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Something strange is ongoing at Antarctica.

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+17 more 
posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 11:21 PM

The new story from Life Science reports a gigantic, 70-mile long crevice has recently opened up in the ice in Antarctica. At least as wide as a football field at about 300' and plunging down more than a third of a mile to the ocean below, we're told once the crack spreads across the entire ice shelf, it'll create an iceberg about the size of Delaware at over 2,400 square miles.

As we read in this recent story from Mysterious Universe, Kerry's visit came soon after Wikileaks released a large set of photographs of Antarctica via leaked emails. "Does this mean that there’s a worldwide cover-up...?" their story asks.

And now has published a new story in which they tell us about "Operation Deep Freeze" and the US Air Force's 'vital mission in Antarctica'. What is really going on down there? We're told in their story this Operation has been going on for 60 years!

IMO I believe there is something fishy ongoing in the Antartica. Since John Kerry's visit to the Antartica the Pope of Rome has met with the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. now what would cause the Pope of Rome to meet with the Russian Patriarch Kirill of Moscow something that has not happened since 1054. To get these two together something must have occurred on a world wide scale.

If a part of Antartica breaks off the water levels around the world will rise dramatically. How dramatic? Islands disappearing and some nations losing part of their lands to water. How significant? Death in the millions.

+42 more 
posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 11:31 PM
I was mildly interested up until I got to the stupid hollow Earth video. You might wanna remove that if you want anyone to take you seriously.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 11:35 PM
Delaware is like a speck in the ocean, the weight of the iceberg will not displace the ocean more when it melts.

+19 more 
posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance
I was mildly interested up until I got to the stupid hollow Earth video. You might wanna remove that if you want anyone to take you seriously.

I added this due to the 1950's interview of Admiral Byrd which I find very interesting.

As far as the hollow earth theory.....I have seen caves bigger than cities..... is the hollow earth theory nothing more than a big hole (cave)?

+1 more 
posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 11:50 PM
If this ice shelf is over water it'll have no effect on sea levels when it melts. Sea levels will only rise if ice over the land mass of Antartica, Greenland, etc. melt and enter the sea.

posted on Dec, 7 2016 @ 11:58 PM


posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 12:06 AM


posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

I gotta log off before i say something.
Have a star!😄

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 12:39 AM
a reply to: EmmanuelGoldstein

Could be something to that if I Google 'Prince Charles alien antichrist antarctica sheep pizza' I get 62400 hits

+34 more 
posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

And why the *hell* was 86 year old Buzz Aldrin just evacuated from Antarctica?

Can anyone give me one valid reason that an 86 year old ex-astronaut would be at the South Pole?

This makes absolutely *no* sense to me...

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:00 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

The Earth is flat, then it's round, then hollow.
Gawd damn it, is it really so hard to determine that
it might possibly be the only thing everyone in the
human race could agree upon?

This is proof that anyone who thinks the human race is
intelligent, is a dumb ass.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:05 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
If a part of Antartica breaks off the water levels around the world will rise dramatically.

This happens constantly, and always has. It's where icebergs come from in the southern hemisphere.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 01:11 AM
I only have a passing interest because Admiral Byrd is a relative and a namesake of mine. Rather than bias me, it helps me keep an open mind, because otherwise I would have dismissed it all long ago.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
If a part of Antartica breaks off the water levels around the world will rise dramatically.

This happens constantly, and always has. It's where icebergs come from in the southern hemisphere.

How many icebergs the size of Maryland are floating around down there?


posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:20 AM

originally posted by: Bedlam

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
If a part of Antartica breaks off the water levels around the world will rise dramatically.

This happens constantly, and always has. It's where icebergs come from in the southern hemisphere.

And what about this? Completely different glacier...

Antarctic Glacier cracking from the Inside Out.

At some point, people have to pull their heads out of their asses and realize something big is going on. Something the likes of which have never been seen in recorded history.

The whole "nothing to see here" crap just doesn't wash anymore.

edit on 12/8/2016 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

I accept the earth is hollow however the pic on vid showing the entrance at the south pole is in all likelyhood a creation video software. This is because the upward turned edges are just plain wrong.

In all likelihood the hole hole at the bottom of the earth is likely to be a thousand miles/kilometers in diameter and would curve inward.

unless they make it know this view is just a likeliness of for illustration purposes then its fake before it starts.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: Riffrafter

The whole "nothing to see here" crap just doesn't wash anymore.

Given the nature of ice transport in Antarctica, you have to assume it HAS happened before. It flows from the center out and breaks off into the ocean. That's how it works. Sometimes it's going to have really large ice shelves break off.

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: EmmanuelGoldstein
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

Don't doubt for a second that Pizza Gate and Antarctica are not directly connected, cause they are.

The more posts of yours I read and understand, the more I like...keep em up...

+3 more 
posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:45 AM

originally posted by: Riffrafter
a reply to: DeathSlayer

And why the *hell* was 86 year old Buzz Aldrin just evacuated from Antarctica?

Can anyone give me one valid reason that an 86 year old ex-astronaut would be at the South Pole?

This makes absolutely *no* sense to me...

Better question (to go along with yours) What the hell is the US Secretary of State doing there ?

posted on Dec, 8 2016 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: Riffrafter
Can anyone give me one valid reason that an 86 year old ex-astronaut would be at the South Pole?

Well, because it is there, and he could.

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