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Video: Message from the Iraqi Resistance (in English)....Amazing!

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:35 PM
Video Message from Iraqi Resistance in English

Post your thoughts. This video blew me away.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:49 PM
It looks professionally done. As much as I despise the resistance I must say it was a well done video. It makes me wonder if it was even made by them. I must say the English was almost too good for an Iraqi resistance fighter, it barely had any accent which is amazing.

But for a moment it does make me think, why are we even in Iraq? But I suppose that thoughts like that are the objective of such a video.

Nice find

And God Bless our Troops!

[edit on 1/25/2005 by cyberdude78]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:52 PM
I like the way they drove by the same group of tankers 4-5 times to make it look like different ones.

Did you catch that?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 04:56 PM
I didn't get far enough to notice before I figured that videos like this could get me in trouble. Still a well done video. Thats something I never thought I'd say about a resistance video. Does anybody else think that this might be a propaganda video made to discredit Bush and his regime?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:09 PM
Propaganda. That simple, really well done though. The main question that raised is, what "other" soldiers had deserted and COME BACK to America. That'd probably be a bad idea in my opinion. In regards to the tanker, I also noticed that they videotaped that several times. Although from what I saw, they have some pretty heavy firepower.

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:13 PM
Well that's a few of us traced, having watched the video from Better keep a watch on the rear view mirror for a while

One thing that did spring to mind was the fact that Hamas is supposed to be the arch enemy of Israel. So, will the authorities use this as proof of an Iraqi/Hamas terrorist network?

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by cstyle226
Video Message from Iraqi Resistance in English

Post your thoughts. This video blew me away.

I suppose it blew you away because you are a sympathizer for cowards who kill--even TARGET women and children to further their cause; which in the end is simply to kill "zionists". I know this because I've seen your posts in other threads.

Most of these bastards aren't even Iraqi. They are Syrians, Egyptians, Jordanians, who have been brainwashed by their "religion" of intolerance that we are there to take over the country.

The reason we are there is because INDEPENDANT inteligence sources (Germany, Russia, including the CIA) ALL indicated Sadam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction AND that there existed the likely possibility that he would distribute this material to terrorists organizations, such as Al Qaieda (sp). We couldn't take that chance so we ousted Iraq's brutal dictator. Now WE say what goes on there until the Iraqi people themselves are able to ensure their own security. Until that happens, we will stay there until every last one of these insurgents are either killed or they retreat back to their own countries (which won't take long).

If the insurgents REALLY want us out of there, all they have to do is stand down for awhile--give the impression that they are gone. and rise again once we depart. But they won't leave because their cause is NOT about sovereignty, or about zionism, or even about freedom. It's about being able to kill as many apostates, idolators, and infidels as they possibly can. Killing women/children in the process makes no difference to them as they are guaranteed a place in heaven (by Islam) for fighting and killing infidels.

BTW, the reason I suspect this video was created is because they are losing the will to fight. They even have the audacity to try to appeal to the American fighting forces to lay down their arms so they can get "safe passage" home. This shows that they grossly underestimate the will and determination of our forces and this is the fundamental reason the insurgents will lose.

[edit on 25-1-2005 by Freedom_for_sum]

Editted for speeling

[edit on 25-1-2005 by Freedom_for_sum]

posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 05:23 PM
Advertising! Hire help to make them think they have all that stuff. When you join, bend over and pass the vasoline, in their case used grease.


posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Essentially evidence that all sides are 'greased' from the same source
Even some 'conspiracy' lines put in there that are supposed to fool us
Hamas schlamas - a product of the Israeli government

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:04 AM
i have seen this video about 3 weeks ago, and we had a debate on it, for a long time.
well, you can read our comments in this topic.

i like the ending best:

And to George W. Bush we say you have asked us to "bring it on" and so have we, like never expected. Have you another challenge?

