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Target of cyberbullying

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posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:07 PM
I have been attacked by people on fb. The person who started it all slung mud and took a screen shot of a comment I made in response and took it out of context. They cropped only what I said and not what they said so it makes me look pretty bad. This person apparently runs a fb page and gave their followers my profile url and urged them to harass me. Which they did. They also reported my account as being fake to fb and fb disabled it. This person sent a nasty message along with my screen shot to everyone on my friend list, including family. They also sent threatening and hateful messages to my family. I reported all these hateful/bullying/threatening messages to fb and the response I got was: Does not go against our community standards. Are you serious? If someone MIGHT have a fake fb account, you disable it immediately but if they're being bullied and sent threats, it's ok.

Sorry for the run-on sentences and bad grammar. I am so upset and stressed. This person also knows of a person I am close to. They sent me screen shots of them sexting and sent these along to a family member in order to get them to me since fb disabled my account. I asked my close friend if he really had this conversation with her. He said no. They're not him. But it has his name, profile pic and his blacked out name to where he blocked the person who started it all. My question, is there a way for people to fake fb conversations? I am so upset. I finally got my fb account back, but there were messages upon messages of threats and hateful words that I just deactivated it. My family members had to deactivate their's as well because the hateful messages would not stop and fb would do nothing!

Has this happened to anyone else? I am so scared and stressed. My anxiety is through the roof. I have decided to just stay away from fb altogether. I don't feel safe anymore.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: Etoile

You've kept all the evidence yeah?

It's harassment, it's a criminal matter. Where do you live? It's worth looking up what constitutes as harassment in your nation.

Also the message sent to family/friends what was said, threats of any kind?
edit on 26-12-2016 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: Etoile

Get off of Farcebook AND TWATTER! Also, you need a thicker skin. Posting on the internet is a sport that requires the ability of not being triggered by opinions and attacks by people who don't even know you yet because they disagree with your opinion they feel the right to abandon their religion of tolerance and equality to viciously attack anyone whom has an alternative thought that might disagree and throw their preconceived cognitive dissonance in disarray.

So you have 2 choices, fight or flight.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Etoile

WHY OH WHY!!! are you still using Facebook, just you being on this forum means you must have some idea what the hell it is all about..

Delete the thing and move on and be careful in the future..

Yes FB convos can be faked, it is fairly easy for the type of psychopaths that live to cause issues over social media platforms to manipulate situations in this way.


edit on 26-12-2016 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-12-2016 by slider1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

No it isn't a sport, it's a right.

I'm on Facebook, anyone attacks me I'll come back swinging. Nobody is making me run away because I refuse. Same if someone tried to bully me in person.

It's a disease, nobody needs thicker skin. Bullying is bullying whether it's physical or mental and in terms of physical abuse I'm a person more than happy to do jail time for standing up to someone who thinks they can break the law to hurt me.

Crime or not I will defend myself.

I also have the not-so-common sense to do things lawfully. The way things should always be engaged.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:37 PM
I sympathize to a point, but I consider it very strange that you can become distraught by what someone types on the Internet. Think about it. You are reading WORDS on a SCREEN from people you've never met. Your interactions with these people are strictly bits and bytes. These people do not matter in your life. They are nobodies. You don't depend on them for anything important. Yet you let your emotions run rampant.

A basic rule of thumb is that nobody is really your friend on the Internet. The "relationships" you make on a place like ATS are superficial and ephemeral. They can disappear at the stroke of a switch. It's happened to me and perhaps some of you. A site suddenly goes down never to reappear, and you thought it was the basis of an "Internet community." But it wasn't. One guy could simply grow tired of "hosting" all this "community" and simply turn it off with little or no explanation. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if it happened right here on ATS some day. Of course we posters do not have the details, but the only thing keeping this place going is profit, that word most of us learn to hate. And if that profit is rather thin, then ATS is living on the edge. This place is not online to be charitable. And neither is Facebook.
edit on 12/26/2016 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: seeker1963

No it isn't a sport, it's a right.

I'm on Facebook, anyone attacks me I'll come back swinging. Nobody is making me run away because I refuse. Same if someone tried to bully me in person.

It's a disease, nobody needs thicker skin. Bullying is bullying whether it's physical or mental and in terms of physical abuse I'm a person more than happy to do jail time for standing up to someone who thinks they can break the law to hurt me.

Crime or not I will defend myself.

I also have the not-so-common sense to do things lawfully. The way things should always be engaged.

It is a sport!

Do you not feel vindicated if you can logically shut someone up with logic?

Why did they attack you in the first place? Two reasons, they were looking to get a rise out of you (trolling) or they disagreed with you and voiced their OPINION??

