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At Least 6 Journalists Face Felony Riot Charges Due to Proximity

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posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: Tardacus
a reply to: reldra

right, I meant on weak evidence.

If I were arrested on a Felony on weak evidence, I would sue. A police officer should not do that. They have an idea of the difference between a violation and a felony. Or they should.

I can agree with you on this point. Group felonies should not happen.

You need to commit a felonious (sp?) act with evidence to be charged.

I am sure they will flash their Press credentials and walk in court.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: reldra

Hi reldra. Please don't take this the wrong way you seem like a nice person with a good heart and I know your intentions mean well, but you have to stop letting your emotions think for you. You are clearly projecting and its very obvious to everyone but yourself. I know its been difficult for you lately but try to relax and breathe, it will help you a lot

How can you blame this on trump? This has absolutely nothing to do with him. (Why not blame the left for promoting the riots to begin with?) Nothing will probably even happen to them but you are already up in arms pointing fingers at the administration trying to insinuate that this is an attack on the freedom of the press. Your emotions are projecting your fears and insecurities on to everything. You do it to almost every thread.. And on top of that your bias against trump makes it even worse.

Just take a step back and breathe, it will all be OK..
edit on 27-1-2017 by knowledgehunter0986 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:38 PM
a reply to: knowledgehunter0986

Yea, patronize the woman, that'll work!

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:41 PM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: xuenchen
If it is shown that these people were not directly involved, they will be released and charges dropped.

Police on a scene like that can't be responsible for making decisions about who's who.

Will? They can't be responsible for recognizing people standing with cameras? Some with sound crews? Please.

You know 100% for sure these people were not involved ?

No way you can know that.

I do, I have done the research. Oddly, you suspect journalists to be part of the few people who attempted to attack a Starbucks with their bare hands. It's ludicrous. It's outrageously unbelievable.

If you really think about it, its not outrageously unbelievable. We have seen worse things fabricated about Trump.

If you can throw shi* and hope it sticks to the wall, so can I -
Who is to say that these reporters didn't go there with the express purpose of being in the middle of the Leftist insanity just to get arrested and cry "its all Trump Neo-Nazi fascism"?
Half of the media already claim that is what he is.
I am sure that you have done your research but that would not come up in any cursory research on the surface.
They would not admit to it and I would not put it past any of these people to try something like that.
Most of the media have already shown their true colors when it comes to Trump, and it is not red, white and blue that they show.
The Leftist media would rather have the country tilted against Trump, than attempt to bring the country together.
As do most people on ATS as well, just like your not so veiled accusation in this thread.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I agree - under the DC statute quoted previously, it COULD be reasonable to assume the cameras and media were, by there mere presence, be encouraging the rioters - especially the damages to Starbucks, et al.

BTW, it's better to be arrested by the DC police while filming a riot than murdered by the US military while filming in a war zone.

It's extremely doubtful the "current administration" had ANYTHING to do with the DC Police and their enforcement.


posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: JinMI

There's honestly no other way to put it.. Sometimes you have to tell it like it is, but I truly do mean well for her.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: JinMI

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: reldra

originally posted by: Tardacus
They`ll have their day in court, if there isn`t enough evidence to convict them they`ll go free.

They may not even have to go to court if the charges are dropped.

In big riots like the one in D.C. the police often scoop up everyone in the area and let the states attorney decide who to prosecute and who to release.

I`m sure they aren`t the first journalist to ever be arrested at a riot.

They shouldn't BE IN A COURT.

Journalists are above the law now?

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: reldra
If I were arrested on a Felony on weak evidence, I would sue. A police officer should not do that. They have an idea of the difference between a violation and a felony. Or they should.

The whole point of the courts is to determine guilt or innocence. Are you suggesting police should start doing that? Does that mean they can also find the people guilty? Police make arrests based on evidence. Standing in a riot is enough evidence at that time. You can't say recording earns you a pass... everybody carries cameras around with them these days. Even with press credentials it doesn't mean you are immune from arrest of you're suspected of a crime.

Sucks they were arrested, but the point of the system is to determine guilt or innocence.

I was arrested because of a DMV error, car impounded, and I was taken to jail. I didn't sue. I got the charge dropped and my costs reimbursed. Hell, I wasn't even standing at a crime scene when it happened. Based on the information the cop had at the time, from the DMV, he had reason to arrest me. Standing in a crowd of rioters crosses that threshold.

If you want to assign blame for peaceful protesters getting arrested it should go right to those rioting. Maybe if the 'hateful rhetoric' and 'tenor' of the vocal agitators were toned down it wouldn't be happening. If the protest didn't include crimes everybody gets to go home at the end of the day.

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 11:38 PM

posted on Jan, 27 2017 @ 11:44 PM

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 02:13 AM
Unreal. With all the threats made toward the deploraball and the inauguration, heightened police presence was doing it's job, in the midst of a riot... but it's Trumps fault?

This is in no way Trumps fault or doing. The President of the United (lol) states of America had valid public threats made against him, as well as veiled underhanded agendas directed towards thwarting the average Citizen from attending the inauguration.

Riots? RIOTS? and that is his fault that the police and other security were out in force to prevent some sort of violent attack?

"Oh you have a camera, you're ok then, off you go." while every one can don a card that claims press, hell next we'll even see bank robbers wearing suits and ties. OMG, the absurdity...

If the left had not been so butthurt and cried about everything because they dropped their dummy, and chucked tanties at every event, then perhaps the police may not have been so heavy handed so as to arrest everyone involved in what amounts to civil unrest.

Nahhh, you'd be singing a different tune, had Hillary been elected and some right wing nuts had gone berserk... "Why didn't the police just arrest them all, they're all bigotted Trump supporters.."

Man, what a world we live in when politics is based on threats and violence and not popular demand. Demand, not threat. The weasley little fanatics who riot and bash people, attack innocent interested bystanders, and howl like little babies all the time, surely are not what I consider rational sane people who should have any say in global matters...

Go back to art school and draw a pretty sunset... let those who have to live in the "real world" make the adult decisions..

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 03:26 AM
So now after all that training, cops can't tell the difference between a rioter and a damn journalist w/ his or her sound crew?

edit on 28-1-2017 by FelisOrion because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2017 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: reldra
If this is not another warning sign, I do not know what to say to those that argue. I would like to continue this, but I am tired. I have one thread to look at from earlier. A speech to watch, I think. And then I will be off. I am not recovered yet.

Thank you for participating. And go on, please if you like.

A warning sign of what exactly? The cases are being dismissed.

This statute on rioting has been in place for a while and is nothing new, and trying to connect it to Trump is ludicrous.
It's D.C., where they take this kind of thing seriously, and not some podunk town in Idaho.

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