless they have all of the power. (2)Second, anything non-democratic needs to be silenced and killed, there is no room for dissent, debate, or disagreement. (3)They don't accept Trump (or any republican) as a legitimate president despite his being duly elected. (4)They don't accept constitutional authority. (5)The only authority they accept is the authority of liberalism, as can be seen by the 70 genders, embracing islam and rejecting christianity/judaism, rejecting gorsuch, holding the presidents cabinet hostage, characterizing every republican president as a moron, etc.

Ok. In my estimation there is so much wrong with the above that I'm not quite sure where to start or even how, I added my own numbering scheme to your quote for reference.

Addressing # 1 - During the course of the Obama administration, since it is the easiest to point to as being the most recent, how many concessions had to be made to make progress - hundreds.They in fact did not have all the power and had significantly less "comfort room" as they were in a constant state of flux and negotiation.

Addressing # 2 - This is all opinion and doesn't even reflect the truth.

Addressing # 3 - This election cycle is the only one in my memory where the duly elected President was not accepted (maybe with the 2000 Florida election debacle, rightfully so). I, personally, embrace the electoral college as I feel it gives everyone a voice by disregarding disproportionate voting numbers. However, let us not forget gerrymandering.

Addressing # 4 - This is yet more opinion. As many on the right don't accept Constitutional authority as don't on the left. It's a non-argument.

Addressing # 5 - Again this is another case where both sides of the aisle engage in the same negative activity. Which is why I initially said toe'ing a particular party-line has no merit and is wholly anti-American in my view. Yet, you cant lump an entire group of "leaning" people into engaging in all that which you have outlined. SOME do, and conversely some have questioned Obama's birth, have called his wife an ape, have beat down innocent bystanders in the street, yet I'm not willing to call all on the right criminals.

Our government can only work when those within it respect the rules and authority of said government rules. If one side refuses to respect the rules they have to be purged.

And then, the revolutionary wayyyyy back when was completely unnecessary as we have now returned to a monarchy.

This is only true if you believe that the media isn't part of the swamp, but as many, many wikileaks emails showed us, the media is as much a part of the swamp as anyone.

The media IS a part of the swamp, but not a swamp with only one species in it. If I employ your logic, how precisely can one know that WikiLeaks also does not reside there?

The media worked as an operative wing of the DNC, colluding on debate questions, advising the clinton campaign, not to mention the financial donations to the DNC.

I truly believe here you're being intentionally misleading OR simple naivete, as anyone who since voting age has paid attention to politics knows that the media works for subscription and whatever the "cataclysm du jour" happens to be is what they will report, irrespective of what party is in office. Yet, again it seems here you associate individual actions of some stupid people with an entire party of people (read: Americans). You don't see everyday Americans advising the Clintons or providing them cover.

I think what youre not seeing here is the unintended consequences of the position you would like to take. The last thing in the world you should want is a single-party system whereby the (party of alleged) hostile group is "purged"...what happens if YOUR choice somewhere down the line becomes that "hostile group". Now you've just shot yourself in the foot.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: Dfairlite

I do not understand: Do you want problems to stop being leaked or do you want people to stop leaking problems?

Because I like it better if I know more about what the leaders are doing than if all is happening behind closed doors. But that could be only me thinking this way, maybe if I liked the current resident in the White House better I would wish to stop leaks, too.

Really. Leaks are not the problem, the problem is that there are THINGS TO BE LEAKED!

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: alphabetaone

We could lose the hard on for Trump and stand united across political lines for the good of our country....but this is more fun. Lets just waste resources attacking him and defending him from attacks.

If Russia wants anything its crap like this.

edit on 5 30 2017 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: ManFromEurope

Really. Leaks are not the problem, the problem is that there are THINGS TO BE LEAKED!

This is actually an important element to keep in mind and well pointed out. The problem with "classified material" is, once you embrace it's need, like anything, it will be abused by those apt for abusing.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: tadaman
a reply to: alphabetaone

We could lose the hard on for Trump and stand united across political lines for the good of our country....but this is more fun. Lets just waste resources attacking him and defending him from attacks.

If Russia wants anything its crap like this.


But it doesn't really stop at Russia, they are just the most powerful threat. There are a lot of elements that want crap like this happening.

posted on May, 30 2017 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: ManFromEurope

I cannot think of one valid reason to prosecute or investigate the leakers over the actual stuff being leaked.

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