Not sure what I said to trigger you to the point of your response to me, unless of course you have a guilty conscious about trolling people, but that's on you! I still stand by my original statement.

Can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen

Also, I said nothing at all about violence, so whatever that was about in your response is totally on you?

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: seeker1963

No it isn't a sport, it's a right.

No, it's not a "right." Neither Facebook nor ATS nor most any place on the Internet is a "public forum" in the Constitutional sense of the term. Every forum on the Internet is privately owned where you have no free speech "rights" at all. You don't have the "right" to an account. You do not have the "right" to post. You don't even have the "right" to be on a site at all. If the OP can bring an action for libel or something else to the authorities, I'm all for it and good luck, but don't misrepresent the rights you do have.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 04:56 PM
I am of the opinion that if it is not IRL, it is not bullying. Its the internet, which has always been the wild west. Words on a screen, The only thing one needs to do to stop being subjected to such is ignore/tune out and walk away. Life invader is for suckers anyways.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 05:07 PM
Isn't not worth being upset about. Take down your FB for now and wait about four months. They will cool down and forget about it. If they continue to do more threats, report them to the police.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 05:30 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Being honest most of my interaction on line is learning or teaching.

I made the link to violence as I made the link of physical bullying compared to other forms.

I've been a bully in real life, I didn't consider it bullying at the time as I didn't know how my actions made that person feel. Things changed when I did.

I can honestly say I or any persona I've used online has never participated in online bullying, I have no guilty conscience in that regard.

I wasn't triggered at all
I was merely covering the bases, people have a tendency for the keyboard warrior persona... I said what I said to point out I'm not what some call a "grass" running to authorities whenever I feel threatened.

I do however feel if needs be that is exactly what should be done, threats of harm and harassment is illegal simply put.

edit on 26-12-2016 by RAY1990 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 05:34 PM

originally posted by: schuyler

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: seeker1963

No it isn't a sport, it's a right.

No, it's not a "right." Neither Facebook nor ATS nor most any place on the Internet is a "public forum" in the Constitutional sense of the term. Every forum on the Internet is privately owned where you have no free speech "rights" at all. You don't have the "right" to an account. You do not have the "right" to post. You don't even have the "right" to be on a site at all. If the OP can bring an action for libel or something else to the authorities, I'm all for it and good luck, but don't misrepresent the rights you do have.

I wasn't misrepresenting anything.

Merely making the point that safety is a right.

What you said is true but has absolutely nothing to do with online bullying, harassment and threats.

I've seen a family member play the "sport" it got out of hand and he was attacked with a hammer.

Tried it with me too, haha that was a barrel of laughs but I digress.

I should have portrayed my words better, my hands are up and I'm guilty.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: RAY1990

I agree with you that the minute you make a threat to someone it should be a crime. I was just trying to point out to the OP that feeling threatened doesn't equal being threatened.

I mean, for Christ's sake, how many times on ATS do we see people scream for a MOD because someone offended them by doing nothing more than offering a countering opinion. God only knows the private messages the MODs have received from those so threatened by words. Bet the MODs wished the had a dollar for every one they received?
All I am trying to say, is if your too sensitive to being bashed for posting your opinion on the internet, you might just want to play video games and refuse to talk about politics and religion?

To add even trying to play an online video game has trolls that get a boner out of making someone just trying to play a game life miserable by interfering.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: seeker1963

I wasn't misrepresenting anything.

Merely making the point that safety is a right.

Oh, no! That's not what you said. You were responding to a post which suggested posting on the Internet was a sport. You replied by saying it wasn't a sport. It was a right. I replied to THAT idea. NOW you come back and say you were responding to "bullying." You're moving the goal posts here. We call that the "Groundhog Syndrome." That's when you pop up to make a claim, and when challenged you pop up out of a different hole and claim you meant something else.

No fair!

But I certainly agree that bullying should not go unchallenged, and in that I am confident that we agree.
edit on 12/26/2016 by schuyler because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: Etoile

Get off of Farcebook AND TWATTER! Also, you need a thicker skin. Posting on the internet is a sport that requires the ability of not being triggered by opinions and attacks by people who don't even know you yet because they disagree with your opinion they feel the right to abandon their religion of tolerance and equality to viciously attack anyone whom has an alternative thought that might disagree and throw their preconceived cognitive dissonance in disarray.

So you have 2 choices, fight or flight.

I was going to say the same thing, only without the grammatical errors that stop you from breathing whilst reading.

Bavo seeker1963, although I slightly disagree because it is fun to be triggered. One just needs the ability to be articulate and orchestrate a well thought out argument that devours their opponent, making them leave the forum for ever or join under another name.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

I totally agree with you in those regards.

