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Do not waste your votes, America!

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posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:14 PM
Some members are concerned about "wasted votes" and complaining that third party votes are votes for Clinton. Didn't these same people claim before that the election was rigged? How can an election be rigged whilst simultaneously, your vote matters? It is an oxymoron.

Is there really such thing as a "wasted" vote? Or is that redundant?

Maybe you should vote for Clinton. After all, she's a successful, educated, intelligent, experienced politician with a commanding air. Then again, she lost $6 billion at the State Department while the Inspector General position was left empty.

So maybe you should vote Trump. After all, he's a successful, wealthy, outspoken, experienced businessman with a commanding air. Then again, he lost a $1 billion through shoddy investments and mistakes.

Well, money isn't important. Except in everything. What of their policies?

Trump is a good man - he sticks to his morals and his convictions. He does not change his stances for political gain!
Except for that time he ran for president in 2000 on a left-wing platform with Universal Healthcare. Could he be a *gasp* secret liberal? Or, it could just be that he is a flip-flopper by nature:

Clinton is a woman of morals and convictions. She does not change her stances for political gain! Except that time she stole Bernie Sanders' platform. Could she be a plagiarist? Or rather, simply, enjoys change:

Clinton is a supporter of individual freedoms. Although she did support the Patriot Act. She also talked about restricting internet freedom. And she supports the CFR. Oh dear.

Well, at least Trump is a supporter of individual freedoms! Although he supports the Patriot Act, as well as "legislation which allows the NSA to hold the bulk metadata". He also talked about controlling the internet. And of course, he supports the CFR. Oh dear...

(Side note: When the "socialist" is more libertarian than the right wing:

Clinton is an American Patriot who puts the country first! She is not influenced by outside parties. Except when she accepted Saudi donations. And bends over for AIPAC:

10:00 Provide Israel with the best weapons technology the US has
24:15 Ground troops vs ISIS

Trump is an American Patriot who puts the country first! He is not influenced by outside parties. Except when he makes business deals with the Saudis. And bends over for AIPAC:

And did you catch that?
5:50 Iran is a big problem for Saudi Arabia
12 I will veto UN peace treaty between Israel Palestine
15:30 veto all resolutions against Israel
17:40 known Netanyahu for many years
22:12 move embassy to Jerusalem as capital (how very Illuminati of you)

Okay. At least Clinton isn't connected to a pedoph- oh screw it.
Bill Clinton's Epstein flights.

And Trump isn't a pedophile either, except...
Being good friends with Epstein, being named as an abuser, and partner with a billionaire sex trafficker.

So ah... vote for... ah... oh, who am I kidding, it doesn't matter. They are the same.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been friends for a long time. They are co-conspirators. Disciples of the global wealthy elite, and the political machinations of the New World Order, such as the CFR. Do not forget that Bill Clinton called Donald Trump to ask him to run as opposition.

Well now. The Right likes to blame the Left and say, "you should have voted Bernie to stop the witch Hillary!" And the Left likes to blame the Right and say, "if you didn't want Hillary you shouldn't have elected the most bloviating fool Republican!" It seems not to matter much. As above, the election is a sham. So just for a bit of lightheartedness, here is the debate we should have had!

So I say, vote for Clinton. Vote for Trump. Vote your conscience. Vote third party.

Vote whomever you desire, whomever you believe in. But do not expect change by supporting the corrupted system. Only changing the system itself will result in better representation and removal of corruption. Until that time, America is doomed.

edit on 8-11-2016 by SargonThrall because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:36 PM
Ive been saying it...Nobody listens. They'll pay for being ill-informed and fooled so easily.

Ron Paul was their last chance in my opinion.
edit on 8-11-2016 by Thoren because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:41 PM
Excellent summation. I'm going to show this post to everyone I know.

Extremely well put.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: Thoren
I have enjoyed all of your posts that I have seen, friend!

I want Donald Trump to be about Hope and Change, I really do, but the evidence does not indicate as such. I learned my lesson from Obama: those vying for power will say anything to gain your support. In the end they always revert to the status quo. Even if Trump wins, his supporters will be disappointed. They can't say we didn't warn them.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:46 PM
I had to write in for my vote, it was not wasted, hopefully the two party candidates are found unfit for presidency.

Less than .01% chance for the ex-CIA assassin from Goldman Sachs, but he's the only guy that I know exactly where he's coming from.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:46 PM
Here's two quotes for ya.

If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it. —Mark Twain

The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. —Joseph Stalin

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

That was well- put together. I still think Trump is by far the worse choice, for many reasons. But that took time to put together and has some good points.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 04:52 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

I'm happy to see some here still do their homework and look at the whole picture instead of falling for the rhetoric both candidates spew. I was planning on doing a thread like this but you beat me to it. Excellent thread. S&F for you Sir.

I'm afraid this gem of a thread will be lost in the chaos though.
edit on 8-11-2016 by Thoren because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 05:16 PM

originally posted by: reldra
a reply to: SargonThrall

That was well- put together. I still think Trump is by far the worse choice, for many reasons. But that took time to put together and has some good points.

Who knows, but New hampshire voters do not look to be that smart then since its looking like a T win for that state. 45 mins til the polls close there at 7 eastern.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 05:17 PM
now I understand why they got rid of the poll tax, it wasn`t because it was discriminatory it`s because with the crappy choices we have been getting they knew that nobody would actually pay real money to vote for the candidates that they offer up.

if it keeps up like this they may have to start paying people to vote.

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

1. Screw that. All Americans should vote. A lot of people made many sacrifices during the Women's Suffrage movement and Civil Rights Movement to make sure all citizens could vote.

2. There will always be some people who make excuses when they lose. "It was rigged", "my opponent cheated", "check him/her for steroids", "I was inefficient with my energy", etc. But like you mentioned, if they really thought it was rigged, they couldn't also believe a vote for a 3rd party is the same as a vote for their opponent.

3. No offense but we kinda know the other things you mentioned. You pretty much listed a summary of the last 16 months of ATS. Though I'll give you props for mentioning Trump's pro-Israeli views, which got glossed over a lot. Then again, Hillary's the same so US foreign policy in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian situation will probably be the same no matter who's elected.

edit on 8-11-2016 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2016 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: SargonThrall

Hey, you're awesome!

I want Ron Paul as President still...

I know Freedom sounds scary and all, but I'm still interested in experimenting.
edit on 11/8/2016 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2016 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: Thoren
Have you noticed how the most crass, vitriolic posters on this website are now calling for "olive branches" now that they have feel vindicated? What are the odds that they would have done anything of the sort had they lost? It's just phony posturing.

a reply to: enlightenedservant
No offense taken. But vice versa, versa vice. No offense, but you seem to have misread the end of the thread. Nowhere did I suggest not to vote. In fact I said vote for whomever you wish.

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