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:53 AM

.....cowards who kill--even TARGET women and children to further their cause;....

surely you are talking about the US army? Oh, they do it by mistake, my mistake.
Basically everything US army kills these days are civilians so its not one sided as you see it.

But i like the challenge to Bush as well. Stand up little people! Very powerfull stuff, apparently their propaganda machine is warming up for a long year ahead

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 07:06 AM
the somantics of the video are wonderfull, he makes a lot of implications. i.e. he makes it sound like it is the us occupation that has been robbing them of thier resources for years etc etc. of course my point will be that the elite had all the money anyway and you werent fighting them when the us was not occupying, so they really have no arguement there.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Freedom_for_sum
cowards who kill--even TARGET women and children to further their cause; which in the end is simply to kill "zionists".

Exactly. And memo to the author of this thread ... there is
NO SUCH THING as the Iraqi 'resistance'. They are insurgents
who are murdering their own, blowing up their own people's
places of business and infrastructure, and trying to derail free
elections from coming to Iraq - all for their own selfish interests.

The longer these idiots murder Iraqis and blow up oil pipelines,
the longer Americans will be there. If they really wanted Americans
gone, they'd support the country of Iraq and the free elections
that are coming. Idiots.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 08:09 AM
Dear Mr Freedom_for_sum

Where did you get your information from? Was it Fox? That would explain it, as it barely contains any truths at all!

Incorrect assumptions:-

1, The vast majority of the insurgents are IRAQI's. Official estimates of the insurgency put the foreign fighters at a maximum of 5% of the total.

2, The aim of the insurgency is to kill every last American Soldiers until there are none left in the country! The number of woman and children killed by insurgents is insignificant when compared to the number of woman and children who have been killed or injured by over 10 years of near daily US Bombing and 10 years of sanctions let alone the actual war deaths.

3,Nobody is denying that they HAD and I stress HAD WMDs. But there wasn't a single intelligence agency including the CIA that had any proof of the existance of WMDs in Iraq leading up to the war. Every investigation done before and after the war has proved conclusively that there were no WMDs.

4, There was no credible evidence of any link existing between Saddam and any terror group. Well apart from the links he had with the American terrorists - Bush & Rumsfeld.

5,You'll be in Iraq for many many years to come. Get used to it they aren't coming home anytime soon!

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by arnold_vosloo
There was no credible evidence of any link existing
between Saddam and any terror group.

It is VERY well known that Saddam had terrorist training camps,
complete with Boeing 747's, in Iraq. They were full of terrorists being
trained. Also, it is VERY well known that Saddam sent $50,000 to the
families of Palestinian homicide bombers who murdered Jews. He did
this as an incentive to have Palestinian youth kill themselves and
mass murder. Saddam himself boasted of his financial support of
the Palestinian terrorists in this way.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 08:33 AM

It is VERY well known that Saddam had terrorist training camps,
complete with Boeing 747's, in Iraq. They were full of terrorists being
trained. Also, it is VERY well known that Saddam sent $50,000 to the
families of Palestinian homicide bombers who murdered Jews. He did
this as an incentive to have Palestinian youth kill themselves and
mass murder. Saddam himself boasted of his financial support of
the Palestinian terrorists in this way.

Just had to bolster this, as it seems many ignore or don't know the above.
I believe the $50,000 total was actually $10,000 each to 5 different families if I'm not mistaken, just to clarify...

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 08:55 AM
This video is pure propaganda and this topic/video has been covered several times here at ATS.

Nothing to see here folks.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
just to clarify...

Please ... feel free to clarify anytime.
I suppose i could have
been more clear, but I think the point got across (I hope it did).
And heck ... Saddam HIMSELF was a terrorist to the Kurds and
the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that he murdered, tortured,
and that his regime raped.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 05:28 PM
Don't be angry because the video makes perfect sense. We'll see how Sunday turns out.

posted on Jan, 26 2005 @ 07:24 PM
sunday wats gonna happen sunday?

that video rivals that of the US propaganda videos. highly patriotic!

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