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My interest went to the Druids

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posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

No neighbour, you don't understand what I said at all. What I said is that I am not alone. Our own nDraíocht is a group of several thousand members. Then there is an order of several tens of thousand members kicking around too.

We have shared gnoses.

You thus do not understand that I was talking from the point of view of a group of people.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

Indeed you don't do English very well neighbor. You keep inserting interpretations which are not borne out by the words. Mind you, you think L Ron was a "great thinker" as opposed to a mentally ill abuser.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Noinden

anyone can be whatever they want to be as long as you believe in it.. Tragic however it might be

You live in the world of Abraham..

Show me a single observation of your faith? You cant, can you? if you cant it means you live in the world of Abraham, what you believe in after.. Doesnt really matter.. You rely on faith alone..

I would take someone who believes in aliens more serious than i do you..

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:05 PM
This thread is not about Druids anymore

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

No actually I don't live in the world of Abraham old bean. I live in a country where the largest religious group is "irreligious". Like I said, I don't live in the world of Abraham. I live in the world.

Why should I show you any observation of my faith? I've given you enough clues to let you know that I share *ghosti with my Gods

I am glad you don't take me seriously. Because I see you as pray, or a mouse to bat around, not an equal

I said these words to you in that other thread. They still hold for you now as then:


But I am going to add another set for you

Trasna ort féin!

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:07 PM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Cause it became a lot of stories without facts..

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

The moment you started doing this thread, it was fact free.

You don't understand logic or citations.

Try this

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: Noinden

You mean 59 percent of New Zealand are religious? But you say otherwise? A simple google search..

Sorry, but i dont believe you i just think you believe in yourself to much .. You couldnt even show me a single observation based on anything than stories..

If you are happy with thinking you are a druid, fine, if your community is the same way you are.. Then i think your community has outlived its purpose.. Since it doesnt really fill a purpose nor a meaning.. It becomes a self delussional way and in the end could be more harmful than good.. I hope your little cult of druids dissolved.. Since you live under the jurisdiction of the Cross..

I hope one day i meet a real druid not a self proclaimed prophet of them

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Noinden

The Nordics are Lutheran, great thing is.. You have your head so up your self delusional world you dont even know what it means..
But you sure do believe in magic and fairytales..

Learn how to observe, you live in your own prison Seabreeze..

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

The largest group is irreligious. You can add all the others up, but they shall not be considered "one religion", basic logic would teach you this neighbour. I'm in the "religious" camp, yet I am willing to quote that the major group of Kiwi's with an opinion is "there is no religion I follow".

You have no say in if my community has outlived it's purpose or not. Indeed that would make you be someone taking themselves too seriously. YOU are a single entity, and as such are welcome to whatever opinion you have. It does not make you right.

You also seem to think that "the cross" is the only jurisdiction under the umbrella of "Abriahmic faiths". Meaning you discount two thirds of that set of faiths.

That speaks very strongly to your biases. You also don't seem to comprehend things which are written. Not once have I claimed to be a Druid in the classical sense. Nor do I claim to be a prophet. That idea is rather Abrahamic. You need to learn what means to be a pagan, before you make claims about them.

Slan leat

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

I don't think you know scandinavia very well if you think it is only a protestant religion

Islamis the second largest religious grouping
Similarly Asatru are making a resurgence.

I am not the one living in a prison neighbour. I'm free to believe and do as I will, and not be tied to a state religion.

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Noinden

Not a single observation seabreeze, it makes this discussion with you nothing but a tragic of a person who thinks he knows anything but stories..

In society we tell stories to children, to make them human.. You never grew up seabreeze, you should enjoy your adult childhood instead of thinking you are some what of a true druid in its sense..

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Noinden

I think we hit the end of discussion with you trying to play the rebel..

I hope someone with a bit more knowledge about a universal theme and less stories could make entrance.. If i wanted your stories id just go to a kindergarden and watch kids play.

Enjoy life Seabreeze, put faith in your community and those who are willing to take part of it, but please as you say, they must choose out of freewill to listen to your stories without observations..

You believe in to much and research to little, kids do that..

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: Noinden

Not once have I claimed to be a Druid in the classical sense.

Finally you admit to just talking s#

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

See this is where you fail, or perhaps suck at trolling. You quote piecemeal as opposed to entire phrases.

I've not once claimed to be a "Druid" in the "classical sense". I've also pointed out there are none left. I have carefully replied to myself as either a Pàganachd or a member of a nDraíocht. Not a druí, and certainly not *deru-.

You are either intellectually dishonest, or you are missing something in translation. Which is it?

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

Not rebel neighbour. Again you fail to comprehend that which was written. You are running from the hard truth, your Scandinavia is changing. Some are going to the newer abrahamic faith (your Boy Anders Behring Breivikhated that) or the old.

You are stuck in a paradigm which is falling apart. You miss the point, I choose my path. See I went to a Calvinist school, and it did not take.

Its been a blast, you don't know what a Druid is, does, who the Celts were, or for that matter who I might be. I'll give you a hint. If you had followed one of my clues (it was a link) all those would have been answered. But you like with sigils, are clueless.

hUath is indeed upon you.

ansam aidche indeed!

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:02 PM
a reply to: Noinden

Headline reads, " My interest went to the druids " You are not a druid, your a small community of people who wants to live outside society.. You teach each other simple things, you have no universal understanding outside of your small community.. Wouldnt it be better to just say im a paganchad, we are naturalists..

The community you share is a small one with its own culture.. You are no druid, you share nothing with them.. You are a Hermit, bottom line.. You are nothing more than a Hermit..

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Noinden

Paradigm is falling apart? So you mean the scandinavians are leaving the big bang universe for? a monotheistic fate?
You really live in a lost world, Hermit?

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: tikbalang

I'm a small community of people who wants to live outside of society? Yeah English is not your thing. I am singular. I'm not a member of the british aristrocracy, so I don't third person myself. I'm also not Dr Doom, so I also don't Third person it.

My spiritual path is part of society. When you can name the order. You might have gained the knowledge. All the evidence is there

As for the rest. Repeat with feeling.








But I have studied my ancestors history, quite possibly longer than you have lived. Because you sure as hell act like a millennial.

Hermit? Yeah good luck proving that. Like I said, when you tract the group down, you will know who I am, and that I a part of the community. Both locally and internationally.

I'm not some Lutheran nut who has his dogma all run over by my Karma

posted on Oct, 9 2016 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: Noinden

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