See what we have right now is a back and forth discussion where we understand each others points and opinions.

Everyone can learn, for instance I get social anxiety still to this day but nothing compared to when I had "thinner skin" I studied what is unlawful in terms of human interaction. Put into practice what I learned, even became studied on how humans react, pushed on those buttons too. In short I'm relatively adept in social skills and observing/knowing potential reactions... I love a wild card

To add even trying to play an online video game has trolls that get a boner out of making someone just trying to play a game life miserable by interfering.

Don't I know it...

Happens all the time when I play GTA, that being said a good argument to make is that such interaction is the player being "immersive" with their online character lol.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Haha cheers

To be fair though, about 90% of that post you responded to was on about bullying and my opinion on the legalities of it.

Thought we were playing catch the pigeon anyways.

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Etoile

This is so sad.

I think if I were you I would retaliate and screenshot some of the messages sent to family members and write funny sarcastic comments about it like, and what does my family have to do with anything you crazy nutnob?

And showing the really nasty messages and saying stuff like, "this is what a totally crazy person looks like on FB but Facebook says it's ok for them to harrass me so it must be ok to share publically, too." But I'd black out names. And talk about how you obviously clearly hurt this persons feelings accidentally- yeah it happens. You never know who's gonna snap at the slightest thing.

And apologize for hurting their feelings by accident. And I would basically go public with it all on the basis of fearing for your life because now you know how crazy people can be and who knows they might end up in your bushes outside of your house. So everyone should know who's the number one suspect if anything should happen to you.

Then contact the police to see what more can be done- and/or look for an organization that provides legal advocacy and therapy. Consider YouTube blogging it. Go FB public with it and apologize to everyone like family members who have to deal with this too, etc. Be apologetic, but be funny and light about it too.

I did a similar thing when I started being stalked, I told everyone about it even though not everyone believed me. At least they would know if something ever did happen to me. I wrote a FB post about how I filed a police report on someone and etc. but I didn't use any names.

On average people stalk for 2 yrs, or so I've read. Often they are ex lovers or something connected like that so if this other female is tripping over your friend and just being crazy jealous or was really accidentally hurt by you somehow due to your relationship with him, then I say less than 2 yrs and she'll get bored and find another victim. At least you can hold out till then. Stalkers also want to make contact at least once a week(for example by your family even) and if you do go public with it, yeah maybe just do it once for safety sake and then don't really mention it again and ignore it because by giving it attention, it encourages them to keep going... but they will get bored either way apparently.

Making threats to you is against the law and so is ruining your reputation, it's called defamation, slander is by mouth and libel is through the written word. It is against the law. So I guess you have to keep that in mind when you go public with it.

K I'm done for real now. Just some messy thoughts about it.
edit on 26-12-2016 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: RAY1990
a reply to: seeker1963

Being honest most of my interaction on line is learning or teaching.

I made the link to violence as I made the link of physical bullying compared to other forms.

I've been a bully in real life, I didn't consider it bullying at the time as I didn't know how my actions made that person feel. Things changed when I did.

I can honestly say I or any persona I've used online has never participated in online bullying, I have no guilty conscience in that regard.

I wasn't triggered at all
I was merely covering the bases, people have a tendency for the keyboard warrior persona... I said what I said to point out I'm not what some call a "grass" running to authorities whenever I feel threatened.

I do however feel if needs be that is exactly what should be done, threats of harm and harassment is illegal simply put.

You know?

It's all good as long as we can discuss the issues and hash out our differences. That's why I get bent the hell out of shape by those who choose to wipe out our history and it's mistakes because in todays society what happened then is offensive to those who weren't even close to living and suffering through it.

Words never hurt anyone that they are directed towards unless that person allows those words to hurt them! I don't know about you, but I avoid participating in any group or activity if I generally get stressed out by participating. It doesn't mean I am right or they are wrong, it just means I do what "I" have to do, to maintain a balanced point of sanity. Unless you are a victim of a violent crime versus a victim of words, there is no comparison. The problem I see in todays society is there are WAY to many victims of words which takes away from the importance of those whom are actual victims of violence because of so much nonsense of the new trendy thing of "I am a victim" constantly.

80% of the loudest crybabies whom claim to be victims are nothing more than thin skinned narcissists whom didn't have parents brave enough to tell their children to "GROW THE HELL UP!!!! WHO GAVE YOU THE IDEA THAT LIFE WAS FARE?"!

posted on Dec, 26 2016 @ 07:30 PM
We choose to be offended so do what I do as much as I can just don't be offended.
They want you to bite If you show you just do not care what they say they will move on.

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